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Victory Of Elites And Loss Of People: ‘Global Leaders’ And MSM Celebrate Alleged Biden Victory. Trump Declares Resistance

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Victory Of Elites And Loss Of People: 'Global Leaders' And MSM Celebrate Alleged Biden Victory. Trump Declares Resistance

Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Gage Skidmore / Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0) and US Government.

As the US President Election 2020 is yet to be officially declared finished (there are still votes to count and the Trump team is going to challenge results in many areas in courts), mainstream media and leaders of NATO and some European states already congratulated Joe Biden with the victory. The congratulations were provided by the leaders of Canada, France, Israel, Venezuela, the United Kingdom, Belgum and others.

Such great persons like Ukrainian President-Comedian Volodymyr Zelensky and leaders of the Belarusian and Turkish opposition did it among the first. The statement of the Ukrainian president about the fight on corruption is especially funny amid the numerous corruption scandals involving the Biden familiy and the post-2014 coup political regime in Kiev.

The media-reported situation in the election:

Victory Of Elites And Loss Of People: 'Global Leaders' And MSM Celebrate Alleged Biden Victory. Trump Declares Resistance

Fox News’ reporting of the situation: foxnews.com/elections/2020/general-results

The Canadian Prime Minister that had particular problems (as well as other pro-globalist leaders that suffered from the Trump national-oriented policy) with Donald Trump rushed to declare his support to Biden:

Israeli Prime Minister:

The French President:

The British Prime Minister:

The top German officials also supported Biden and complained that Trump’s unwillingness to accept what he called the ‘rigged election’ may lead to the “constitutional crisis”.

The demonstration of happiness of the globalist-oriented elites regarding the supposed victory of Biden (it is still not official) demonstrates the scale of their dissatisfaction with the policies of Donald Trump as well as the rise of the national-oriented ideology of the US citizens (middle class, workers, employers and owners of small and medium businesses , representatives of the national industry etc) that the Trump presidency demonstrated.

The potential loss of Donald Trump will mean the loss of these people. Instead, the United States will fall deeper into the ideological and political dominance of globalists, neo-liberals, the aggressive part of minorities (in fact demanding the discrimination of non-minority social groups) and technological corporations.

At the same time, Donald Trump, widely censored in MSM and social media, says that he won the election (if only legal votes are counted) and that he is not planning to surrender his victory to the globalists:

Meanwhile, SouthFront’s friend, The Saker, released two intersting comments on what’s going on in the United States:

Ask yourself the crucial question: why?

Why is it that US news channels censored a press conference by a President of the United States?

Why is it that tech giants feel the need to censor Trump’s tweets?

Why is it that in key Dem states the GOP observers were not allowed to actually observe anything?

Why did the Dems counter-sue just to try to prevent GOP observers from observing the ballot count?

Why do the media conglomerates all declare Biden the victor even though they all know for a fact that this is false (only the courts can declare a victor)?

Why is it that FoxNews was spearheading the anti-Trump cheering during this entire week?

Why is it that the US deep state needs EU leaders to suddenly all congratulate Biden on a victory?

Think of what is coming next: lawsuits in state and federal courts, right?

Then IF the Dems felt confident that the Trump campaign had no case, why not simply relax, wait and see the courts reject the Trump campaign’s petitions?

But no, instead, they are acting exactly as if they were all terrified that the courts might do something which would compromise the victory of the Biden campaign!

The very fact of the need for such extreme haste and such un-retractable statements can only be explained by the fear of the Dems that something in their coup plans might go wrong.  And, after all, it is said that Giuliani won over 4000 lawsuits in his career, and he would scare me too :-)

So, in a way, we could consider the Dems massive push to win in the court of public opinion a clear sign that they are much more afraid of a court of law.


Will they succeed?  Yeah, probably, Trump’s “aggregate power” is dwarfed the the power of the multi-billion dollars interests who are using all their “propaganda firepower” to settle the issue before the courts get to.

Yet another proof that the Dems are no democrats at all, but a completely immoral gang of USA-hating thugs who are willing to destroy their own country to defeat any outsider, good or bad, daring to challenge them.  They very much remind me of Kerensky and his own gang of masonic plutocrats.

Still, until we actually see that the USSC is also willing to betray the people of the USA, we can still keep a tiny little sense of hope in our hearts.

But we now all better prepare for the worst, because if the USSC also caves in, it will be the end of the United States as we know them.

Legacy Ziomedia declares victory

In a closely coordinated move, the Dems and their legacy Ziomedia have declared Biden the victor of the presidential race. Likewise, the main US TV channels have cut off Trump during a White House press conference.

Before all the votes are counted and before the courts could decide which votes count or not.  In simple legal terms, this election is not over.

But we know that Dems don’t give a hoot about facts or the law.

I won’t even bother going into all the details about fraud here, I simply don’t have the time to do so, and other will do that much better than I could.  I will simply say that there is no doubt in my mind that with so many states and counties reporting both tiny differences between the two candidates AND observers reporting how the Dems used what is called the “administrative resource” in Russia (i.e. their control of key states, voting locations and of the USPS), I personally am convinced that Trump and Giuliani are correct in their assessment that massive fraud has taken place.

This is an extremely dangerous situation for the USA.  Why?  Because whether Trump prevails in the courts or not, the Dems have already declared victory and are now celebrating.  So there are two main options ahead:

  1. Trump loses in the courts, and half of the country will feel that this election has been stolen
  2. Trump wins in the courts, and the other half of the country will feel that this elections has been stolen

Bottom line is this: the Dems will probably prevail in the end, I don’t believe that Trump has what it takes to prevail against the united US Nomenklatura, he is no Putin, that is for sure.  But Biden would make a very convincing Eltsin (if not Chernenko), and from the ensuing chaos other, far more courageous and charismatic individuals will emerge.

This is clearly the worst possible outcome for this country and the only thing standing between this outcome and us is the US Supreme Court.

I am not optimistic but, who knows, maybe a miracle will happen.

The Saker

PS: follow this link to listen to Giuliani’s latest statement:


I just took a look at what Fox News is reporting and, thankfully, they are openly celebrating!!!

Which, yet again, goes to prove that most of Fox also hates Trump (with a few exceptions) and that Murdoch’s channel never was even remotely pro-Trump.  Chris Wallace, especially, could not contain his joy and he actually openly said that considering the pressure created by the news announcement that Biden had won, it would be very hard for any judge to disagree.  So, finally, we have it.  Trump and his “deplorables” on one side, the entire US Nomenklatura on the other.  Trump, in spite of being the President, could not use any “administrative resource” whereas his enemies did.  For four years.  Nonstop.  And after 4 years of incredibly divisive, and completely false accusation, Biden took to the air yesterday and declared that he wants to unite the nation.

How stupid does he (meaning his handlers, of course) think the “deplorables” are?

I would be surprised of the judges on the USSC would have the courage to uphold the law.  Thus I have to assume that by hook or by crook the Dems will take the White House and President Harris will run the country come January.  Trump will probably not only be gone, the regime will attack him and his supporters full force and try to get him convicted of something (since “beating Hillary” is not a criminal offense, they will try to get him for something else).

There will be an especially virulent attack on the First and Second Amendments of the Constitution, which is most distressing since these two amendments are the cornerstones of the entire US Constitution.

The USA as we knew it until now are dead, we now will live under a very different regime.

But half of the country, tens of millions of people, will not disappear.  The resistance will probably go to the state level next, and to the courts.  Last, but not least, a lot of US Americans will feel that they are now living under a globalist tyranny.  I can’t say that they are wrong.  But I do fear the very serious consequences of this realization.

The Saker

PS: I want to reassure the readers about one thing: four years of Trump has given enough time for Russia to truly finalize her preparations for a full-scale war against the US/NATO/EU.  Russia’s armed forces are so far ahead of the US military that it would take a decade or more, and money which the US does not have, to even try to catch up.  That train (attack on Russia) has now left.  So while Biden and his gang will continue the Russia-hating rhetoric, the petty harassment (taking consular buildings, arresting Russian citizens, even more Russia-strengthening (yes, that has been the real effect of US sanctions) sanctions, etc.), they won’t dare to attack Russia directly, not even in Syria (which Hillary would have done, take that to the bank).  I don’t see an attack on China, Iran or Venezuela either.  An attack to “restore democracy” on Saint Kitts and Nevis or, maybe, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, is still a real possibility, I suppose.


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Lone Ranger

Both candidates were/are bad, Trump pushed China to the brink of war with the U.S. and WWIII was just around the corner, he also was harder on Russia than anybody else for no reason. The only positive aspects of his presidency were that he didn’t launch any major wars and tried everything to block the cia from supporting wahabinazi jihadists, but aside from that he was pretty bad, didn’t deliver on anything he promised. He was a spoiled rich tycoon trying to force his way through with zero diplomacy both home and abroad. Now pedobide is in office Obama 2.0(Kamala) will probably get rid of him the first year with the help of Pelosi and the DNC and take over and start over where obongo left. U.S. is toast. Maybe its good it happened that way, I dunno, Trump would have gone out guns blazing, now it will only be slow disintigration and China taking over global leadership. Getting rid of Pimpeo is a big plus tho, fuckin psycho is gone for good.

Harry Smith

You won’t like Chinese leadership. Trust me.

Lone Ranger

Anything is better than U.S. leadership.

René Artois

You have no idea, what does it mean, to live without freedom.

Lone Ranger

Something like the U.S. is going through for decades…


We have freedom. Trump can be accused of not doing enough to protect it. But he didn’t create the scamdemic and run the BLM/Antifa color revolution being used to take it away. The ziodems did.

And now they’re peddling the foreverdemic.

Lone Ranger

No offense but you don’t have freedom either. Compared to Europe you have very strict laws. Yes Trump didn’t create it but played along a lil.


Our gun rights are much better. What laws of ours are more strict than Europe?

Lone Ranger

Most of them are stricter. Here you would never get into a prison for stealing small stuff or for speeding, you would only get probation if at all. U.S. has the biggest prison population on the planet and a big chunk of them are in for no victim crimes. Your guns didn’t protect you from opression. Many EU countries have liberal gunlaws liberal in the true sense of liberal not fake liberal. For example Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium, Spain, Finnland. Plus Switzerland and Russia.

Fog of War

Why is Sweden on this list ? Maybe you need stricter laws after all and more lax gun laws . Here are the 10 countries with the highest rape rates:

South Africa. South Africa has the highest rape rate in the world of 132.4. … Botswana. Botswana is the second with a rate of rape – 92.90 and 1,865 incidents in per 100,000 people. Lesotho. … Swaziland. … Bermuda. … Sweden. … Suriname. … Costa Rica.


Lone Ranger

I didn’t mention Sweden.

Tommy Jensen

Statistic and old news paper………………………….lie.


In the US, most petty thieves arent gonna serve any meaningful time in jail, maybe a couple of days before arraignment and bail, then given brobation, unless they are a numerous repeat offender.

86% of the US Fedrule prison population is ‘victimless crimes’, but this doesnt just mean stealing a loaf of bread, I reckon most of them are illegal immigrants.

Compared to EU, Americans have much more freedom to own firearms, defend themselves with lethal force, and speak their mind without running afoul of some ‘hate speech’ law.

Lone Ranger

Yet they have the biggest prison population… There are people in prison serving 25 years for stealing a slice of pizza, no joke.


I wont lie, you are correct.

Commenting on the criminal justice system is pretty outside of my wheelhouse, but I think its safe to say the draconian sentences you speak of are pretty uncommon. I think they exist mostly because of mandatory minimum sentences imposed on repeat offenders e.g, ‘three strikes’… nobody gets years in jail for petty theft. Another possible reason for the huge prison population could just be the sheer level of crime and drug addition here, it’s completely off the charts.

On the other hand, we aren’t (yet) throwing people in the klink for political speech; to me as a dissident, this is the salient issue. In other words, free speech should be given primacy over the ability to engage in petty crime.

Lone Ranger

Snowden and Assange are both political prisoners of sort not yet in the U.S. How many Russian citizens are locked up in the U.S. unlawfully? There are political prisoners you just dont know about them yet. Manning was one of them too. Three strike system is BS. I have a speeding ticket a parking ticket and steal a slice of pizza and get 25 years in.prison, hows that a good system? Also no victim crimes drug addicts whom only crime was posession shouldnt be in prison. Also U.S. is the only western country with the death penalty.


USA does have political prisoners, though generally speaking they aren’t prosecuted for simply holding an opinion- they actually have committed other crimes (such as releasing classified info) but in some cases are actually victims of entrapment. I think you’ll find this happens in practically every other country and isn’t exclusive to the USA.

Re: three strikes laws, these apply to serious felonies like rape, robbery and murder, not traffic violations

Most ShitHole cities’ prison systems are so choked full of serious offenders, that drug offences such as simple possession almost always result in treatment and probation.

Lone Ranger

Statistics say otherwise. They often let rapists and robbers off the hook while drug offenders get jail time. There was a case a few years back where a black guy got 35 years for no victim crimes one of his crimes was stealing a slice of pizza, he was no heavy criminal but a petty thief, got his life destroyed, how is that justice? Why does the U.S. have more people in prision than the EU+Russia combined yet their combined population is 700million vs 335mil in the U.S. China also has less prisoners yet thrir population is 1400million. U.S. prison system is for profit by the way, they get more money if they have more prisoners… Cheap slave labour is also a plus for them…


If you wanna make the case that small-time pilferers and dudeweeds with a couple grams routinely get sent upstate for 10, 20 years, I’ll listen to stats. But from what I see on the ground here, they are extreme outlier cases.

My theory regarding the large prison population is that USA is just a much more degenerated society, throroughly ate up with crime of all sorts… and it’s getting worse. Just one of the ways the USA is collapsing in on itself (and has been for over 50 years)

I dont discount profit-prisons figuring into it tho, but on the other hand, so does court ordered treatment, an industry that is far more privatized than the prison system.

Tommy Jensen

But it didnt help you toward a more peaceful society yes?


You don’t usually get prison for stealing small stuff or speeding. They’re letting rioters off in droves here. You’re laws are similar to ours. It’s the sentencing here that’s different.

Oppression is a subjective topic. Are countries with little or no taxation more oppressed than the US or Europe with onerous taxation? We have the highest per capita gun ownership in the world.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/Guns.png https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Number_of_guns_per_capita_by_country

Lone Ranger

But you dont use your guns to protect your freedoms. Rioters are a special case tuey are exampt because they are undercover soldiers of the globalists. Im talking about avg Joe. U.S. has the biggest prison population amongst any western nation even more than Russia or China by a longshot. Western EU is trash but for other reasons.


I suppose that it depends on your definition of protecting our freedoms. Using our guns to protect our freedom of movement from the rioters has been done repeatedly. I have a 9mm in the trunk of my car. Up to this point using our guns against an oppressive government hasn’t been put to the test on an organized basis. Where the tipping point is is yet to be determined. It could occur over this election based on vote fraud. I agree that creeping oppression is an ongoing problem.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fa/Incarceration_rates_worldwide.gif/525px-Incarceration_rates_worldwide.gif https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_incarceration_rate#:~:text=A%202014%20report%20by%20the,in%20the%20likelihood%20of%20imprisonment.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/54e754ee89ffbf84e4a792faff0688b3b557e50725a85ffa28ccdd4e74b03e73.png https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Number_of_guns_per_capita_by_country

Tommy Jensen

But are you using these gun rights in the right way?


You don’t know how the Germans incarcerate 90+ year olds that come against the jew holohoax narrative…or just try to speak reason about it? You don’ t know about others there that have been jailed for speaking against the jews? No freedom of speech there at all, nor in Canada. Please do research.

Lone Ranger

Most the time they dont get prison time and thats the only restriction in regard of free speech. Still better than the U.S.


92 year old Ursula Haverbeck is still sitting in a German prison for questioning the holy caust….

Lone Ranger

That’s one Human in prison vs hundreds of thousands in the U.S.


The salient point about ‘hate speech’ laws locking up 90 year old women for violating the official narrative, isn’t about the sheer number of offenders incarcerated; it’s the chilling effect it has on the free exchange of ideas… suppressing inquiry and discussion.

Free speech is widely regarded as a virtue. Freedom to commit property crimes is not.

Lone Ranger

U.S. put Manning into prison, and would lovd to do it with Assange and Snowden as well yet they only used free speech to expose conspiracy and warcrimes.


Regarding Snowden and Manning, they released classified material, which is a crime (in any country), this is obviously not free speech and shouldnt be construed as such…

Assange is much more clearly a political enemy and forcing non-US citizens to be in compliance with US laws is obviously a disturbing overreach by globohomo, altho not surprising at all.

Even tho I support what they’ve done from the standpoint of weakening the control grid, it’s clear that releasing classified info doesnt fall under the purview of free speech.

Lone Ranger

It depends. Unlawful orders must be denied. Nuremberg trials… If you get an unlawful order its your duty to resist. So in this regard it doesnt matter whether it was classified or not.

Lone Ranger

Facebook, Google, Twitter will ban you if you use yoour right to free speech. Tell a judge he or she is corrupt and is working for the cabal, lets see how well your free speech is protected…


Yes, FaceBerg, Goolag and Tweeter will ban you for violating their unfairly enforced terms of service…but what is being discussed is free speech in the context of being legally actionable, whether or not it’s a criminal offense to speak your mind on certain subjects without police showing up at the door and taking you away from your family.

Lone Ranger

I can assure you there is a miriad of subjects in the U.S. which will get you locked up or killed if you dare to talk about it publicly.


You have no idea how much ineffect your saviour is the same piece of sht to destroy it,ignorus! Chinese are reasonable peoples,worked with them,hard workers,don’t lie and honoured each and every single transaction without a glitch (period)

Conversely usa (rigged elections) call that freedom,pfft!

René Artois

Did you live in China?

Harry Smith

Sorry, but in this case you’re totally wrong. Chinese have other mindset. Any European power has European civilization at its basis. Chinese leadership is completely other system you never experienced before. Just imagine if the social rating is introduced in your country.

Lone Ranger

You think it isnt already? Why do you thinkGoogpe, Youtube, Facebook and Twitter are around? To make your life better? They are monitoring you 24/7. You make the wrong comment you are out… You belong to the wrong party? you are out… Whats that if not a social credit system? Aside from that I dont see China spreading it to other countries. How many countries did the U.S. steamroll, rape and destroy in recent decades and how many did China? Who built up China again? Wasnt it the U.S. and Europe outsourcing a big chunk of their production? U.S. runs an $800billion trade deficit this year. U.S. went from the biggest exporter on the planet to a joke. Germany alone exports more than the whole U.S. The EU and China dwarfs them combined, the U.S. is simply no competition contrary to CIA propaganda. Thats why they are pushing for war, its the only thing they can do to destroy their competitors.

Porc Halal

Speaking of Google…


Fog of War

” Who built up China again? Wasnt it the U.S. and Europe outsourcing a big chunk of their production? ”

And you dont think this was done on purpose ?

Lone Ranger

Yes indeed it was.

Fog of War

Then it was done by design and China is being enabled by the same elite running ZioAmerica and the rest of the west. Why would they want to destroy China then ?

Lone Ranger

Biden doesnt want to destroy them. The exact opposite. Trump was an anomaly for them. Thats why they had to cheat the elections, they couldnt afford letting Trump attack China.

Fog of War

Sadly you still think Trump was a ” free agent ” and cant see the role he was playing.



I remember hearing in the 1980’s how corporations shut down factories in the USA and Canada and moved them to Asia to save on wages and pension liability as well as to avoid environmental regulations and high taxes.

I remembering hearing in the 1990’s that China was training engineers and scientists while we were training lawyers and Mba’s.

I remember hearing talking heads and pundits say that only dirty factory jobs would be offshored to China and that the Chinese weren’t capable of innovation so design and management jobs would always remain in the USA / Canada.

So that’s it. Those Chinese STEM students of the 1990’s are now at the top of their game and they are making leaps and bounds in technology. While we’re blaming Covid-19 on 5G and deciding whether or not it’s evil the Chinese have rolled out 6G.

We’ve been surpassed by the Chinese in manufacturing, science and management and in a few decades we’ll be bidding along with Vietnam and Mexico to do the dirty work for both Chinese and US corporations.

Tommy Jensen

Western populations got too spoiled. Too high salaries, too high pensions, too many female/minority quotes, too lazy to work when you could score on bs like facebook, fraud and stocks.


Not just too lazy to work but incapable of hard work. If it weren’t for Mexican farm labour Americans would starve. Kids today can’t put in 15 hours of hard work bent over in the hot sun like their great-grandparents could.

Magic Puro

Exactly. Western tech was transferred to the Soviet Union in the first bogus Cold War. A similar tech transfer from the West to China. The Zionist thugs who destroyed China under their Mao also rebuilt it to destroy the US.


[“Aside from that I dont see China spreading it to other countries…”] Well you haven’t been keeping up. China is after ALL resources by the back door…usually by economical collapse. Ask Africa. Ask any nation that has oil, gas and other resources. They are completely aligned with israel in every aspect TO INCLUDE ORGAN HARVESTING/SELLING. The list is long. All the globalists are together despite rhetoric. China imo is our worse nightmare…that has economically ruled the US by our sell out jew controlled puppets. They act like a victim just like israel…but trust me…they are ready to control the world.

Lone Ranger

Dont mix up China with Israel… China is doing fair trade in Africa. Building them up in return for resources. Compare that with U.S. methods in Iraq, Lybia, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen…


I don’t agree with US methods either (by way of israel)…but China is the same using their methods of handing over sovereignty. I can mix China with israel because they work hand in hand which has ultimately caused the economical fall of the US. Israel has promised to do this and they have. They always work at both ends to meet their own agendas which is the total control of mammon and all that goes with it…at all costs to the loser.

Tommy Jensen

We are also doing fair trade in Africa. All Africans have now access to US Facebook, US whoppers and US gay movies. Thats a huge step into a democratic and civilised society with freedom.

Tommy Jensen

Aligned with Israel? So thats why they murdered the new appointed Chinese Ambassador in Israel after China bought an Israeli port.


Lack of understanding of Chinese civilization. Historically China has been preoccupied with internal unity and more inward looking than outward looking. China probably will persue more of Mao’s ideals of egalitarianism as opposed to western type elitism. President Xi’s father joined the famous long march in 1930s and president Xi fully understand what that march was. Most of Chinese leadership are composed of engineers not bankers and lawyers. sure China remembers Boxer’s rebellion, Opium wars, etc.


You prefer to serve they whom serve themselfs,you do not understand communist one single bit,for starters china is far more dynamic and enterprising that millenia,incest infested fake christian scammers of eu-epp To hell with the kweer nonesense,you vy for hitler gets nonone anywhere oh by the way democrats are certainly not and never will be communist,why? Because they are way to kweer and dumb to better serve 1.4 billion people fully housed without the unsolicited debts,in short Nazis lost for good reason. Nazis were never communists either,but you either way fascism are cursed:

No secret China deals much more ethics and considerate than degen usa:

Tommy Jensen

There is already social rating in West. You are ranged anytime you want loans, wanna buy something on credit. The difference between Chinese and Europeans is the Chinese mentally know they live in a totalitarian system, the Europeans live in a mental illusion they are “free”. If your Emperor is competent and responsible as they are pt in China, the type of system doesnt matter that much

Jaime Galarza

It’s only logical the Chinese have a different mindset. It’s a totally different culture with its own weltanschauung. Another difference is the US is like a childish brat with its barely 250 years of existence while China has existed for millenia. Lone Ranger is right. Whatever China brings is better, and this is not only hope. Just look at their history. They care for commerce, not invasions, conquests and plundering. The UScomes from a traditions of zero sum games -aren’t Europeans the colonizers of the world? They want everything for them and sh** for their counterparts.

Magic Puro

Social rating, censorship, etc. You name it. I agree.

China was designed by the West to serve as model for the rest of the world. Not many realize this. Decades long of Western technology and industry transfer to China wasn’t done for nothing.

cechas vodobenikov

anything existing, yes China has improved conditions for their population during the past 3 decades reduced poverty to 1.5%, education, health, etc…there are good reason Chian and Russia cooperate. “in our arrogance we are European; in our acts and development we are Asian”. Anton Chekhov


2 months,he’s got 2 months to pull his head out of the jackass and put humans above nazis:

The Objective

Was it only on Russia and China that Trump was tough on? I think you omitted one country that suffered at Trump’s hands, and I think you are a propagandist of that country, simply for the fact that you didn’t mention it. However, you are in for a surprise, thinking Biden will simply let your pals off the hook. A lot has changed since Obama’s time and the terms won’t be the same. The person you think opposes war might be the same person starting one.

Lone Ranger

Which country would that be?

The Objective

You know of course.

Lone Ranger

No I dont.

The Objective

Spell the country from these four words: A, I, N, R.

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt…

Tommy Jensen


Lone Ranger

Lolz ?

Tommy Jensen

I lost Trump when Soleimani was murdered. He filled his office with the worst deep swamp, better than Obama’s kindergarden, but still awful. The problem with Biden and Harris is that they now have the EU cappuccino sissies as full supporters. 50% of the military and 80% of the global economy in the hands of a marihuana smoking corrupt pedo gang with green fake projects.

Rhodium 10

Globalist agenda: 1º Colour revolution 2º Arab spring 3º Self proclamation of presidents..Guaidó ( Venezuela),Añez ( Bolivia), Pashinyan ( Armenia) Tikhanovhkaya ( Belarus), Biden (USA)….

Porc Halal

2^ Arab spring = islamist terror spring


…and fostered by who?


4° Sanction Russian economy so they sell cheap gas.




I would be surprised of the judges on the USSC would have the courage to uphold the law…Why should it? It hasn’t since it selected GW illegally and declared corporations people, and what law are you referring to anyway? BTW, the USSC does not uphold law, it decides whether laws/legislation is constitutional. The USA as we knew it until now are dead, we now will live under a very different regime. Really? What US are you referring to? The one that has attacked and subjugated the rest of the world and courts disaster at the request of Israel? That looks to still be here. these two amendments are the cornerstones of the entire US Constitution. Supposedly. Trump showed his adherence to those cornerstones when he publicly castigated Kaepernick for expressing his opinion. How did that affect racial tensions? a lot of US Americans will feel that they are now living under a globalist tyranny. Gee, a whole lot of us have felt that way long before Biden…and Trump for that matter. For me, I saw it under Nixxon. four years of Trump has given enough time for Russia to truly finalize her preparations for a full-scale war against the US/NATO/EU Yes, those sanctions attacking the Russian economy, Russian citizens and Russian companies was a big help to Russia. Wasn’t Russia pursuing this trend (rebuilding their military) for the last 20 years? Tramps sanctions made Russia find new trading partners and expand their manufacturing base. An attack to “restore democracy” on Saint Kitts and Nevis or, maybe, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,..Yes, that would be rather Reagan-esk…Kinda like Trumps confiscating Iranian goods and re-sanctioning Cuba and Venezuela. How stupid does he (meaning his handlers, of course) think the “deplorables” are? Let’s see…Supporting a life-long criminal and Mossad asset (since 1973) fully in bed with Epsteins honey pot op, multiple pay-offs for non-rape (that’s a good one), multiple bankruptcies to launder KM money, turned dancing Israelis into dancing Arabs, believed Mexico would pay for a wall, believed Trump arrested 1000s of DS operatives, ad nauseum. My answer? Pretty GD stupid. All in all, Trump just continued the status quo, continuing the tax cuts for the rich republican theme endemic to the GOP, along with removing the must cover pre-existing clause from ACA. As well, he changed nothing globally for the better, regardless all the rhetoric. The same anti-Russia stance remains, even elevated (by DS of course). The only real substantive change has been in the ME. Dumping JCPOA, illegal sanctions on Iran, assassinations, gloating over stealing Syrian oil, taking money from dubious allies elevating the atrocity on Yemen…Jerusalem, Golan, US base in Israel…these are wholly Trump owned…his contribution to the global effort has been chaos. That should be a clue, but to most isn’t. Certainly not to the Saker. Those democrats that see a renaissance coming are doomed to the very same results that Trump garnered. Those Trumpets that desire a civil war are not interested in the constitution, they are ‘my way or the highway’ types. Both are myopic and both are instrumental in de-constructing the constitution. There are many goals that should have been supported by both sides, but weren’t. The most critical in recent times is the Citizens United ruling by the onerous and traitorous USSC. That has sealed our corporate run doom. But, has anything like that emerged from either camp? No and it ain’t gonna either. Another would be to declare AIPAC and it’s ilk as agents of foreign govs. The likelihood of that from either is what? Nil(I was truly shocked that JCPOA passed in the first place). I expect to see a change in public rhetoric, but little to no change in international relations…the trend towards the NWO will continue unabated…aided by the ‘rebuilding trust’ mantra that Biden will undoubtedly use, excused as ‘fix what Trump screwed up’. Likely, this is probably what the entire tenure of Trump was all about…similarly the same with Obama. How likely should it have been that Bush/Reagan/Clinton neocons/neolibs were prominent in both? Change, the mantra of both camps was nonexistant.


U support Israel,200 nuclear weapons,


No, but neocons and Trump does. Look at the ‘new’ mini nukes we are going to deploy (Trumps revamped nukes)on subs. Israel has loads of them and is set to receive more, along with newer tech, making them cleaner and harder to detect their use.

Porc Halal

SF, please don’t be hypocrite…russia endorse the victory of deep state puppet aka creepy joe…

Tommy Jensen

It might benefit Russia on the short term. Kremlin will do anything to become equal partner to US.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6ef302dc12baab28c78e95b8f3dc32a94e89bfda697ad870b70df03de57e545e.jpg https://www.infowars.com/posts/joe-biden-to-announce-covid-task-force-to-impose-mask-mandates-contact-tracing-on-americans/


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1b64806bdd826afa20aca58baaab064f7a8c20ebddb90feaff61c1b332e1b784.jpg https://www.infowars.com/posts/joe-biden-to-announce-covid-task-force-to-impose-mask-mandates-contact-tracing-on-americans/


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e40d2652f97b0041d57a2c6ead28779cb84dc3d4e4c900b69f22f27a0a85b375.jpg https://www.infowars.com/posts/joe-biden-to-announce-covid-task-force-to-impose-mask-mandates-contact-tracing-on-americans/


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1454a8e38b1b7155d1bd23132abc83b7762d4803a6108074ca8a2fd7a09d5fd4.jpg https://www.infowars.com/posts/joe-biden-to-announce-covid-task-force-to-impose-mask-mandates-contact-tracing-on-americans/


If Trump wins in court. I think that many Biden supporters will accept that. And many won’t. If he loses, few Trump supporters will accept it. Because the evidence of fraud is to much to ignore. Which is why Many Biden supporters will accept Trump winning in court, if he does.

Harry Smith

Trump supporters are law abiding citizens. If Trump loose the court don’t think there will be any major unrest. Maybe I am wrong.


It would depend on how he lost.

Harry Smith

You know it better. My view is from outside while you’re in the middle of the game.

Tommy Jensen

We will never give up our pedo rings, LGBT’s Clima rights and our green bicycle paths, notwithstanding any Court decision.

Hasbara Hunter

The Devil seats in USraHell…I personally think they can use a little Civil War II to cut the tumor out…


[“I would be surprised of the judges on the USSC would have the courage to uphold the law…”] Saker

Funny thing in my neck of the woods…after a fierce battle of Trump/Biden signs in yards, big flags flying, asshole idiots driving like they where on fire…passing by the County Prosecutor’s residence (who is christian btw) had Biden signs outside his big estate. There it is…and it ain’t by coincidence imo. Whatever happens I will do my part in keeping the Constitution…the one leaders warned us about of this coming day. Let the Constitution cleanse this corruption once and for all and eliminate the foreign influence, stranglehold, and subterfuge controlling this nation. Let it also destroy the meddling of our nation into foreign/sovereign states. Let it destroy the UN. Let it destroy NATO. Set it destroy every goddamn jewish pac that reaches all the way to the heavens. And lastly, let it destroy every lawless enemy within this nation. Imagine the line of Constitutional lawyers ($$$) suddenly coming out from the woodwork. Money/greed is the root of all evil.

Tommy Jensen

Back to good ol’ days. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7e3136ba4c1fc0218fee70add1986cae31dffba794ac6538a886a9500ce8b152.jpg

Lazy Gamer

How can a cheater expect to be leader of the “free world”? The democrats just subverted democratic principles. lol Four years of liberal shittery and regime change is not something to look forward to.

Rhodium 10

The mandate of Biden will be to support and spread Colours revolution in Russia, Arabs spring( Now will be turned in a pseudo Turquic Muslim spring targeting Central Asia Ex Soviet Republics and China Uygour once Turkish retake NK)…Africa and latinamerica bet on China investment…therefore both are a lost cause!….. for other side CIA knew that a war vs China for Taiwan issue was a risky business for US and a war vs Russia which have Hypersonic weapons a Mission Impossible!…therefore Trump is useless and the Deep State prefer Biden and democrats to promote future Asymmetric wars and desestabilizations.

Trap Is Not Gay

They stole the election big time.

No shame at all.


Soviet Union like gulag spirit.

But people don’t care so much, because Biden isn’t so different from Trump (same direction, but faster).

Next is erasing white people, then starting a war with China/Russia, and last trying to go full globalist/world government.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikan judges will not challenge the corruption; they do not wish to be assassinated by the Clinton crime syndicate or some BLM/antifa thug

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