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MARCH 2025

US Wants To Recruit Qatar To ‘Arab NATO’

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US Wants To Recruit Qatar To ‘Arab NATO’

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The United States hopes to designate Qatar as a major, non-NATO ally, a status that provides foreign nations with increased access to US weapons and security cooperation programs.

Speaking with journalists on Thursday following meetings between senior US and Qatari officials in Washington DC, a US official said that the US would like to formalize and deepen military relations between the two countries. Qatar already hosts the largest US military facility in the Middle East.

“We’re going to move ahead, we hope, with designating Qatar a major non-NATO ally,” Timothy Lenderking, the US deputy assistant secretary of state for Gulf affairs, told reporters.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Qatar’s Foreign Minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, earlier this week to discuss relations between the two countries and ongoing developments in the Middle East.

Major non-NATO ally (or MNNA) status would give Qatar preferential access to US military equipment and technology, including the possibility of transfers of surplus US war materials, fast-tracked export processing procedures and priority for military training programs.

Currently, 17 countries have MNNA status, including Gulf Arab states Kuwait and Bahrain, the latter of which hosts the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet.

Qatar has been involved in a dispute with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt since 2017. The four countries severed diplomatic, economic and transport ties with Qatar and attempted to impose a full economic and physical blockade against Qatar, accusing the country’s leadership of supporting terrorism. Qatar has vehemently denied the allegations.

Washington has strong ties with all the states involved in the dispute, and the unresolved dispute between the near neighbours remains a major obstacle to the Trump administration’s efforts to contain Iran and push for a united front based on normalization of relations with Israel and confrontation with Iran.

The announcement that the US is favourably considering granting MNNA status to Qatar follows the normalization agreements signed by two Gulf states – Bahrain and the UAE – with Israel. Both agreements were brokered and enthusiastically supported and promoted by the Trump administration.

The deals with Israel have been universally condemned by Palestinians as a betrayal.

US officials have recently expressed that they are considering selling the F-35 stealth fighter jet to the UAE in the aftermath of the normalisation agreement. Israeli officials have objected to the idea, citing long standing US policy to ensure Israel maintains a ‘qualitative advantage’ militarily in the region.

Nonetheless, an Israeli analyst subsequently confided to an Israeli news outlet that even if the UAE were to acquire some of the extremely expensive aircraft, it is extremely unlikely that the US would incorporate all of the most advanced technology and weapons systems with the exported aircraft.

Qatar’s leadership has stated that it still ruling out normalizing ties with Israel, saying the premises underlying the two normalization agreements that have been signed “can’t be the answer” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It remains to be seen if the Qatari leadership will be able to withstand the enormous pressure being exerted by the US to change its decision. LINK


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Even NATO itself is failed organization already. While Arab NATO would be even 10 times more failed.



Jens Holm

Thats stupid enemy talk.

You talk to much of us down in terms with no realisme – believes it – and then get surpriced.

We are still standing not collapsed and seemes develloped to a looser construction because Our main enemy hardly exist.

In the other hand we do have more members and by this might get more affiliates and influence among each other. They already are affiliated even I dont like any of them very much.

After Iran putting ballistics on Nato troops in Iraq invited by the Bagdad Goverment, I am from dont care to those people will not get a single covid mask from here unless ythey will commit suicide.



Bear bathing and playing with Jense’s dildo

Jens Holm

Its like that now and then. Water also can be needed swimming lessons and wests.

Assad must stay


Free man

This is probably a joke. Qatar supports all jihadist organizations, without discrimination. Starting from organizations affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood to their enemy Hezbollah.


Not all. Saudi Arabia supports ISIS.

Jens Holm

Free man is correct. Several of those states just muslim extremists. They have supported the Jihadists in Syria very much – too.

This is very much about stability to avoid chaos.

Im partly like that. Kill each other as You wish, then You dont come here. Your importance only is oil, gas and maybee dades for Christmas.

In Denmark and EU I systematicly vote for windpower, so we should not need as much import of gas and oil. I dont like Nordstream too but kind of accept it. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8fce8d3c486f0f4db5c211a8f5d25abab5f27765c3f4125297048c62b124e90f.jpg

Servet Köseoğlu


Jens Holm

You have to go in detail for Your ?s.

You can be stockholder, if You buy a share give them a loan. Anybody can.

Whats Your ?

Servet Köseoğlu

no ı just read a news about maersk investing to turkish port at Mersin.maersk is danish as far as ı know right?

Jens Holm

Yes it danish made by a man named Maersk Moeller. Its owned by a Foundation and very big.

https://www.maersk.com/ – You can click

They say they run and administrate 300 ports.

When I see TV I by habit always can find Maersk ships and their millions of containers because they are light blue.

Maybee You can send us more Toyotas and H2O T-shirts…

Servet Köseoğlu

maersk,lego,carlsberg,bang&olufsen,georg jensen…Denmark knows its business and how to make money..kudos..

Jens Holm

Its easy to understand the reasons. I write them here again and again.

If You will do well making advanced things and raise Your livingstandards all has to be educated as well as they can and find jobs and pays for that level.

Women here do the same GDP pr capita as the Saudi men – They do about 22.000 dollar each and many by sitting on their hands.

We do have a lot of succes by putting out local influence to the locals. We see they know how to spend half of the tax well for own purpose. Copenhagen dont see all corners well but instead they fokus on the upperparts.

We are raised to responsability both ways. People often forget, that freedom is glued hard to be a responsible person, a responsible public sector and a responsible private sector.

Sometimes there are too much trust and also too little control but its very much about having fokus by the people, which actually are there.

Our debate about things are much more open then in many parts of the world. Instead we are “consensus makers”.

Its unheard in most of the world, that a Goverment having only 25% of the vottes in the Parlament can run a country pretty well. Its doing well because it cant just do as they please but has to ask. Ask is debate and communicarion with the rest making less narrowminded decissons. But there is a bad side too. We sometimes compromice too much.

We are raised like that. Its in Our culture partly based on religion from the old days, where we reformed ud from the catholics, where we could debate more things and religion very much too. Here we also changed language in religion and other things. Instead of latin and greek at Our universities and churhes all was translated into danish.

– And therefore all in many small steps learned to read and asked questions.

So when You go to big companies here and the rest of the world the danish imployed are not the high qualified specialists but the ones, which see “the whole picture” and can join all in consensus and together do a great job.

People continue to work here even the boss is not there. They know their job and often try to improve it and sometimes get rewarded.

I have seen Turks work. Turks in that are very different from that. They often are in a mode as if there was nothing to do, if their commander dont give them commandos, but when the Chief is there smiling and telling jokes, they work very hard (I worked for some time in a center for mail and package distribution for all Copenhagen).

Tempting to campare fx with USA. If You work in an office there are no pictures, so You can fokus on Your job. We do the opposite – A family picture and some pictures from Your children makes You work harder, because You work for them….

And I am shareholder for Maersk. You can be owner as me. Maersk shares dont give much, but in Lira days its safe money – if You have any.

I kind of assume, You are a kind of no Erdo Turk or in the Diaspora.

Servet Köseoğlu

well-laid ..thanks..no ı am not fan of erdo or the other mortals..ı live in Antalya..ı am quite famliar with Danish culture..ı had a girl-friend(Vibeke) and ı am a fan of danish serials starting with forbrydelsen to Forhøret. Turks have much to learn from danish,germans in terms of business and long-term planning.

Jens Holm

It seemes Turks actually are learning. I almost remember the time, where only men in the army could read, write and understand.

So Turks has to do like us and can . We take in good things we see and make them to Our own and innovate.

You have the same consumer genetics as danes:)

Jens Holm

Thats why they need the defence:)

Maybee they will dare to regain their Jazeera mode…

And I do recall Turks kind of like them too.

Servet Köseoğlu

wise choice..12 rafale,36 f-15e,24 typhoon and €4.9 billion agreement with Italian shipyard Fincantieri is jaw-dropping.infinite resources promises further business deals in all layers. Designating Qatar as a major, non-NATO ally means designating untouchable elite country in gulf region.


Qatar should be invaded and occupied or at least nuked from afar :P

Jens Holm

Thats a matter of oppinion.

To me its very much about whats comming next, which most likely is worse.




Such bravery!

Lone Ranger

Arab NATO ?



cechas vodobenikov

the amerikan robot–more murikan racism and sexual perversity—u copulate w androids: self uglified amerikan masculines “females’. LOL


‘LOL’ = look at me, I am not sad at all

Free man

Actually it’s sadder than funny. Some Arab countries prefer to be allies of the “enemy” (Israel / Iran) over other Arab countries.


If ennemies didn’t exist, allies didn’t exist either

Free man

In the Middle East these definitions are very vague.

Jens Holm

I think You are correct. The new countries made by west instead of being Ottomans has to find themselves. That takes time.

There are to much fokus on the chaotic parts and too many here actually forget or are in a deniel, that many in that neigborhood actualy are doing fine according to arab traditions.

Free man

I agree. It took Europe hundreds of years to become what it is today. There are no shortcuts.

Jens Holm

Its not “just like that”.

Thats why blame people which insist in Turkey, Syria and Iraq as they were.

I wish for corrections. Those states are made as Neocolonislisme. If they dont want structures as Ours, they should be several more but smaller states like we see for Kuwait, Bahrein, Qatar and UAE.

And they need mch more educated people even its true people riding a car also can drive a car.


There is no peace in desert culture or something like this was saying a known user here :)

Jens Holm

The main problem seemes to be the existing tribe mode. If You are a country, You should be able to settle and also buy land anywhere You wish.

We cant send somalis and others home to the countries even there is peace in most of it – because they are not the correct tribe.

Its madness they insist in we shall send people back to areas with war, where there is still war. They fled because of war.

Where are the country in this.

And one more thing. As I recall it, most arabs dont live in deserts. They live where there is water in them and many along fx Eufrat and Tigris.


But in WW2 there was not a single wave of European Refugees running to Somalia.

cechas vodobenikov

your racism a gain expressed—civilized peoples despise your money worshipping immoral “values”

Free man

There is an old Arab Bedouin saying: I against my brothers. I and my brothers against my cousins. I and my brothers and my cousins against the world. It expresses the tribal way of thinking of the Arabs.

Fog of War

Iran is not Arab.

Free man

Clearly. I meant that Arab countries are not united to the point that there are Arab countries that prefer Iran or Israel, that are considered the enemies of the Arabs, over other Arab countries. That is, Arab NATO is not a viable idea.

Jens Holm

Go and unite You minority arabs in Your dreams. Its is an illusion.

You might remember Kuwait was taken by Saddam. Even so they payd to get it back.

Porc Halal


Jens Holm

Whats better ?

Porc Halal

None of them ?

Porc Halal


Just imagine this…NATO is something bad already…now, combine this with islamo-fascism…the result is beyond human comprehension ????

Jens Holm

Thats my choise in the name of realisme and we pay the price for not everything being perfect too.

My life is like that. I am not for abortion and for better contraseption and advice even for the Youngsters, which should not try to have fun and make children too. But I do prefare abortion for unwanted children 18 years or more.

Too often those children by wrong reasons has been treated very bad here even they never has chosen to be born. People also never has asked to be born as those LGBTs or “normal” which sometimes is very bad.

I have the same for pollution. Denmark being high in living standards makes a lot of pollution, but things are relative clean here because we have forced the companies and ourself to clean up too. And Denmark actually by those demans export big systems cleaning water, smoke and save a lot of energy in heating as well as cooling.

By that my own attitude to the climate change is, that we should use less raw materials in the same living standards and not expand in more hoiuses, cars and vacations by airplanes.

Porc Halal

Really??… What does this have to do with what I said ?!


So the refugees were encouraged by Merkel to break the border from Serbia in Hungary then to reach your country, was Serbia and Hungary at war? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bc1c4d1a0fcd7bae85dd43c6e503c2b490c463448bc49d7f87e2f2507534d754.gif

Jens Holm

So I stay:)

No Lukashenko.

Jens Holm

Nothing strange with such an affiliation.


can’t be done since the world’s largest gas field is shared between Iran and Qatar and the latter would like to stay out of any such plans or to make peace with the jews in palestine, like bahrain and uae, but the threats the evil kushner is using scared bahrain and uae to sign up and question is if qatar will do the same. preferably from qatar’s side is a gas pipeline from iran through iraq, syria and into turkey and then onwards to europe, which a) doesn’t fit the jew kushner’s narrative or the jews in palestine’s narrative.thus qatar is between a rock and a hard place but my guess is that they’ll will say no! and that is despite the fact that evil jew kushner extorted a billion bucks from the qataris to save his family’s real estate company which was about to go belly up and qatar provided the money.

one can wonder why no one has decided to give kushner a hole in the head a long time ago.

Assad must stay

Yea what threats did kushner use on bahrain and uae?


the usual stick and carrot – if going along with our plans you can rely on our continued support and if not, destabilization and no superduper arms deals and so on and so forth.

Assad must stay

Would be hilarious if they came out and said how kushner threatened them hahahhahah


they are happy having the support of kushner and the entire military forces of the yankee-twats (and so he says and so they think) but they are mostly serving as a fat shield around the jews in palestine and guess even a retard like your self can see that those emirates never would engage in a war on Iran since that would spell the end of the bright futures.

Assad must stay

The fuck you call me a retard for?

Porc Halal

Ok, and who else should be part of this so called arab NATO?…

Jens Holm

Maybee we will buy You and Your coffin and join You.

I hope You are no stinker. If so we have to make You cool too…

Porc Halal

Sorry…say again??…I wasn’t following…


The Americans made sad doggy eyes when asking Qataris and really hoped the Qatari Emir has the memory span of a goldfish.

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