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MARCH 2025

Venezuela’s Maduro Survives Assasination Attempt During Televised Public Address (Video)

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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro survived an assasination attempt during his speech at Caracas on August 4 when he was targeted by several explosives-laden drones.

The drones detonated but were not able to harm the president.

“It was an attack to kill me, they tried to assassinate me today,” Maduro stated following the incident. “That drone was coming for me.”

Maduro also added that some of the perpetrators have already been captured.

“I have no doubt that everything points to the Venezuelan ultra-right in alliance with the Colombian extreme right, and the name of [Colombian President] Juan Manuel Santos is behind this attack,” he said adding that the initial results of the investigation show that several of those who paid for the attack reside in Florida, the US.

Bolivian President Evo Morales condemned the attack and said that the US and its allies were behind it.

“We vigorously condemn this new aggression and a cowardly attack on President Nicolas Maduro and the Bolivar nation. After the failure of their attempts to overthrow him democratically, economically, politically and militarily, now the empire [the United States] and their servants have threatened his life,” Morales wrote on Twitter.

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Top 5 countries by proven Oil reserves: 1. Venezuela 2. Saudi Arabia 3. Canada 4. Iran 5. Iraq

Ivan Freely

True, but the quality of the oil also needs to be considered.


Are these fucking locusts going to attack somebody again? They will never learn, oil sucking parasites.


The terrorist attack on Maduro was from CIA and Mossad because he is strong and dumping US dollar.

Bill Wilson

Maduro is weak and worries about his US dollars squirreled away in foreign banks.

Pavel Pavlovich

Maduro is very strong considering how much they are working against him. The leadership as a whole is weak (hopelessly corrupt and almost useless socialist party), but somehow still strong enough. Puzzling.

Daniel Castro

He is only there because Brazil has for 150 years a policy of zero interference on the neghborhood, but with millions of desperate venezuelans pouring into our borders and this crazy laughable banana republic dicatator threatening to invade us every now and then we might need to review this policy.

Daniel Castro

Maduro is jewish and this was probably his own ziobolchevik government false flag tocrack down on the opposition.

CIA and Mossad aren’t stupid to kill a national leader on stage turning him into a legend.


Benjanyahu says.

Daniel Castro

No he himself says.


Don’t be fooled by bolcheviks or anglozionist bolivarists, they were infiltrated in South America by the british empire to divide us.

Daniel Castro


Daniel Castro


Richard M

Notice that Iran + Iraq = more than Wahhabistan!



Where we are going from here? https://youtu.be/cbJ89efvKqM


It’s winding and cold and it’s covered with snow, but I ask you what we all want to know: Where are we going from here? Lead to a future i don’t understand. Some things don’t go as they’re planned… https://youtu.be/RzPpZu_eoVQ?t=2m3s

Ishyrion Av

Maybe the Reich was great for Germany. For rest of Europe, especially Eastern Europe, was a plague, along with the Soviets.


Reich was great for German industrialists. No one else.


I liked the music. I always cringe when I hear terms like ‘white people’, ‘black people’, ‘? people’. That kind of thing always leads me to believe someone has swallowed the propaganda kool-aid making the rounds on corporate media everywhere and seems to miss the true culprits. It does however keep the same culprits laughing all the way to the bank while the masses fight amongst themselves over, color, race, sex, religion………..

Balázs Jávorszky

Whatever you can say about Maduro, he is certainly not a coward. He actually tried to continue his speech :)

Bill Wilson

The bus driver had it staged.

Richard M

In the video you see him look straight to the building where the blast occurred. In an echoing urban canyon, anyone will look around before finding the source of a sound, unless they already know where to look.


Have you been in shock ? the reaction of the people sue to be quit strange.

Feudalism Victory

I dont think his wife was told!

Pavel Pavlovich

I never blamed him, it’s Washington AND the all but useless party functionaries.

Maduro is no Chavez and has still somehow survived.

Venezuela is suffering so hard bcs they have developed into the center of resistance in Latin America. Also, they have the qualitatively strongest military, unlike, say, Argentine or Brasil. For Latin American standards, that is.

Daniel Castro

Brazil could roll over venezuela like a bulldozer if we wished.

The reason these bolchevik bastards survive is because they had made a plan to take over latin america through corruption, Brazil was to be the powerhouse to fuel their socialist empire pretty much like happened with Russia in 1917, too bad for them many brazilians are not that foolish to believe in the socialist ilusion, since their plan failed here they are falling like a house of cards.


So you’re a Brazilian–and you’re talking about other people’s corruption? The Black Hole calling the kettle black, methinks. Maybe you should stop putting the guy who would win the election in a landslide in jail on trumped up charges before you murfle about other people’s corruption.

Daniel Castro

The guy who would win the election in a landslide is the mafia boss, the greatest of all corrupt politicians. Why he would win? Because he corrupted the people with assistencialism, made them dependent, and sunk the country into economic decay because of that.

On top of the he was considered guilty, he is a criminal and there is a ton of evidence against him, you want a convicted criminal to be president just because he is popular, this is mob rule not democracy.

Lula, Maduro, Evo Morales, Ortega, they are all part of the same criminal organization, and they would have murdered millions had their succeded in taking over Brazil. Well, as we speak Maduro and Ortega are murdering their own people.


Wow, that’s some impressive flights of fancy there. So the corrupt people with all the money aren’t, you know, the corrupt people with all the money, who own the big companies and all the land and so forth–no, apparently all the corrupt money is in the hands of the leftists who are trying to put a lid on those guys. The people doing revolutions from below bought their way into power, with all the richest men in their respective countries, including the owners of the mass media, and their NED money backers, powerless to stop the tsunami of corrupt cash that the leftists got from . . . Martians? Do you know just how moronic that sounds?

Daniel Castro

Money is not the only form of power, there is also political power, and the left had loads of this in the early 2000’s because the population were tired of neoliberal government (back then people had no idea both were the same), so he (Lula) made several deals with the powers that be (media, idustrialists, financial market, etc.) to get into power, and when there he auctioned the state for whoever would pay more, and of course the party and his members had their pockets full of money.

But, you know what, it’s a waste of time to explain this to you, I see now you are brainwashed socialist believer, for you it’s a matter of religion, there is no point bringing in rational arguments.


I’m brainwashed? Once again, black hole calling the kettle black.

Daniel Castro

Whatever suits your fantasies…


If you like the guy who deposed Rousseff, you’re one of, what was it, 6% of the Brazilian public who do.

Daniel Castro

You mean, her VP?

No, I don’t, he is a corrupt politician, but what would you expect from Dilma Roussef vice president? They are all partners in crime.

Forget man, I won’t debate politics with you, the same way I don’t debate physics with flat-earthers.


Now there is no solution to rescue US economy from collapse that is why now US and Israel want to assassinate every country leadership.

Ivan Freely

The US is desperate to keep the Petrodollar alive. IIRC, Maduro is willing to accept other currencies for the oil.


That’s the usual reason for the kiss of death. Maduro has also issued a cryptocoin called the petro.

Ivan Freely

I’ll believe it when I see the wreckage of the drones.

Richard M

The buildings allegedly targeted show smoke damage from an internal fire. No impact damage at all.


There were thousands of people on the street at the time. I notice none of the outfits talking conspiracy have, you know, asked any of them.

Richard M


Manuel Flores Escobar

One of the tentacles of the US Deep State is the Petrodollar currency….and Maduro like Iran are enemies of the Petrodollar and both dont use it in Oil sale!

Bill Wilson

Venezuela is running out of oil to sell since the fools can’t keep the fields equipment maintained.

Manuel Flores Escobar

I heard it many years ago…and so on…


You dream my friend. You have not idea about Venezuela oil reserves. Because of this, USA is trying hard to get rid of Chavez influence, and put in power a USA-puppet.

paul ( original )

I don’t want to be judgemental , but it was hard not to notice that the security guards behaved very well. They responded quickly and bravely to the threat. However, the assembled troops broke ranks immediately. No a good example of military discipline.

al quaida

Maybe you could try harder to not be judgemental? Maybe next time just don’t comment?

paul ( original )

May be a better idea is that you retreat to your safe space .

Richard M

Security guards were alerted in advance. Assembled troops were not. Except a few Judas Goats to lead the panic. Staged propaganda event.


Well, it was an “anniversary of the national guard” thing, so those weren’t regular troops, they were national guard. So, not really a huge surprise.

Michał Hunicz

Maduro unlike Rouhani doesn’t deserve his office, as he led his country to a ruin, just like Mugabe in Zimbabwe.


Yeah and the US, Columbia and the bank mafias had nothing to do with it, right? Get a clue. We’ve seen this formula before. Most of us learn to see the reality…then there are some who believe the lies and manipulations and learn nothing, believing the show is real.


Even if the US was interfering, what Maduro is trying to do, and Chavez has been done, JUST DOESN’T WORK! It’s a noble thing to raise the living standards of the poor, but it has to be paid somehow. And paid in a way that works in the long term. The Robin Hood model of governance looks noble on paper, stealing from the evil filthy rich to give to the poor. But what happens when you have taken everything from the rich? Then everybody will poor.

Except the supreme leader and his cronies. Somehow they never end up as poor as the rest.


It does work. And there is no “even if”. The US is primarily responsible for the economic state of Venezuela, and the idea that right wingers seem to share that Americans have the right to decide what works for a country even if the country’s own citizens disagree is pure racist imperialism. You have no clue how offensive and infuriating this arrogance is. Disgusting.

“Even if we organise coups, sabotage their economy, impose illegal sanctions, support racists and fundamentalists in a country, all their issues are purely the fault of the system their citizens support and the politicians they elected. Ours of course are not responsible for anything, even if it’s about the death of millions.”

Bobby Twoshoes

Normally I agree with you but on this you are unequivocally wrong.


You’re free to do so. Since you’re courteous I shall agree to disagree.

Bobby Twoshoes

It astounds me how someone so critical and aware of so much American propaganda and misdirection would swallow the “Communism failed” line. The only “communist bulwark” that capitalism actually managed to convert was Russia, and I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what effect that had on the local quality of life.

Meanwhile we all praise China for their efforts in resisting American imperialism while we note that they will soon (if not already have) replace America as the world’s economic engine. North Korea and Vietnam are still going strong with the latter being recently touted for their adroit economic management, using their meagre means to improve quality of life and provide an attractive business environment at the same time.

Everything I have read about Venezuela that isn’t blatant propaganda or ideological conformity says that the reforms are lauded by the vast majority of Venezuelans with the lower and middle classes being almost uniformly supportive. There is no magic bullet ideology and as long as you only oppose America when they screw people you agree with then they will always be able to steal enough from someone to screw everyone.

Richard M

Chavez’s daughters are billionaires!


No they are not.

Richard M


Daniel Castro

Chavez and Maduro never made anything with the intention of making life better for the people of Venezuela, all they did was to seize power and create an army of fanatic followers, and they have succeded. They couldn’t care less for the poor.


Nonsense. Look at the stats during Chavez’s time–poverty dropped like a stone, health care and education soared.

Daniel Castro

Of course, because he fucked up his country economy to artificially reduce inequality for some time, however, as the economy is fucked this only works for a short period, and after the crisis the inequality gets worse than it was before, we even have an expression here to this type of artificial development, we call it “chicken flight”.

Education and health care stats are blatantly forged, and I’m not going into that, if you want to believe it that’s your problem.


What happens when you have taken everything from the poor – then few people will be rich. Remind of anything. All the international banksters will have to do is shut off access to credit and any country will go down the drain. If we could have a few decades free of this manipulation we might see which system works and those that don’t. At the moment everything is manipulated and no such judgement can be made. Probably the best we can say at the mo is that the current capital-creditism leads to the concentration of financial power in very few hands. As it is intended to do.


Well, the USSR, Cuba, China and North Korea existed outside of the capitalist system for decades. Don’t think of me as fan of bankers, quite the contrary, hang them all is my motto, but we have seen what socialist policies lead to, and its not pretty. Poverty for the masses at worst, Western style unemployment benefit levels of prosperity at best, while a small oligarchy of bureaucrats and party leaders live the good life.

Unfettered capitalism is evil, but capitalism under strict government controls is still the lesser of all evils as far as economic systems are concerned. And that is why Chavez failed, and why Maduro will fail. And all the US really needs to do is just sit back and watch Venezuela implode of its own. Socialism simply doesn’t work, as any attempt to create utopia on Earth has only delivered hell instead. For fuck’s sake, we should have learned that lesson by now and not think maybe this time it will be different.


That can’t be why Chavez failed. He talked about socialism a lot, but as of his death what Venezuela had was still “capitalism under strict government controls”-at most.

The Venezuelan economy is in trouble for a mix of reasons, few having much to do with Chavez. Venezuela was always an oil rentier economy that sucked on the oil teat. Chavez just took some super-rich mouths off the teat and put the poor on, which economically is a net improvement. He basically failed to do all that much to change the domestic economy, but to the extent that he managed, it was mainly positive change. But oil rentier economies that depend on imports are unstable–it’s not a healthy model and Chavez didn’t fix it. To be fair, it’s a hard problem to fix–most countries with lotsa oil have always failed to beat the “resource curse”, and under the global neoliberal free trade regime it’s very difficult to do import substitution, which is the basic way you build a national economy. So that’s the underlying problem. The secondary problem is capital flight. Ultimately the only way to beat capital flight is to expropriate the oligarchs exporting the capital, and neither Chavez nor Maduro were willing or ready to do that. So they tried to put a lid on it with currency controls, which worked for a while but eventually just made things worse. The third problem was a sudden collapse in the price of oil, which seems to have been politically driven although if there was a main target it was likely Russia. Finally, under Maduro the parasitic elite and the Americans smelled blood, because Maduro means well but he has neither Chavez’s resolve nor his charisma nor his tactical brilliance, so they have pushed the economic war. Chavez had the esqualidos intimidated, every time they tried something on him they’d end up worse off and looking like idiots, so they didn’t dare try too much after a while. But Maduro not so much–and he also can’t keep the government bureaucracy in line.

So–underlying rentier, import-dependent economy, capital flight, the cure/disease of currency controls, oil price collapse, and economic war (such as denial of access to finance). Some of this is inherent (the base economy, oil prices), some is a consequence of taking on the parasitic comprador wealthy, some is US-driven. But none of it has anything to do with socialism because there is very little of that in Venezuela. It might help if they did, but only if they can also do some import substitution.

What we see in Venezuela, and indeed in country after country, is this: If you want to improve the lot of your people, your country needs to make a good bit of its own stuff, have some economic independence, otherwise the world bosses can kill you with sanctions. Russia is managing precisely because they have, and are further developing, their own home grown production rather than being all globally integrated.

(As a side note, people who think of Cuba as a failure think so because the average lifestyle is less well off than the US middle class–what’s left of it. But let’s go apples to apples–it’s a Caribbean island. Cubans live better than people in Caribbean islands, for sure. They all have food, homes, power, health care and education. Compare Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico or Haiti)


“JUST DOESN’T WORK!” Oh, well that’s all right then. If his policies are bad, it’s just fine for the Americans to “make the economy scream”, pay for sabotage and violence in the streets, foment coups and assassinate democratically elected presidents. Clearly they deserve it for voting for the wrong people. It’s not like it’s any of the Venezuelan people’s business who the government of Venezuela is.

You know, there have been many left of centre governments elected in Latin America. The US overthrows them, starts civil wars, “makes the economy scream” as Kissinger said about Chile. Every time. If they were so sure those policies “JUST DON’T WORK!” you’d think they wouldn’t be so desperate to undermine them every time they come up. They could just wait a few years and say “Ha! Told you so!” and then everyone in Latin America who isn’t rich wouldn’t hate the US.

But in fact most of the best economies in the world tax the rich a bunch. Look at Scandinavia. And then try reading “The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger”.


You’re not reading what I’ve said, of course the US interferes, it always interferes. But even without US interference Venezuela would still tank, BECAUSE SOCIALISM DOESN’T WORK. Its been proven not to work in the USSR, it’s Eastern European satellites, in Cuba, in China, in North Korea. Any country that tried to implement socialism failed miserably at it. And in this case the US is just a convenient scapegoat for leftists so they can ignore that socialism doesn’t work and STILL try to implement it.

So yes, the US could wait a few years and say Ha! Told you so! Thing is though, nobody likes a failed state in its neighborhood because there’s one universal constant when it comes to failed states, when states fail, its people start to move, and they generally move to states that haven’t failed. If one wants to prevent a veritable flood of refugees coming their way it generally makes sense to stop said state from failing. In that sense I cannot fault the US for not wanting to wait that long. And, as I said, the US loves to interfere. Even when they shouldn’t.


But the US loves failed states in its neighbourhood. It creates them constantly. Look at the war on drugs (or maybe I should say “war on drugs”) in Mexico.


behind the CIA and COLOMBIE!!!


They tried several time to assassinate Castro too. Drones are a somewhat new tool in their repertoire.

Richard M

You really think CIA cannot come within a mile of a target with a drone? If CIA did this, they missed on purpose.


It’s called backing proxies to accomplish your aims without being obvious otherwise known as Plausible deniability.

Richard M

I’m not saying CIA wouldn’t attempt to murder some leader they disliked. I’m saying it would have been a more competent attempt.

Daniel Castro

If this was done by an american drone, not only Maduro but that entire square would be dead in one second.


Plausible deniability…… the act of using others to accomplish your goal. Similar activity being done in Syria as well.


Of course it wasn’t a direct US military operation. Are you even thinking for half a second? If they used a Reaper or something there would be no tiniest smidgen of deniability. Also, they couldn’t because Venezuela does have air defences. Those big military/CIA bombing drones are not stealthed and don’t do combat–they’re only useful if you already control the airspace, or whoever does has rolled over and said “Yassuh massa, bomb whoever you want in our country”.

So yeah, it wasn’t a military drone with missiles, duh. It was ordinary civilian drones packed with explosives, so you drive them into the target and have them blow up, like a suicide bomber except the pilot gets to be somewhere else at the time. As to American involvement–they may not have planned it but I would bet plenty that their money financed it.

Daniel Castro

You’re the one not thinking.

What do youthink would happen if Maduro was murdered on stage? Regime change?!

No! This would only make him a hero and strengthen the regime.

Obvious false flag is obvious.


Well, you’d think burning hospitals and buses, hijacking helicopters and throwing grenades at the supreme court, and burning innocent people alive would be considered stupid counterproductive tactics. And yet the opposition did all that stuff. Yeah, it would make him a hero. But it would create chaos, into which they would hope the military (Venezuelan, Colombian, or American, oppos don’t seem to care) would step. Sure, the people would be outraged and fight back, but I’m sure they figure a few massive bloodbaths would take care of that. It’s worked enough times in the past.

Daniel Castro

Yes, the opposition is being counterproductive, and I give you that may indeed an attack by some stupid opposition, but the way it was (perhaps) made would not be approved by CIA, if CIA were involved in this Maduro would be dead, period.

And yet, the opposition is like that because they are not reallu organized, they do not have guns and are desperate. I don’t know where do you live, but I think you may have no idea how it is living in a nightmare society in each everyone is at war with each other, you can’t get out of your house without fear of being murdered or robbed, and the government actually support the criminals.

This is the state of things here in South America, it is like this here in Brazil after 14 years of bolivarist rule (and 24 years of leftist rule), and it is much worse in Venezuela at the moment, where the people is starving.

It seems you support these socialist regimes here just because they say they are opposition to USA, you don’t care about the local population at all. But think about this, how can a government which actually makes his country weaker be against USA?

No, they are not opposition to USA, never were, and never will be.


The USA sure seems to think they are opposition to the USA. You’d think they’d know.

And if the opposition are so upset, they could try winning elections–or even, I dunno, using the election they won to govern. I mean, they have a solid majority in parliament, OK? But a couple of their guys (as well as one PSUV guy) managed to pull off some election fraud and got blocked from sitting. All they had to do was say OK, fine, we’ll run a by-election and play it straight. Even if they lost the by-elections, they’d still have a solid majority; they could have passed any legislation they wanted short of changing the constitution. If they wanted to run the country in that normal kind of “getting things done” way, they could be doing it right now. But instead they got into a pissing match with the Supreme Court and insisted that their boys caught with hands in the cookie jar had to be allowed to sit anyway even though the law says they can’t. In the end the Supremes said fine, the legislature is null and void until they’re in compliance with the law. For some of the Supremes it was probably an excuse–but it’s an excuse with plenty of legal legs to stand on. So. Why did the opposition choose to try this on instead of taking their medicine (and running much of the government)? Because they don’t want to be a normal government, they want absolute power. They want to change the constitution or else bring in martial law and get rid of the current institutions by force. For that they need a 2/3rds majority or executive power or a coup. They’re not interested in bringing in legislation to simply do some of the things they want to do, like normal democratic governments, because those would just make them unpopular and they’d lose the next election, and anyway most of what they really want to do would violate the constitution. So they avoid governing and instead do grandstanding, obstruction and violence. And refuse to import stuff, and undermine the currency, and call for the United States to invade. Really, these people literally call, in public, for the United States to invade Venezuela (while complaining that they don’t have freedom of speech, no less), and then they’re surprised when the government party ends up winning elections.


The Guardian doing its best to act as gatekeeper and brainwash the reader into a false news narrative.

“Some in Venezuela, however, are questioning the government’s version of events. Firefighters say the incident was caused by a gas tank explosion in a nearby apartment, according to the Associated Press.”


Everyone simultaneously looks up toward the sky though.


Yes, it’s mealy a Chomskiete observation. A valid one I think – just crudely written and worth noting in the context of propaganda and deception

SurfshackTito (TheSecular)

I’m not a Fan of Socialism but come on. If Opposition wants to prove itself. It needs to do its work by itself.

Pavel Pavlovich

F**K socialism, this is a matter of life and death.

ελευθεριος βενιζελος

same like the turks… excuse to send in prison rivals…

Richard M

Sounds a lot like Mad Dawg Err Dawg’s Faux Coup that solidified his dictatorship. this “Reichstag Fire” ploy is old as the hills and twice as dirty.


Oh, because the Americans would never stoop to assassinating inconvenient South American presidents–what were we thinking?! And I mean, we know the Venezuelan right are sweet nonviolent people who totally didn’t try a coup in 2002 and widespread killings ever since, whenever they thought it would get them something . . . oh, wait, they totally did all that stuff.

Richard M

I don’t support foreign policy of FUKUS (France UK US). Doesn’t mean I have to kiss the bus driver’s /$$. Mad Burro is a disaster with or without US assistance.


The bus driver. So, your problem is that he’s not a parasitic millionaire like American politicians?

Richard M

No my problem is that Mad Burro is fat bloated Jabba The Hutt looking Orc starving Venezuela’s people while he parties hearties and loots the treasury.


I’ve seen plenty of stupid stuff on the internet, but this is Youtube level. A tiny bit of blatantly false propaganda mixed with a bunch of schoolyard insults. That’s the best you can do? Why would anyone imagine you have a clue what you’re talking about?

Richard M

Imagine whatever you like, crazy internet dude. Your hero, Mad Burro will soon end up like Romania’s Ceausescu.


It looks like this CIA job was left to some naive Colombian mercenary. CIA and Mossad are usually very effective.

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