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MARCH 2025

Victims Testify About Crimes Of Kiev Regime In Ukraine (Video)

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Numerous crimes of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine have been known many years before the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine.

Many witnesses testified that they have become victims of illegal actions of the law enforcement forces of Ukraine. Hundreds of people are missing in the Donbass region so far. There are numerous cases where innocent civilians were tortured and imprisoned for having expressed support to the residents of Donbass after the Ukrainian regime unleashed the war. Many have become victims of attempts by Ukrainian law enforcement agencies to conceal the crimes of the Kiev regime.

Pisorenko Yulia Vadimovna became one of them. The woman was captured by unknown gunmen in Mariupol several years ago. After 11 days of cruel torture in one of the torture chambers at the airport of the city, she was forced to record a confession on video that she allegedly killed Colonel Kharabiryush, whom she did not know. After that, she was taken to the city of Odessa, where she was detained by the SBU. SBU investigators threatened her family, so the girl was forced to confirm her involvement in the murder in court. She was sentenced to 12 years in prison in the city of Ternopil in Western Ukraine.

The woman confirmed that in the western region of the country she met few prisoners who were connected with the events in the Donbass. She confirmed that another woman posted a photo with the St. George ribbon on social networks as a sign of support for the population of Donbass, after which SBU officers put explosives in her bag and blamed her on crimes.

While cities in Eastern and Southern Ukrainian regions are secured by Russian forces, more and more victims confirm the inhumane actions of the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies as well as numerous war crimes committed by the AFU and their nationalist forces. After DPR forces took control over the airport of Mariupol which was used as a military base by the Ukrainian nationalist Azov regiment, the torture chambers known under the code-name “Library” were also discovered.

As DPR and Russian Federation units occupy Mariupol, more and more eyewitness accounts of AFU war crimes appear. This content is deleted from MSM social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. We will continue to provide such video testimonies with English subtitles or with a voice-over narration.

We encourage our readers and viewers who are willing and able to translate and voice-over such videos in English to email us: info@southfront.org and southfront@list.ru (it is better to write to both emails).


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Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

The cowardly scum child raping pedo Uki bandera Nazis must die. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Last edited 2 years ago by Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

The kiev regime must be dismantled completely.

Vlad the invader

Good boy, you take two brigades and conquer Kiev in two days!

That’s an order!

Ashok Varma

That is exactly what Indian generals and politicians have been advising Russia. The Ukraine Nazis are a cancer for rest of racist Europe as well as they are now entrenched in Poland, UK, Germany and France. These cowards have committed horrendous crimes against humanity, especially ethnic Russians. Indian intelligence agencies have passed on videos taken by the abused students to Russia for preparing a case to prosecute these cowardly Ukrainian war criminals and rapists.

Such vile trash can not be allowed to live. God Bless Russian Warriors and President Putin. JAI RUS!

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashok Varma
Vlad the invader

Wait, my glorious Russian Army is listening to muppets from India now?!?

Is the Russian Army already that bad of a shit show already? Where is Schoigu the snail!?

Aunt Polly

Your attitude is revealing. Insults and denial.


“Indian intelligence agencies have passed on videos taken by the abused students to Russia for preparing a case to prosecute these cowardly Ukrainian war criminals and rapists.” They stand by their own people. This would be completely impossible with MI6 or the CIA unless it was useful to the agenda they are pushing.

John Tosh

The West seems to now support vile human beings. So primitive it makes the crazies of Somalia Rwanda and Liberia look like saints.

Why is the USA supporting these evil doers? ISIS one day NAZIs another day. The USA used to stand for something. After the intelligence agencies took over in the US it’s been downhill ever since.

The Hero of the West today is Zelrnskyy a comedian coward who hides in a NATO bunker in Germany creating fake videos of himself in Ukraine. He does not care for human lives especially the women and children of Ukraine.

This video shows Ukrainian NAZIs are about as primitive as African RUF arm chopping beasts.

Why is the USA still supporting such vile creatures? No one would want to hang around the USA in the future because we will become losers who are primitive if this continues.

Florian Geyer

Very well said, John Tosh.

It’s fair to say, I think, that all nation’s histories have periods when they pretend to be charitable whilst flagrantly abusing their own citizens as well as their vassals and enemies.

Empires have in some cases lasted for hundreds of years, BUT the end of an Empire is always a dangerous time to live in.

The world now lives in the death throws of the US empire ,along with the final death throws of the British empire and City of London that essentially controls much of the bankrupt US empire as well.

The end of empires is also marked by the depravity and cowardice of the cabals in power. Employing and training insane criminals such as Muslim ISIS and its Christian version, the Stepan Bandera gangs, are just another symptom of cruelty as a method to intimate the civilians.

The Woke Lunacy is an integral part of the intimidation.


“Nazi” cringe word made by the very same side leading this confrontation with the Russian government today.

It was decided in London and Washington DC, with the support of the likes of AIPAC and anti-defamation league and the Southern Poverty Law Center, even Israel itself, that their lackeys in the “ukraine” would pull this “nazi” larping clown act, while serving the very same NWO that supports replacement immigration.

How does it benefits them? What do they hope to achieve?

Boxwood tree

These are the kinds of things the Bolshevik Jews did to the poor Russian people when they took over Russia in 1917, and in the HoIodomer in Ukraine when about 13 million Ukrainian citizens were starved to death. IT’S THE JEWS WHO ARE THE PROBLEM, THEY HAVE TO GO, THEY ARE GOG. I believe the Russian army and President Putin fully understand that regular every day Russian, German, and any other regular member of a nation’s armed forces only follow orders. That is why they are accepting their surrender.

Aunt Polly

“The West” have a history of grooming their own SOBs.

Tommy Jensen

They should all escape to Europe who will welcome them with eager and open arms, give them welfare and money, and feed them until they can be useful again……………..LOL.

Pamfil Military Academy

101% agree. Those irreparable mentally brainwashed nazi’s are out of any question of ‘reeducation’. When the in-brain wiring and connections are ‘cemented’ in childhood and puberty NOTHING can be DONE afterwards. It’s biologically and medically proved. Those human beings are ‘hard-coded’ in theirs endocrin physiology. They have ONLY 1 CHNCE: SIBERIA camp or other isolation from normal society.


Sound kinda prejudice yourself, maybe take hard look in the mirror

Vlad the invader

Hello, this is Vlad the failed invader again. Sorry for the propaganda shit show, but we have nothing else left to divert attention from the failed invasion and all the dead people!

Worse, the clear majority of victims from my invasion in the Ukraine are people with Russian origin! Not that people in Russia start to understand that!

Can you organize some mercs and soldiers for me? Lost so many!


Why are the ukie shills so obsessed with Putin, pretend he has far more influence than he actually does? Is it because they are all secretly gay for him? -D

Vlad the invader

You wanna have little tet a tet with good ol’ Vlad, ehh little boy!


Only with your mama, good ol’ cocksucker like you little tranny bitch!

Vlad the invader

You seem to know what you are talking about.

Black Russian

Pentagaon DOD has already briefed Russian Forces still over 90% effective. TIme is on Russia’s side. What do Azov NAZI’s eat when they get hungry. Those Cohorts can Blow each other til they are Liberated.

Vlad the invader

Good question, how comes Mariupol hasn’t been taken yet nor the Ukrainian Forces been starved to death, even though we blocked escape routes as much as possible in order to worsen the situation?!?

Florian Geyer

The ASOV gangs will only be liberated by death.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

It doesn’t matter because it’s got nothing to do with Chernobyl. So why the fuck are there Putin faggots in Chernobyl? Because Putin was looking for an excuse to install a new puppet in Kiev who can suck his dick. If anything the Putin faggots just made the situation worse in Dombass.


Once again, Putin is demonstrated as living rent-free in the ukropisstanis empty skulls.


Ukrainians can’t look after Nuclear facility’s history has shown us. lol


All AFU and SBU criminal scums ought to be exposed, then executed.

Vlad the invader

My Wagner Nazi mercs too?

Aunt Polly

Just let them move to Canada.

Black Russian

Ukrainian president and comedian Volodymyr Zelenskyy calls repeatedly for a NATO “No-Fly” zone over Ukraine. Maybe he can be more convincing wearing his High Heels and Gimp latex straps when performing for the public. Selenskky is a now the Posterboy Pussy the West is supporting!?

Ukraine and it’s NAZI Azov Battalions have lost this conflict before it began!

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

NATO is not suicidal and will not die for a Jew clown hiding in the basement of a 5 star hotel in Warsaw. The only no fly zone is for NATO aircraft over Russian Ukraine. Russia has deployed S-500 batteries in Belarus. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


The same needs to happen in Latakia before Israel and Turkey attacks.

Vlad the invader

S-500 is against missiles, stupido.

Vlad the invader

What does it matter? I have lost this war after it began!


Guys I lost my friggin essay. I named the file Cut the Clit Off and stuck it in a folder somewhere and now I can’t find it.


Don’t worry gays I found it. I am just referencing now.


Yeah it was in your mom’s asshole along with your grandpa dick and your tumorous brain.


Day after day comment section on SF become more and more insane, and no one does nothing.

Ukrainian shithole

Kill all Ukrainians nazi

Tommy Jensen

Neo-nazis and Isis have also feelings. They have had personal problems and need money and social care from Western societies.

Marcelo Rodriguez

Estos vídeos y estás confesiones deberían ser presentadas a la prensa independiente de la comunidad internacional, también Rusia debería presentar las pruebas en el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas a través de un vídeo en dicha reunión, estás pruebas deberían ser presentadas y entregadas a las distintas embajadas de los distintos países del mundo para que se puedan enterar de los crímenes que cometen a diario estos grupos Nacionalistas que Occidente los ampara y patrocina a nivel mundial como luchadores por la libertad. De esta manera se puede lograr el desenmascaramiento de la prensa Occidental y sus mentiras en cuanto a lo que verdaderamente ocurre en Ucrania.

Pamfil Military Academy

Military Academy here, you nazi bastard piece of shit:


Cpt Pervis

good suggestion, mister foul manners

Miki Miric

Rusi do pobjede


Ukenjali smo se bre brale. Begaj će nas bije.


In Russia she would have long since jumped from a high floor ;)


Ukrainians su nasa slovenska pravoslavna braća, bilo smo s njima turke, bre. Mlogo ih pogide u Bosna, mlogi brojka.

Last edited 2 years ago by Serb
Cpt Pervis

There is so much evidence that this shithole was never a true democracy. Instead it was at best a very poorly functioning pretend-be democracy where other parties get shut down or assassinated, and where the governments at the top are stacked with criminals, and where there is commonplace corruption at all other levels too.


Please could some guys go and fight for the Russians against the ukis nazis. Just think, if you have a diagnosis of something like pancreatic cancer, you could go out on a just cause. Far better than dying for cancer profiteers. You could even join in with the Nazis but sabotage them and help the civilians escape. Even if nobody knows, you would know and God would know.

Srboljub četnikovič

Ukrainci nedajte se! Vi naša slovenska pravoslavna bartja. Stižu četnici za pobedu!

Viacheslav Denisov

If I had to speak in the Bundestag like a boy Kolya, then I would probably say these words: – Dear deputies. Today I saw a miracle. And this miracle is called Germany. I walked to you and looked at the beautiful Berlin streets, at the people, at the wonderful architectural monuments, and now I’m standing here and looking at you. And I understand that all this is a miracle. That you were all born and live in Germany. Why do I think so? Because considering what your soldiers did in our occupied territories, the Red Army soldiers had the full moral right to destroy the entire German people. To leave a scorched field, ruins and only textbook paragraphs in place of Germany would remind that there was once such a country. You probably don’t remember all the details of the occupation, but it’s not necessary. I’m just going to remind you of what the Wehrmacht and SS soldiers did to Soviet children. They were shot. Often in front of parents. Or vice versa, first they shot at mom and dad, and then at the children. Your soldiers raped children. Children were burned alive. They were sent to concentration camps. Where their blood was taken from them to make serum for your soldiers. Children were starved. Children were eaten to death by your sheepdogs. Children were used as targets. Children were brutally tortured just for fun.

Or here are two examples. The Wehrmacht officer was prevented from sleeping by a baby, he took him by the leg and smashed his head against the corner of the stove. Your pilots at the Lychkovo station bombed the train on which they tried to take the children to the rear, and then your aces chased the frightened kids, shooting them in a bare field. Two thousand children were killed.

Just for one thing that you did with children, I repeat, the Red Army could destroy Germany completely with its inhabitants. She had a full moral right. But she didn’t. Do I regret it? Of course not. I bow to the steely will of my ancestors, who found some incredible strength in themselves so as not to become the same brutes as the soldiers of the Wehrmacht.

On the buckles of German soldiers it was written “God is with us.” But they were a product of hell and brought hell to our land. The soldiers of the Red Army were Komsomol members and Communists, but the Soviet people turned out to be much bigger and more cordial than the inhabitants of enlightened religious Europe. And they did not take revenge. They were able to understand that hell cannot be defeated by hell. You should not ask us for forgiveness, because you personally are not to blame for anything. You cannot be responsible for your grandfathers and great-grandfathers. But I will be honest – for me the Germans are forever a strange, alien people. It’s not because you’re personally bad. It’s the pain of the children burned by the Wehrmacht that screams in me. And you will have to accept that at least another generation of mine – for whom the memory of the war is my grandfather’s awards, his scars, his front-line friends – will perceive you this way. What will happen then, I do not know. Perhaps mankurts will come after us who will forget everything. And we have done a lot for this, we have fucked up a lot ourselves, but I hope that all is not lost for Russia yet. Of course we need to cooperate. Russians and Germans. We need to solve problems together. Fight ISIS and build gas pipelines. But you will have to accept one fact: we will never repent for our Great War. And even more so for the Victory. And even more so in front of you. Anyway, I repeat, my generation. Because then we saved not only ourselves. We saved you from yourself. And I don’t even know what’s more important.” If I had to speak in the Bundestag like a boy Kolya, then I would probably say these words: – Dear deputies. Today I saw a miracle. And this miracle is called Germany. I walked to you and looked at the beautiful Berlin streets, at the people, at the wonderful architectural monuments, and now I’m standing here and looking at you. And I understand that all this is a miracle. That you were all born and live in Germany. Why do I think so? Because considering what your soldiers did in our occupied territories, the Red Army soldiers had the full moral right to destroy the entire German people. To leave a scorched field, ruins and only textbook paragraphs in place of Germany would remind that there was once such a country. You probably don’t remember all the details of the occupation, but it’s not necessary. I’m just going to remind you of what the Wehrmacht and SS soldiers did to Soviet children. They were shot. Often in front of parents. Or vice versa, first they shot at mom and dad, and then at the children. Your soldiers raped children. Children were burned alive. They were sent to concentration camps. Where their blood was taken from them to make serum for your soldiers. Children were starved. Children were eaten to death by your sheepdogs. Children were used as targets. Children were brutally tortured just for fun.

Or here are two examples. The Wehrmacht officer was prevented from sleeping by a baby, he took him by the leg and smashed his head against the corner of the stove. Your pilots at the Lychkovo station bombed the train on which they tried to take the children to the rear, and then your aces chased the frightened kids, shooting them in a bare field. Two thousand children were killed.

Just for one thing that you did with children, I repeat, the Red Army could destroy Germany completely with its inhabitants. She had a full moral right. But she didn’t. Do I regret it? Of course not. I bow to the steely will of my ancestors, who found some incredible strength in themselves so as not to become the same brutes as the soldiers of the Wehrmacht.

On the buckles of German soldiers it was written “God is with us.” But they were a product of hell and brought hell to our land. The soldiers of the Red Army were Komsomol members and Communists, but the Soviet people turned out to be much bigger and more cordial than the inhabitants of enlightened religious Europe. And they did not take revenge. They were able to understand that hell cannot be defeated by hell. You should not ask us for forgiveness, because you personally are not to blame for anything. You cannot be responsible for your grandfathers and great-grandfathers. But I will be honest – for me the Germans are forever a strange, alien people. It’s not because you’re personally bad. It’s the pain of the children burned by the Wehrmacht that screams in me. And you will have to accept that at least another generation of mine – for whom the memory of the war is my grandfather’s awards, his scars, his front-line friends – will perceive you this way. What will happen then, I do not know. Perhaps mankurts will come after us who will forget everything. And we have done a lot for this, we have fucked up a lot ourselves, but I hope that all is not lost for Russia yet. Of course we need to cooperate. Russians and Germans. We need to solve problems together. Fight ISIS and build gas pipelines. But you will have to accept one fact: we will never repent for our Great War. And even more so for the Victory. And even more so in front of you. Anyway, I repeat, my generation. Because then we saved not only ourselves. We saved you from yourself. And I don’t even know what’s more important.” If I had to speak in the Bundestag like a boy Kolya, then I would probably say these words: – Dear deputies. Today I saw a miracle. And this miracle is called Germany. I walked to you and looked at the beautiful Berlin streets, at the people, at the wonderful architectural monuments, and now I’m standing here and looking at you. And I understand that all this is a miracle. That you were all born and live in Germany. Why do I think so? Because considering what your soldiers did in our occupied territories, the Red Army soldiers had the full moral right to destroy the entire German people. To leave a scorched field, ruins and only textbook paragraphs in place of Germany would remind that there was once such a country. You probably don’t remember all the details of the occupation, but it’s not necessary. I’m just going to remind you of what the Wehrmacht and SS soldiers did to Soviet children. They were shot. Often in front of parents. Or vice versa, first they shot at mom and dad, and then at the children. Your soldiers raped children. Children were burned alive. They were sent to concentration camps. Where their blood was taken from them to make serum for your soldiers. Children were starved. Children were eaten to death by your sheepdogs. Children were used as targets. Children were brutally tortured just for fun.

Or here are two examples. The Wehrmacht officer was prevented from sleeping by a baby, he took him by the leg and smashed his head against the corner of the stove. Your pilots at the Lychkovo station bombed the train on which they tried to take the children to the rear, and then your aces chased the frightened kids, shooting them in a bare field. Two thousand children were killed.

Just for one thing that you did with children, I repeat, the Red Army could destroy Germany completely with its inhabitants. She had a full moral right. But she didn’t. Do I regret it? Of course not. I bow to the steely will of my ancestors, who found some incredible strength in themselves so as not to become the same brutes as the soldiers of the Wehrmacht.

On the buckles of German soldiers it was written “God is with us.” But they were a product of hell and brought hell to our land. The soldiers of the Red Army were Komsomol members and Communists, but the Soviet people turned out to be much bigger and more cordial than the inhabitants of enlightened religious Europe. And they did not take revenge. They were able to understand that hell cannot be defeated by hell. You should not ask us for forgiveness, because you personally are not to blame for anything. You cannot be responsible for your grandfathers and great-grandfathers. But I will be honest – for me the Germans are forever a strange, alien people. It’s not because you’re personally bad. It’s the pain of the children burned by the Wehrmacht that screams in me. And you will have to accept that at least another generation of mine – for whom the memory of the war is my grandfather’s awards, his scars, his front-line friends – will perceive you this way. What will happen then, I do not know. Perhaps mankurts will come after us who will forget everything. And we have done a lot for this, we have fucked up a lot ourselves, but I hope that all is not lost for Russia yet. Of course we need to cooperate. Russians and Germans. We need to solve problems together. Fight ISIS and build gas pipelines. But you will have to accept one fact: we will never repent for our Great War. And even more so for the Victory. And even more so in front of you. Anyway, I repeat, my generation. Because then we saved not only ourselves. We saved you from yourself. And I don’t even know what’s more important.”

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