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MARCH 2025

USS Nimitz Aircraft Carrier Sent Home In Presumed “De-escalation” With Iran

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USS Nimitz Aircraft Carrier Sent Home In Presumed "De-escalation" With Iran

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On December 31st, the US Department of Defense decided to withdraw the only Navy aircraft carrier operating in the Middle East.

The decision by the acting secretary of defense, Christopher Miller, came one day after Air Force B-52 bombers flew nonstop from the United States to the Persian Gulf in a show of force that military officials said was intended to caution Iran against carrying out attacks against U.S. forces or interests.

Sending the aircraft carrier, the USS Nimitz would appear counter to the idea to pressure Iran.

In the days leading up to the withdrawal of the warship, an American military officer close to the situation told reporters that the U.S. had detected signs that Iran had made preparations for possible attacks on U.S. or allied targets in Iraq or elsewhere in the Middle East.

President Donald Trump recently cited “chatter” that Iran might strike.

Days after a December 20th rocket attack on the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad by Iranian-supported Shiite militia groups, Trump tweeted that Iran was on notice.

“Some friendly health advice to Iran: If one American is killed, I will hold Iran responsible. Think it over,” Trump wrote on December 23rd. ”We hear chatter of additional attacks against Americans in Iraq.”

The U.S. has maintained a near-continuous aircraft carrier presence in the Persian Gulf region since the USS Abraham Lincoln was sent in May 2019 amid concerns that Iran was considering attacking U.S. interests in the region. The U.S. also sent additional land-based attack planes and reestablished a troop presence in Saudi Arabia.

The Nimitz deployed from the U.S. in April and was due to return before the end of the year. In early December, its planned return was postponed, in part out of concerns about potential Iranian threats, and more recently it was ordered to provide support off the coast of Somalia for the movement of American forces out of the country.

Nimitz had recently been called to the coast of Africa to support American troop movements in and out of Somalia. The ship had been called back to the Persian Gulf region in December to support troop withdrawals in the Middle East with its fleet of more than 60 aircraft.

“The secretary appreciates the hard work, commitment, and flexibility of more than 5,000 sailors and Marines of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group who repeatedly demonstrated operational excellence in providing air support to combat operations against terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan and ensuring maritime security in critical waterways,” said Jonathan Rath Hoffman, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs.

Hoffman said the Nimitz “provided persistent air cover during the troop drawdowns in Afghanistan and conducted operations,” as well as participated in exercises with navies from the region in exercises “that strengthened enduring partnerships and alliances.”


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Frankly, how many many times do the desperate hasbara idiots and Wahhabi scum need to be told that the US is not in a position to fight Iran, which has mobilized over 3 million men over 2.5 million sq kms and disbursed all its man power and weaponry to fight a generation long asymmetrical war.

klove and light

spot on…..

and be prepared , for exactly your above mentioned reasons, them satanic zionists will use nuclear weapons, on a massive scale…….


but not even their nukes will save them -they are toast and will be a vague memory only since the world don’t want to remember the evil and grubby and dis-honest jews and will celebrate their disappearance over the horizon. light speak for being minced to kingdom come- what a larf it will be,

Ashok Varma

Nukes are more a political statement than practical. India-Pakistan situation is a good reminder about their futility. Iran is too big to be intimated and you don’t understand their Shia culture of sacrifice.

Ashok Varma

US simply does not have the capability to start another war with $32 trillion debt and highest Covid 19 rate in the world and a dead economy. Iran called the American bluff and they blinked first.

Assad must stay

yes, US wasted so much money and fuel and what not for these stupid carriers hahahah, iran was once an empire like USSA and should not be tested


“”” On December 31st, the US Department of Defense decided to withdraw the only Navy aircraft carrier operating in the Middle East.”””

They realized the ship being a military liability instead of a useful one against Iranian drones and anti ship cruise missiles. They tried to intimidate N Korea the same way with 4 carriers, only for N Korea to stand tall and have retaliatory means to inflict significant pain.

Just Me

Gun boat diplomacy by bankrupt deadbeats does not work in 21st century.

Ashok Varma

Iran would have sent their gunboats to the bottom of the Persian Gulf with its immense missile power. Good that the US blinked first.

Ashok Varma

Indian RAW estimates that Iranians have at least half a dozen 10kt nuclear devices.


I don’t know that, maybe, maybe not.

Pave Way IV

You worded that a little oddly, Jesus. It (and the entire carrier group) are supposed to defend the Nimitz while it’s otherwise busy genociding Iran for Israel. I think it could successfully defend itself and prove ‘useful’ in that regard, but maybe not. I won’t get into a theoretical match over hypersonic this and R2D2 machine guns that.

It’s more fundamental then that – I just wouldn’t be willing to risk the lives of 5,000 sailors and their boats in order to have an extra airfield for a slaughter and endless occupation ordered by U.S. traitors for their rich Zionist masters. It’s extra baggage, unless they intend to sacrifice i.

Like every war criminal, Washington neocons and the Pentagon’s leadership is more than ready and willing to create rivers of blood in Iran. Then they have nothing. No exit plan, except recreating a psycho Savak 2.0 to control whatever new Iranian government we ‘approve’ of. Oh, and eternal occupation because… whatever. Kind of like Iraq and Afghanistan. Look how successful our Freedom through Misery and Death campaigns were, there! The people just love us.


The Aegis is not a combat proven system, Yemeni cruise missiles that attacked Saudi oil facilities were not detected, the range of aircraft deployed from Nimitz with proper armaments will not be to make deep sorties since the range of Iranian cruise missiles would keep the carrier further away than it would like to be. As far as land invasion bridgeheads forget about it, US has not deployed multiple division sized units since the Iraq war.

Todd Allen

Bravely taking to his feet He beat a very brave retreat Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin!

Tommy Jensen

A proof that America is a peace loving country, but also that we dont bow in to terrorists who wants to use WMD’s on innocent Americans on the United State of America’s own usury soil.


Oh Tommy. You’re such a pathetic joke.

Blas de Lezo

I think that is the tenth courier that became a covid operational casualtie.


Iran will need to buy some Bastion system from Russia to make a test on this US super carrier….


Run. … Run. US…Go home gringos…


nah it’s in preparation if things turn ugly on Jan 20th when the delusional exceptionalist trump is supposed to hand over the power to the senile successor biden. better be prepared if the military or the navy or the air-force decide to meddle in the handover.

Ivan Freely

No moar money. Even the Chinese money bags won’t loan them any more. LOL

Assad must stay

ahahhahaah what a complete waste of time for usa

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