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Venezuela & Iran Won 1st Round Of Tanker Standoff With United States

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Venezuela & Iran Won 1st Round Of Tanker Standoff With United States

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It appears that Round 1 of the latest confrontation between the US, Venezuela and Iran has concluded with a victory for the allied forces of the Resistance. While the arrival of the first of five Iranian vessels carrying petroleum to Venezuelan waters, where it was met by an escort provided by the Venezuelan Navy and Air Force, will no doubt be portrayed by many as a humiliation for Trump given his bellicose statements and threats over the last week, the US decision to not intercept the first vessel could also be interpreted as a small step towards reason, maintaining the possibility at least of a return to diplomacy in the future.

The arrival late on Saturday night of the first of the Iranian vessels transporting gasoline to cover a severe fuel shortage in the South American country following several years of unilateral US sanctions is the result of one of many cooperation agreements between both nations that cover various sectors, including energy. Earlier this month the two countries signed agreements related to tourism and commercial interactions, supplementing previous agreements including for the production of tractors and unarmed drones in Venezuela.

The four other ships completing the fuel shipment, Petunia, Forrest, Faxon and Carnation, are expected to arrive over the next couple of days.

The arrival of Fortune to Venezuela’s Exclusive Economic Zone occurred without incident and the boat was met by the Venezuelan navy. The crew of the Venezuelan escort ship Yekuana thanked the Persian nation for the support it is providing to Venezuela in its fight against the US blockade.

Telesur shared on Twitter the welcoming words, in which it was recalled that both Venezuela and Iran are being affected by the application of coercive, unilateral, arbitrary and illegal measures imposed by the United States.

“In accordance with maritime law, international law, and naval agreements, and as a gesture of friendship, we will accompany you under the protection of our escort to your destination port,” the official greeting confirmed.

“Venezuela and Iran continue to be points of reference for revolutionary processes in Latin America and the world. We are sure that with the cooperation and solidarity of the Iranian people we will advance together to guarantee the full freedom and happiness of our sister nations,” the Venezuelan official added.

In response, the Iranian crew thanked the Venezuelans for their warm welcome and stated: “Your message is well received for me and my crew… Thank you very much for your support and I hope everything ends safely and calmly.”

The Iranian vessel is heading to the port of the El Palito refinery, located in the municipality of Puerto Cabello, on the shores of Carabobo state.

The Guardian noted in a related report that although Iranian President Hassan Rouhani had warned the US Iran would respond to any attempt to intercept the shipment, he also added:

“Iran will never initiate a conflict. We have always the legitimate right to defend our sovereignty and territorial integrity and to serve our national interests, and we hope that the Americans will not commit an error.”

The New York Times meanwhile repeated the claims that the fuel shortages in Venezuela are a result of ‘corruption and mismanagement by the socialist administration’ rather than the US’ sanctions and blockade, however if this were the case the sanctions and blockade would hardly be necessary. The report also states:

“Maduro holds on to power with support from Venezuela’s military and his international allies, also including Cuba, Russia, and China. The U.S. says these nations are engaged in “malign activities and meddling” around the world.

“We will not abide by their support of the illegitimate and tyrannical regime of Nicolás Maduro,” the Trump administration said in a statement, citing its “maximum pressure” campaign against the socialist leader. “Will continue until Maduro’s hold on Venezuela is over.”

Such statements take on a surreal quality when compared to Trump’s relations with countries such as Saudi Arabia, suggesting the real concern of the US warmongers is not democracy and the welfare of the Venezuelan people but the US leaderships’ geopolitical and economic interests.

Meanwhile, the US has taken another major step in its campaign of maximum pressure against Venezuela with the illegal expropriation of Citgo, a major producer and distributor of gasoline in the US.

The Venezuelan government condemned the decision of the District Court of Delaware regarding the forced judicial sale of the shares of the Citgo company, owned by PDVSA (the Venezuelan State-owned oil company), as constituting an act of modern piracy.

Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza released an official statement declaring that the judicial sentence is evidence of a plan by the Trump administration to confiscate the assets of the Venezuelan people and its PDVSA, in this instance using the deputy of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, as an accomplice. Guaidó proclaimed himself president of Venezuela last year during a street protest, a theatrical gesture that received the immediate support of the Trump administration.

“For such purposes, they have delegated to the deputy Juan Guaidó and his accomplices the establishment of a fraudulent representation of the Republic and PDVSA, which is not only illegal, but is to the detriment of the national interest, for the benefit of interventionist intentions.”

Arreaza warned that faced with this act of arbitrariness and modern piracy, those who have investments in the United States should remain vigilant, as the case is indicative of the actions that the US Government is willing to carry out, even in contravention of international and domestic law, to impose their interests on strategic foreign investments.


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Lets hope these tankers get home safely though & not have any accidents

Zionism = EVIL

They will be fine, believe me. In any case, Venezuela needed refined gasoline and Iran delivered. despite Americunt and Zionist yelping. If you guys remember just a decade ago Iran barely had any refining capacity, but total it has four major refineries now and is one of the largest producer of POL (petroleum, oil an lubricants), mostly thanks to Dr. Ahmadinejad and his forward thinking.

Simon Ndiritu

Ahmadinejad is a genius politician, tactician & academician and greatly strengthened Iran’s position. Of note, Iran got nuclear technology under his rule.Also, his team greatly contributed to JCPOA which was a Landmark agreement before Trump and other deluded Clowns joined the fray. Unlike elsewhere, he returned to lecturing after his political career to give back to country men, for comparison, Western leaders do not return to contribute to their societies. Instead, they join ‘international’ organizations like the Atlantic councils, NATO or corrupt foundations (Clinton eg). In most African countries, politicians do not retire while others live organizing protests of civil wars. I also saw this trend with Georgia especially with Saakashili who left presidency and became a noise maker arranging protests both at home and in Ukraine.

Zionism = EVIL

Dr. Ahmadinejad knew the language these cowards understand.

Simon Ndiritu

True, he was playing a (very) long game and the effects of his actions are benefiting his country now, surprising those that thought they won.

Swift Laggard II

i am very sure if ahmadinejad was in power, they would never have dared to touch soleimani

Zionism = EVIL

100% correct. To deal with Americunt cowards and Zionist parasites you have to deal with a position of strength. No one even in Iran takes the pot bellied fool Rouhani seriously. After Khamenei, the Sepah will put some real hardliner in power and Iran will test a nuke.

Simon Ndiritu

That needs to happen, there is a need to have a smart, intelligent and a firm person leading Iran.


I travel to Iran frequently, and the people actually running Iran are highly educated technocrats. Iran is a large powerful country with many factions, but all of them are nationalistic and united when it comes to Iranian security.

Simon Ndiritu

Under Ahmadinejad, heads would have surely rolled, they (Iranians) would have paid back commensurately. I Soleimanis case, Iranians needed to handle the story like the previous case of oil tankers; a tanker-for-a-tanker. Therefore, the US should have paid with a top commander in the region or 100 minions and would never consider assassinating another Iranian commander.


Iran had passed on a very firm and clear message via Qatar that US bases will be hit if there is any interference and this time it will more than a brain concussion.

Simon Ndiritu

Good, Iranians need to defend their right to sell oil and other products to every willing buyer. I think is is a turning point as Iranians are more emboldened to legitimately sell their output. The only problem is that some (most) nations have been whipped to rejecting products from Iran. When more nations agree to purchase Iranian products based on quality and costs, the US and other terrorists wont interfere.

Concrete Mike

This is where wild card china should step in.

China can buy all the Irani petroleum products it wants, and can protect its shipments .

Lets see what the chinese do.

Simon Ndiritu

It is interesting to see what the Chinese will do

Zionism = EVIL

Firstly my friend, General Qassem Soleimani would still be alive, if Dr. Ahmadinejad was in power.

Simon Ndiritu

We would also like to see the remaining tankers arriving and being offloaded safely. In the medium run, deeper cooperation allowing Iran to sell petroleum, industrial technologies and even arms to Venezuela is desirable. Venezuela should in return repair its petroleum industry and increase agricultural production and sell surplus to Iran


Iran has shown a very steady hand and proven its global reach. This large tanker convoy will stabilize Venezuelan economy as The oil refineries need In alkylation, low molecular weight compounds, such as propylene and butylene, that are mixed in the presence of a catalyst such as hydrofluoric acid or sulfuric acid (a by-product from removing impurities from many oil products), treating units and hundreds of pieces of out of service equipment to bring them back on line again. Due to sanctions the Venezuelans don’thave access to these to keep their refineries running. Iranian oil tankers (in addition to refined fuel) are also bringing in these chemicals/ equipment and also Iranian refinery specialists and engineers to help Venezuela get its refineries up and running again. In addition the refined diesel and gasoline is needed as many refineries haven’t been operating for many months and there is an immediate need for fuel at the gas pumps.


US is having enough problems and should be looking at the mess at home as a failed state.


Zionism = EVIL

As I wrote earlier, the Americunts and their Zionist masters are thugs and cowards but understand their limitations, any interference would have brought massive Iranian retaliation in the Persian Gulf, Iraq and Syria and as we all know the Americunt dumbasses are dying in the streets, thanks to Pimpeovirus and are also in their infinite idiocy trying to destroy China. A shooting war with the Persian Lion is the last thing they need as it will be the end of Zionist cancer.

Liberal guy

How about there black ops teams like navy seals and blah blah blah still i have seen their heroics only in Tom clancys novel and video games and pro Yankee novels and in Hollywood like their black ops teams comes in covert in Russian and Iranian bases and put dynamites or their Los Angeles class nuclear powered submarines crosses the artic and torpedoed Russian made kilo class submarines near China.

Zionism = EVIL

Fuck the stupid lardass Americunts, enjoy the Venezuelan airforce saluting the Iranians.


Liberal guy

Hahahahaha I think u r right they only have talks


Iran is though. If Russia had that balls, the world was looking a lot different.

Zionism = EVIL

Russia can never act as a great power with balls until a Jew cunt like Putin is in charge and takes orders from the Zionist oligarchs. Just look at the mess in Syria and Libya. And this problem dates back to the USSR and its half hearted attempt in Afghanistan.

Ashok Varma

Russia is a great nation with historically corrupt leadership, Putin is just a tool of the oligarchs and his US “partners”. Iran on the other hand is an old civilization and knows the game of nations.

Swift Laggard II

hahahaaaa. I said many times here russi is a weak nation and putdin is a tsioznist and i was grossly insulted by very many here. Russi will always stab you in the back, thy are double dealers, and any nation relying on them for security is doomed.



Swift Laggard II

lol. go convince the birds. anyone who has studied russi can tell in advance their ten next weak moves in any quagmire. is not my feeling, it is just what i have seen over many years looking at russi policy and actions in foreign and defence ventures. never ever trust or rely in russi, they will betray you. double dealers per excellence


More baloney.

Swift Laggard II

lol. go to bed and stop wasting our time


likewise Mr. Baloney.

Swift Laggard II

hey kid, this is a forum for adults. we don’t entertain stup1dity here


pffft, hot air huh? Stupidity and ignorance. I was probably wearing the mean green before you were born, so go shove it. If you want to make outer space comments, tehy will be commented on. you are the Newbee at the moment. So take a hike.


Putin is indeed undermining Russian prestige globally with very confused polices that undermine Russian interest and reliability.


All big powers are back stabbers when they sign accords with smaller nations


It is known as imperialism or the law of the jungle.

Wayne Nicholson

“If Russia had that balls, the world was looking a lot different.”

True dat ….. just remind me why Russia is supposed to be fighting the world’s battles?

They did that for awhile …. back when they were an ideologically driven communist state and even then the ideologues like Trotsky who wanted to spread world revolution were hunted down and sent to the gulag or killed while Stalin pushed the ‘communism in one nation’ isolationist foreign policy.

Russia’s doesn’t even share an ideology with Iran and Venezuela any more yet here you are saying that Russians should be spending blood and treasure changing the world for them. I like movies too however in real life Russia isn’t the pantomime villian.


Indeed and the Atlantic is a dangerous Ocean. Only nuts adventures there. What if Trump ordered to stop the flotila? Better safe than sorry. There is nothing more ugly than a bloody nose, especially yours.

Wayne Nicholson

What if Trump ordered to stop the flotila?

They could just skulk back to their lairs like evildoers in a Hollywood movie …. or the Venezuelan navy could launch on the US navy and / or iran could launch on US assets in the gulf to force Trump’s hand.

The question going through Trumps mind is would this make him look presidential going into an election or will will he be seen as a big mouthed bumbling fool who got himself into a self inflicted war against well armed adversaries with populations firmly united against him.

Both Venezuela and Iran would be tough nuts to crack ….. way worse than Vietnam. There is no al Queda, ISIS or anyone else they could use as proxies and the Columbians want nothing to do with this fight. And …. in Venezeula’s case it would create a refugee storm in the midst of a pandemic.

OTOH if he was successful you’d have Trump claiming he’s the best military leader since Subutai and killed thousands of venezuelans and iranians with his bare hands resulting in a flood of money from supporters.

There is the third option where Trump does nothing because it’s within iran’s rights to sell oil to Venezuela and the USA is breaking international law by trying to board the ships let alone stop them.


“or the Venezuelan navy could launch on the US navy“ launch what, bananas?

Wayne Nicholson

Banana’s, pineapples or KH-31’s launched from their SU-30’s. I think I would likely go with the nifty KH-31’s over bananas …. although a banana travelling at mach speed will leave a mark if it hits you a KH-31 travelling at mach 3.5 leaves more of a gaping hole and a wall of flame throughout the ship which would be more effective in this case.


Too much vodka for today, Ivan

Wayne Nicholson

Actually it G&T’s this week and I’ve been limiting myself to one a day …. unseasonably hot and humid you see. My usual tipple is the occasional scotch …. truth is I’m more of a sativa man and drinking kills a good buzz.

So what’s your excuse?


Damn you must feel alone like hell to tell me this. Gaming in your moms basement all day?

Wayne Nicholson

“Gaming in your moms basement all day?”

I wish! I’m trying to trouble shoot a blown fuse in my tractor’s starting circuit. Solenoid, starter , ignition switch all bench test OK. Next step are the safety interlocks ….. any ideas?


Yeah, put down the weed and go to sleep

Wayne Nicholson

“Put down the weed”

What do you envision one does with “weed” that requires you put it down before going to sleep? Now I can understanding holding onto a bud and admiring it for awhile but generally there’s not much holding going on with weed that would require you to put it down before sleeping…. more like the occasional inhalation and your hands stay free to play video games, fix tractors or even go to sleep.


Shouldn’t you be at the ongoing riots?

Wayne Nicholson

What riots? … there has never been a riot here in recorded history. Besides I’m the establishment …. I own a business and I’m a landlord …. I tend to frown upon property damage and fires.

What on earth gave you the idea i was some kind of radical. I’m a real conservative as opposed to the nutbars who call themselves “conservative” in the USA but support the most dangerously liberal economic experiment in capitalism in history. All of my comments are about the military, economics and political strategy.

The most radical statement I’ve made here is I’ve read Marx and paints an accurate picture of capitalism as it is in the present day USA. As an economist he nailed it and the sooner the USA stop being a capitalist kleptocratic welfare state and give true free enterprise a try the better.


“I own a business and I’m a landlord …. ” I apologize, Mr. Land Lord, sorry I’m not familiar with tycoons

Wayne Nicholson

That’s to be expected …. You’re American.

I have kids, grandkids and a pet poodle …. I don’t expect you to understand anything any more complex than a binary decision any more than I expect my poodle to understand calculus. Of course if I’m not a stoner in my moms basement and I’m self employed means I must be a rich tycoon …. what other choice is there except yes and no? …. either you with us or agin us, liberal or conservative, coke or pepsi.

I don’t blame you, it’s not your fault …. not since the days of Caligula has there been a nation of spoiled, self centered, navel gazing brats like the USA.

What I do find entertaining is when I call Americans naval gazing brats US liberals think I’m talking about conservatives and US conservatives think I’m talking about liberals but truth is you’re all idiots.


Thanks mr self employed land lord. I doubt that you talk with real Americans since you’re not even able to tell that someone’s first language is not English.

Wayne Nicholson

You’re welcome Mr. Bacon.

It should have been obvious to me that you weren’t a native English speaker.

Please accept my apology in your native tongue.

i’myay orrysay orfay offendingyay ouyay ybay assumingyay ouyay ereway ayay ativenay englishyay eakerspay . inyay indsighthay iyay ouldshay avehay akentay ouryay amenay iterallylay .


You have too much free time, better try to find real Americans to argue with, then brag that you tricked them that you are a liberal or conservative

Wayne Nicholson

“You have too much free time”

To you it might seem like I have too much free time and to be honest my time is as ‘free’ as I wish to make it.

I earned this ‘free time’ by working hard and saving my money. You seem to have just as much time to post here as I do …. what’s your excuse?

You’re posts are usually limited to snide remarks …. you never seem to post any information. You also take a GREAT deal of joy in my mistaking you for American. I’m happy I made you feel like you accomplished something.

Maybe we’ll all chip in and get you a trophy.


My excuse is that i’m not a land lord. What information would you like me to post here? Other than where I live cause I don’t want to pay the alimonies


nah they did not win. it was a question where the deluded morons in washington dc realized that the negative headlines would be too much for the usual suspects or lapdogs in nato and thus had to refrain from hijacking a foreign flagged vessel on the high seas. too much of piracy in such an action and sinking one or more of the iranian vessels is naturally entirely unthinkable even though gasoline evaporates quickly even in seawater and won’t cause an environmental catastrophe like crude oil does.


Trump has lost any respect, don’t make threats that you won’t execute, otherwise you will become like Netanyahu the liar. Too bad Trump, I hoped you do it.

Swift Laggard II

just like your fantasies about war in general which you love spewing daily. when the rubber meets the road, you will know entering into war is not a joke or going for a picnic

Zionism = EVIL

Believe me, next war will last for years and the Zionist cunts are done and they know it.


You are telling it to the wrong man, I’ve already seen death and I’m not scared of it because it’s fighting for our country. Trump can still keep his word and take down the other four, otherwise the U.S sanctions don’t mean shit.

Zionism = EVIL

LOL. This stupid cunt kid has seen death in TV ROFLMAO.


Swift is full of crap. Pay him no mind.


Stay safe John, thanks.

Swift Laggard II

your opponents have seen war and are not scared of death either. do you think a force that can fight the idf for decades to a defeat and cause them to leave lebanon is a joke? do you think those kinds of people are jokers? people who could go up against one of the most formidable armies in the middle east and survive year after year till they exhausted the idf – you think they are a joke? I know idf is powerful, but only stup1d fools look down on their opponents and dismiss them the way you do. the good thing is i know just from reading open source material that the attitude of the idf General Staff is al lot more professional and realistic than the rubbish you spew here daily


Again I’m not a General and I don’t pretend to be one, I am a warrior and that is what I do. I go into an area to find the terrorists and kill them, that is my specialty. 3 Operations in Gaza took the fear out of me, sure there is danger and you need to stay vigilant all the time, but not fear. When I get the call I’ll do what I do best, hunting down terrorists with my unit. Joke or not, you will see the final outcome if we go all in with full force, not only 10K soldiers.

Zionism = EVIL



Women & kids are not terrorist yet you said yesterday kill them all in Lebanon


Not all of Lebanon, only the ones that support them in SL. We need to learn from our mistake, 18 years we didn’t win them because we spared the civilian population in those village whlile they were assisting Hezbollah to kill IDF soldiers. I strongly believe in a collective punishment, any village that helps Hezbollah needs to be wiped out from the earth, it’s their responsibility.

Swift Laggard II

you are a sick and very stup1d individual. very sick in the mind. sick like hitla


You are hardly a “warrior” but a bored corona quarantine teenager who spews fantasies of violence in a make believe hasbara world. No adult real soldier brags about killing other human beings. I have served in the Soviet army and have never come across any real warrior who like to talk about death and destruction. You are sad boy.


They are not human beings, they are terrorists scums and I don’t see them as human at all. They like to shoot rockets into Israeli centers, the only thing they deserve is death.


Go find a job and spend less time on violent videos. You quite immature and low IQ.


Okay then, you asked me I answered. I’ll let you know when the next Gaza op starts, most likely in July after we annex the Jordan Valley. Last time they called me into Gaza was in 2014, 6 years later I’m still very motivated to kill more Hamas rats. Good day.


Also, the next time you say I am not an IDF troop, I will show you my uniform ready for the war.


US always shouts loudly about freedom of navigation & Iran is just exercising that right. US knows legally it can not touch any tanker, these sanctions have no UN authority to them.


The sanctions against both Iran and Venezuela are illegal and can not be enforced. The sanctions against are also an indictment of confused Russian and Chinese policies at the time they were trying to appease the US bully, now both of them are also in US gunsights. US primary goal now is to confront China using any means. US is also goading India into a conflict with China as use Indians as a cannon fodder. They will fail as usual.

Zionism = EVIL

Dumb fuck, that is what you Zionist cunts want, a global war, but even Trump is not that crazy. Americunts are having enough problem with China and a shooting war with Iran is the last thing they need, even though you evil Jew cunts would like that.


Hey Iron. You know I don’t like BN to begin with. On the Trump point of view, you nailed it dead center. He is causing himself a brand new set of problems now. That is what lies do. I wish well to you.


Trump did not deserve any respect to begin with. He has always been a liar and a fraud but in a short time, he seemed like a less worse option than Hillary. The things he did for your state seem very good but even those steps will cost Israel dearly.

Someone on this board (I’m not sure maybe @Zionism = EVIL) described him as some kind of reverse Midas touch, everything he touches turns into s#it and his favours to Israel are not exceptions.

That’s why those two, Trump and Netanyabu which will destroy anything for their own sake, are perfect leaders in the eyes of the rest of the world. I hope they remain in power enough to finish their job!


Trump is not taken seriously by the US deep state. The US military fully understands the consequences of a full scale conflict with Iran at the heels of a cold war with China. US is largely a paper tiger and Trump is a buffoon that fits the bill for the average uneducated and ignorant American. However, the US establishment will not allow national suicide at a time US is now globally perceived as a failed state.


I agree with you Garga, they are both liars just like the mullahs are lying to their own public too. The sad thing is, Israelis and Iranians used to be friends before your regime took over the country and turned Iranians into hostages. The mullahs use the Palestinian excuse to make them look like they give any shit about them, truth is they are just a tool and the Palestinians play right into their hands instead of signing a peace deal with us. Same in Lebanon, holding the people hostage by a terrorist shia organization, while most of Lebanese are not even shia. Maybe one day we could be friends, but I predict a great war before that happens. Nonetheless, you personally are not my enemy and I respect your views too.

Concrete Mike

Thats the pinnacle of bullshit, blaming your crappy negotiating on Iran.

Its Israel thats holding millions hostage, with an undeclared nuke and chemical weapon arsenal. We all know about the Samson option, because your friends cant stop gloating about it.

You cant even give the Palestinians some dignity, i doubt you can make any other deal.

Yall deserve better, and your foolish militarism path will be the death of us all, for you selfish bastarss


We also have no quarrel with ordinary people who live in the occupied lands no matter of their religion or the lack of it; heck, even the Iranian government (which includes Jew PMs by the way) has no problem with them. What we despise is child killers, thieves and bullies and that is hardly an Iranian-only sentiment.

There is one interesting note in your reply. Does anyone really believe that it’s possible to take hostage the entirety of an eighty-something million nation with a few “mullah”s? Whether like it or not, it was Iranian people who chose this kind of government and it is the people who keep it. The day Iranians don’t want a government is the day that government ceases to exist, it doesn’t matter how militarily it is strong or how many foreign backer it has. Until such distant day, the Islamic Republic remains and gets stronger and more mature day by day.


The last time I checked, over 2000 Iranians were shot and killed by the regime because they dared to protest. I’m not telling you what to choose it’s your choice, if you want the mullah to stay in power then fine it’s your lives, I have freedom. Good day Garga,


Are you free enough to tell me where did you read about 2000 Iranians shot and killed by its government?


Sorry not 2000, just 1500. https://www.voanews.com/middle-east/voa-news-iran/us-confirms-report-citing-iran-officials-saying-1500-killed-protests

Zionism = EVIL

BTW, second Iranian tanker just docked in El Palito and the last three are now a few hours away.

Liberal guy



“Freedom of Navigation” must apply to all non-US ships too, particularly commercial ones. Warships should be excluded.

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