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MARCH 2025

Video: Houthi Fighter Rescues His Injured Counterpart Under Heavy Fire Of Saudi-backed Forces

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Video: Houthi Fighter Rescues His Injured Counterpart Under Heavy Fire Of Saudi-backed Forces

A screenshot from the video

A Houthi fighter is saving his injured counterpart under a heavy fire of Saud-backed forces during the recent clashes in Yemen.

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What a man … so many shots still missed him . It’s a miracle he made it through.


Not good shots these Saudis!

Deco Ali

You seen what they did to the Houthi go on YouTube they are well Armed and trained

Peter Bond

They are all taking the piss, where is a sharp shooter when you need one? Islam armies are a joke…no wonder Israel keeps winning…God bless Israel!


Do you see an Israeli soldier even done this or ran for their dear lives as in Lebanon 2006 broadcast live?

One thing. If you wish to insult insult intelligently.

If I am to mention proven performance of the Israeli army, it may make you cry.

So leave it as proven Israel can only fight high high up in the air after 1973 against Muslim fighters who do not run but welcome you with embrace to Paradise . A joke? No you are a joke

Deco Ali

It’s not their first time they have more they make these videos so ppl think that God protect them and they are Allah Animies it’s like how they make in the movies so the watchers hype up


true enough.. what do you expect from Bedouins..? there are good for nothing..! Miracle happens.. I’ve seen fuckin faggot supposed to be dead.. but survived.. those are the fuckin sissies..!

John Mason

Bravery, loyalty and dedication to a fellow comrade, you won’t see a Yank, POME, Jew or Saudi do that. Man deserves a bravery award.

You can call me Al

You certainly will see the POMs doing the same thing, but you are right about the others.

As a side issue, I am glad you stated a fellow comrade, as I was trying to figure out what a “Injured Counterpart” was.

Yes, a very brave man, if this is genuine footage, I also shows that the Saudis really are shite when it comes to hitting a target.

John Mason

Saudi buying their weapons from the US, explains why they can’t hit anything.


Nice! Funny!

John Mason

I was trying to be nice….


What is a POM?

John Mason

Prisoner Of Mother England (POME); Aussies always have a shot at them, goes back to the convict days.

You can call me Al

It was a name given to the English by Australia and New Zealand. 2 major trains of thought explain why:


We are also called Limeys for a different reason.


You pommy bastard…!

Virgil Cane

Armchair morons like John know what and who courage is. Get lost!

John Mason

Sorry Virgin but Yanks like you stand out, so do yourself a favour and go and drown yourself.

Virgil Cane

So do overweight Brits wedged between two arm holders, glued to a screen. You’re already drowning

John Mason

Not a Brit, but I do know you are a very confused Yank. Suggest you and your kind get some serious help, yet again, it could be too late. Enjoy your food stamps and your park bench.


Saudi infantrymen are deeply demotivated in actual Yemeni conflict zone. Because they are recruits without hope of any career advancement in the ranks – higher ranks are based on family nepotism alone. Even worse, due to nepotism based corruption the lower their socio-ecomonic status, and available resources for bribes, the worse the infantry-man’s army role will be. That is, no bribe capacity means likely-hood of being put on active patrol or stationed in most isolated forward base points. Basically no status or resources means infantry are put in danger zone – whilst others can avoid it by bribery – there is no common equalizer or meritocracy. Hence, nor are average Saudi infantry realistically loyal to the point of death to their absolute monarch and oligarchy-clan political leadership.


“whilst others can avoid the same scenario by direct bribery. ”

It was the same during the Vietnam War of course.

dez nuts

That is part of the american code, never leave a soldier behind. Americans will never leave another yank behind.


They learned that from the Native Peoples……….of which of course none was left alive… This Houthi Man a Brave Man indeed……


Tell that to John Canary McCain.

John Mason

Agree with that, too busy running away.


Code? It’s on the sign, right below the advertising.


BS. E.g., in Iraq one american soldier jumped on grenade and saved the lives ov comrades. He was young, the whole life before him. There are heroes in all wars, in all armies.

John Mason

That was early last century, times have changed, for the US especially for the worse. I saw that movie about the GI. Audie Murphy???


10 years ago

Lloyd Yona

Bless Hero


Such selfless courage is an example of the indomitable spirit of the Houthis. BRAVO.

Peter Bond

A good sniper would have shot him full of lead.


So would you have been proud to shoot at a man carrying a wounded comrade to safety Peter ?

Peter Bond

If they are my enemies I would kill the wounded first then shoot the unwounded so his buddies would come help…then repeat.


I thought you would Peter.

Peter Bond

Its war, kill or get killed…this isn’t a piss contest where losers go home and kiss his wife and kids afterwards, this involves permanent dirt nap on some unmarked grave. Hope you get my drift?


I understand about war very well and I also realise that any nation that descends to the depravity of some opponents, has in fact lost the war, even if they prevail. The current depravity that we see in the US,Israel and some EU countries is no better that what we now see in Burma/Myanmar.

Peter Bond

Lolssss..you one funny dude…wouldn’t call you gutless but a bit close. look pal, no one wins war by playing Mr. nice guy, you don’t win being a nice guy..not in this present generation…for example the USA is losing in Afghanistan because of playing by the rule book the Taliban doesn’t give a fuck about…If the US drops lots if cluster bombs, lots of MOAB without regard to civilians they would would have win it ages ago.

I aint a bad guy, just telling you how man has perfect the act of killing fellow man, and to be strong you need to be well armed like Israel, to deter any bully who would want to mess with you. Israel is surrounded by hostile nations who want ti wiped off the map, it can only be aggressive to survive the Islamic carnage.

God bless Israel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Christian here loves Israel, birth place of Jesus.


That is why people such as you are an insult to all sane people in the world Peter. You belong with ISIS who are drug crazed monsters.

Perhaps you should join them as you like killing so much. There are no restrictions for Rape or Murder of children either , so you would be in paradise.

You disgust me Peter Bond.

Peter Bond

Lolssss…i disgust you? big deal!…ISIS are monsters and if those two are ISIS fighters or Houthi, Hamas, Hezobollah or some Muslim terrorists group I would happily send them to allah to judge em!


It is ignorant Americans such as you who are an insult those Americans who do have ideals of decency, even in war.

Ignorant Americans such as you consider all Muslims to be barbaric, they are not and the Houthis have never been accused of war crimes.

It is ignorant Americans such as you Peter, who are closer to ISIS than the vast majority of Muslims you disparage .

I would lay odds that you would NEVER have had the courage of the Houthi that saved his comrade.

The sad thing is that many Americans have had that courage and you are an insult to all of them Peter Bond.

Peter Bond

Lolsss, I am not an American idioten!


Why do you behave like a Libtarded American then Peter? Are you just an American sycophant ?

Peter Bond

I have nothing related to any western nation…except well…my name. nice try though.

You must be one commie lover who loves his muslim jihadists!


Not really Peter.

Peter Bond

You could have fooled me mate, most of your comments and most comments here are anti-israel and anti-west.


That is because of what Israel ,the USA and the EU actually does. Quite apart from all the illegal wars and terrorism those three groups are involved in , the recent revelations ( that were branded as conspiracy theories until the past week or so) of deviant and criminal behaviour by many aid agencies including the UN ‘peace keepers and the OSCE that have been knowingly employing paedophiles, rapists and most likely murderers as well.

This kind of behaviour though has mushroomed over the past few decades in the most economically developed nations throughout ALL their institutions, including the governments and judiciary.

Such growth is in fact very easy. A small but vocal group gains employment and as they progress they employ more like minded people until they de facto control the host. When many host organisations are controlled in such a way, a network evolves that defends, funds and protects the groups as one.

We reached that phase a few years ago . The deviant groups though have one major weakness. The vast majority of people deplore what the deviants do and the populace will demand that such criminals are exposed and punished, irrespective of who they are. Even Royalty.


we have rules in every war.. I’ve seen body build babies crying out loud when black hawk downed and the Somalis did nothing as they were unarmed one of them even ask those aiasies to pickup their weapons waiting to shoot em.. by then we ambushed and saves few fuckin’ sissies.. some of Somalis, they have honor..! Saving those sissies crying.. lol.. and 3 comrades died for saving some fucking sissies on their rampaged of other peoples’ land.. fuck muric()nts


what you saw in movie about it are fuckin BS.. muric()ns BS..!


Hope you sleep well nights, Pete. Remember, you have a limited shelf life too.

Peter Bond

This is war mate and not a dancing competition. in war people die in unimaginable ways so stop being so bloody wet!

I would shot em both if I could, hell I would even hunt em down…they are my enemy out to take me life too…life is a bitch try getting used to it, everyone screws everyone to get something…the Libyans, a Muslim country are killing lots of blacks and making lots of them slaves…no one talks about this injustice because those goat fuckers have oil!


That doesn’t make them any worse, or you any more a murderous cunt.

Peter Bond

You are a sheep, weak idiots like you should die off!


Tribal fighters with culture of clan loyalty. That creates a strong motivation to save fellow clan member.


I would like to have a man like this standin’ next to me in case of a little fightin’


I do not have his bravery, I would be content just to shake his hand.


I need to find this guy and have him pick my next set of lottery numbers…


Lazy Gamer

I am one with the force and the force is with me! lol Seriously though, he should not push his luck so far. The injured however looks unmoving. If he is dead, then he should not have carried the body.

Gue Bjuen

i think there was a reason for that. maybe they were family members or something like that. with atheists in your ranks, you won’t be able to win a war. atheists are full of individualsim. they don’t know how and why to sacrife. the man in the video was indeed very lucky and survived. it doesnt matter if he would have fallen because with his action and choice he would have inspired 10~100 more people to sacrfice them selves for a greater purpose. a war can only be won with people like them and not atheists. atheists are no good for anything they are just selfish pigs.

Bobby Twoshoes

Fuck off you pompous cunt, nice to see your religious morals allow you to justify using this man’s tragedy and heroism to push your ideological agenda. That you can make such an ignorant comment on a clip from a war between two sects of Islam absolutely boggles the mind.

Gue Bjuen

what the fuck r u talking about? are you stupid or just dumb? you just don’t understand it. what r you talking about. do YOU at least understand what you are talking about? atheists are not able to sacrifce them selves. for them there is nothing after life. for them their own lifes are the most important thing and nothing else. why you so pissed? i don’t practise religion but i don”t shout that there are or is no god. but atheists are so proud to shout that there is or are no god. does it hurt you when i state the facts? atheists are just wannabes to my eyes nothing else.


That is a shitton of prejudice you have against atheists. You sound like some jihadists when they for example want to insult Assad and then they call him an atheist. Lol. If you think that just because someone does not believe in “God” he is an emotionless and selfish person, you are just stupid and hateful. If you need a God to threaten you with hellfire as the only way to motivate you to do good, then you are just a very bad person in your core. Atheists are good for nothing? lol Yeah they only good for some minor shit like beating the nazis from Moscow, Stalingrad and Leningrad all the way to Berlin and blowing up the Reichstag; Or for kicking the American invaders out of Indo-China. or idk some minor non-heroic crap like overthrowing an USA-backed dictator on some island then withstanding imperialist embargoes and aggression for decades or something.. BUT you on the other hand YOU are a great hero and champion of GOD.

One love my bredas and sistas, humanity needs to be united in good, not separated by the ever-changing sectarian lines and prejudice. God created mankind and a part of him is in every single living creature (more or less), thus it is an insult to God to initiate hate against another one of his children.

Igor Dano

Abraham religions are bogus ideology, they cannot and do not explain ANYTHING, what man can see on the earth and in the cosmos. Relgion is a stupid ideology to manipulate people, no matter, which religion. all of them are only a politics. and yes, there are morons like u, who must have religion, otherwise they are lost.


leon mc pilibin

WITH Fighters like this brave man,the Saudi’s and their terrorist allies don’t stand a chance.

Amine Mansouri

this is an example of FAAKEE news. I have not seen anything fake than this, please stop it

Samuel Boas

And why is it fake according to you?


Amine Mansouri is a Salafi ISIS terrorist lover


Yup – an openly pro-ISIS and pro-salafist Moroccan…


Hello Amine. Labas? Please inform why y ou do y ou believe it is fake? Thanks

Igor Dano

you mean it was not Ritta Katz production? like the beheading in Iraq and Syria?

Amine Mansouri

you remember the syrian kid who saved his sister under sniper fire? Same scenario…….


Hero! What the marines do only to Hollywood.

Gue Bjuen



Saudis have slaughtered 11 thousands civilians and targeted residential areas, funerals, grave yards, Mosques, hospitals, markets, schools, colleges, Universities and Yemen parliament house and UN watching Saudis butchers like a duck. Civilians are dying due to disease and starvation and Saudi butchers have blocked whole Yemen like Israel.


Saudis should stop invading Yemen and move out their a-s-s-e-s out of Yemen. Saudis should not desire for the throne of Yemen.

That Guy

Not counterpart, it is a friendly that was being rescued. I have read the You tube video title in Arabic. He is a hero nevertheless.


Thank you SouthFront for posting this vidéo. A second good news today after having seen my cat’s live saved by Dr Lamrarni in Marrakesh.

Vauxhall Astra

Saudis winning yet?


Difference between shias and sunnis. Shias are brave men. Sunnis are shit and can’t even fight without blowing themselfs.

Manuel Flores Escobar

beside Sunnis love skyscrapers,yachts…and the opulent,Hedonist,wasteful way of life of their Godparents ( qatar&Saudi)..these are the reason to kill, torture and destroy countries!


Sunnis love money.



Amine Mansouri

difference between shias and sunnis is: 1- Shias were created by a jewish man who wanted to divide islam by killing the islamic caliph Umar p.b.u.h 2- Shias are from majous origins (fire worshipers) 3- Shias worship a man instead of a god (Allah) 4- Iran and persians are racist and arrogant, they think they’re the ones who will enter Jerusalem, and arabs will be their slaves

I’m sunni, and I’m not with Iran or Saudi Arabia, they both kill for their own interests.


It’s false. Surely you are self-brainwashed. If you read what happened is that shias doesn’t accept the first imam as a legitime one because he was elected when imam Hussein was with the prophet of islam when this one died.

Sunnis also worship a man. Saudis worship their king. Morrocans worship their king. Jordans worship their king.


And. I don’t know what you have against racist people. personnaly, I prefer racist people because racist people have something to defend whereas not racist people have nothing to defend and are weak.

Millavi MV

I think you prefer to be a Jewish slave. The way the Sunnis embraced Zionism and let the Palestinians be killed is disgraceful.


This ia tghe problem of SAA, too.


clearly Allah is not one the Saudi side


This is Palestinians right to eliminate Israeli terrorists from their own country. In Palestine there are different political parties that want to get rid of Israeli terrorists from whole Palestine. They all should have to work together as a joint Palestinian army force under one Palestinian flag. President Mahmoud Abbas should give them legal status as army of Palestine. If they don’t unite then they will be labelled as terrorist organizations by US. ———————————————————————————————————————————————–

Igor Dano

european? those chazars are tukic origin from mongolia, and central asia. they invaded europe the same way, they go today to palestine.


May be you are right but why these Israeli terrorists are so ugly? These Israeli terrorists are the heart and soul of Trump. Israel and Trump both are similar in nature and both like each other.


Khazars and ISIS all have the look of a Neanderthal :)


They have big problem in their DNA. The DNA issue make them violent and butchers. Second they have no religion because religion is for human not for beast.


Very true Rob.

Richard M

Orcs are lousy shots! :D

Bulgarian God

Houthis are stupid.


shut the fuck up you hearthless monster!

Bulgarian God

Get the fuck off russian communist nazi !


ok, mr. bulgarian gypsy


flag him


He is from Saudi Arab not from Bulgaria.


If the one injured where sunnis, his sunnis “friends” will have let him died.


What a BRAVE MAN. I hope his comrade recovers from his wounds.


Not sure if I’m more impressed with this guys commitment or if I’m laughing that the people shooting missed every shot. Honestly though, maybe put down the camera and provide some covering fire so they stop shooting so freely.


God bless them

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