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USAF Shot Down Syrian Su-22 Fighter Bomber Near Ja’Din in Raqqa province

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USAF Shot Down Syrian Su-22 Fighter Bomber Near Ja’Din in Raqqa province

The US headed Combined Joint Task Forces announced a few hours ago:

“Coalition aircraft conducted a show of force and stopped the initial pro-regime advance toward the SDF-controlled town. Following the attack, the Coalition contacted its Russian counterparts to de-escalate the situation and stop the firing.

At 6:43 pm, a Syrian regime SU-22 dropped bombs near SDF fighters south of Tabqah and, in accordance with rules of engagement and in collective self-defense of Coalition partnered forces, was immediately shot down by a U.S. F/A 18E Super Hornet”

USAF Shot Down Syrian Su-22 Fighter Bomber Near Ja’Din in Raqqa province

The Syrian Army declared that the SU-22 was targeting the Islamic state when it was shot down:

“Aircraft from the ‘international coalition’ targeted one of our fighter planes in the Resafa region of southern Raqqa province this afternoon while it was conducting a mission against ISIS.

بيان صادر عن القيادة العامة للجيش والقوات المسلحةأقدم طيران ما يدعى (بالتحالف الدولي) بعد ظهر اليوم على استهداف أحدى ط…

Posted by ‎وزارة الدفاع في الجمهورية العربية السورية‎ on Sunday, June 18, 2017

It’s most likely that the U.S. F/A Super Hornet jet that attacked the Syrian SU-22 was operating from the USS George H.W. Bush.

This incident is the first one during the Syrian conflict when a US fighter jet shot down a manned Syrian aircraft.

Developments that occurred earlier yesterday:

Syrian Army In Outskirts Of Strategic Resafa Town (Video, Map)

US Setting Up Military Facility In Tabqah Town In Syrian Province Of Raqqah

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Joe Doe

And What Russia will do about is. Most likely just talk. Syria need arm itself, as Russia is not very good protector

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I am very afraid that the Russians are not so brave for a response equivalent to such a cowardly offense towards their Sirian ally, and the coalition of the United States know that very well. If it were not so, they would never do anything like this against the Syrian air force. Well, they’re not assholes. As they would never attack North Korea knowing that their leader is so brave and able to answer them even though their military might is infinitely less than the cowardly Russians. It pains me to recognize it but it is the pure truth with all the love that I profess to Russia and the Syrian government.

Joe Doe

Frankly, Russia invited, even beg americans to get involve in Syria. Therefore, Russia is full responsible for americans action. Yet Russia behave like cowards

Terence Silvestre Jr.

So it is, my friend and you are very right in your comment.



Srini Rao

Well, Russia will be cautious, but they will have other tricks to handle the situation as they have done number of times before. Russia surely don’t want to give a excuse to necon warhawks to create a another world war, SAA main aim for these area is to pave a way towards Dier-Ezzor, they already cut path from south. Most probably SAA needs different path to clear south of Raqqa area and possibly reach Dier-Ezzor in time.

Russia can send its air crafts instead of SAA and see whether necons want’s to knock it. If they downs Russian plane, Russia surely will have some backup agenda of cashing the incident. In first place, Russia is in Syria legitimately, USA there without invite. If they down, world will see the Washington’s naked emperor one more time. Russians are too good to handle the US warhawks silly games.

Joe Doe

Yes, we sow Russia cautious in Ukrainian and now NATO solders and hardware at the Russia door steps

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I hope you’re right, my friend. Because it is not the first, second, and third and fourth time that Russia has done nothing but talk about several cowardly offenses against its ally in Syria without doing anything more to respect. So much inaction leaves much to think I’m afraid. North Korea was not intimidated by the United States and that is not why the third world war was unleashed my friend.. I think it’s just an illogical excuse for cowards only.

Joe Doe

N.K. is example how to deal with americans. China has the same approach and you see how americans backing off quickly. Russia has lost its dignity and respect and shown as a poor protector and show as a weak player. Ukrainian is an example. Now NATO is at the Russian door steps

Terence Silvestre Jr.

That’s my friend. And believe me the United States is the most fearful of a nuclear war more than any other. They are so lovers of comfort and goodness that they are able to sell their own soul to the devil before losing it. They are only experts in bluffing and taking advantage of the fear and weakness of the weakest countries to do what they want until someone puts a stop to their pride as did Norkorea.

Joe Doe

I know that very well. Americans tough on surface and bully always the little guy, who can’t defend itself. As I always saying, one americans airplane down by Russia will bring the americans to the ground

Justin Ryan

Russia is playing this perfectly in my view! If Russia bombed SDF it would be all over the Western world news but its US shooting down SAA. Its perfect! Russia at any time has the ability to completely shut down all of Syria’s air space but escalation makes this a no no! Its now a game of Chess but just look at the table! Qatar now allied with Iran, Turkey allied with Qatar and certainly ready to attack Manbij at the order of Russia! This will suck all SDF forces north (once Raqqa is approached from the south by the SAA! This will leave room for the SAA to take Deir Ezzor and perhaps even Raqqa! We currently have: SAA approaching Deir Ezzor from the West, now from the North West (near Tabqa), possibly the PMU from the South and a nice border connection of PMU forces that could mount and attack upon the SDF in Syria’s North East on the border with Iraq! This is four directions in which an attack will be mounted now with the help of MANY Iranian backed forces now certainly on the ground in Syria! All is needed is a full attack by the Turks on Manbij! USA will think twice to risk losing Turkey from NATO (the most vital NATO member). Turkey has many reasons to attack the Kurds and pay back USA. 1. The coup attempt which Erdogan blames the USA 2. Arming and supporting the Kurds (Turkey’s main enemy) 3. Now a deal with Russia and Iran to supply pipelines into Europe 4. Its alliance with Qatar (who has Turkish bases) 5. They did in fact tell USA that Manbij was theirs and the Euphrates Shield meant Kurds had to retreat behind this river (they didnt) Even the Idlib province is quiet now (thanks to turk help) Its almost a perfect situation, why would Russia or the SAA fuck it up by giving PAAY BACK to the USA when its doin sooo well! The US would love to escalate but they know they cant! So why give them an excuse to escalate! Just keep the US looking like the bad guy! Keep them needing to explain their actions (are they fighting ISIS or trying to handicap the SAA). The last thing u want is Russia or Syria shooting down US war planes! This will give USA excuse to “go all in”. Let this war remain regional and contained! If the USA want to bring in long range rockets, GREAT, now the Iranians will do it! If the US wanna use Cruise missiles, great, now the Russian will use Cruise Missiles. But all this show of force is SAID TO BE FOR USE AGAINST ISIS! But once u shoot down a Syrian war plane then explanations must be given and looks very bad! its a sign of losing and desperation! Iran did the right thing, they said “hey, we have long range rockets and they are accurate. This is warning, Deir ezzor is ours and if u use your Himras in southern Syria then we will use our rockets too”. So u see escalation must be controlled or answered equally! Also to keep the upper hand and know the secret rules which are “NEVER SHOOT DOWN A RUSSIAN OR US WAR PLANE”. Everything is looking good! Dont worry! You can be sure Turkey is gonna attack Manbij just as the SAA get close to Deir Ezzor and perhaps maybe even Raqqa (if the SDF dont close off the south). you can bet on this! And the SAA and the PMU will rush for Deir Ezzor from Palmyra, from raqqa, from Al-quaim or southern syria and perhaps the PMU will attack from al-baj in Iraq from Deir Ezzor’s eastern flank! This is gonna be awesome!

After ISIS is gone, expect a proxy war between kurds and SAA, and PMU. What i call PHASE 2 :)

Srini Rao

Both Russia and US know that Syria is a side show, though for US, Syria is predecessor to Iran. for Russia, it is a one of long stream of irritations. Remember the Turkey downing Russian plane episode. Russia didn’t go to war with Turkey, instead hit them at what matters- economic sanctions. If Russia went to war on Turkey, NATO would have supported Turkey, we would have been WWIII by now. Turkey would have been firmly in US hands. Instead, by imposing sanctions, Russia hurt Turkey ( tourism, food export economy) and world viewed Russia action justified. By leaking the coup on erdogan, turkey became friendly ( relatively) to Russia and Turkey no longer in the NATO vassal, instead it weakened the NATO given that it is main facilitator of the terrorism. I call this smartness instead of cowardiness. Russia simply removed the fuel to flames by not acting.

George King

This is incorrect, may I remind you……. Various news outlets have confirmed reports that last month, Russian air-forces destroyed a US and UK military base in Syria. Within moments of the first bombing run, US liaison offices contacted their Russian counterparts, warning them that in fact they had hit a US run installation. Russian air-forces responded by flying a second sortie and hitting the same facility again. http://www.fort-russ.com/2016/07/massive-russians-bomb-us-base-in-syria.html

Terence Silvestre Jr.

My friend, regardless of whether this news is true or not, never you would imagine the pleasure and satisfaction that gave me, the reading of that report. The truth, you gave me one of the best nights sleep of many times after reading that. Thank you my friend.


Russians have newer navigation systems to tell them who they are bombing.

Tudor Miron

Terence, hwo the hell are you to call anyone or Russians in particular “cowardly”? Mind telling us some brave story from your life? “All the love that you profess to Russia and Syrian government”? Seeing your posts it is evident, this is just another lie.

Solomon Krupacek

because they are cowards. dozens of proofs are present.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Calm down my friend. It is only my point of view being so critical and logical without mixture of any feeling and lack of judgment. I hope you respect my way of thinking as much as I respect yours and instead of whining accusing me of liar try to present better your arguments maturely as an adult please.


If Russia would do the same as USA, the World will be in the Nuclear War.

Solomon Krupacek

no. would be order.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Just as the world is in a nuclear war for defying North Korea to the United States, is it really my friend? If I understand you well, the Americans can do everything they want and Russia will never do anything to respect, for fear of a global nuclear war? The fear of a nuclear war is only an illogical pretext of many more of a cowardly Russia fearful and incapable of defending its allies and himself for lack of courage and self-esteem my friend. So the Russian nuclear weapons are toys and no one is afraid of a Russian nuclear retaliation enough to not challenge and respect him and his allies?


Patience. The US wants the Syrian and Russian forces split around the battlefield. Syris is driving ISIL out iof the country and will turn to face the US and the Kurds in due course. . .

Joe Doe

Not, if americans and SDF will disrupt SAA advances


The US is being out manouvered on the big picture.

They have got themselves into al Tanf but are quite close to being cut off. . . Soon only being able to be resupplied from Jordan.

Then Jordan will have to stop supporting terrorism and the US as both Iraq and Syria will put pressure on them.

The US troops at al Tanf will be in a hole that they will have to run from.


Yes moron, maybe they can buy arms for the United States.

Airtorn Mentha

May be this … https://twitter.com/rofoca_lucifuge/status/876587601506873344

Alex Black

useless against American jets. Its pointless to engage American aircraft as they will win in any fight with the SAA. Russia should punish the kurds and other American proxies with hyperbaric bombs, and strictly enforce escalation with symmetric, yet exponential destruction of American proxies that amount to terrorist forces. I think kaliber missiles directed at formations of enemy forces outside agreed upon deconfliction zones are fair game.

Solomon Krupacek

russia should, but will not do.

Alex Black

its a difficult situation. A provocation, or even a response that is not just right could lead to much death.

kurdi aram

You stupid COW, many us-americans Planes and Drones are been downed by iranians fro 2004 -2012. The iranians are able to shoot down Us-American Plane everywhere on the Planet.

Alex Black

I think you overestimate the Iranian chances

Divesh Kumar

US has to start dancing with its pants down to protect its ISIS dogs. these sort of incident are bound to increase. Saa should immediately stop any cooperation with Kurds and send reinforcement to quamshili to secure it. May God save the brave pilot

Terence Silvestre Jr.


Steve Hall

Good summary. Yes Lord, please have mercy on the pilot and save him. Amen

Leonardo Facchin

The Syrians are already stretched as they are. Thay can’t fight on more fronts than the current ones. There are many ways to retaliate asymmetrically. The US has many soldiers in Iraq, and Iran has a lot of influence on the PMU and the Iraqi government. If it wanted, Teheran could make it painful for the US, but that would also escalate the whole situation to a dangerous degree. Another solution might be for Russia to “gift” the Syrian Government with a bunch of advanced anti-air defense systems, enough to bascially shut down the Syrian airspace to any unwelcome aircraft, short of a full blown shooting war. But that would escalate too. It’s a real mess.

Justin Ryan

buk M3’s are needed! Mobile and deadly! Perhaps some Pantsir S-2’s aswell. They dont have a range that can be said to give Aerial Denial but certainly can shoot down close range fighters! Where in the hell is Syria’s Mig-31 and Mig- 25 interceptors? They should be at Kweiris Airbase in Aleppo ready to shoot down or scare off US fighters!

Ostap Bender

Unfortunately reports say pilot was killed instantly when missile hit the plane, Tigers are trying to recover the body but SDF are blocking them…

Wahid Algiers

No fucken kurd will block a Tiger.


Nope there is already info that the pilot bailed out over FSA controlled territory.

chris chuba

I have a feeling that key facts about this incident have been misreported. Look how many times the Pentagon revised the rather simple story of the botched Yemeni raid.

I can see why the SAA would want to hem the SDF in by no reason to actually drive them out of territory while there is still so much ISIS territory to be reclaimed. Their priority would be to take the crossroad at Resafa and probably to close the border at Jardin. It’s not like they need ISIS to enforce a deconfliction zone.

Joe Doe

Actually, SDF moved towards SAA advances, while ISIS was withdrawing. I think Erdogan was right SDF is terror organization

chris chuba

https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-reaches-outskirts-isils-west-raqqa-stronghold/ Yeah, the lie being told by the Pentagon is that Jardin was ‘SDF held’. Jardin was a border town between the two that was ISIS held and perhaps opportunistically snatched. They are making it sound like the SDF was running the place for weeks.


It doesn’t matter how long they had it, IF SDF had it then SAA should have gone south and around.

chris chuba

Who knows if the SDF actually ever had it.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I think you’re very right, my friend. Because anyone who wants to impose himself in a territory controlled by a legal and established government is just a terrorist such as the Kurds and ISIS are acting I fear.


Yes, this was a set up. But SDF were probably used here as pawns – and frankly that is what they will ever be for the empire.


2 Minutes To Midnight again? http://www.bbc.com/news/world-38760792


If a jet from a US Aircraft Carier shot down a Syrian plane over Syria, that makes that Air Craft Carrier fair game for destruction.

Joe Doe

SAA does not have the capability


One never knows. . .

But Syrias allies certainly have the abiity.

Like Lebanon which sunk an Israeli sub a few years ago. . .

Gabriel Hollows

Fucking coward bitch Russians. If only Iran had the same military power, the conflict could have ended already.

Joe Doe

If, Syria and IRAN have Nuke, SYria conflict will never happen. Look N.K, they have NUKEs and americans only barking, as they are afraid nor they have support. I am surprised by Russia silence, having such weapons

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Me too my friend. Realy surprised.

Alex Black

What would you like to see Russia do? Lets say you were dealing with a large retarded person, and you had a gun. Lets say you knew that you could shoot them, but they would still beat you to death even though they would also bleed out. Would you start firing? The Deep State in the US is not representative of the people or their wants. There is a major disconnect between people in the US government and people living in the country. Information is important, but realistically an average Americans cant tell syria from saudi arabia. Something must be done to change the calculus. I am almost tempted to say give Assad 50 nukes.


Yes, with a defeat of Iran.

Gabriel Hollows

Dream on, kike.

Alex Black

this is a sad dream. Iran is 70 million people, and they have been tolerant of the Kurds because they hate the Sunnis more, but based on the kurdish choices of friends, this will change, and so will the strategic situation for the Kurds. The US will feed the kurds to turkey and iraq just like they did with ISIS and the SDF.

Brad Isherwood

Syria fighting with old Soviet Era junk. Syria’s Mig 29 are useless vs US jets, ….their radars,air to air missiles are decades behind. Even if Syria put up air cover…US could drop them.

Hard lesson. ….now Syria can’t fly opps near Kurds or FSA, unless Russian Su 30 is around to cover them. Putin just doesn’t have it…..I’d pull that shit QB from the game.

Syria and the Donbass do not deserve the shit sandwichs Putin serves.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Yes sir. Completely agree with you my friend.


The jihadi SyAF plane was attacking SDF and was called that it was bombing SDF and warned to back off. It did not and so was backed off.

This is the risk the SyAFknowingly takes when attacking near SDF positions and not listening to warnings.


I would say fog of war navigation error on the part of the su22 pilot with old nav systems, but the people on the ground should have had more time to figure out who they were shooting at.

Joe Doe

Another, Yankee sheep spreading CNN fake news

Silvia Mocanu

Fuck off NATO scumbag.


He is RojavaNational!

Harold Smith

So you’re Jewish?

Solomon Krupacek

why should be jew, you idiot?

Harold Smith

Because Jew is as Jew says as Jew does. Clear enough? BTW, you’re supposed to be looking at your monitor, not your mirror, as you type your infantile Jew drivel, Shlomo.

Wahid Algiers

You fucken gypsy kurd are occupying foreign territory with USrael’ s help. Without this help you won’ t have butter on your small bread. But the day comes and you pay. It is not over.


Cool minds will save lives . Syrian air force is not jihadi , cut the crap anger . Errors do happen It appears the US is intent on igniting a Kurdish “armed rebellion” , destroying years of joint cooperation . If the Kurdish follow the American and Saudi cash cow into a fight with the Syrian government , it will create another 5 to 10 years of war . Everyone will lose , except the US , will sell lots of guns .

Harold Smith

Jew puppet Donald John Trump is bitch-slapping Putin all over the world.

Solomon Krupacek

putin cam also slap back ;)


How many haSSbara trolls can Southfront attract? Is it a record?

Harold Smith

I’m merely pointing out that it’s time for Vladimir Putin to wake up to the fact that he is not dealing with “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” but a vicious, implacably evil, insatiably bloodthirsty Satanic cult that will not stop until it is forced to stop. The office of president of the U.S., now held by demon-possessed scum bag Donald Trump, is apparently the second beast of Rev 13:11. That’s all.

jim crowland

I am glad the democratic west is teaching mass murderer Assad a lesson.

Joe Doe

And who will teach lessen the war criminal americans?


I wish they would hold off until after ISIS and Al Qaeda are defeated.

Joe Doe

Too late now. The can of worms had been open

Harold Smith

Time for you to run along now, little Shlomo, and get back to your Talmudic studies, before your Mommy finds out you’re at the computer again.


You are either misinformed or a liar or a hypocrite. Even murderers have opinions.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Sorry to tell you that your pleasure will take very little time, my friend. There is no way for the Kurds to prosper with the help of their hypocritical American allies with so many military successes of the Syrian government on the ground.


My assumption is that the Russians have war gamed this to death and that it probably isn’t going to end well for the criminal Jew cabal and their collaborators.


Fuck off you fucking American antisemitic twat.


Anti Antisemitism comes from Jew anti social behavior and crime. You’re a typical example. Grow up.


The GWB is that supposed to mean something??? Did the Iranians hit the area in responce to US provocation with a ballistic??? FK the SDF they are ISIS

Airtorn Mentha



All of the area in question had been liberated from ISIS probably just hours before. So, it was all up for grabs for whoever got their first. There probably was confusion as to whether ISIS was still there inside Ja-Din. Both the SDF and the SAA had been racing toward the strategic crossroad on highway 42 (see map below). The important thing is that the map shows the SAA (in red) just one mile away from the crossroad. At that crossroad, look closely, there is a back road (very faint on map) that goes directly to Raqqa. (see map below) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c193abcbc17757ad651fdaa6237c982d41f65811407166a8d3b06ea9a0b72e73.jpg …

Gary Sellars

Dirty Uh’Murikan bstardz…. the SAA is trying to push ISIS back and to assert control of Resafa so that they can control the highways heading east and attempt to lift the ISIS siege against Deir Ezzor… and the SDF are being rerouted by their US handlers to the south in an effort to block them. This is DISGUSTING. The US is actively aiding and abetting ISIS retreat from ar-Raqqa and leaving them unmolested so that they can reinforce IS operation against the SAA, and now they are actively IMPEDING the SAA from coming to the assistance of their enclave under heavy ISIS attack.


Just as we foretold these idiots will now fight each other. Syrian army and Kurdish forces clashed in a couple of towns and now it begins of course. ISIS will be gone soon but their internal division will never go away because they have been like this since the kurdish people lost their land to IRAQ, Iran, Syria and Turkey.

Wahid Algiers

These clashes were started by the kurds because the Tigers want to get the body of the pilot. Kurds are traitors and will pay a high price soon.


This time it is unlikely you will get anything but wiping from USA and if they armed these Kurdish people they will overun your army. They are by far better fighters.It is highly unlikely the USA will leave them to Turky or Iran or Syria. It is far more certain that these people are going to get their land back.

Wahid Algiers

You are a little dreaming and stupid child. Kurds are no fighters. They are not able to use modern weapons and therefore they get light weapons of the world criminal USA. When the SAA or Republican Guard marches the Kurds will be running under the skirt of their mother and crying like babies. You will see when Syria crunches the Kurds from one side and Turkey from the other. And why? Kurdistan does not exist. So stop claiming land which is not yours.


The degree of violent actions the US is having to take is reflective of how much they are losing. Isaac Asimov phrased this saying “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” This is so true of what is happening in Syria. Everywhere their plans have been stymied, they are losing territory, all their operations reflect short term plans, lack of intelligence, in a word incompetence! They tried to stand back and let the proxies do the dirty work, but they can’t. Incompetence. Military power is not competence, it’s just military power. As long as behind the military power there is lack of rational strategy and moral objectives it is mindless power. It is still dangerous, even when it lashes out incompetently, but it can be defeated. In Syria it is virtually defeated already, only some pompous fools refuse to see it, refuse to admit it. So, in their rage they have to shoot something down. They can still kill many people, which is what they are committed to doing, but they can’t win. It’s like a bully beating up his wife – pathetic!


We can see here as the Daesh is falling down step by step and the new race have started, who is taking more parts of former ISIL area (to be precise, still present Syria area), West (USA Coalition) or East (SAA+its allies)…I am wander, when the promotion of newly establish Kurdish State will come. This will angry Erdogan, we will see if Turkish are so strong NATO member or they will find themselves to leave this militant World-ruling organization. The World has changed since end of Cold War…


So much for the hyper-modern S-400 systems installed in Syria. A 40N6 missile launched from Latakia would reach that area in less than 60 seconds

eric zweistein

Good to see Zion being forced to order its main puppet state, America the Brave, to commit war crimes at the behest of the Kurds in Syria. Maybe some Americans will raise their eyebrows, notice a foul smell in the Republic and start asking questions…


You’ve got it back to front, dickhead.

eric zweistein

You are right. I shouldn’t have mentioned the Kurds in above context. They are victims of Zion too.


Are there any grown ups here today? The zionist filth are American Caesar’s proxies, same as the Saudi perverts and the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers.

eric zweistein

After Zion had conquered all of Europe, the imbeciles sat together, sang Masonic campfire favorites, when suddenly, the silliest of them all had the glorious idea that they should found a New Atlantis beyond the oceans, America its name…




Attrition47 “…You’ve got it back to front, dickhead..”

The loser Khazar / Hasbara / Terror Axis troll on the attack.


The Syrians and their allies have failed to react to each US head-chopping, heart-eating raper provocation and are close to winning the ground war. Not offering easy excuses to the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers has got results.


This event happened because Russia does not offer any Air Defence to the Syrian Military.

Any mention of Russian weakness / feebleness / cowardliness in Syria will have the loser Khazar / Hasbara / Terror Axis trolls on the attack demanding:

No response

No action

No change

Let’s do things more slowly in Syria.



Dear Mr Putin, if you are reading this while alt tabbing from your kids porn page,


The US has been terrified of you since the Cold War, and thats just you, not even a possible alliance of yours with Iran and China in the event of a war. You kicked Hitlers ass while they were losing, and if it wasnt for you and Hitlers ambition / pride / hastiness, the war wouldve been lost to the Nazis. Because Russian ppl are 1000x more mentally strong than their pussy western counterparts.

All you need is ONE S300 shot to call their bluff one time. Tit for tat, send a message. Make it 1-1, even the score. I guarantee you they will back down. Make em an offer they cant REFUUUUUSE.


Sincerely yours,

A big fan.

DJ Double D

This conflict is gradually and methodically escalating and the Aggressor is evident.


It actually look like te be intended result for the Russians. No more naval warplanes over Syria for USA. Also next plane to drop bombs over FSA will be Russian one and that one will not go down. As for the Syrian forces beying stretched down, if they would they would not start trouble with Kurds while they were more or less on cease fire agreement. More even if the attack on them would be weak the USa would not help them and would in stead let them defend on their own. This situation here shows that Syrians are perfecly capable of defeating them unless USA again intervenes with land forces this time ( because use of planes will be risky after this incident)

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