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USS Bonhomme Richard Almost Entirely Destroyed By Fire

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USS Bonhomme Richard Almost Entirely Destroyed By Fire

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On July 16th, all fires on board the USS Bonhomme Richard, Wasp-class amphibious assault ship, have been extinguished, but the warship appears almost entirely destroyed.

“Our fire teams are investigating every space to verify the absence of fire. Until every space is checked and there are no active fires, we will not be able to commence any official investigations,” Rear Adm. Philip Sobeck, the commander of Expeditionary Strike Group 3, said in a prepared statement.

The USS Bonhomme Richard is part of the expeditionary strike group.

The extinguishing of the fire took 4 days, and it involved more than 400 sailors from 12 San Diego-based ships and more than 1,500 water bucket drops from helicopters.

As of July 16th, 40 sailors and 23 civilians have been treated for minor injuries, including heat exhaustion and smoke inhalation, while fighting the fire, according to the Navy.

There was concern about the roughly 1 million gallons of fuel that is aboard the ship, but the fire and heat sources stayed above the tanks.

The ship has also been leaning on its side because of the amount of water that has been used within the ship and from above it to put out the flames and keep it cool for firefighters to work.

“What we do know is that brave sailors from commands all across San Diego worked tirelessly alongside federal firefighters to get this fire extinguished and I want to thank them for their efforts. This was a Navy team effort,” Sobeck said in the prepared statement.

The cause and origin of the fire are unknown, and the investigation is ready to start now that it has been extinguished.

“We did not know the origin of the fire. We do not know the extent of the damage. It is too early to make any predictions or promises of what the future of the ship will be,” Sobeck said. “We cannot make any conclusions until the investigation is complete.”

Since the fire began on the morning of July 12th, it spread throughout the ship from the cargo hold, where Navy officials believe it started. The fire destroyed the ship’s forward mast and damaged its superstructure.

At around 9 AM local time, an explosion occurred on board the warship, while in home port at Naval Base San Diego undergoing maintenance.

The resulting fire was fueled by paper, cloth, rags or other materials, not fuel oil or other hazardous materials, and it still took 4 days to extinguish.

Since the ship was in maintenance, on-board fire-suppression systems had been disabled, delaying the onset of firefighting efforts, according to Admiral Sobeck.


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Zionism = EVIL

Gentlemen and kids, TOLD YOU SO from day one. the pissed off Hispanic sailors know exactly what they were doing, they set fire to the ammo hold on the second deck and then turned off the sprinkler systems and took off. It is fucked from get go :) More is these events are in store as the deadbeat Americunt losers turn on each other thanks to Jew fanned redneck racism.


Assad must stay

hahaha how do you know it was hispanics? and why would they do that?


He has a crystal globe, duhh

Zionism = EVIL

It is DUH, you fucktard! and called a CRYSTAL BALL, since you have no balls, you would not know? eat swine and turn your puny brain to shit. Scientific FACT, even the Yids knew better. Eat Pork and become a LGBTIXYZ. Kid you not bacon boy!


I’ll tell you what would make you LGBTQX nowaday, fucking a 9yo like your prophet – that would get your arse destroyed in prison.


It might have been Transgendrians.?

Zionism = EVIL


Assad must stay

or both ahhahaha

Zionism = EVIL

Well, even the Americunt media is turning on the racist shithole:

The weight and pressure of American racism is now being felt all across.

For Black, Hispanic and Indigenous people and other persons of color, the backbreaking weight of American racism is inescapable and institutionalized, but now they are starting to fight back and use the widespread anger of the BLM to tap into the reservoir of general malaise against the WASP and Jewish racist power brokers.

Assad must stay

Yes true, if you are not white its much harder to be treated fairly or get ahead in life in america unfortunately


The Americunt media isn’t “turning” on America.

That happened over 50 years ago, ever since then it’s been the same old tune: ‘whites are oppressors, white men are stupid, history is racist’.

The only institutionalized, systemic racism in America is against Whites. Non-whites have their own special cookie jars full of goodies and theyre off limits to whitey- who has no such codified racism working on his behalf.

The rise of BLM is indeed because of racism- the anti-white variety- being enshrined in US law because of set-asides and affirmative action; and also the general prevailing anti-white/pro-POC culture.

Zionism = EVIL

Why would the FBI faggots open a criminal investigation if this was no sabotage? This is directly linked to BLM (Black Lives Matter) anger and a sick culture of redneck faggotry in the ranks.



So you sure it has nothing to do with Iran as some sort of pay back?


Nice thought, I agree :)

Assad must stay



I know it’s still early days yet, but I’d say that ship is well and truly gone. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just dreaming.

Apparently the ship’s aluminium superstructure has been damaged by the (1200 F) heat, meaning even if it’s still repairable, it’d likely be very, very time-consuming and expensive. So 99% chance the ship will be scrapped.


Lone Ranger



Yeah sounds like extensive metal fatigue. The tax-payers will have to foot the replacement bill. Strangely enough, the Defense Contractors are rubbing their hands together……..


May the Chinese or Russians should get the contract to fix it.


the chinese will buy it for scrap and build a new one!

good american

I’m wondering why it didn’t collapse like the Twin Towers!


It makes too much sense to scrap the vessel.

This is the Pride of the Globohomo Navy at stake here. LOL

Fire up the printing presses, it’s time for some make-work projects and face-saving for the worlds greatest navy to protect our assets and do good and blah blah blah….

Damn the boondoggles, full steam ahead!


Nah, the MIC won’t mind. Now they get to build an additional new America-class ship to replace it. More $$$

Brother Ma

US Navy been having a bad time, crashing into civilian boats and getting burnt. Either very unlucky , been sabotaged or have too many dunces in command.

Lone Ranger

It went just through a major refit/upgrade program for the Flop-35 and they wanted to deploy it on the South China Sea. I dont believe in coincidences.


climate change?

Lone Ranger

Yeah that will be it…


tommy DID Warn us!

good american

The wisest troll amongst us all.

Peter Jennings

Maybe it’s karma?

Lone Ranger

Who knows. Could be.


sabotage by the blm san diego chapter, just waiting for the next stuffed turkey to dock.


I didn’t watch all of the videos. But helicopter bucket drops doesn’t seem to be the best way to fight a fire. When water can be pumped from the ocean at a high rate with a fire fighting ship.

Zionism = EVIL

I laughed at the fuckwits too, it will just spill off the listing ship and the fire in on the lower decks anyway. And then you wonder why the morons lose wars :)


Ya, it looks like they’re fighting fires like dem prosecutors here let criminal protesters go to riot some more.


Bucket brigade or what, no wonder they couldn’t put it out, middle age tech using a helicopter ! Seattle has a high output fire fighting ship, amazing capacity, can’t remember the name. It could have saved that ship. A million gallons of diesel, good thing that didn’t ignite.


I drove a semi for 20 years, and still have one that I’ve owned for 15 years in storage. I never tried it. But I’ve heard that diesel is a lot less flammable than gasoline. And that you can drop a lit match in a diesel tank and it will go out. I’ve had diesel leaks under the hood that fortunately never caught fire.


Yes you are right, its much less flammable, you can drop a match on it. Diesel ignites under pressure as you know. Navy tanks likely have pressure release valves


20 years on the road !.., brings a special tune to mind. “I’ve been warped by the rain, driven by the snow, but I’m still,….. willing” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNqv85coyTw

good american

It also depends on the temperature of the diesel-the hotter the diesel the easier to ignite.


Correct, the ‘autoignition temperature’ of diesel is 410F or 210C (that is without a spark) Considering the temp went up to 1200 F (SnowCatzor) in parts of the ship, they indeed got lucky.

good american

It also needs oxygen, otherwise even if it surpasses auto-ignition it won’t ignite.

Brother Ma

Maybe pumped nitrogen or water in or evacuated all the air?

good american

I was thinking they might have done something like that.


Many years ago a mechanic was badly injured in a garage I used when a trucks diesel tank erupted as he was doing some arc welding on the truck. It caused a lot of damage to the workshop as well.

I do agree though that its safer to light a fire with diesel.


A welder is considerably more powerful than a match. I’m not an expert on the technicalities. But I imagine that once a truck fuel tank gets going with that much fuel that it’s a real problem.

One of the wheel fires that I did the initial fire management work on before the fire truck got there was the right front drive axel on the tractor. About 2 feet from the right side 125 gallon fuel tank. Fortunately it did catch fire. The other was on the trailer.

It’s common to lose the whole truck to a wheel fire. Between the gear oil and 2 truck tires burning. If you don’t get on it immediately. It spreads to the adjacent wheel. And then you’ve got 4 tires and two gear oil fires going. If you don’t get the fire department there quickly and keep it tamped down until they get there. You’re almost guaranteed to lose the truck and or trailer.

The tractor fire damage was repaired by a service truck on the roadside. The trailer fire required a tow and almost a week of shop repairs that cost me $12,000.00.


It would have been fun to see the fuel catch fire and the subsequent fireball :)


water to put out a fire on a ship is difficult since the water, collecting down in the hull destabilizes it to the point of turning turtle. so great caution is required – had a similar situation in west africa loading sisal and it burned and burned and finally burned out without topsy turvy (when the sisal burned out to ash).


I had two semi truck hub fires over 20 years. One from what was probably a leaking wheel seal on a steep grade on a hot summer day, and another from what was probably a wheel bearing failure. And managed both with fire extinguishers until the fire department got there. One they put out with water, the other with foam then water. They can probably use a combination of both in a ship fire without risking capsizing.

I could put the fires out. But the metal was so hot that it kept reigniting the tires and grease or oil. I never tried it. But I carried a straight blade shovel on board for snow. And could have used it for throwing dirt on the fire similar to what is done in the forest with fires.

Swift Laggard II

one hit on an aircraft carrier by a two ton, top attack, ballistic missile warhead of 2000Kg HE will be the end of that carrier. carrier fanboys please take note

chris chuba

I’m not a carrier fanboy but our real carriers are much heftier and they are much more difficult to bring down. I do wonder when was the last time we tested one in live fire drills, that’s not as insane as it sounds. When we retire a vessel, we used to fire at it to see how much it took to sink it and to practice gunnery. Why not strip one we are going to retire, close all of its compartments then drop some missiles on it to see how well our designs work.

Swift Laggard II

problem is you guys do not have operational anti-ship ballistic missiles, so the best you can do is computer simulation. I imagine a two tonne missile warhead going off in the enclosed bowels of such a behemoth will turn it into debris floating on the ocean


In the Green world its all about recycling :)


USS Bonhomme it is still good enough for torpedo practice.


Americans should keep those pictures of a ship on fire in mind as many others just might end up with the same fate but for different reasons. Murcans cannot constantly attack other nations with sanctions and thinking they will constantly get away with it. Eventually, one will get tired of it and WW3 will start. Apart the UK and Poland, who use will support the US?

good american



Oh yes, I forgot that one.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BMs_sAxKL8 CVA/CV-66 USS America (Kitty Hawk-class)

Traiano Welcome

Greetings from Iran. Sorry about your boat …



El Mashi

You can tell that the US military is exhausted. Its not blaming Iran, yet. The investigation will focus on who to blame. I will be someone who cannot fight back. Any candidates?

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