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MARCH 2025

Venezuelan Military Prepares To Fight US Invasion, Releases S-300 From Mothballs (Sattelite Image)

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The Venezuelan military is releasing its S-300VN air defense system from mothballs in Captain Manuel Rios Airbase, according to a sattelite image released by Israel’s ImageSat Intl. This development is likely linked to preparations of the country to fight a possible US invasion.

On February 7, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said during a weekly press briefing that the US has already made decision to use force in Venezula and “everything else is nothing more than a covering operation”.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed that “Hezbollah has active cells in Venezuela”. So, the US seems to be already preparing a public justification for a military invasion.

Venezuelan Military Prepares To Fight US Invasion, Releases S-300 From Mothballs (Sattelite Image)

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Let’s rock!

John Wallace

Right on bro , lets make the party at YOUR place . Want to rock on ?


Hello Mr Wallace :) Let’s rock just to see what will happen with US imperialism. What else do you mean bud?

John Wallace

Let’s rock sounds more like someone wanting to watch someone else’s war so I was suggesting perhaps bring the war to your place and see if it is still OK. If you meant something else then I apologise for the misunderstanding. I love it when someone who has never been to the front in war is so happy to see others killing each other and shall always recommend they get to where the blood flows first.


Man, my thinking and attitude are not so basic as you mean. I’m surely not happy with the idea of war, right? In our case, “Let’s rock” means “Let’s see what will happen with the US imperialism”, did I make myself clear?. And when you say “someone wanting to watch someone else’s war”, you’re precisely at a website dealing with war; so you like it?…. You see how easy is it to judge somebody

John Wallace

No you didn’t make yourself clear.


Sneaky Pesty Jews spying motherfuckers.


Fuck off zionist provocateur.


If these things have been in mothballs chances are its crews have little to no experience with them and their commanders too busy with having done other things. Like lining their pockets. Be prepared that if the shit were to be hitting the fan and the US were to invade that these S-300 systems might be taken out very quickly, followed by lots of trash talk by American trolls on how shitty Russian systems are.

If we look at Syria it still took many months, and its still taking time, for the S-300 to become operational. And that’s despite the fact that the Syrians do have combat experience firing their other air defense systems against Israeli attacks. When you have no combat experience and your equipment has basically been gathering dust in storage, how good will you be at taking on the biggest air force in the world?

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Very good point there.

Promitheas Apollonious

good point, if what he is base his comment on, had a shred of truth.

Promitheas Apollonious

Been in mothballs according to whom, SF that is parroting with copy and paste lately a lot of baloney? And is quoting israelis as they are the most truthful source of info in the world? get real and think before taking as fact what is reported here.


Can you please elaborate about SF?

Promitheas Apollonious

I am a supporter of the work they do, so what I said is enough and I think very clear.


OK fair enough.


US won’t dare to invade Venezuela, it´s too risk for them, Venezuela not only has a superb air defense system (the best in Latin America) but it also possesses an advanced artillery systems, tanks et al, Venezuela might invade Colombia bordering state easily. Besides that, at this moment there might be a lot of military advisors in Caracas from Russia, China and Iran who have become obsessed with, tracking, following and sabotaging uncle Sam ´s mischievous plans and misdeeds wherever he goes around the world. US won´t deceive anyone else with its “Democracy shouts”. Venezuela has been preparing for war with US for over 20 years, it has amassed an army of irregular forces or militias of almost 2 million people, Diosdado Cabello, one chief leader of Venezuela government and a veteran active military said to Marco Rubio: “Don´t think this thing will be 2+2=4, it will an irregular war my dear, you might be able to come in but I swear you won’t be able to go out .” I think US is just stirring things up to justify the theft of Venezuela foreign reserves, they have too much to lose, it is very hard to invade and sustain troops there, it is a lie spreaded by the media that Venezuela is waiting for US saviours, most people despise US because people know US is always after money and resources. My country Colombia, is in a very dangerous position since our military is not as advanced as the Venezuelan. Venezuelan military leaders have stated that should Colombia initiate a war with them, they will bomb us and the theater of war will inside our territory not their territory since they have more advanced jet fighters and we are vulnerable, they will bomb the bridges that connect the west part of Colombia with the eastern side along the Magdalena river and we will be really screwed.

Promitheas Apollonious

see my post above, not the one who answered to and I do know very well Venezuela’s military power as well readiness and so does their enemies. Farting and doing are two separate things.

Promitheas Apollonious

p.s. unless you attack Venezuela I dont think you have anything to worry about. But in case you do make the mistake and follow the americans that totally control Colombia and her cocaine trade, I wish Colombians to cease the opportunity and free themselves, from been american puppets.


“US won’t dare to invade Venezuela, it´s too risk for them…”

A few years back I’d agree with you. But the Neocon morons running the show in DC are not reasonable people concerned with risk analysis or unintended consequences. They’re unhinged maniacs. All the literate and housebroken types have left town.

Bill Wilson

Venezuela has a small outdated air force that sorely lacks training. Their army has more modern armor and weapons that are only used in parades and the occasional show of force to intimidate the peons. The most recent show of the army’s readiness to confront Yanqui invaders was the firing of rockets and artillery rounds into a nearby hillside. Chavez began modernizing the army with Soviet equipment that ran on diesel with Maduro acquiring more while neither one bothering to switch the military’s fuel reserves from 2/3 gasoline/1/3 diesel to 2/3 diesel /1/3 gasoline. Their reserves are kept at 7 service stations scattered about the country. Maduro allowed the stations to sell off the reserves when the stations ran out of fuel for the civilians. That wasn’t a problem as long as tankers could refill the reserve tanks. They haven’t been able to do that for awhile since the tankers can’t get diesel fuel for their own tanks at the refineries, which have problems of their own refining fuels. Analysts figure that Venezuela’s military has a 3 day fuel reserve with most of that being gasoline.


Well, I’d say it’s likely that some of Venezuela’s S-300 have been in mothballs. Presumably cheaper that way. A place like Venezuela isn’t normally going to be actually using them. But what are the chances they haven’t kept a couple operational for training?


Theyt don’t need them, since they are not neighbours with thieving genocidal Khazar fake Jews


You’re assuming the Venezuelan army operates as a normal army. In a dictatorship the army does not serve to protect the country, but El Presidente for Life from the country. As such any big shiny toys are usually bought for show and the main focus is on troops guarding the streets and of course the Praetorian Guard. There’s always a Praetorian Guard, whether they are called the Schutz Staffeln, Republican Guard, National Guard or just special forces, but they are always there.

And there is also that dictators are often clueless about how to maintain a functional military. They think that just buying shiny stuff will make their army superior. Concepts like competency, doctrine and training are alien to dictators. If anything competent commanders are considered suspect, as they are more likely to think that they could do a better job then El Presidente for Life. No, he wants loyal people. But loyal soldiers are never competent soldiers.

So in that regard I don’t think a few have been kept operational for training. Why would they? Beating up protesters is far more important then playing with rockets. And all the generals are far more busy looking good and loyal on paper while in practice they line their own pockets.


“In a dictatorship (blah blah blah)” So, does it ever get tiresome repeating a Big Lie over and over?


Pompeo nullum said that there are Hizbullah, who better than them can use the missiles, they shoot all kinds of these, and the S300 how to play dards. ? ? ?


Of course, if Pompeo Nullum said so it had to be true. Absofuckinglutely!

Although I do have my doubts that the Russians have trained Hezbollah on a missile system it doesn’t have and doesn’t seem very likely to get. They are after all an Iranian proxy force, not a Russian proxy force. Now maybe if 5 Assault Corps were to show up in Caracas…….


Thats why Russian Special forces and advisers have arrived. I hope Russia upgrades these systems so they can live-test on F-22’s and F-35’s. Hezbollah and Iranian advisers have prepared them for Israeli-US trained Latin American forces.


Let’s at least educate the ignorant about the real reason that the USA is preparing to take out Venezuela.

It’s not terrorism, humanitarian, or any of the “official” reasons. The USA is preparing to bomb Venezuela “back to the stone age” for daring to sell oil for currencies other than the US dollar.

The defence of the Petrodollar is why Iraq was taken out and Saddam Hussein murdered. It’s the same reason why Libya was taken out and Muammar Gaddafi was murdered. It’s the same reason why the USA is conducting economic warfare (sanctions) against Russia and Iran.

If the dollar is no longer required to buy oil and loses it’s position as the world’s reserve currency, then the Ponzi scheme that the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex is running will collapse.

Get the message out there. It’s about the Petrodollar, nothing else.


USA=U$A! It is a capitalist, imperialist hellhole!


Certainly the kind of Capitalism that the ruling elite in the USA has adopted is toxic. Ayn Rand is required reading to belong to that club. It’s not that Capitalism is not working; it’s working exactly as it should, and exactly as Karl Marx predicted that it would. The wealth is being channelled upwards to the already rich, and the gap between the rich and everyone else is widening. Capitalism will fail, of that I’m sure. Just how long it will continue is the question, and whether in that timeframe, the Capitalists manage to destroy the planet. We are faced with a choice between Capitalism and survival and they are mutually exclusive. Those who think that Capitalism can be ‘tweaked’ to be more environmentally friendly are deluded.

Xoli Xoli

True very true.


Blame the crypto Jew Saudi family for that. They should be invaded, hauled out of their palaces and hung infront of the Kaba

Pave Way IV

“…The USA is preparing to bomb Venezuela “back to the stone age” for daring to sell oil for currencies other than the US dollar…”

Kinetic strikes directly by the U.S. isn’t how my slimy leaders prefer to wage war. That possibility is always out there, but (politically) it’s a last resort. The lesson from VietNam was: make damn sure the little people back home see or know as little about the war as possible, or have them associate it with some other proxy – not the U.S. (if at all possible). Same strategy Israel and NATO use.

The U.S. hot war with Venezuela stated out years ago. The U.S. carpet-bombed the Venezuelan little people back to the stone ages economically, then blamed everything on Maduro. If there are to be kinetic strikes on Venezuela, then it will be through proxies. Colombia comes to mind.

That would happen in conjunction with he U.S. cobbling together some kind of phoney anti-Murado coalition, then label all airstrikes as coming from unidentified ‘coalition partners’. The U.S. will back any proxies with human intel, EW, ELINT. The U.S. will chose target lists for it’s proxies. If the U.S. does have to act kinetically, it will sit off the Venezuelan coast launching Tomahawks or JASSAMs. Maybe drone some military targets. The U.S. (like Israel) must not risk losing an aircraft. That would be intolerable to the public, and is really unnecessary with all the other kill toys we have.

You know the usual U.S. drill: wipe out all aircraft and armor (the after-war sales are always a windfall for defense contractors. Try to take out a few high-ranking military at their HQ. Then go after the infrastructure to punish the little people until capitulation.

“But Venezuela’s infrastructure is dilapidated crap!” Well, of course it is. The U.S. has been at economic war with them for a long time. We never go after the obscenely wealthy politicians or oligarchs. My psychopathic leaders secretly relish the thought of the suffering of millions of little people under enemy regimes. Hell, I think they prolong the economic wars just for their own amusement. Then there’s that immensely profitable child sex trafficking and organ harvesting, but that’s all conspiracy theory nonsense. Unless your an obscenely wealthy western oligarch with political connections. In that case, if you need a fresh organ or a 10-year-old bride (either sex), then someone can probably hook you up with ‘a guy’ in DynCorp, the CIA or the FBI.

With psychopaths running the U.S., EVERYTHING is for sale. Especially other people’s stuff.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Do we know that US is actually going to ìnvade or “just” create another Syria?

Military actions is not solely invasion, it could be a mix of a bombing campaign a la Serbia and a presence like Syria.

Its like the entire world including SF is 100% sure that a nuclear war is comming and that a total invasion of Venezuela is being prepared.

Promitheas Apollonious

the whole affair with venezuela to my opinion is so the brits and their colonies steal the money of venezuela and gold deposited outside venezuela. As for nuclear war it will not happen in your life time so relax and enjoy the ride as long it last.


Possibly another Libya. I’m sure that Hillary Clinton would be happy to pose with a picture of Maduro dead and gloat about it. As long as they stop Venezuela from selling oil for currencies other than the US dollar, the job can be considered “done”.


Could US public opinion tolerate and endure the shot down of a few aircrafts??….it will not be easy for the angloimperialists. Also dont forget, the ground troops are or will be colombians…hahahah a real joke army worst than FSA and terrorists in Syria

Tommy Jensen

No problem. US lost 1000´s of aircrafts in both Korea and Vietnam. Always think worst case.

John Wallace

The manufacturers love it when their aircraft get shot down. Means got to build two more to replace it. The US lost over 5000 helicopters in Viet Nam. Bell built over 10,000 Huey’s up to 1975 alone. .


That was a long time ago. The modern US public has been prompted to believe the United States is invincible, particularly its air force. Significant casualties would come as a shock. Also, the most modern US planes are built a lot slower than the old models. That said, I really don’t think Venezuela could take a significant bite out of the US air force. But they might kill a few planes, and that would create political cost.

Tommy Jensen

Israel is helping Pentagon to take over Venezuela with its excellent satélite images and Mossad´s infiltration in Venezuelan churches as crypto-Joo Padres………………………..LOL.


Iraqi = Oil for Euros ….. attack, attack Libya = Oil for new African currency …… attack, attack Venezuela = Oil for anything but America dollar ….. attack, attack China = Oil in state currencies and Yuan ….. attack, attack Iran = Oil in Euro and state currencies …. attack, attack Russia = Oil and Natural gas ….. create massive warmonger propaganda operations, cancel INF. Seems to be a pattern?


Yes, seems to be a pattern.


Excellent news.


The Venezuelans need to be able to hit Panama and the US bases there until Panama stops allowing it’s territory to be used to attack Venezuela. Closing the Panama canal also needs to be an option.

Kalibr missiles or something similar also needs to be available to hit US navy ships at a considerable distance, and Venezuela’s neighbors if they allow their territory to be used for attacks on Venezuela. With the exception of Panama, it doesn’t look like any of them are interested in that. Russian resupply also needs to continue in the event of hostilities.


Silkworm missile https://1.bp.blogspot.com/_okE2fz_Pef8/SDI_iblXx-I/AAAAAAAAAIU/QVwP8eR28bY/s400/c802_deck.jpg


USS Stark after missile hit. 31 dead. http://www.bluebird-electric.net/aircraft_carriers/aircraft_carriers_pictures/USS_Stark_Exocet_Missile_Attack_Crippled.jpg


“Russia’s military-industrial complex is offering an ominous weapons system in the international arms market called the Club K cruise missile system.”

– Club K: Container Missile System –

https://www.learning-history.com/club-k/ https://i2.wp.com/www.learning-history.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Club-K.jpg?fit=850%2C564&ssl=1


Hypersonic missile https://cdn.wavellroom.com/2018/09/2018_Moscow_Victory_Day_Parade_66.jpg

Jacob Wohl

S300 no match for US military. US military can topple Venezuela in less than 1 month guaranteed.


They can topple Venezuela; the record shows that the US is very good at toppling countries and generally creating ruination. But they probably can’t take over Venezuela. The record shows they’re pretty bad at that. And one interesting bit is: The US side is the side with all the wealth, whose power base is in all the established businesses. The anti-US side is the side whose power is based in popular mobilization and organization in the countryside and the slums. If the US creates an ongoing disaster with years of destruction and pseudo-civil-war, and eventually gets kicked out, whose power base will be intact? Not the side whose businesses all got blown up in the process of firmly identifying themselves with invaders. If the US actually invade this will be the most Vietnam-like quagmire the Americans have gotten into since the real thing.

On the other hand, if they just blow up a lot of stuff with air power, it won’t topple the government, the opposition won’t be able to get elected to dogcatcher for years, and the state of emergency will give the government the opportunity and excuse to clean up a lot of scum that have needed cleaning up for ages.

And you know, if I were Venezuelan I’d figure a few invading planes down is better than none. Heck, a $100 million plane here, another there, pretty soon you’re talking about real money.


Not if the Panamanian bases and canal are shut down, Venezuela’s neighbors stay out of it, and Venezuela can sink US navy ships up to 1,500 miles away and continues to get resupply from Russia and China. Then it becomes a much more difficult war to win. Yes the US could win over time at a high cost. But it would be a huge waste of resources when the US can buy oil on the open market at an affordable price just like everybody else.

Read my comment above on the S-300. Russian equipment and technology is taking down 75% to 100% of US equipment over Syria according to credible reports. And this version of the S-300 is state of the art, newer than the S-400, which has been in service since 2007. The S-300VM entered service in 2013. Only Russia, Venezuela and Egypt have them.


Yeah sure, thats why it waited out Chavez, tried to kill him once, succeeded the 2nd time, Maduro came to power and they still not invading, Next to Israeli IDF , US is the next biggest P@ssy army


This is a state of the art air defense system, similar to the S-400, with missiles with a range of up to 250 miles with the latest versions. The Venezuela militery is already trained on them.

“The system is designed to defend the most important objects from massed strikes of operational-tactical and medium-range ballistic missiles (up to 2.5 thousand km), airballistic and cruise missiles, strategic and tactical aircraft, barraging directors of active jamming, combat helicopters. …

He added that in general, by the end of 2013, Venezuela will create a layered air defense system of the country, which will consist of the Antey 2500 long-range system, the Buk-2M and Pechora-2M medium-range systems, and 23 with automatic target tracking and opto-electronic passive channel.

“When the creation of the system ends, even the USA will be very hard to break through or crush it, only with heavy and numerous losses,” Murakhovsky explained. …

He recalled that in addition to the S-300, Venezuela had bought in Russia air defense systems Buk-M, T-72B tanks, Msta artillery and several multiple launch rocket systems.

In total, under the 2009 contract, Russia supplies arms to Venezuela in the amount of $ 11 billion.”

– Venezuela received the Russian air defense system S-300VM With the help of Russian missiles, Hugo Chavez’s homeland will be able to shoot down American planes and missiles. –



I’m not sure what mothballs are going to to US terrorflieger….;O)


Russia won’t sell them the S-400 until they shoot down a Russian fighter jet like Turkey.


As you well know the shoot down was a US job, done by the same people who then tried to assassinate Erdogan.

Fred Dozer

Why is Russia & China hiding in the basement ? This is a chance for them to change the world, without firing a shot. The US will dare not attack with Russia or China’s troops present. Plus they both have invested heavily in Venezuela.


They are going to lose in Syria, so need another victim to fukup, and make the Americun people forget about Syria.


Very easy solution for Venezuela. 1.Arrest the opposition leadership and hang them publicly for treason.Then hang every US backed opposition figure until the US gets the message, 2.Ignore US threats about illegally staying diplomats (who are really spies and provacateurs). Send in the crowds to take over the embassy – Iranian revolution style. The Iranians were smart, they knew every US embassy is a den of spies and subversive agents.


A stiff breeze ought to blow Maduro, and his bullies, out of the country, at this time.

El Mashi

Traitor’s opinion. Sad.

Pave Way IV

I recommend these three articles for better understanding of Venezueal’s air defense and US strategy. (PA – neoSF? Hmmmm… Interdasting!)

How Capable is Venezuela of Defending its Airspace? <– link (20 Aug 17)

Venezuela Seeks Russian Assistance in Modernising Air Defences Amid U.S. Threats; How Well Protected is its Airspace? <– link (8 Dec 18)

How the U.S. Air Force Could Take Down Venezuela’s Elite Russian Built Air Defences <– link (3 Jan 2019)

Parisa Zoorgoo

911 perpetrators are showing their noses, why dont them boycows take revenge?

El Mashi

Once the US aggression is poised to attack, Guido Bandido will be “martyred” in a CIA false flag operation. What a sucker.

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