A screenshot from the video
The Egyptian Air Force has destroyed 6 militant vehicles that were trying to infiltrate the country from Libya.
A screenshot from the video
The Egyptian Air Force has destroyed 6 militant vehicles that were trying to infiltrate the country from Libya.
I officially believe that Putin is a controlled opposition https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3E-DUpwVTq8
Maybe RT is a Jew site. Their moderation is awful.
RT English posts are moderated by a US or Israeli company.
I believe it.
Israeli comment section software.
Rabbi’s expulsion rattles Russian Jews fearful of Kremlin crackdown … https://www.jta.org/…/rabbis-expulsion-rattles-russian-jews-fearful-of-kremlin-crackd…
Russia expels 4 rabbis within a year http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3696151,00.html
Jews Are Fleeing Russia Because Of Putin https://www.rferl.org/a/jews-are-fleeing-/27107988.html
Well, please debunk that video I sent, I’m all ears
“And I cherish that cross very much, it was my mother’s cross”
Vladimir Putin and his “Miracle” Cross http://www.patheos.com/blogs/mysticpost/2017/02/23/vladimir-putin-miracle-cross/
Convincing, but still doesn’t debunk the video
Do you have proof that Putin’s mother was a Jew? The evidence that I’ve provided suggests otherwise.
welp, you might have debunked that, but there are other topics in the video
The video has credibility issues, look at some of my other posts on this thread for further debunking.
Well, there is only one thing to say:
If Putin is a zioglobalist, and by extension Russia is under zionist control, then we are doomed, simple as that.
Until now what I’ve seen is Russia standing up against the unipolar world order, actions speak louder than words.
Bear in mind Putin came to power fooling the traitors of Yeltsin era, of course there is a lot of doublegame, a lot of layers of information and misinformation, we don’t fully understand what happens behind the scenes, the information we have access is just the tip of the iceberg.
Putin Bans Rothschilds From Russia – Your News Wire yournewswire.com › News
right. Now is Putin a Freemason? Why did he not criticize about Israel’s atrocities, please watch the video, I just want some answers
How can I know that? All I can tell you is here in my region we have a lot of masons all they way back to the XVIII century, one of my uncle who is a medic is a mason, and I tell you they all despise Russia and Putin.
Do you hate your uncle since he is a Freemason?
He is a fool. He is a brain surgeon specialized in traumatology, he spent his life saving people hurt in accidents, never held any office, never did politics, I don’t know why he became a mason, but I guess it is something like mafia, they must have approached him on the begininng of his career and said he would never be accepted in any hospital if he didn’t enter their club, and I think that’s the way they get most of their members, masonry is basically a mafia.
He has enough enemies. Being a frenemy with Israel suits his diplomacy. Look what happened to Hitler when he took on the jews.
Also, it’s even easier for us to say that Trump is a zionist, and in fact he indeed openly supports Israel paying lip service, but until now all we can see is USA walking away from middle east and with increasingly self-destructive actions that will just undermine their global supremacy.
Of course, we can just explain all this with the simple thought that USA right now is ruled by complete imbeciles.
Trump has America First anti Israel first official credentialed advisers that the Jews have been threatening to kill.
Yet, Trump’s rethoric is very confusing, he has zionists like Mattis, McMasters and Nicky Halley on the highest positions of power, sometimes I think he might have fooled everyone about america first, sometimes I think he fooled the zionists, sometimes I think he was subdued and is a zionist hostage, sometimes I believe he is a genius, sometimes I think he is a idiot.
So, I stopped paying attention from everything the people ruling USA speaks and just look at the end result, the end result is USA global power is vanishing and you’re more focused on internal politics.
We’re up to our eyeballs in Jews here, the US is the most Jew infested nation on the planet, they’re a huge problem, Jewmerica is a huge problem that needs to be corrected.
As far as Trump goes. He restarted the peace process, told them to stop building settlements, didn’t move the embassy, signed off on the Iran deal twice, opposed Russian sanctions, is trying to improve relations with Russia, is letting the Russians walk all over the terrorists in Syria, said Assad can stay, and the list goes on. They’re opposed to America First, which is fundamentally anti Israel first and anti Jew world order. It’s what he got elected on and is trying to implement.
Signin off on the Iran deal is on the interest of Israel, bombing syrian aibase was on the interest of israel… however the first won’t matter because europe will still reinforce the Iran deal, and the second made almost no difference, it was just fireworks for the zionists.
There is also the DPRK issue, which I believe to be largely diversion tactic to give the jewstream media something to talk about, so they would shift aways the non-stop russia colusion fake news.
They’re trying get him out of office just like they tried to keep him from getting in office. There were 3 no votes against the Russian sanctions in both branches of the legislature combined. It’s Zionist occupied territory.
“Mar 20, 2016 – Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s comments about … he was booed for refusing to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel”
Donald Trump’s Speech to Aipac Prompts Protests http://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trumps-speech-to-aipac-prompts-protests-1458511249
I know… and thinking about most many of the jews you have on USA today were the ones we expeled from Brazil in the XVII century… our natives lived with them for something like a few decades and they already had enough.
An idiot with some good intentions(accidental?)
Olympics in Sochi = High Occult celebration http://new.euro-med.dk/20140320-is-putin-still-a-freemason.php
That’s easy – you judge them by actual deeds. For example – most of your posts here are anti Russian and anti Suryan. Most of the time you try to pretend that you’re anti zio but you constantly try to seed quarrel between anti NWO forces.
In contrary, if we look at Putin’s record it is easy to see that he’s in fact confronting NWO crowd. Controlled opposition always talk a lot but never does anything tangible.
It’s very easy to see what you’re trying to achieve :) Putin is able to do what he does because of huge support that he gets from ordinary people. You and your type are trying to lessen this support at all costs.
well done
I have even wondered why should Lybia even be a country. Hardly any Libyan feels himself to be a Lybian, they are a tribal society.
Maybe they should become part of Egypt?
Like they were in the early 16th century?
A few more Wahhabi mosques and indoctrination madrasas and everyone in North Africa will belong to a caliphate – there will be no Egypt or Libya. Qaddafi told everyone this was going to happen. In fact, he was kind of begging the UN members to see what was happening all around them. Then he announced plans for a gold-backed currency and the US whacked him. End of story.
P.S. Most of those Libyan ‘tribes’ seemed pretty happy in Qadaffi’s Libya. Outsiders were the ones spewing propaganda about discontent. Turns out the Wahhabi in Libya were the only ones pissed off to see a content, middle-class Libyan society.
In Libya, Only One System of Law is Function, and it’s Not a State Law Thursday, July 27, 2017 – 11:36 Libya is a tribal society where tribal leaders have been major actors throughout the history of the country.
Taken from “the Lybia Observer”, july 2017
Because they have the most naturally refined oil in the world! The cheapest oil that can be extracted and refined for sales! In other words, the best quality oil at the cheapest price of any available. Thats why! They were literally aiding and dealing with African nations, giving them western tech in exchange for minerals and other rich resources! They were doing very well! The richest African nation in all of Africa!
“Tribal society”….. you’re a fuckin idiot! They were a very modern society! WERE!!
You may enjoy this – https://www.africanexponent.com/post/ten-reasons-libya-under-gaddafi-was-a-great-place-to-live-2746
yes, he was a great leader but a dictator in the eyes of the west!
We should always believe the opposite of what we are told by the MSM! lol
So you actually agree with me.
WERE is nothing. What counts is IS.
What Lobya became is the result of evil doings of your masters. Same fate was awaiting Surya but “something went wrong” :)
1973 : the USAF although unprovoked , dropped as many bombs on Cambodia as were dropped in the entire Second World War . Cambodia was bombed back into the stone age . Pol Pot of the Kymer Rouge , walked into the capitol and with twenty soldiers took control . Millions more died , their Buddhist way of life gone . After the US , France , and the UK bombed Libya , they are lucky to still have Tribal Law . Neither Qaddafi or the Tribes that he ruled were Wahhabi . Now that the state is destroyed , the dogs of jihad have come for prey .
Thats why i say that Lybia should be a country! Its got a lot going for it! Therefore going by what u said, they would simply throw it all away because “they dont feel themselves anymore”! thats absolute rubbish! They probably feel patriotic enough to oust western placed isis and win their nation back! Why would they give up when they remember how great it once was!
Who are you to decide for Libyans?
@southfront the video is dead can you add another link or something?