Written by J.Hawk exclusively for SouthFront
Venezuela has the dubious fortune of being located on the continent of South America, which the United States has treated under the so-called “Monroe Doctrine” as its exclusive zone of political, economic, and military influence. In practical terms it meant that whenever a Latin American government pursued a policy at odds with Washington’s preferences, it would be subjected to measures ranging from economic sanctions to outright military invasion.
Latin America became one of the many battlefields of the Cold War when several countries sought to leave the US shadow and align themselves with USSR. The US retaliation was harsh, and included the support for the brutal military coup in Chile, training of “death squads” in Honduras and El Salvador, support for the so-called Contras in Nicaragua, not to mention the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Once the Cold War was over, however, a relative peace settled over the region, with Cuba remaining the only hold-out against US power. Even the coming to power of soft Marxist “pink wave” governments in Venezuela and Bolivia did not seem to overly ruffle Washington’s feathers. But the current escalation of the US campaign against Venezuela suggests a revival of US activism in the region.
“Energy Dominance”
One might as well cut to the chase and state the obvious: Venezuela is not only a member of OPEC, it is also a country with the world’s largest known oil reserves dwarfing those even of Saudi Arabia. It is no coincidence that pretty much every country that has been on the US “hit list” in the last decade or so—Libya, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Venezuela—is a major producer of hydrocarbons. Given that the global economy is utterly dependent on steady provision of hydrocarbons, US political control over these countries means a stranglehold over major industrial competitors to the United States, namely the EU and China. It also creates US jobs, once US oil companies establish control over the country’s oil fields. At the very least, should the effort to place the country under indirect US control fail, plunging it into chaos removes a competitor to struggling domestic US oil producers.
Monroe Doctrine Returns
The timing of the US escalation closely follows the visit by Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers to Venezuela during which the possibility of creating a Russian military base in the country was discussed by some media outlets. Given that Russia has by now established through the Syrian example that once Russian troops arrive in a country they are unlikely to leave no matter how great the US pressure, Washington may have decided to step up the pressure in the hopes of not only Russia but it’s other major competitor, China, from establishing themselves more firmly in the country. Russia’s Rosneft already has considerable presence in the Venezuela, assisting it with the development of its oil potential, and China has also made a number of investments in the country, though its economic footprint remains modest. Moreover, the US aggression against Venezuela sends a signal to the nearby Nicaragua, also a country facing increasing US political pressure, against pursuing a project of building a canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans with China’s support.
Thus far US actions consisted of economic sanctions and apparent coordination of coup attempts to be carried out by elements within Venezuela’s military and security forces. It is still difficult to make out what the Trump Administration’s recognition of Juan Guaido, the President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, as the country’s “interim president” was supposed to represent. Even by the standards of Trump’s current foreign policy team of Pompeo and Bolton, “recognition” of a claimant to supreme executive office who does not actually occupy said office is unprecedented. Not even in the case of Syria, where the US has been far more directly involved in attempting to overthrown its legitimate government, was any opposition leader “recognized” as the official representative of the country itself. Therefore one may conclude Guaido’s “recognition” was supposed to follow the military coup which Guaido probably promised and Washington clearly expected. It is also difficult to say whether Guaido overestimated the degree of his support within the military or outright lied to his American sponsors. Either way, the US intelligence community has once again failed at providing an accurate assessment of the situation within a country, as Venezuela’s military rallied around President Maduro.
Bay of Pigs 2
United States has thus painted itself into a corner. Guaido’s recognition, which was moreover coordinated with the bulk of Latin America’s countries and with the European Union (which likewise points to a wider though failed conspiracy to overthrow Venezuela’s government) cannot very well be walked back. Maduro’s continued presidency has now become a challenge to US power at least as great as Assad’s. One can therefore expect stepped up US efforts to overthrow Venezuela’s government, though it remains to be seen how far the US is willing to go. An outright US military invasion appears unlikely at the moment. The most recent such effort has been in Panama during the George H.W. Bush administration, a far smaller and easier to control country. There is no evidence of US intelligence services training Venezuelan expats in the manner of the “Bay of Pigs” invasion force or the Nicaraguan contras. However, Venezuela is bordered by two countries ruled by far-right politicians closely allied to the United States, Brazil and Colombia. In the wake of the failed US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and with the US military retooling itself for great power confrontations, the US modus operandi in the past several years has been to use proxy armies. These may take the form of non-state actors funded and armed by US intelligence agencies or of friendly states, as in the case of Saudi Arabia’s invasion of Yemen. One could readily imagine the Yemen model used against Venezuela, but this time with a “Brazil-led” coalition doing Washington’s dirty work.
Bargaining Chip?
Last but not least, one must consider the possibility of Venezuela being treated as a bargaining chip in some sort of negotiation with Russia and/or China in the delineation of the great powers’ spheres of influence. This would mark a de-facto return to the policy of compensations wherein the balance of power is preserved by major powers ceding parts of their empires to others in exchange for gains elsewhere. Thus, for example, Washington could approach Moscow and offer a “Venezuela for Syria” or even “Venezuela for Ukraine” bargain. While not out of the realm of possibility, it remains a difficult course of action to imagine for two reasons. The first is that there is little awareness of the limits of US power in Washington itself. The expectation is still of powering through any opposition. The second is that even if the offer were made, it would probably not be accepted in Moscow. Apart from the cost to Russia’s international image, the US at this point has very low credibility and trustworthiness.
Listen. This is more than anything a chance to swing Hispanic votes towards Trump in the 2020 election. Anyone who knows anything about the conditions in Venezuela know that things are terrible for the people there- Huge numbers of refugees, no food, long lines etc. All the Hispanic world knows it. It’s no secret. This is not to prep for an invasion. It’s more to demonstrate a certain solidarity with the Venezuelan masses which will, in turn, likely reverberate throughout the Hispanic voting public.
“Hispanic votes” Aaand it is also removing “bloody communists” from “US back yard” and screwing up Russia and China for their investment in Venezuela in the process….
Either way it turns out people will pay the highest price.
What Communists? Maduro et al are nothing more than criminals looting the state and continuing to do as everything collapses since the assholes fattened their wallets with the monies that should’ve been spent on oil field and refinery maintenance along with other critical infrastructure.
“What Communists?” Sorry I didn’t want to hurt your oversensitive feelings…it is bad for skin complexion… Well US gov, Trump would call him “COMMUNIST” normally huh?! So that “COMMUNIST”…whatever he really is I couldn’t care less.. He seams to have some support in population and in the army if not he would be removed long time ago….
So your perfect idea is to have US to do “looting” on enormous scale instead of Maduro maybe?! Or I am again not catching your comment right way again?
The football had more grey matter than this idiot.
Forest Gump would have been a better name for this Tom Hanks fan.
Go easy pal Forest Gump is my idol :-)
Billy is just grungy old man with ulcer on the wrong place Sever handicap to even come close to my happy friend Forest :-)
Go back to new york times ideoligically blind fool.
Venezuela’s economic problems are 100% because of us led sanctions.
Over the years our western media has clearly showed this process. From prosperity to rags, and announcing loudly every sanction regime.
I’m luckily old enough to have noticed this patter over and over.
You barf propaganda, paint it as humanitarian intervensionnism!!
After Lybia never again!!! You should be embarressed coming hear to preach to us like that.
Not a surprise to see hunger in a nation, when the US impose sanctions on its people.
What is surprising is people like you who are so in tune with US interests, that you fail to see that sanctions kill people, not political opponents.
If you want to show solidarity with the Venezuelans, then protest about US evil vices being exported around the world.
Who is helping Venezuala? Who has bitten off more than they can chew, owing to Trump needed to divert media headlines, owing to him ‘climbing down’ his campaign promises. How many has he achieved, in the last 2 years, to action?
This article goes well with the above. Not forgetting Turkey, an observer, like Iran in the SCO. Looks like Eurasia is tidying up things nicely, for us all, thank goodness.
Russia, China, India, & Iran: The Magic Quadrant That Is Changing The World…https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-25/russia-china-india-iran-magic-quadrant-changing-world
Nobody is helping Venezuela! Why help a country of lazy stupid losers? The peons are lazy and stupid. The military is certainly lazy and stupid. Their entire government on both sides have shit for brains and deserve each other.
Funny were describing america with the same adjectives!!
If the Venezuelans are pishing the US off, then they must be winning!
Fatboy Pom Pom has more chance of fitting into a suit, than at running a foreign policy.
Their laziness is their problem They don’t need “help” handouts… They have enough oil and gold to buy some help when needed. Anyway they will not have no new revolution… they are just to lazy for that ! :-))))))))))))))))) https://venezuelanalysis.com/files/images/bi2bxi4igaafkmx_0.jpg
USA and Britain are everywhere , where is possible stab and kill to legal goverment ! Has Venezuela problems ? O.K. we impose sanctions and organized mutiny !
I started off liking the article, then finding myself thinking of ‘soft psy ops’, owing to the change, by the time you reached the end.
‘… Either way, the US intelligence community has once again failed at providing an accurate assessment of the situation within a country, as Venezuela’s military rallied around President Maduro…’ – Guess that is what you get when you outsource 80% of your intelligence services to the private sector. Relying on the likes of ‘social media’ and ‘Belingcat’ to provide your intelligence.
I liked your last point!
The purpose of this “privitazation” is probably to circumvent freedom of information requests on governement files.
Its alsoa way to slush money into our leaders pockets…obviously. we are no.better than countries we regime change.
“…the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force stipulates the use of force against non-state militants, rather than nations like Iran–” Did the author really mean “stipulate”? Or did he mean “prohibit”, which would have made more sense?
Everything that happened in Venezuela last week was worked out in advance and staged, all kicking off on Monday-Tuesday when a small group of mid-ranking Military attempted a takeover of the Army with a spluttering coup that coughed and died so that by the time the White Wealthy President-in-waiting announced himself as the saviour of Venezuela and was greeted with a chorus of approval from psych-op-Bolton to Pompous to half-Pence, Trump’s coup was dead-on-arrival despite the best efforts of the British and French ……. although one would have thought that little-Britain’s Foreign Secretary and the idiot-savant in the Elysee Palace have more important matters to be thinking of at home than the freedom of the Venezuelan People and the $$$$$$-gushing spigot that is Venezuelan Oil ……… Meanwhile, US Sanctions have frozen $2.5 Billion in Cash belonging to Venezuela abroad with another £500 Million in Gold frozen by Bank of England …… say $3.3 Billion? More than enough to ensure there is loads of food on every table in every barrio in Venezuela except that even if the Venezuelan Government had the cash now in its pockets, America & FUKUS Coalition with their resident psychopaths-in-power seem hell-bent on ensuring they can wrest Venezuela’s Oil wealth away from the Venezuelan People for the benefit of Bankers in London Paris & New York. Then, on Thursday, the Army & all Armed Forces announced they were supporting Maduro and the Bolivarian Republic putting an end to the mutterings across our media about the stance that would be taken by the Armed Forces while, at the same time, our lovely media kept banging away that Maduro was finished and Venezuela a basket-case only capable of cure when the “President-in-waiting” took up Office and availed of $20 MILLION in food aid “offered” by Pompous-Pompeo ……… in return for which the idiot Presidente Loco (in waiting) opined that Venezuela’s main State Oil Company could be sold off to Vultures in Dallas and Houston to raise cash for the poor people of the favelas. Throughout the week, our media were as truthful and honourable as ever …….. we can now depend upon their truthfulness and the objective reality portrayed by them every day in print and every evening on our flickering screens but despite this and their breathless coverage, some going so far as to opine that President Maduro had less than 24 hours left of his Presidency (Fox) not one of them cared to mention that although there HAD been a huge pro-Opposition Demonstration on Wednesday in Caracas, leading to shootings on the streets (by masked gunmen and NOT by Policia ….. as evidenced in clips on MSNBC / NBC / ABC / FOX / BBC / Channel 4 News UK / France 24 & others ……. but Shhhh! don’t mention this) and a rising death toll, there was an even larger HUGE pro-Government, pro-Maduro Rally held on Thursday …….. it might as well have happened on the dark side of the Moon for all the coverage this got on our screens. And then, finally, on Friday evening, we learned that the truly psychopathic Abrams had been appointed as Trump’s “Special Envoy for Venezuela” : one would have thought that he would remain in whatever well-padded ($$$$) think-tank he fetched up in post Dubya but no, the ever persuasive Bolton prised him away from the loot and pressed him back into service on behalf of the Empire so to ensure that Houston & New York together with their shills in Paris & London would assume ownership of Venezuela’s Oil Wealth while simultaneously switching off the hyper-inflation and allowing food to get back into the Country. This is the week that was. Another Demonstration is planned for today on behalf of the “el Presidente-in-waiting” and we will see how things progress with this before we can truly end the week saying that the Bolivarian Government of Maduro has survived. For the time-being at least …………. although a few well-placed CIA men (+women) may well get in the way of a peaceful demonstration thereby ensuring conflagration throughout Saturday night and the hoped-for turning of the Military’s heads overnight so that, by Sunday evening, President Maduro is no more. A few well-placed Russian paras may well have a response in mind for this having regard to the numbers of passengers flying between Caracas and Moscow this past few days. If the US Empire is allowed to get away with this latest display of Democracy Bullshit ……. I doubt it will, we can say goodbye to South America being anything other than an oil & $$$$$ producing spigot for the coming 30 years with all those brown-skinned people remaining in the favela while White Caucasian Americans and Europeans continue to Rule the World ……. and thereby depriving China of it’s future Supplies of oil. Grate Weak
Very good summary. I would add that the opposition is strongest also in the big cities where all the foreign journos are stationed (hence even the visuals are a bit distorted as to public support for coup, and even these subjective data indicate failure). I suspect patriotic support in countryside is much greater (and this is under-reported). Also, a large part of the military I expect come from the land, as opposed to the city.
The fact that Russian security was deployed MONTHS ago shows that the Russians are on the ball this time (vis a vis Maidan coup).
Not sure what the situation is in Venezuela regarding western NGOs but Maduro should kick them all out.
I just read that some Russia private contractors, some 400 of them, have touched down in Venezuela in the last few hours. https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-russian-military-contractors-allegedly-arrive-in-venezuela/
Yeah I read that too its the Wagner group the same outfit that was involved in Syria.
Thnx, my laptop has not been able to load AMN for some weeks (probably being blocked).
Dubious source some say.
When the ‘Some’ are Zionists, we know who not to trust Tommy :)
You’d better had read the article instead of jumping on your high hopes, the ‘Some zionists’ (Reuters) were reporting the Russian contractors in Venezuela.
Well they were quoting Reuters, which is a proven unreliable source.
Deport all Americans British French and Israelis. It will clean the air.
people are starving ,dont have medicine and you are talking about politics?
The Trump administration caused the lack of food by putting sanctions on Venezuela. The Trump administration has caused the decline of Venezuela, As I’ve seen many times. The US is now called THE UNITED STATES OF SANCTIONS.
you are talking about a huge country that has enormous quantitys of oil. you say that it cant feed its own people? in Cuba they survived decades of sunctions…they dint starve to death, they had a decent way of life, simple but proud. simple….the leaders of Venezuela are nothing but short minded fools that want to play super-hero against US….
A rare day on SF to read a comment from a mentally mature person… Bravos!
Don’t tell me that you had no clue, until you watched this video, how the world ever ran :)
easy way to blame the usual suspects…..let me say this once again….US ,and the Axis of evil, rules the world…you (the leader of a coutry) deside to stand up to them. it takes a lot of planning and expert knowledge of how global economy works. what venezuela has?a bunch of fools that think they have the magic wand and dominate the world. do you really belive a bus driver can stand up to the ‘axis of evil’?he is just an amateur football player playing in the premier league….
“people are starving”One thing you have to keep in mind is that the US zionazi neocons do not give a damn about peoples suffering. Just remember what happened with the US bringing “democracy” to Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc just to name a few. To bring “democracy” (according to the US) is to kill hundreds of thousands, millions of people and leave the country and its infrastructure in ruins.
true true, no argument there……im just not talking about the US. im talking about those brain dead ‘leaders’ Venezuela has that are totally over their heads. its not about wh o is right or wrong. US is an evil power indeed but the case remains….Venezuela is facing humanitarian crisis and US as the least to blame…..
Now FUKUS will do fail struggle to train and finance terrorists and militants in Venezuela as they are doing in other parts of the world.
You’re a fucking idiot! Maduro has no support other than his corrupt military that’ll be willing to slit Maduro’s throat if they receive assurances of not being arrested for criminal activities and losing their ill-gotten gains.
Your the fucking idiot! Yes Maduras is no angel, we get that! But the fucking US is no angel either, more like the devil in disguise. The US government, the City of London Banking Cartel and others are carving up vulnerable countries like Venuzuela, installing sock puppet leaders that they can control, then in come the big western corporations and pillage the countries infrastructure and resources, banking institutes impose strict lending laws that affect the common people (ie. “austerity measures to bring the country out of debt”) and basically the whole country becomes a vassel which owes its loyalty to the western interests that put it in place, because ‘we saved your ass so you owe us”. Geez FFS dude most of us on here know full well what the fuck is going here. Don’t treat us with contempt by ad hominem attacks on commentators that have a far more grasp of how the world really works. The official line that the US tells the world and the mainstream media is nothing more than utter bullshit!! The paper they write this crap is on only good for wiping your ass with. Most of us on here are well aware of how the US government works, how it lies to everyone, keeps the true agenda secret, and renegs on deals. Don’t dictate to us about anything. This is a US orchestrated coup d’état through and through and there is nothing you or any other person can say to us that will change our opinions of this. We are well versed in the US governments history and modus operandi of foreign country interference under the guise of democracy and freedom.
Excellent summation this is exactly how predatory imperial capitalism works US style.
Exactly! U$A is a satanic, pro-ISIS shithole!
Well said. Also the americans have been open about their intentions for a while. Bill retort is weak and based.on media lies!
Hey Luke, great summation. And one point you made that is really worth repeating here: ” “Most of us on here are well aware of how the US government works, how it lies to everyone, keeps the true agenda secret, and renegs on deals.”
Yep. And I really believe that the majority in America really does know what’s going on, despite media claims to support Zionist wars. It is media job to keep us divided but the reality is quite different 100 million did not vote in 2016. This is the largest voting bloc in the US. These people when forced to choose between the lesser of two evils chose NEITHER. It is also media’s job to keep us thinking that the whole country is divided. When in reality it is just the two party cult following that is divided. More & more becoming skeptical and disgusted with media as it hyperventilates from one subject to the next. We are far less divided than people are PROGRAMMED to believe.
Kelli, earlier this morning I tried to tell the chairman of the Minnesota Democratic Party why many of us no longer vote for them. He was more interested in arguing his viewpoint than listening to a citizen. He seems to genuinely believe that Assad is a brutal dictator who has massacred thousands of his people.
lets see what is the result of the Us war……against Venezuela…..a country crippled with peple starving, no medicine nothing…..they have oil production that has declined to almost half….a country in ruins…..the have lost.isnt it obvious?what has their leader done?the us media says that the daughter of Tsaves has a fortune on bnks abroad ,of course. talking about billions…..Maduro has enforced dictatorship and tried to solve the problem by militirizing the food market….forced companies to sell below cost…..a recipy for disaster…..he is very little in a game that demands genious level politicians. he is no Putin, no Assad, no Erdojan. if you want to be a leader you have to have the brains as well as the guts…..
Clearly Bill you are the idiot if you dont see this is just another US regime change operation in the making & all the usual chaos which goes with it.
Assurances, like from Guido, as the Imperialists call him?
Desperate plea from a flea more like.
So sayeth you Bill, but no more.
One must admire his obstinacy! He ignores trivial obstacles of logic and common sense and create whole new reality for himself :–)))))))
He is probably paid to do that :)
Lucky for him that those idiots don’t know that he is addicted on that He would do that even for free.. :-)
The US Evil Empire needs another lesson in the limits of its power and the perils of global domination. How are the “Assad must go” farts going? Now the US and EU ignoranus “leaders” will fart “Maduro must go”. It is high time for the free nations of the world to plug the excretory holes of the US Evil Empire and its slave states. NO MORE REGIME CHANGES!
You are the perfect American, ignorant rude coarse and untrustworthy.
Well said! Hear hear!
Nicely put
Great Analysis! Thank you!
Gregory, at the risk of overstating my thumbs-up to your excellent comment. It is: a Tour de Force
“it might as well have happened on the dark side of the Moon for all the coverage this got on our screens”
I’m sure that China would make transmission from the “dark side of the Moon” and we would all know what is happening!
Intelligent, witty and well written report, thanks lot! What refreshment to read something sumptuous and intelligent (for once) ! BTW …You most definitely do not belong here…far above this forum standards.
We can also look forward to more migrants fleeing to our borders. So while Jew Zionist Trump dog whitsles his racist base about a wall, he, at the same time, validates Bolton Jew psychopath regime change that would only aggravate the situation at our bordeeb Abrams a disgusting criminal kike who participated in the slaughter of El Salvadorans. A GW Bush reject warmonger brought out of retirement by Bolton to oversee the slaughter of Venezuelans Who chose a President the US doesn’t like. I’m not a fan of Maduro but iIhope he wins against US regime change. AlskAJuan I’d a fucking asshat. Suddenly declaring himself President, brought out of relative obscurity with big Bolton desperate Jew money to foment a color revolution for regime change in their country How do Venezuelans not see what is happening and who is really to blame?? An announced regime change on TV’s everyshefs everywhere and a media pushing demonizing of Maduro to get public consent for war on Venezuela. Juan should be imprisoned for treason along with his homies then every Jew psychopath like Bolton and Abrams hung from lamp posts also charged with treason for working for a foreign power.
Venezuela has a population of 40million. divide 3.3billion and you get an amount of 82.5$. with that amount you will end hunger in the whole country?for how long?a day? a month?a year? corruption is the main issue. people taking over key posistions in the government that have no idea how to run a country. its not only money. its organizing the economy, make the right adjustments when needed. forcing companies to sell below their cost to feed your population is not the solution. is the beggining of the collapse.
Don’t worry about China, in 30 years they will have Siberia with all its resources.
Caucasions are whites. Another common pleonasm is “white anglo-saxon”.
In Latin America generally, it is a case of “if you’re white, you’re right.’ The indigenous or mestizo elements are mostly ruled by descendents of the Spanish conquest or by white immigrants with fortunes. Essentially these countries are plutocracies. Their children are educated abroad, and their acculturation is the modern West. The natives are viewed as inferior, and their culture only receives a perfectly hypocritical lip service.
One of the many mind-boggling tidbits coming out of this article is the supposition that US officials are interested in VZ’s vast oil reserves as opposed to humanitarian concerns, I mean, Plumpeo himself offered the people of VZ humanitarian aid totaling the gargantuan sum 20 million USD’s (we are talking whole MILLIONS here, enough to purchase as much as 1/8th of an F35 jet ‘aircraft’). That I think speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
“gargantuan sum of 20 million”
“20 million” for the population and 10 times that for every member of the government and high command officer who accepts offer is more likely true offer. (but they will not say that in public)
Also my guess is that “20 million” is far from final offer even for the population… They are just “fishing” Starting with small sum of money to see the reaction. Dollar is just printed paper….
The generous fist-full of dollares named by the corpulent US State D. head amounts to as much as 63 United States cents (0.63 USD), or 2.37 Polish Zlotys per capita! In Ukrainian terms, 27 whole hrivny PLUS 63 Ukrainian kopeks!!! And this tidy sum for merely control over the world’s largest crude oil reserves???
Congratulations. You have discovered single-handedly that for miserable few billions of US dollars they can buy elites and leadership of the country on the brink of the total collapse. And get their hands on the enormous rich resources of that country by that banal operation. It is not only that every sold bastard would get hundreds of millions but they would also participate with U.S. in spoliation of the country. Remember Russia maybe?
As they have said in some bad Hollywood movie; “Everybody is for sale, the question is only the right price” The ONLY question is are those in charge of Venezuela for SALE or not. That is the only question
You’re a fucking idiot! The US interested in Venezuela’s oil? The US buys 1/3 of Venezuela’s daily production and has for decades! The US sends aid to the Venezuelans that left their shithole country for Columbia, Brazil and Guyana. Those that stayed home get to enjoy the benefits of Socialism at it’s best where the leaders feast and the peasants get to eat their shit. Maduro probably will die like a dog out in public then have his body strung up on display.
You’re a fucking idiot! The US interested in Venezuela’s oil? The US buys 1/3 of Venezuela’s daily production and has for decades! The US sends aid to the Venezuelans that left their shithole country for Columbia, Brazil and Guyana. Those that stayed home get to enjoy the benefits of Socialism at it’s best where the leaders feast and the peasants get to eat their shit. Maduro probably will die like a dog out in public then have his body strung up on display.
Billy you are pain in buttocks reactionary poodle. How about getting civil in the most splendid capitalist manner? I am sure that Ronald Mc Donald Reagan will be proud of you if you do that!
I just blocked the twat, its easier :)
I hear you and I understand you perfectly. But since I have just met Billy today we are in love-hate relationship :-))) I guess we didn’t have much time to start to hate each other really in such short notice. But let as be patient it will come I am sure our hate for each other will mature soon ;-)))
Bill always seems to pop up when the debate is critical of the US Deep State’s humanitarian record and its lust for other peoples wealth :)
Oh I see What is his it only belongs to him but what is ours also only belongs to him and to his beloved PRECIOUSSS Deep State :-))) Showing rudimentary sign of intelligence typical for lower mammals and small domestic animals :-))))
Quiet facist!
You regime change days under guise of humanitarian operations are over.
How stupid do you think we are, your using the excact same language as before Lybia. We say never again!!!
Fix your own goddamned country first.
Your own governement is shut down because your gov cant agree on how much money to print this year, how much debt burden to be passed on to our children. Yet yoy have the audacity to go overthrow another country’s gov?
You guys are fucking nuts….looking for trouble look in the mirror instead of blaming others
Fix our own goddamned country first? Sorry, there’s no money to do that. Even if there were, we don’t “throw money” at problems. Well, except for the Pentagon.
“The US sends aid to the Venezuelans that left their shithole country for Columbia, Brazil and Guyana.” You don’t buy this concern for refugees, do you? Funny how these refugees were created by the US policy of sanctions and regime change in the first place. I really hope and pray that some of these “refugees” now cross the Trump wall on the US border and reach your home, and bring some South American goodies to teach you a few lessons on the work of the US Evil Empire. How many “refugees” would you like to live with you, dear? Please, no more crocodile tears!
So my nation’s sovereignty for an F35 tire?
Who can say no to such a good deal?
Kids always want more candy. Thats why we start at $20 million and await the whining and howling for more candy than that……………………..LOL. Funny man.
Is it a new tyre :
Yet not enough for one Big Mac for all the people ov Venezuela :)
“Venezuela for Ukraine” In your dreams maybe! Ukraine is not for sale ever !
Ukrainian population hate the FUKUS politicians and regimes. This is the Ukraine regime that are stooges of FUKUS.
the more than destitute states of america is seriously short on successes in he international arena and desperately needs a win, and when serious a..sholes iike pompous and syphilitics like a mentally deranged bolton are let loose, expect more snafus (situation normal all fucked up) and deaths and murders and devastation disregarding any human values which is something which can’t be allowed to stand in the way when the moronic states of america is claiming to do something right in the name of freedom, in the name justice in the name of equality and in the name of life. what can go wrong? well, everything can and will go wrong.
China and Russia should use “ Tupelov diplomacy” to protect their investments in Venezuela. A battalion of Russian and Chinese airborne forces to protect their investments from sabotage or destruction, and help to sharpen Venezuelan S300 defenses.
China and Russia should help the people of Venezuela to solve their hunger problem. they should provide food, medicine and mechanics to help the oil production reach high levels again. they should help organize a counry that is in ruins because of the us ecomic war and because of poor leadership. war is not an option….its the tombstone
Yes I agree, I was saying that Russian and Chinese presence would deter American military aggression.
trust me the US will not take a single step against them. They have their own problems to deal with……Trump is on his own in the leadership game in US, lost big time in Syria etc….he will bark but wont bite.
Like Erdogan, the Coup missed. History recounts what happened next for US efforts in Syria; they died. So it will be in Venezuela. I am not a fan of the government in Venezuela but, it is their country and they need to decide what goes on there. Let them work it out.
What I don’t like and I see in the article, is that per normal, the media way over steps the pull of the US in current day politics here. I live in Santa Catarina Brasil and can see a bit of how things go. Brasil’s main concern seems to be what goes on around their borders. They could care less about international stuff, unless it is economic in nature, something directly pertaining to their country. Further, they just don’t do war fellas.
There is a common recognition, from he simple folks to the elite that, the US is a dying empire ( Estates Unidos está chained ). This is not the 1960s. Nobody is going be pressured to go along with BS from Washington. Those days are gone. I wish the media would acknowledge it. My take, I wish well to all.
John, unfortunately, you are overlooking the brute fact that msm is owned and controlled by the same gangsters that own and control the US of A
Right on Redadmiral! Zionist dominated corporate controlled mainstream media.
Hi Red. They don’t care what he MSM thinks down here, when they can clearly see with their own eyes.
Columbia (a relatively compliant state) already announced it will not host US forces versus VZ. This seems to parallel your view.
I am surprised with the “democratic” behavior of Trump and the rest. Send some thousands of troops and assassinate Maduro and the socialist Chief of the army. That’s the way to secure the oil for the American companies. How they dare to sell cheap oil to communist Cuba. Ok stop shooting me I guess you see the sarcastic tone lol
Ukraine for Venezuela?.. to change a beggar state for a country which has the world largest oil reserve beside Gold, Diamonds,Coltan,Uranium…no thanks!
That’s a good point. :)
Possibly, but the US would cheat, they always cheat. Believing America is like leaving a mouse in the care of a snake. It’s in their nature to lie and cheat.
Southfront is a good page, but its analysis of events in Venezuela is total garbage. President Maduro is an unpopular hood who hold on to power only through the control of the army. The protests against him are completely organic and desperate attempts of the starving people of Venezuela to return wealth and prosperity to once upon a time the richest nation in Latin America. If the situation does not resolve with his removal, there will be extreme violence and poverty for generations. This conspiracy talk of cia agents behind the protests totally misses the reality of what is happening on the ground. Russia would do well, to find a way to make friends with the new government, and swap its interests in Venezuela for American involvement in Ukraine and Syria.
Do you live in Venezuela? If not how do you know Maduro is a hood? Is your information from reliable sources, like the ones that exposed Iraqi nuclear weapons?
I have lived in Venezuela. My information is first hand. People that protest in Venezuela are students, professionals and just starving citizens. I spoke with them, spent time with them, watched them starve, and sell their possessions for nothing to feed their starving children. People hunt zoo animals, pigeons, cats in a city that use to be called the New York of Latin America. Russia is making a mistake supporting Maduro, they need to pick a side that will have long term potential, a future with Venezuelan people.
“watched them starve” And did nothing?
As for a future, there can be no future for any Latin American country as long as the USA is milking the continent dry.
Do you think I am jesus? was i suppose to turn air into bread and fish? Weird how Maduro cant even turn oil into food for his people, but somehow manages to line his pockets. You are ridiculous, and your character assassination attempts are pathetic.
The USA will not allow Venezuela to buy food, or medicine. The US always starves its victims, the US killed half a million Iraqi children with exactly the same tactics as they are using in Venezuela.
If the USA loses its power over the world, most American politicians and military officers will be executed for their horrendous crimes against humanity.
You don’t know what you are talking about. The reason venezuela can’t buy food is because a fool named Chavez destroyed the currency, it has nothing to do with the United States. The fool Maduro has only made matters worse. Your comments are ridiculous trolling. How delusional are you? the fact is that every person in venezuela wants Maduro gone. He can’t hang on to power for long. Unlike Assad, Maduro is not a popular man. The only reason he hasnt resigned is because the narco cartel that runs venezuela will kill him and his family. Cuban intelligence runs Venezuela. If Russia hopes to have any future in Venezuela, they have to drop Maduro like a hot potato.
So you deny that the US has sanctioned Venezuela? Obviously if you are right, these documents by the US Department of State must be false. https://www.state.gov/e/eb/tfs/spi/venezuela/
The US destroyed the Bolivar, just like it destroyed the currencies of Russia and Turkey. That’s why the free world is moving to gold, you simply cannot allow a despotic regime like the USA govern world trade.
As for drugs, since the USA took over drug enforcement in Columbia, Cocaine production has sky rocketed, and other drug barons can’t compete against American efficiency.
US sanctions many countries, most of them dont starve. you are talking idiot nonsense. I am not sure you have ever been in venezuela, or have the faintest idea about what is happening there. Bolivar was destroyed by the policies of the Chavez and maduro regime, an obvious consequence of printing money and running large deficits. Frankly, i do not find your perspective interesting, best of luck with your propaganda.
“Do you think I am jesus?” No I think your moses.
obviously, you are not very smart.
Wagner is not enough if other latin american states invade venezuela and if some generals side with the opposition. I think a lot may still be happening in the background to ensure a military betrayal. Instead of more guns, what is needed is more intelligence work. This time, south america is logistically far from Russia. Expect more rallies and shootings, then claims that the president is murdering his people or withholding an election.
An hour ago I’d called ZH a limited hangout and got banned instantly. WOW!
lets all agree about what the article and the commentators below are right……US wants to dominate the world bla bla bla…..all right…..but if you want to stand up to them you have to have 2 things. Support of your people (leaders that inspire them) and a bunch of politicians than know how things work globally……in Venezuela Tsaves had the support as he inspired his people….all right in the start but when the war broke out (economic sunctions etc) it was obvious that he and the other beside him were over their heads. he was a partriot ,a soldier, loved his country. But the game is much more complicated. imagine how much better a bus driver could have accompliced. nothing. all this are good material for the leftish fiction novels….’a farm boy, a bus driver ,that took over the leadership and tranfrmed his country to a global superpower’. in real life things are a bit taugher. Unfortunatelly there is only one Putin on earth. All other leaders are kindergarten material compared to him.
Wars and unrest in Ukraine Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Venezuela, Myanmar, Philippines, Afghanistan etc. What is the common denominator in all these diverse wars? The United State of America. The whole world suffers because of one country, kill America and you save the world.
This can be bay of dead Zionistic pigs.