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MARCH 2025

Video: Anti-Tank Missile Passes Just Above Turret Of Syrian Battle Tank

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Video: Anti-Tank Missile Passes Just Above Turret Of Syrian Battle Tank

A screenshot from the video

This video allows to see how an anti-tank guided missile launched by militants passes just above a turret of a Syrian battle tank.

Militant groups actively use anti-tank guided missiles against military equipment and manpower of the Syrian Arab Army and its allies. Often, these missiles are supplied to the militants via various “aid” programs of the US or its allies.

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paul ( original )

This video show the wisdom of old style tatics. Tanks in the hull down position whith only their turets pertuding are very hard targets and can defeate high tech missiles. This tank was a bit high up by the look of it and was lucky, but it was enough.


Either that or Jihadis just can’t aim. And a few weeks instruction by a Western trainer is no substitute for a full course of basic military training.


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Hey Phyllis, whip some skull on me bitch !

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Do you honestly believe there are no US military or Military contractors not embedded with units firing against Syrians?

Potato Potato

If there were, at least a few would die and CNN would talk about somebodies son dying in Idlib.


Militants with ATG and MANPADS were trained by CIA and by Turkey. No evidence to indicate western mercenaries like Blackwater is embedded with them in idlib.

However, Blackwater has an office in Dubai. They are currently contracted to do a lot of fighting in Yemen. They were also previously in Iraq. But I’ve seen no evidence they are in Syria.


plausible deniability means that US contractors will have “alternative” identities – a la Abu Ali al Dallas


No doubt that there are U$ “contractors” embedded with ISIS and other terrorists in Syria.


And those contractors are all fair game. I have no tears for these bastards as they are just spreading chaos and despair.


You are exactly right!


Google is paying 97$ per hour,with weekly payouts.You can also avail this. On tuesday I got a brand new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $11752 this last four weeks..with-out any doubt it’s the most-comfortable job I have ever done .. It Sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it !gf168d: ➽➽ ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleAmericanFinanceReportsOnline/online/easytasks… ★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫:::::!gf168lhhh

Cheryl Brandon

Indeed;SAA knows that as well.


I honestly believe there are none embedded. Because I can’t believe they would be THAT stupid. Maybe across the border in Turkey, where they teach these headchoppers how to fire these things, but in Syria itself? No.

A: Too dangerous, they could get killed by the Syrians/Iranians/Russians. B: Too dangerous, they could become targets whenever Headchopper group A gets into a pissing contest with Headchopper group B. C: Too dangerous, what if they get caught by the Syrians/Iranians/Russians?

Training them across the border in Turkey or Syria means both safety for the instructors and plausible deniability for their masters. The offset of course is that those Jihadis will probably suck at using those weapons. But then again, most of the Syrian army also sucks at using theirs.

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There are plenty videos of US units visiting know ISIL and affiliated terrorist groups; some by independent journalist and others by Russian Syrian drones. There iemplacemeaa of not Just US but foreign Spec Ops casualties wounded and killed while Syrian and Russian air power attacked terrorist emplacements. One of ISIS main terrorist leaders was finally outed as being Mossad. Plenty language fluent and ex-national Syrians in our spec operatives. You think they gonna wear US flags on shoulders and pack military ID?


Too naive.

Cheryl Brandon

Too eager!


Still very silly. It was with engine off and static.

Should fire and retreat to cover


Except the missile came from the left side… a hypothesis about what happened is the wire was broken or his detonator did not work.

Gary Sellars

No, the ATGM flew from left to right…

Solomon Krupacek

against javelin had no chance.


Militant groups actively use anti-tank guided missiles against military equipment and manpower of the Syrian Arab Army and its allies. Often, these missiles are supplied to the militants via various “aid” programs of the US or its allies. Therefore, any aid to militants /rebels etc should have to be screened properly before to supply it to terrorists.

Valerianus Maximus

Because a Javelin destroys its target, even if it misses! In fact, a single Javelin can annihilate an entire Guards Tank Army, right? It could probably level the entire national territory of Russia, too! Better than 10K nuclear warheads, the Javelin most certainly is.

Potato Potato

Javelin can not miss.

Tudor Miron

Really, you’re like a kid… Does it make you feel safer thinking that US technology is flowless?

Potato Potato

US technology really is flawless. Proven many times.

Gregory Louis

Like the early Patriot missiles used in Iraq that where mean’t to hit Scuds but landed on houses like MLRS’s killing and wounding dozens of civi’s or the LAW 66mm LAW in Vietnam that was faulty and sometimes didn’t even go off and even when it did it couldn’t pen armored threats or the M16 that jammed constantly in that war too. You really must be a kid tbh

Potato Potato

Only early variant LAW and M16’s were unreliable. Later variant LAWs and M16A2s remedied their problems. US forces in Iraq both in ’91 and 2003-2011 suffered 0 problems with their M16A2s.

Gregory Louis

I thought you said they where “battle proven” compare the M16 to the AK and the LAW to the RPG-26 and other variations and the state of them are different….you also just told a lie that their where zero issues with the weapons which isn’t the case considering many service members swapped their M16’s for AK’s during the Iraqi insurgency and even Spec ops preferred other weapons of it

Tudor Miron

OK, now you start to realise that early variants of that particular technology had flaws. Doesn’t fit well in the meaning of “Flawless” is it?

Tudor Miron

Let me ask you something… Are you simply trolling or do you really belieave that (US technology flawless)? IF you do, shell I provide you with some examples of contrary?

Manuel Flores Escobar

I hope that return fire of the T-62 tank which carry a laser finder above the canyon can smash the face of Tow operator!


So I get the whole not banning anyone for free speech but can you delete the account spamming adds on all your threads? I feel like spam advertising is an exception for that.

Samuel Boas

Those guys had an angel on their shoulders.

You can call me Al

and now need a nappy on their rear.


Live and learn.

You can call me Al

I hope you are right.


No doubt Saint Michael is on their side. The side of the Just!

Hide Behind

An old military saying in US: It is the one you not hear you have to worry about. No weapon system, even nuke warheads, is 100+ reliable. Key word system, from manufactive to use, shipping storage and most unstable part of that system is always human.


(…An old military saying in US: It is the one you not hear you have to worry about…)

This is true in every battle field. The one you don’t hear is the killer shell!



Eskandar Black

very lucky,


A TOW, a lucky day for the crew and a beautiful new year to the people of iraq and Syria, peace isnt far away.

Icarus Tanović

This was out of despair shoot.


Thank you God you save them, LOL ,the HTS Tow man was blinded for 50 centimeters missing the tank.LOL they are exposed on 360′ there from all sides tho. They are shooting one side but missiles comes from 180′ the other side. Keep them save GOD please keep them save.

Hide Behind

“ALL” US military personnel are private contractors, they sign a contract for periods of times, voluntarily employment. Some of higher technological and needed skills can receive high 5 figure bonus, half upon enlistment and half doled out over enlistment by months. Re metal of contract can also contain high bonus at signing. And please do not weep for those contractors in US uniforms even stateside or easy duty overseas their yearly pY, lots of additional pah, above salary, put many a three year service member making far more cash income, me Dr mind benefits if married to spouse and kids, than 49% of unemployed (employable), Working poor of The working poor. Let’s not forget only a very few actual combat occupations ever face danger of enemy fire, yet they who do menial work far from war still earn minus combat pay very decent wages, and let’s not forget officers and all retirees or medical ( almost all retirees have some tax free % bonus disability payments )life long. Man in spec ops overseas with 3 years will earn 60K U $ D while spending most of time within civilized living conditions air beer good food and cheap as dirt local women. Patriotism pays well, but still we find the delusional vets offing themselves at rate avg..20 perday. Just one indicaction of one cost saving.

Cheryl Brandon

I see there are lots of people in this forum who are familiar with weaponry;I am a nurse so,I am learning a lot from you people.Thanks


The important point on this news is really that Israel-USA-NATO have been provided advance weapons to terrorists. The war is not over until it is over, do not make any celebration ahead of time.

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