A screenshot from the video
A Kurdistan 24 TV channel journalist has filmed an attack of the ISIS suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device against the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the city of Raqqah and the following firefight.
Earleir this week, the SDF made notable gainst against ISIS in the southern part of the city and tightened the siege on the strategic Old Raqqah area controlled by ISIS.
Leave Raqqah. raqqah is not kurdish. kurds are dictators and traitors.
What is funny ? It’s the truth. Why kurds are killing arabs in Raqqah ? Let the syrian government do the job. Noboby elected them. It’s not because they put the words “democratic” and “syrian” in SDF, that they are democratic or syrians. And, I would say that, like they put the words “democratic” and “syrian”, they are not democratic nor syrians. Just like FSA is neither free, neither an army.
This is another one of those idiots like dutchnational, they are idiots and support terrorists.
Let the syrian government do the job. They already massacred thousands in Aleppo why not Raqqa also right iranian invader?
The iranian invader but not the usa invader ? XD.
kurds and americans are not allow to kill syrians. If americans want to kil americans nobody cares.
Assadist supporter preferring ISIS Assadist supports terrorists.
The word “Assadist” is a propaganda. You support the genocider americans. Youa re a terrorist like americans.
They come. They impose SDF and FSA and they tell you that it is “democracy”. I’m sorry. This is not democracy. This is dictatorship.
USA just wants a US dictatorship, just like in Saudi Arabia, in Colombia, … Just like in Iran in the past. Everyone knows that Mossadegh was a democrat. But, his fault was to be a nationalist. So, CIA removed it by force. Now, shias are in power.
So, the conclusion is that USA doesn’t want democracy for you and favorises the rise of dictators. USA will support a dictator whereas than a democrat that doesn’t work for USA.
Assad is a dictator. Nationalists led to hitler hahaha
WW2 was a plan made by USA.
Dumb and dumber Quin and serious are sure you both are not related?
It looks like a few commentators on your comments need to relearn history!
Go SDF defeat ISIS since some can’t even bother to do the job, and can only whine and complain later on when they reap what the other wants for doing no work at it either.
why they don’t use roadblocks, mines, lookouts, scouts etc to respond to this threat?