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Video 18+: Paid Out Terrorists Filmed Their Attack In Moscow

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Video 18+: Paid Out Terrorists Filmed Their Attack In Moscow

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Amaq news agency of ISIS published new video filmed by the terrorists during the terrorist attack in the crocus City Hall in Moscow. The footage was provided with the following comment:

“Exclusive footage for Amaq Agency shows moments from the bloody attack on Christians yesterday in the city of Krasnogorsk in Moscow.”

The release of the video by ISIS source corresponds to the ongoing informational campaign aimed to hide those responsible for the horrific terrorist attack; but the more evidence is revealed, the more they point to the perpetrators in Kiev and in the West.

The terrorists, who later will not be able to respond a single question during their interrogation, literally posed in front of the camera. Before their detention, the militants managed to share the footage with their customers while driving to the Ukrainian border to receive an award.



The terrorists are seen cutting the throat of a wounded man. This is too banal. This is one of the most commonly known methods of ISIS terrorists to kill their victims. It seems that the militant was especially ordered to film this move and it was the first moment published online.

The comment by Amaq does not confirm that the terrorist attack was launched by the true ideological ISIS followers. The comment says that this is the ‘exclusive footage’ shared with the agency. Thus, the footage was likely obtained by Amaq which simply published the ‘exclusive video’; but, ISIS was not behind the organization of this operation, otherwise, the whole coverage format of the operation would be completely different. It seems that the employees of Amaq themselves are a bit in a hurry to fulfill the orders, but they are forced to present the necessary agenda. This is another indirect signal that ISIS is just a smoke screen for the real organizers of the terrorist attack.

The comment claims that the footage shows the bloody “attack on Christians”. This is another nonsense since dozens of Muslims were wounded and killed in the concert hall. This is confirmed by the lists of victims released by the Russian Health Ministry and other official sources. The concert had no link to any religion. From time immemorial, Russia has been a country of cohabitation of Orthodox, Muslims, Buddhists and representatives of other faiths. This attack had nothing to do with ideology. The attackers simply fulfilled the order, then earned money. The militants were not jihadists but usual poorly trained mercenaries.



The fact that the offenders have nothing to do with Islam, with religion in general, is also confirmed by numerous videos of how they were detained, how they behaved during interrogations.  The terrorists did not commit suicide during arrest. They didn’t even try to fight but tried to run away. All of them were detained alive, trembling and crying on their knees in front of the Russian men, including Christians and Muslims.

Remember the early 2010s, remember Syria and Iraq, the mid and late 90s, the conflicts in the Balkans, Southern Russia, Central Asia and Afghanistan. Not a single terrorist, obsessed with his fate and ideals, behaved like these ordinary coward mercenaries, who have no Faith, no Homeland, no Morals.

Amaq has discredited itself by the very fact of publishing such videos. Of course, the team of the agency is no more the same as it was a decade ago. It’s hard to imagine that the real mouthpiece of ISIS would associate itself with such unbelievers and cowards.


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isis is a mossad subsidiary. everything it does now, it is being ordered to do to cover the tracks of the real perpetrators.

jens holm

if so isis would be much stronger.


the russian intelligence services know very well who is really behind this attack.

it is the exact same modus operandi the zionazis use in iran.

they approach sell outs via social media and then contacts offer them money to carry out surveillance / murders and so on: half upfront and the rest once the mission is carried out.

Last edited 10 months ago by Chris

yes. also the jewish mossad controls cia and mi6. khazars are the cancer of the planet.


all western intelligence services will use cover names to mask agencies and governments involved in hundreds of terrorist attacks over the years. this is common practice plosable dinyabilty is often use to cover their tracks or to use another group as a scapegoat. mi6 and other government agencies across western europe and beyond are renowned for it!

jens holm

thats normal pratice for the world.

you ignore those organisations try protect my part of the wold and often agaists someone like you.

in most things cia and mi6 are my fiernds as well as my small danish one.

and of course they and we are all over. what you think nato and eu are made for. the only lie is by using scapegoat. that dont cover what we and they do.

it cover we can live longer and better.

very much as russia use ukraine as skapegoat. for anything.

jens holm

sure ukraine collapased ussr all the way to west of berlin. for sure they did. they also were landgrabbers of the worst kind and are.


bro everything you type is pathetic.


low lives, hired by americans, typical!


not americans, it is the jewish mossad. kosher business.

In The Crumbling Empire

“driving to the ukrainian border to receive a award.” their reward would have been a bullet to their head. once they perpetrated the crime they would have outlived their usefulness.

jens holm

sure in a french car for odessa. 🚑


western propaganda narrative fell apart before it started. even the american idiot government spokespeople are nervous fckn wrecks.

to much murican bullshit to shovel out per day…

jens holm

i again see you hardly has any if any to here.

your last sober media are dead too.


are you going to hang yourself after this war is over nobody wants to be see around you anyways.


we celebrate ugliness and immorality—we are an inferior species—we live in a disgusting racist cesspool of crime lgbt homelessness where freedom means the choice between pepsi and cocanine

jens holm

very optimistic. we has to work to get it.

Icarus Tanović

optimistic. too bad your dreams are becoming nightmares.


very embarrassing for putler – this isis “special operation” was amazingly done 😀

Last edited 10 months ago by _TomSawyer_

more amazing is how taliban sodomized you and now you are humiliated by russia—sawyer fully reflects the feminized insecure amerikan mind

Kev not Kiev

you’re only ordering more khinzal pizza with those comments. how’s the weather in haifa today?

Satanic Anglo Scum!

the only thing accomplished with this cowardly terrorist act was the death of russian innocent civilians, nothing will change the outcome on the battlefield in ukraine russia will defeat the satanic anglo scum entrenched with ukranazis!

jens holm

sure they even reformed and made jewish leadership with 73,5% of the votes.

hard times for hitler.


after reading your screenname, i do not even need to read comment to upvote you. you understand exactly what is going on in the world. satanic anglo scum!

Orson Cart

erik, got news for you. the anglo-saxons were defeated and occupied in 1066 and have been occupied ever since. who do you think the normans are talking about when they mention ‘little englanders’?


even if it was ‘isis-k’. isis-k leader worked as a contractor in us bagram airbase in afghanistan and for two main cia proxies in afghanistan. isis-k is essentially the isis members us air force flew from syria to afghanistan.


i’m not sure why you’re getting down voted on this comment because i read the same, either here or at pronews.gr


hmm. now i got down voted in my reply to you. curious. i believe you hit a nerve. this would explain why isis agreed to claim the moscow attackers as their own – favor for the cia.


screaming like a little girl brainless islamist


not isis—this is the ugly amerikan—humiliated their lgbt talibanned army cannot challenge russia they resort to barbaric gestures


kiev and tthe sbu headquarters needs to be completely nuked/vaporized


no. there are people in kiev who want their leaders gone. keep on grinding until the city is liberated.

jens holm

if its still buring tomorrow putin will play violine there.


who will play the violin at your funeral which is coming very soon after this war is over for your support of nazis and terrorists nobody will want to be seen around you not even your own mother.


if isis is then real threat then russia has legitimate right to enter all turkey and us protected sides in syria nd destroy them.because their used them against none nato countries.


i remember articles from 2016/17 talking about tens of thousands of refugees from syria and afghanistan and other islamic countries trained in isis camps in turkey. the articles said that most of the islamic refugees in europe have completed these trainings. at that time, there were also articles about a huge amount of weapons smuggled through various channels for them, but mainly through ships sailing somewhere in greece. the greeks accidentally discovered such loading.


dang, if only our heroes on the frontline were issued super-terrorist weapons like those, ukraine would have been done for already. they’re spraying rpgs doing double damage out of normal rifle barrels! if only they didn’t burn the building down we could reverse engineer them for the motherfatherland.

Last edited 10 months ago by BunkerDwellers

i hear dead orcs smell like shit…heheheh…

Zionists Are Nazes

it must be ur mom’s pu**ssy where u came from

Orson Cart

oh look the nazzie is back…


yes all your ancestors including you have always smelled of shit dead or alive


ok then, launch tactical nooks on isis terrorists strongholds in the syrian badiya when favorable winds blowing over internationally recognized illegal occupational forces sites, as defined by united nations rules.


1/2 the wording in this article is very strange. it seems to imply that isis has “morals”, while these terrorists do not. it implies that isis, who has killed and continues to kill scores of terrorized and innocent people, are not cowards but these particular terrorists are, implying the real isis are what – brave? then you call these particular murdering maniacs “unbelievers” which implies isis are believers as though that somehow legitimizes them. wtaf?


2/2 it’s great that you call out the moscow attackers for what they are but why in the hell do you hold up the actual isis as somehow noble and with principals? are you crazy??? why do you think russia kills isis in syria? they are psychopathic killers and whoever wrote this article needs to get their head screwed on straight. disgusting.


it is strange that the suspects seemed to surrender without a fight. normally islamic terrorists are prepared to die, and whatever awaits convicted terrorists in russia is not something that they would want to stick around for. it is still possible that this was an isis affiliated attack, but it certainly does not resemble any other isis attacks.

Folio’s team

because they aren’t isis they are paid piss poor tajiks coordinated by ukraine u.s u.k and israel.


why are the faces darkened in the first video from crocus city hall? and in the second video the face of the arrested terrorist is open? because they arrested the wrong person in the first video?

Last edited 10 months ago by jojo

the guy arrested in the woods/forest is in the body cam video. tan shirt, short sleeves, black pants with white logo writing on the upper back hip, right side. it’s him.


but why are the faces hidden in the first video? wouldn’t it make more sense to show them?


because the first video released by isis amaq not russia


in their video i saw noone get shot just bodies lying down with “blood” poured around bodies. also why was their gun sprayed with yellow paint? as a marker of a blank firing weapon? why were so many sparks flying out of the weapon during discharge. why was the man getting his throat “cut” not reacting after 4 or 5 strikes but after 6-7 strikes one of which looked like cutting “something” around his neck did he have energy to turn away from camera? no fresh blood from “wounds was seen.


freemasons hate guns because they know people would shoot them if they understood what the fags were up to… running drugs, raping children, murdering innocent people, taking over governments (especially judiciaries) and worshiping satan.


why in the first video only one terrorist has a machine gun? why are they not in camouflage but dressed in simple clothes, although witnesses say that the terrorists were in camouflage?


i think it’s because of the color of the killers’ clothing that people who were in panic and chaos thought looked like camo or, more accurately, military/soldier type colors. one guy was wearing a khaki shit and another had on a long sleeved olive drab shirt – both army colors. i think i saw a second rifle as they were walking but it’s hard to tell because it was just a split second.

Kev not Kiev

yello ‘ukrainian side’ spray paint on the weapon used, seems to indicate that it came from the front lines, recovered off a denazified afu soldier, and was then sent across the border for these delusional patsies to use in their terror attack.

Smart Person

why russia doesn’t strike israel and the jewish community when israel was healing daech in their hospitals and arming daech with weapons.

when will the russian people eliminate the pro israel who are still supporting these attacks ? there were jews celebrating terror attacks. why are russian people not taking actions against judaism ?


5 afghan refugees in europe claim that they were trained from the age of five in radical camps. they received a small prayer book with comments about the holy war. they were regularly given drugs as small children ( in camps ). they were taught to decapitate infidels and use weapons from the age of five or six. . they said they were waiting for a favorable time when they would start their jihad in europe. two sources said he also receives money from israelis.

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