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Video: Has Germany Become a Colony of the United States?

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Video: Has Germany Become a Colony of the United States?

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Chancellor Olaf Scholz Gives “The Green Light” to Joe Biden

Originally published by GlobalResearch


There never was an effective “Secret Operation” to ensure that an act of sabotage of Nord Stream would “untraceable to the United States”.

The project had been discussed behind closed doors in 2021 as outlined by Seymour Hersh, but the actual planning of this so-called “secret operation” started in December 2021 extending to its execution in June 2022 and the actual sabotage on September 26-27, 2023. (see map below).

Video: Has Germany Become a Colony of the United States?

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In late December  2021, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan convened what was described as “a newly formed task force” (Joint Chiefs of Staff, CIA, State Department, and Treasury) pertaining to Russia’s War preparations.

Within the group, there was a debate as to what action was to be taken regarding Nord Stream. “The CIA argued that whatever was done, it would have to be covert. Everyone [in the task force] involved understood the stakes”

Early 2022:  A covert operation was envisaged. The CIA reported to the Task Force: “We have a way to blow up the pipelines.” i.e. which is “untraceable”.  

While we are not privy to the conversations in the Oval Office between President Joe Biden and Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the public declarations of both Biden and Scholz at the February 7, 2022 White House Press Conference confirm the following:

  • The “Secret Operation” was no longer Secret,
  • The Decision was made Public,
  • There was a de facto “bilateral understanding” between U.S. President Biden and Germany’s Chancellor Scholz to proceed with the act of sabotage of Nord Stream 2. 

The Biden-Scholz White House Press Conference:

On February 7, 2022: White House Press Conference: President Biden together with Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz (who was on an official visit to the U.S)

The questions were addressed to both President Biden and Chancellor Scholz: 

Andrea (Reuters) Q    Thank you, Mr.  President.  And thank you, Chancellor Scholz.  Mr.  President, I have wanted to ask you about this Nord Stream project that you’ve long opposed.  You didn’t mention it just now by name, nor did Chancellor Scholz.  Did you receive assurances from Chancellor Scholz today that Germany will, in fact, pull the plug on this project if Russia invades Ukraine?  And did you discuss what the definition of “invasion” could be?

PRESIDENT BIDEN:  The first question first.  If Germany — if Russia invades — that means tanks or troops crossing the — the border of Ukraine again — then there will no be no longer a Nord Stream 2.  We will bring an end to it. 

Q    But how will you — how will you do that exactly, since the project and control of the project is within Germany’s control?

PRESIDENT BIDEN:  We will — I promise you, we’ll be able to do it.  (White House Press Conference emphasis added

“The Project is within Germany’s Control”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz responds to Reuter’s journalist pertaining to Biden’s decision to “pull the plug” on Nord Stream 2:

Andreas (Reuters) Q  [to Chancellor Scholz]  And will you commit today — will you commit today to turning off and pulling the plug on Nord Stream 2?  You didn’t mention it, and you haven’t mentioned it.

CHANCELLOR SCHOLZ:  As I’ve already said, we are acting together, we are absolutely united, and we will not be taking different steps.  We will do the same steps, and they will be very, very hard to Russia, and they should understand.  (emphasis added)

His answer is unequivocal. He endorses Biden’s decision to bomb Nord Stream, while avoiding to address the substance of the Reuter’s journalist question: i.e “within the control of Germany” of which he is the head of government.

“Secret Operation” Foreclosed

Secret operation? It has become a talking point by numerous analysts.

It should be understood that as of the February 7th 2022 White Press Conference, at which both the US President and Germany’s Chancellor publicly confirmed their intent to blow up Nord Stream, the so-called “Secret Operation” was foreclosed.

Has Germany become a  “Semicolony” of the United States? 

Chancellor Scholz fully abides by Washington’s demands, acting as a political proxy. “We will not be taking different steps”, he says.

Olaf Scholz was fully aware that this act of sabotage against Nord Stream had been envisaged by the US, to the detriment of more than 400 million Europeans.

Scholz’s statements at the Press Conference suggest that this was a Joint Decision.

Video Interview: Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux

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Chancellor Olaf Scholz Gives “The Green Light” to Joe Biden

Biden’s Press Conference statement supported by Germany’s Chancellor Scholz, invalidates the notion that a so-called “secret operation” was unfolding, and that the US attack would be “untraceable”.

This was not a blunder on the part of Joe Biden. It was a political decision by the president and his political entourage including Nuland to make known that a U.S. act of sabotage against Nord Stream was envisaged (with the support of Germany’s government).

Biden’s public statement de facto acknowledges that the planned sabotage operation would be “traceable to the White House”.

Biden’s statement was formulated with the endorsement of  Germany’s Chancellor Scholz several months before the so-called secret act of sabotage was carried out in June 2022. 

Several analysts and journalists have pondered  as to “who was responsible for the sabotage”. This is a nonsensical exercise.

The answer is obvious. POTUS, The President of the United States with the full endorsement of Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who granted  “the green light” for the implementation of the act of sabotage against Germany and the European Union.


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Germany is a quite nice place to live as for colony of the USA. As for Russian colonies – Belorussia or Russian Republics – not so much…


NA/EU fallacies, never staying on topic, always diverting.


Germany’s been a USA puppet colony ever since WW2 !! Every country that hosts a US military base is a colony or its being occupied by them !!


“the colonizers tell us we should be an enemy of Russia that never colonized us”. Uganda FM


Deutschland leckt den Arsch der USA. Seit 1945. Deutsche sind so dämlich das Sie sich für die Bombardements von Hamburg und Dresden noch bedanken 😂


The conquest of Germany was completed at the end of World War Two. The European powers divided it between themselves by way of ‘zones’ of control, which became zones of influence, the United States and the Soviet Union also got their shares. As time went on, the United States assumed the role of enforcer for the European oligarchs, and ended up supplying and maintaining the bulk of the occupation force in western Germany.


There were 4 occupation zones in the beginning. England and France had their own zones too with mandate to place military units until ~2020. This and the Chancellor act are evidences of Germany’s semi-colonial status. But that’s not all. There are a lot of so called non-government (or non-commercial) organizations providing brainwashing euro-atlantist policy in MSM and politics via lobbing (simply bribes) and pressing at opposition to this course. You can be stupid as Baerbock with her 360 degrees change, just stay loyal to occupants. She is next chancellor kinda Sanna Marin in Finland or Guaido/Tihonovskaya – colonial administration which doesn’t care about locals. Baerbock said it loud when promised to arm nazis in Kiev despite electorate’s opinion.


Or for that matter has Russia become it'”$” Colony by not leaving the UN and starting “it’s own” in Moscow?…

Since the Maidan coup in 2014 and this midget https://tomluongo.me/2017/10/24/putin-solved-problem-forex-reserves-bitcoin/ that keeps stacking his physical Precious Metals at the bargain basement price the Bank of England and Federal Re$erve set for him and his Country at the expense of his citizens and the rest of World with those two Western CBs setting the price for the World distroting it’$ value instead of allowing price discovery between buyers and sellers through the marketplace including it”$ own energy resources?!!!…

Guilty as “CHARGED”!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

It’s a bit like contract labor actually. That’s why the ‘US’ government always and every time says exactly whatever crazy thing the European oligarchs say regarding Germany and Eastern Europe, no matter what. Every time.


Complete and utter bullcrap. Germany is and has been basically a vassal state. Yes, the current „government“ is especially going aling and more, but it‘s not new.


The geezer doesn’t know that Germany has TWO constitutions that it operates under. For 99 YEARS, after the war, America gets to call the shots on the big items. There was a journalist in .de that wrote a book about it. The main part was how he put his name on articles given to him by the CIA and how that’s routine over there.


Udo Ulfkote


CIA Operation Mockingbird, still in operation today, all MSM journalists in the Western World are under this CIA Operation control. Except independant journalists.


Its a sabotage vs German companies allowed by Puppet Sholtz


Germany and the German people were enslaved since the end of the WW2 by the Ziomafia parasites who used their labour to fund the creation of Israel. All of Europe, US, Canada, New Zealand are now colonies of the same parasites.


Or for that matter has Russia become it’”$” Colony by not leaving the UN and starting “it’s own” in Moscow?…

Since the Maidan coup in 2014 and this midget https://tomluongo.me/2017/10/24/putin-solved-problem-forex-reserves-bitcoin/ that keeps stacking his physical Precious Metals at the bargain basement price the Bank of England and Federal Re$erve set for him and his Country at the expense of his citizens and the rest of World with those two Western CBs setting the price for the World distorting it’$ value instead of allowing price discovery between buyers and sellers through the marketplace including it”$ own energy resources?!!!…

Guilty as “CHARGED”!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

amerikans are morons

Tommy Jensen

No. Germany too is a colony of Britain like Poland and Israel. London rule. US is only a Britain Foreign Office bully.


It’s the keregi plan of the US babalonian talmudic kikes to destroy the white race in Eurrope and the US with the waves of illegal brown savages and the destruction of western Christendom.


ok, some day for retaliation, russia can do the same thing to subsea infrastructures under pacific ocean connecting between north america and asia, especially between nipon and ussa

Last edited 2 years ago by aes

cost for germany to be colony—140 billion $ 2022, 40% higher gas for industry; 5 times increase for residents—4% lower GDP forecast 2023


Not a “colony”, ie foreign invaders settle in numbers and enslave locals, but certainly a “protectorate”, ie land controlled by foreign military and following foreign dictates. Be careful with sloppy definitions…


That’s why they wrote a “semicolony”. Protectorate is quite correct word too, though not at 100%, because there is no such treaty. Neo-colonialism has slight different forms of dependence without formalization or publication of formal treaties, so terms of the past can’t be 100% correct.

John Deer

Since May 9th 1945, with its Total, Perpetual and Unconditional surrender – Germany is a private property of the US army. Yet the US has failed to denazify, namely hasn’t yet exterminated all Feudal (who appointed Hitler out of a hung-parliament) and willing-Vassals. Google: Industrielleneingabe


Germany is since 1945 US colony there is no question about it ,the last commander after Hitler was Admiral Dönitz then after Dönitz command is taked by us government

Joseph Day

It’s been a US colony since 1945


Germany became a US colony on 7 May 1945, and nothing has changed since then. “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” Hastings Lionel Ismay, Baron Ismay

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher

Je priam zarážajúce ako sa svet stavia k teroristickému útoku na Nord Stream a Nord Stream II. Takýto prístup sa môže svetu vypomstiť a som hlboko presvedčený, že sa nakoniec aj vypomstí. Pandorina skrinka bola otvorená. A teraz ju už bude len veľmi ťažké zatvoriť. Precedens je na svete. Teraz stačí aby sa ktokoľvek rozhodol urobiť niečo podobné a urobil to. Potom to iba poprie a vec bude uzatvorená!!! A ak si niekto myslí, že niekto môže všetko a druhý nesmie nič tak je zrejme na veľkom omyle.

jens holm

many Detroit mulatto colonize my anus

Erase my post again and again...

This article needs a total rewrite. The answer is obvious. You should be asking… “How much longer will Germany function as a US colony, before the leadership is removed by violent rebellion?”


Germany, get off your knees!

Bernard Davis

deutschland ERWACHE


The angloZionaZi reptile is eating its tail. The evil EUSSR aka Natostan is being destroyed in rump Ukraine, the bite too big for the Mafia entity in the Washing town sewer to digest. It’s indeed a delightful experience to see the no longer “great” Satan floundering and rabidly lashing out at all and sundry even as China hurriedly flushes its stack of worthless USSAN “treasury” filth. The free lunch and global jihad by the neocohen scum and their Pentacon Golem is all but over. As the poisoning of Ohio attests and the living dead meth demons of every USSAN shithole the jig is up and the dumpster fire is too far gone to stop. BalkaniZe the evil post Pentacon nightmare and get ready for the water wars in Slumville proper before the tsunami of toxic derivative filth comes home to drown US all.

Karma is peachy and USSA has a mega load of pain to pay for 3 centuries of depravity and slaughter. Z

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