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MARCH 2025

US Willing To Escalate Ukrainian Conflict

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US Willing To Escalate Ukrainian Conflict

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Recent Washington’s maneuvers reveal US wants to take conflict to its ultimate consequences.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

Once again, the US government seems to be the side most interested in taking the Ukrainian conflict to its ultimate consequences. A law recently signed by President Joe Biden threatens to escalate the dispute in Eastern Europe to extremely dangerous levels, increasing NATO’s support for Kiev in order for the Ukrainian forces to be able to continue fighting for a long time even without any material chance of real victory.

On May 9 the US president signed the “Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022”, leading to a new phase in Washington-Kiev relations, in which Americans will be authorized to streamline and de-bureaucratize the process of sending military aid to Ukrainian forces. The objective of such a maneuver is to banish any procedural obstacle to the agility of bilateral military partnership, encouraging the systematic sending of material so that Ukrainian troops maintain their “resistance” against the Russian special operation.

Explicitly, the American objective with such an attitude is not to contribute to the achievement of peace, but to encourage further combat and promote war. The indiscriminate escalation of the hostilities became a central point of American strategy in Ukraine. Washington assumes the objective is simply to make Ukraine beat Russia. In practice, as there is no possibility of this happening, the objective of the American “aid” seems to be to provoke a “long-term defeat”, that is, to make Russia suffer in this conflict enough so that it does not start any other operation like this again. This could only be achieved by fueling the fighting with more and more weapons for Ukraine, as proposed by the new law.

Scott Ritter, military analyst and former US Marine Corps intelligence officer commented on the topic as follows: “The stated policy of the United States at this point in time is to create the conditions for a strategic Russian defeat in Ukraine, one of the goals of which is to bleed Russia dry so that Russia can never again carry out an action such as it has undertaken in Ukraine, or anywhere else  (…) This is the opposite of achieving peace. This is about promoting war. And as such, yes, the lend-lease legislation is not just adding fuel to the fire, it’s pouring fuel all over the fire”.

In fact, this supposed “strategic objective” seems incoherent. For there to be any real harm to Russia, the aid would have to be strong enough that Moscow would be forced to mobilize its full offensive potential towards Ukraine – which evidently is not happening now. And for that to occur, it would be needed a level of help much higher than mere shipment of armaments. To reverse Ukraine’s current status of virtually strategic neutralization, the West would need to become more directly involved in the conflict, which would be interpreted as NATO intervention and would result in a Russian response – something the Americans certainly want to avoid.

So, the speech seems just an attempt to deceive public opinion: there is no real intention to “defeat” Russia, either in the short or long term. There is only the desire to carry the conflict forward in order to delay its consequences, which are the retreat of NATO in Europe and the geopolitical multipolarization. When victory becomes impossible, delaying defeat is the most strategic thing to do and that is precisely what the US is doing in Ukraine, to the detriment of the local people, who just want peace.

An important point to be commented on is the fact that the bill approved by Biden this week is not new. Despite its recent approval, the project had already been introduced by Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) in January 2022. This means that the intention of US lawmakers is old and has no specific relationship with Russian military operation. It was already the goal of the US to promote an unrestrained militarization of Ukraine, which demonstrates that Moscow’s justification for the need to demilitarize Kiev is valid. Had the operation not started, Kiev would now be receiving these weapons in the same way – and possibly using them against civilians in Donbass.

The first consequences of the Act are about to come. May 10 the House approved a new budget of more than 33 billion dollars in military aid to Kiev. With the new Act, approval by the Senate must take place as quickly as possible, without further discussions or bureaucracies. Direct private transactions with Ukraine will also take place without regulation in the US. Of course, this will also be a precedent and the US is expected to force European countries to pass similar laws to reduce bureaucracy in military trade with Kiev.

Now the scenario is set for an escalation that is sure to further complicate the situation for Ukraine. The Russians clearly do not want to use their full military potential in this operation, but they are willing to tolerate it only up to a point. If necessary, Moscow will not hesitate to increase its fighting force to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. Both the Ukrainian government and the West know this but prefer to maintain the narrative that it is possible to “defeat Russia”, perpetuating a situation that harms more and more the civilian population and only benefits the West and its military industry.


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Muhammad your Prophet

The moronic Russian puppets in Kherson are already planning to escape back to Crimea. Their Nazi like occupation has been absolute humanitarian catastrophe. A lot like Himmler’s administration of Poland where he was such a deranged and inept administrator that even the Germans hated his guts.

OJ Simpson

if Russia want to win in this war, then shoigu and gerasimov should both be fired because of their incompetence, criminal charges should be opened against them for criminal negligence and possible treason, and btw where is a Russian air force in this war, did somebody saw those clowns lately, the war will end without their participation; I will quote Strelkov, he said yesterday: “even in ww2, red army used to have air support, in this war, Russian air force is invisible, literally, or should we say non existent, shoigu and gerasimov, what did you do with Russian army, you dilettantes”

Last edited 2 years ago by OJ Simpson
Muhammad your Prophet

The MANPADs obliterated the Russian air force, you fucking delusional moron. There’s nothing left other than the shitty neconnaissance drones Ukranian forces routinely keep shooting down. And now that the Ukranian forces have enough artillery to counter Russia’s artillery Putin is seriously fucked.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

LMAO, wow your dreams are almost as delusional as your “prophet” was

Last edited 2 years ago by BanderiteLivesDon'tMatter
Bernard Davis

Precision, hypersonic and long range guided missiles have greatly reduced the need for Russian air power in eliminating strategic targets in Ukraine; they do the same job but much more economically. These attacks are proceeding steadily, and with devastating effect. They have reduced Ukrainian manned air operations to less than nuisance value, the mythical Ghost of Kiev notwithstanding. Ukrainian manpads have had minor success, mostly against helicopters here and there, but little more. The Ukrainians and their US instructors actually began this war back in April of 2021 when, following the successful use of Turkish Bayraktar drones in the 2020 Azeri-Armenian war, they fancied they could do the same in a new assault on the Donbass republics. It hasn’t worked out: the Russians have swatted the Ukie Bayraktars down like flies. As for artillery, most of the guns being supplied by Western powers are of the obsolete towed howitzer variety, vulnerable to counter-battery fire even where they can be brought up to the front over the wrecked transport network. Ukrainian casualties exceed those of the Russians by a factor of at least 10 to 1; some say it is double that. Photos of Ukrainian POWs show a large proportion of them are toothless old men who should not be anywhere near a battle zone. They are brave enough, and one has to feel sorry for them, but they cannot win this war. Ukraine should cut its losses and seek whatever terms it can. Of course, its soldiers are too useful to the US as cannon fodder for them to allow that to happen any time soon. Very sad.

Holms Jen

That is false too. Are you aware how expensive is a single hypersonic launch, and the damage it can do? For the price of 1 hypersonic launch, strategic high-altitude bombers could deal 50 times more damage. Hypersonic warheads are only good for hitting very important spots, and for carrying WMDs, missiles in general are not the substitute for standard air bombing. Which is why Russia is stuck with its artillery doing all the bombing.

Holms Jen

Completely Incorrect, judging by Oryx and UAW sources(and factoring out those that are completely photoshopped and/or recycled) Russia lost just a fraction of its airforce. MANPADs are preventing airstrikes to large extent, but Russia still has the capacity to solve the MANPAD problem using only airforce, even the tactics on how to do that can be copy-pasted from US experiences from 80s. So the problem of airstrikes being reduced on just missiles is: 1. Super bad recon and intel(fault of Russian generals) 2. Putins wet dreams of sparing Ukrainian civilians so that they can later kiss his butt, preventing attacks on most MANPAD nests that are in tight civilian areas 3. Overall incompetency of the complete command-chain of the Russian army These are the real reasons.


A fighter aircraft will always be a valuable target and AFU has lots of smaller anti-aircraft weapons. Russia is getting the job done with artillery and the AFU can do virtually nothing about it. They have nothing to counter it with

I know aircraft bombardements are very spectacular, but why put expensive bird at risk if Krasnopol and Tos-1 can defeat the enemy? Patience, patience…

Muhammad your Prophet

The shitty Russian air force couldn’t even shoot down all the Ukranian MIG-29s. They could never get that deep into Ukranian territory. Zelensky spent weeks asking for MIG-29s but once the Putin cockroaches were destroyed and humiliated in Kiev they’ve become irrelevant. The MANPADs are getting the job done.

Holms Jen

Zelensky begs for jets to this day, last time he did it two days ago. Sure, Russian army sucks and is losing, but get real about reasons why.

Muhammad your Prophet

And he’ll keep asking for them. It was the MIG-29s that finished off the battalion that got wiped out the other day trying to cross the bridge after the battalion was out of commission. Ukraine only has about nine MIG-29s. A few dozen more aircrafts and the war is over tomorrow.


right. bit it seems that there are not more than a dozent tos1 and krasnopol in ukraine, while large stockpiles of russian artillery still rust in their depots


I do not advise you to listen to this Jewish creature Girkin (strelkov is a pseudonym). It was he who helped Kyiv to destroy the Donbass by infiltrating as the Minister of Defense. Back in 2014, he called for starting a war and was in collusion with Israel and Washington! But Putin managed to remove him from the Donbass!! Now he will tell you this, Mom, don’t worry!!!! Traitor loser!!



WT Baker

Think about the British Empires obscene commitment from the late 17th century to present day of destroying the constitutional republic and it’s original intent by subterfuge and even war. It could be said that today the one time junior partner in Winston Churchill’s “special relationship” far outweighs the Brits in military power yet the the Brits still dominate and dictate what the US does worldwide, and domestically, at the institutional level. This has been proven by the organizational efforts over the past 50 years by Lyndon LaRouche even after his passing away in 2019. So when speaking of Bidens acts of lunacy remember what is pulling his strings.


Biden name is at the top of the list of war criminal.


The Russian lives matter. What war crimes the Biden administration is committing in Ukraine, definitely there would be reperkusion of that.


The Biden name is at the top of the list of the war criminals.


The USA and the rest of the West are walking briskly down the path leading to self-destruction. An insane thing to behold. Allahu’ Akhbar, profeten blev påsatt av sin far

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Not only that, Muhammed’s father sold his son’s ass to the neighbors until Muhammed became an adult warrior.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Russia just stop diplomatic relations with Israeli NAZIs and then see the effect that the NATO states coming to their knees or not. Russia allies with Israel mean Russia allies with NATO because Israel is a dirty project of Europe.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Russia still has 150,000 Jews within its borders.

They have great power and can do great damage to Russia’s peacekeeping operations.

Before Putin can do anything with Israel, he must deport them to Israel by force.


Deceiving public opinion is all the Biden administration does, just one lie after another.


Joe has perfect defense system, he is too busy going for blithering idiot of the year award and would pass polygraph of no knowledge of events as I doubt he can remember to change his diaper when he defecates. Once, some people put their faith in another moron called Jim Jones, And murica LOVES kool-aide


They are cowards and they are not willing to escalate into a full scale war with Russia. But Russian weak military performance and indecisive leadership encourage hyenas from Washington DC to seek more blood. Not theirs of course.


it seems usa have a war of extermination going on TIMCOOK leed the way … they OBESLY USE CRIMNIAL GANS usa …………. En Ängels Moral – Hells Angels-dokumentär (SVT 1994) — i chased a cristalmeth produser out of …. villkages ,,,,,, blakcs seems to say a RAPED a fiinsh snowbarder and UNITED NATION .. alswo witness … Chris Rock’s Opening Monologue

Last edited 2 years ago by stormfurer

Tarana Burke On How The #MeToo Movement Started And Where It’s Headed unoited nation and some black thing this mee too


Autoridades militares ucranianas carregaram corpos de soldados russos recolhidos após combates nas regiões de Kiev e Chernihiv em vagões refrigerados, com centenas de corpos de soldados russos. “A Ucrânia está pronta para devolver os corpos ao agressor”, as famílias precisa receber seus corpos para fazer um enterro dignos.

peter mcloughlin

Every action and reaction escalates the conflict, bringing nuclear war closer. The warnings from history are not been heeded. https://patternofhistory.wordpress.com/


US is very much controlled by the British Crown and UK, although it does not look that way first. The agents of the British Crown have trade contracts and ownership in banking, intelligence, defence, whatever. Its just they use aliases, like rothschildt etc, who funnily look like british royals. Who could take Biden seriously, he is puppet on a stage. I think they are wondering how no one cares?


NI99@R OBAMA and J#W $oro$ Puppet Master of JOE BIDEN


Russia, you could try to invite Trump, the Florida governor de Santis, Rand Paul, RC Priests, some other US Christians who are clearly traditional ones, the Terxas governor, Mel Gibson, with some British high profile figures like Jacob Rees Mogg who is not actually the birghtest spark and you could try to influence them, introducing them to people like those who work for or contribute to RT, Patrick Lancaster, the people affected, take them to safer places in Donbass area. Have a lovely PRAYER service that is not too long and with English speaking Russian Orthodox. Also take them to Crimea. Do NOT overwhelm them with information but perhaps give them a booklet to bring home with them. PRAY very much for TRUTH. Have the service at nigh and LIGHT candles. Have them light candles to be a light of truth in our world. Chuck the holy Water about like its a weapon against evil. Have them go to an ice skating display and a ballet. Select tthem carefully. Jacob Rees Mogg said some time ago that the Russian Ambassador in London was a really lovely man. Invite some Royals. Prince Edwards and Sophie with their two children. Sophie attends Church. I do not know who would be the best people to invite, just suggesting it. Use the Russian embassies and Churches for more help. Her daughter loves horses and driving pony raps. Edward loves Shakespeare and Acting. Explain also that where there are large populations, perhaps not everyone should marry and families do not all need to have masses of children. There are monks nuns priests, consecrated celibates. There is a strong current about that there are too many people for our world. In Russia this clearly is not true and in the West, the population, without immigration will be falling as the elderly die off. Jacob Rees Mogg has SIX children and loves babies. Indicate how much of a CHRISTIAN nation you are and how you are against abortion,without criminalising it but wanting to have ti become taboo. Also have them meet lovely Lavrov and some of those gorgeous Chechens. Even Snowden may be of help. Try a peacekeeping mission. Do say that if the nukes fly to Russia, you will be responding so it would not just be goodbye Russia but also goodbye world. Explain how hard and how long Russia tried to broker for peace whilst 14 000 died in Donbass. Get clips from the American speaking about how they will fight Russia to the last Ukrainian and from Oliver Stone. Prince Charles loves farming, gardens and traditional care of the land, Camilla too I think.

Bigg Chungus

These people aren’t sending weapons to Ukraine because of ignorance of the consequences. They aren’t supporting war mongering, theft, and all manner of evil just because they never got to read your fucking booklet.

These people ARE evil. Any Christian facade they may put up is just a front. They know exactly how this accursed world works, and they are completely willing to play the game.

hunter bidé lab pork !

and how many heroine and coke Zelonsky put in the anus for being a stupid lgtb nazi jew clown !?? maybe if he digitalizes is anus everything get better !??

hunter bidé lab pork !

Im Waiting for the Live aids in Kiov !!! all the clowns and parazites go there take in the anus !!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

Azov Nazis live aids with coke from jews parazites and another nazis lgtbs


There is only one country making WW3 threats and attacking peacefull countries.


Overwhelming Force saves lives – on both sides!

Sack Putin – put Ramzan in charge


Great news! Nothing pleases me more than watching 10s of thousands of dim-witted christians being de-stroyed! They totally deserve all the bad things that are coming!


Have we won yet?


so? that was to be expected from the jankees. but the main failure is due to putin and the russian general staff, because after almost 3 months of war many airports, bridges, railway lines and motorways in western ukraine are still fully intact. why the heck?!


Putin’s fault….he keeps bluffing while, Nato/US keeps prodding more.

Peter Jennings

Sleepy uncle joe doesn’t know what he’s doing. It is all being done for him by the same crowd who brought you Iraq and Libya and Afghanistan, and Syria and now Ukraine. The NWO are going to use the opportunity they have created in Ukraine to drive the hyperinflation in their currency/s.

When your rogue gov’t calls you up, tell them to go to hell. Personally i would prefer to die in my own country fighting the NWO than die in a cold ditch on the border of Russia fighting people who have a bone to pick with nazis and fascists.

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