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MARCH 2025

Video: Israeli Missile Destroys Syria’s Pantsir-S1 Air Defense System

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The Israeli Defense Forces has released a video showing the destruction of a Syrian Pantsir-S1 short to medium range air defense system during the last night encounter. MORE ABOUT

UPDATE: Confirmed reports appeared that the Pantsir-S system was not working at the moment of the Israeli strike.

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A common problem for all Arab armies – lack of discipline! You can see the crew standing near the truck. Who’s watching? No one!

paul ( original )

Very observant. I think mistakes and even carelessness are the reason for many military failures.


Are you fucking retarded? You can’t usually see missiles coming directly towards you, and even when you can, you have only fractions of a second to react. Standing around “watching” for missiles in the modern day battlefield isn’t going to do you any good.

You’ve clearly never been in a warzone.


I think you have misunderstood him.


How so? I don’t see anything in that clip that suggests a “lack of discipline” among Arab armies. Sometimes you just can’t see the enemy coming, and if the enemy has a given amount of technological superiority over you, there’s not much you can do to stop them at moments when you are in their crosshairs.

“Discipline” has almost nothing to do with anything relevant here.

Daniel Miller

You missunderstood him the system is not active at all the radar is not turning…


Okay, that’s a fair point.

I retract my statement.

It would’ve been nice if someone pointed out the part about the radar before I started barking.

Daniel Miller

Most ppl in this comments section know next to nothing about weapons and cant really do a propper analassis of the video (tho to be fair its really shit quility).


then let me show how much i don’t know about weapons systems. no one else has mentioned this. i don’t think. at the very instant the video begins, it appears that one of the operators is just joining the others. if you look at about the 3 second mark, it appears to show this same person run back to the vehicle. my eyes may deceive but that’s what i see/saw.

Daniel Miller

well yes the arab idiot operators are just sitting in the open next to their inactive system in the middile of a attack its just the SAA’s arab retard genes showing and beeing shit at war.


As the radar is not working is it possible this video is a fake as someone suggested above? It seems odd that radar would not be operational during a bombing…

Daniel Miller

no its not fake its just that arabs are anti talents when it comes to modern war.


the most worrying thing is that missile continued to send video signal to Israel warplane…


You could clearly see the crews were having chats as if nothing to worry about. The radar was turned off.

The incoming missile was too slow, so when they heard the missile engine, one of them rushed toward the AD, but it was too late.


“lack of discipline” issue: You’re in constant conflict with your neighbor and you let yourself drop the guard. The lack of discipline applies not only to the crew of that vehicle, but to the entire vertical line of command because it is permitted to lose the mobile AD system. What do you think the Israelis picked up the plane and sent him to search targets on the ground? Not! The target was found earlier, it was processed and an airplane was sent to destroy it, and it takes time for that, and the time was given by the Syrians because they were too relaxed. I have already commented once, but let me repeat – compare the first and second conflicts between Egypt and Israel in the 60s and 70s of the last century. The first was a complete success for Egypt due to the use of the new AD system (SA-6). The second was a catastrophe for Egypt because they did not change absolutely anything in the period between the two conflicts. Even the Israelis took them a battery of SA-6! I pointed to this problem when I commented on the “lack of discipline”!


Pantsir1S can see the missiles if used correctly. Obviously the crew was taking a smoke break or something…


Well since we don’t have more information on the matter, that is an open question.

There’s nothing “obvious” that you can deduct from that video. For example, what type of missile was being used by the Israelis. Or for example, was the Pantsir system being used to track other projectiles?

There’s a lot of variables that we as ignorant observers on the internet are not privy to. So no, there’s nothing “obvious” about your conclusion.

It’s a possibility, but it isn’t “obvious”.


Dude, I have been working as an command officer on AD systems for quarter century, and I fought against the NATO dickheads in 1999. I did not even say that they should observe a rocket that flies to them, although it can then be seen (I claim from personal experience), rather than using the AD system and watching RADAR and tracking incoming information from the higher command of possible targets (You know that the term “watching” is used when referring to the use of RADAR). Retarded? Why? When you evaluate others, you are actually telling others what you are! Thanks for the exhaustive presentation of your personality!


ok, I apologize.

I maybe was harsh but I think real life you and me would get along very well. :)


They were reloading. The survivors said they were out of ammunition.




You mean my source?


Now will Russia please allow Syrian troops to shoot down Israeli jets; after all, Israel is violating Lebanese air space to destroy Syria and it’s allies attempts to end the war in Syria and reunite it’s country.


They don’t have high altitude air modern air defense systems.


Maybe Putin and Russia will now see the need if they’re ever going to win the war against terrorism. Terrorism isn’t just the head-choppers, but also the countries supporting them of which Israel is a prime example along with the treasonous Deep State of the US (ie money grubbing psychopathic military industrial complex).


Putin and Russia are well aware of the sources of headchoppers. However, it is people like you that are not aware directly dealing with a nuisance of terrorism and trying to contain it is orders of magnitude more preferable to engaging in direct warfare with nuclear armed states or their allies.


Please educate us Hamster. We want to learn from someone who is so obviously well versed on the subject.


Anyone with half a brain can see why Russia wouldnt want to directly engage the #1 US ally im the ME. Thank god you arent in charge of anything important.


Never wanted Russia to directly engage the #1 US ally in the Middle East. Just wanted an increase in potent air defense systems. The rest is up to Syria to defend themselves.

Also also aren’t in charge of anything important :)

Pavel Pavlovich

Wrong, Khrushchev showed us that only by threatening the very existeence of each and every US “citizen” can you achieve strategical balance and even turn it. The difference: Soviet Union was souvereign.


Yeah, except in this case, it wasn’t Russian personnel that got hit by Israeli airstrikes, it was a friendly Syrian state, so the comparison is not valid.


I didn’t say Putin & Russia weren’t aware…. Try reading the statement a little more slowly.

Terrorism is Putin’s reason for being in Syria, he has stated as much on different occasions. Allowing the terrorist state of Israel to continue bombing Syrian army depots, radar stations, military etc. under false pretenses in order to assist the terrorists in retaking ground is counter productive and gives the impression to Israel and it’s backers that they can continue to escalate as much as they want without repercussion. Perhaps you understand western thinking, then again maybe not.


Well, I once supported the russian stance about not engaging other states forces on the behalf of SAA, but now I think they should protect their proxy forces. If they don’t, they will lose the war in the long term.


I agree, but following the western thought process, not engaging is a sign of weakness and emboldens them to even greater provocations i.e. 59 missiles the first time, 105 missiles the second time, more troops and bases being built by the US….. Israel, a few missiles the first time, 60 missiles this time and not to mention all of the previous attacks on the Syrian military under false pretenses. I rest my case. It’s long past time to start taking down Israeli jets in the Lebanese and Syrian skies after all, if Israel can violate Lebanese air space to attack Syria, Syria should be able to take down Israeli jets over Lebanon.

The Latin Mass

Putin: No S-300s for you, Assad.


Well there is no excuse for that. This was a heavy handed blow to Syria last night.

Russia again was nowhere to be seen….. Guys we might need to rethink Russias “alliance” with Syria at this stage. Evidence and actions taken by Putin/Russia would to suggest Russia is more concerned about making Israel happy than keep Syria safe from attacks many of which, if not all, are unprovoked.

I no longer have the same respect and expectation of Russia as I did before.


There’s a thing in world politics and international diplomacy called pragmatism.

Russia is a sovereign nation that looks out for its own interests first and foremost, like all countries. They are not looking to be “savior” and fix all of what is wrong in a messy place like the middle east. It maintains good relations with both Israel and Iran, both of which are archrivals to one another.

The quicker you stop viewing all world conflict as binary and consisting of only 2 competing sides, the quicker you will wise up. Noone gives a fuck about your respect or lack thereof. You’re a fucking nobody on the internet.

Leaders of nations for thousands of years have understood that an “alliance” does not necessarily mean going all in to support one side and making an arch enemy of the other. With that kind of cavalier gung-ho attitude, civilization would’ve ended long ago.


“You’re a fucking nobody on the internet” So are you :)

lol, Just voicing my opinion Hamster no need for the lively speech.

Never advocated for going “all in”, just want an increase in potent AD systems to Syria. Seems like a reasonable thing to expect.


Yeah, the difference is I fully understand that I am just a random guy on the internet. World powers like Russia don’t exist in order to get validation or “respect” from you.

I fully understand the frustration with Israeli aggression by many members here, but in the real world, people in power are not particularly interested in escalating conflicts to apocalyptic proportions, regardless of whether their enemies, adversaries, neutral observers, or partners are in the wrong.

Syria has a lot of problems on its plate at the moment, as does Russia. To immediately start going all in on some sort of potential suicide mission on behalf of another country simply because Israeli aggressors launched a few dozen airstrikes isn’t the wisest thing to do, especially when you’re not in a pragmatic position of power to do so without any consequences.


What, and I don’t understand that I am random person on the internet as well?

Ok, look Hamster. You are not going to get anything across to me by talking to me like I’m some sort of idiot with regards to what is happening in Syria.

And yes I fully understand what is going on and the implications.

Idk why you’re so aggressive towards me but it doesn’t really matter. I voiced my OPINION so if you wanna stay hung up on that then that’s your decision.


In case youre not aware, I also voiced my opinion and then I spat upon yours just for good measure. That is how I roll.


Cool, fuck you as well buddy :)


“….you’re a gung-ho hyper aggressive low IQ sack of shit sputtering and belching his anger over the internet.”

If I ever need to show someone an example of “the pot calling the kettle black” , do you mind if I use that quote ?


+Marko +hamster….. thanks for the laugh…..

nice piece of comedy….. glad neither of you expect to be taken seriously….. LOL


“None of these recent Israeli actions are going to change the course of the war. It is not necessary at this moment to escalate. You have no place to be bitching at Russia. They’re realists, youre not. They’re a real world rational power, you’re a gung-ho hyper aggressive low IQ sack of shit sputtering and belching his anger over the internet.”

What evidence of my past comments do you have to support this assertion about me?

I have a low IQ? What are you even taking about man. Jesus you’re more aggressive then I had previously thought.

Cool I guess while we’re at it throwing insults at each other. You’re a dark skinned Pakistani terrorist who has a foul mouth and can’t talk with another person without resorting to insults.

See, two can play at this game lol.


Ya, but I’m not offended by what you said. Many of us Pakistanis actually do have a foul mouth.

I am not “shit skinned” however. Pakistanis come in a wide variety of skin tones. Some are very light skinned, almost like Turks.

Terry Pens

You have a low iq, you are nothing but a zionist shill like pootin. Russia is not ally of syria, russia only cares about its bases in syria. Russia never send s-300 while their trash pantsur failes to pritect syria. Russi does not care about Syrian people.

Bulgarian God

Hahaha, both of you rusophiles are very stupid! russia is a JOKE of a “great power” and you must reconcile with that thing. Midget putin is part of the game (matrix)! Hehehe…


Bulgarian NATO lap Dog.

Bulgarian God

You are my lapdog! Bulgaria is EU/NATO developed country, not a 3rd world fucked black hole…!


Keep on trying to convince yourself.

HighLord Gaz

Who cares what a Bulgar thinks? You guys open your mouths on command to serve as a cock holsters for your EU/NATO Overlords.

Terry Pens

You have a low iq, you are nothing but a zionist shill like pootin. Russia is not ally of syria, russia only cares about its bases in syria. Russia never send s-300 while their trash pantsur failes to pritect syria. Russi does not care about Syrian people

Bulgarian God

Better EU/NATO than 3rd world poor fucked country living in 19th century !


Dude, youre from fucking Bulgaria.

Bulgarian God

I’m from mighty Bulgaria, but you are subhuman-monkey !

Terry Pens

Pootin is zionist shill


Good then Assad should tell the west … let’s have peace. You can have your pipeline from Qatar to Europe.

Russia can then leave their bases in Syria and no more wars for Russia. Hundreds of thousands died and millions displaced , infrastructures destroyed and Syrians have to pay to rebuild …all for what?

Go home and let Syria have peace and make money from oil transit to Europe.


Good then leave Syria and let Assad make peace with the West. Allow the pipeline then .

No more wars for Russia.

HighLord Gaz

No pipeline, ever… No reward for agressors and terror sponsors.


With pipeline , Syria makes billions every year and no one in the west would say “Assad must go” but rather “Assad must stay”.

Then everyone happy .. no more wars

The loser will be Russia.

Terry Pens

No bases for zionist puppet pootin


Never expected for Russia to seek validation from me.

Pavel Pavlovich

NO, Russia is NOT a souvereign state, if it were, we would have no monopolar world.


every nation is a slave to the banking system unfortunately


Well, banking is an integral part of modern society and essential to its basic economic function.

Pavel Pavlovich

That avails you little and less so long as the institution of the CENTRAL BANK is in THRALL to FOREING NATIONS.


What about the IMF?


You can have your own instead of being hooked and dependent on the global system, why do your think they have removed the gold standard.

Bill Wilson

Gold is useless except for jewelry and decoration.


Well, let’s see how long till the next financial bubble explodes :D

Pavel Pavlovich

Except for North Korea.

And how much of a difference THAT makes! Five nukes and the had the biggest mehlitury in teh wolrd in fear!

Floyd Hazzard

Do you know what an ally is? Or is supposed to be?


So the save Syria , Assad should now tell US and West , pipeline now allowed … Then there would be no Turkey pipeline, no German pipeline ..

and Assad enjoys peace and development. No more wars.

Russia does not need to be in Syria . Leave ME

No this is not a savior situation … it is survival.

Thomas Wolsey

Well when a nation not honor the alliance is like a person who not fulfil his promises. When a person not fulfil his promises lose credibility.


I’m unaware of any “promises” Russia made to Syria to go to war against the Israelis or the USA in case of the latter’s aggression.

Let me know if I should know something otherwise.


First wait for final damage assessment.

How big on the Golan?


Various sources say between 20-50 missiles were launched at Israeli targets in the Golan. Damage reports from Israel saying nothing much has damaged and or lost (I toke this with a grain of salt).

Neo Onh

BIG grain of salt….


How the Israeli migrants the illegal occupiers are attacking on the Middle East countries and then the monkey Trump encourage them that very good my thieves and child butchers.


I’m a child butcher, but I don’t support Israel. So what does that make me?


Caution! You will end up on the Merijin’s black list ‘HASBARA-TROLL ALERT’ for anti-russian behavior. Think again!

Tudor Miron

You’re high on that list and that’s for a reason.


Yeah since yesterday for expressing disapproval about Russian indifference after this Israeli attack. :-) But yet he had always given me likes to my comments.

Terry Pens

He is zionsist shill


You sound like one of Cass Susnstein OPERATIVES when He said… infiltrated with DISSONANCE OPERATIVE your enemy to sow discord and doubts.


What? All I’m saying is that we need to reevaluate this alliance and what we think it is. Many here on SouthFront want the Russians to outright protect Syria (that’s now what I’m advocating for) which is realistically not in their best interests.

What I would like to see is an increase in transfer of potent air defense systems, but Russia has relationships with many nations in that region. So reality often collides with emotions causing flare ups of anger amongst SouthFront threads whenever the Israel attacking Syrian and Iranian positions largely unprovoked.

A good self-review is necessary to temper ones expectations about a given scenario. It’s healthy.


You got a good point.


you would be perfect commie politruk (political isntructors, who educated the soldiers) they were the bloodyist fanatics.


You make no sense man…


because you grew up in west. you have no chance to undestand ruskies and their politics.


velociraptor is a piece of shit provocateur. He doesn’t have any opinions. He is only here to provoke.


piece of shit is your tongue, zionist!


I am not a zionist, you dumb fucking piece of shit.


you are


Nope. I don’t think Israel should’ve ever been created.

Dr. Pro Liv

ha ha ha “zionist” !.!?! And I thought that “Zionist” is compliment for AmeriCunts?! Strange….I’ll die uninformed….

Terry Pens

You are a zionist shill!!! Pootin do nothing to pritect syrian people only cares about bases!!! Give Syria something more than shit pantsir!


velociraptor is a Mossad/ISIS propagandist infiltrated in S.F.


No, he is just a piece of shit previously named “Serious” who is still in high school and has a 5th grade level of reading and writing skills.

Mossad/ISIS propagandist? More like a dumbass troll in high school. Don’t give him too much credit.

Dr. Pro Liv

don’t get emotional…he is just AmeriCunt

Concrete Mike

I kinda like old solomon…sometimes hes pretty good


Are you ready to die, stinking jew :D


ruskie monkey, you know, that nazism is forbidden in russia? I sent your comment to russian police.


What nazism, you filthy khazar, fake jew, it’s simply a response to “your” wrongdoings, you can send it to Putin himself you lowlife trash :D

paul ( original )

Yes I think it is clear that Russia is not involved in Syria in order to get involved with the so called ‘Arab Israeli’ confrontation. The problem is that the situation is complicated. Syria has multiple enemies including Israel, ISIS and probably the Kurds and Turks as well. Russia focus is clear and in pursuing their objectives they don’t want to get involved in wider conflicts.

Jacek Wolski

Who is ‘we’ that is suppose to revaluate this alliance ?!?! Yourself and Putin???


Missing the point of what I said. This comment section has shown me one thing that I had hoped wasn’t true and that it’s full of toxic quick to conclusions assholes that don’t critical think about what others have to say.

I proposed a rational position about rethinking and tempering one’s expectations about Russia and its role in Syria and all I have gotten in return is foul mouthed children such as Hamster, Pavel and a smattering of others bad mouthing me while coming to irrational conclusions based on some rather objective posts I made on a issue that NO ONE HERE has any influence on.

Jacek Wolski, I have been in favor (since the beginning) about Russia joining in and helping a friend. It’s just that recently with all the unprovoked Israeli strikes one loses confidence. Is that a crime?

Tudor Miron

Don’t get too emotional – time will show who is right and who is wrong.

Jacek Wolski

Putin isn’t supplying S-300 To Syria. So as you can see, friendship is a fickle word in this day and age. But he’s more then happy to sell S-400 to Saudi Arabia. So, who are his ‘real’ friends now. I guess money talks and bullshit walks ?

Bill Wilson

Russia’s main interest is retaining control of their naval base. They’re not amused by Iran causing mischief with Israel nor care to see Hezbollah become stronger in Lebanon so ignore the calamities that befall them after provoking Israel.


That’s because Putin was busy hosting Israeli President Net Yahoo at the Moscow military parade, who walked together side by side in the procession …go figure.!

The Latin Mass

Israhell will see a shipment of S-300s before Assad every gets a single one.

Igor Dano

u r idiot.


What about me?

Dr. Pro Liv

you talk too much but you are cool


And you?

Dr. Pro Liv

I only talk too much being cool is not my thing…


Prove that I’m an idiot. Or at least give a civilized response.

Pavel Pavlovich

Useless Hasbara lackey, without Russia there would be no Syria because Syrians obviously do not wish to fight for their fatherland, at least 90% do not. Skitter back home, rodent!


Pavel Pavlovich. :)

Dr. Pro Liv

Are you talking about 1 million young Syrian studs false refugees in EU….? Half of them working in Angela’s personal harem….

Pavel Pavlovich

Those, and the ones who are still in Syria and did not join the NDF nor the SAA nor anything of that sort. I mean, a few hundred thousands and a many of those even run away when confronted with larger forces (ignominious examples come to mind, such as Tadmoor). And we shall never forget the most shameful display of the people of Aleppo, at the time of its partial taking.

Dr. Pro Liv

I will forget ….I didn’t even know something of kind happened there…..in Aleppo. I never realized the scale of DEFEATISM !!

All I here is Western LGBT FAGS “armchair fighters” bitching over Internet about Russia and Putin “not doing enough” while their countries fight for Israeli JIHAD!! Even Muslims have NO DECENCY but complain while we watch their “brother” Muslim mercenaries fighting false JIHAD for West and IsraHell in Syria for MONEY! And while they do that talk ….they have their bitch a$$ somewhere safe in EU or US and such places….And they keep spiting on Russia and Putin also those human excrement’s spit with NO human decency in them ! Not enough dead Russians in their opinion for liberating Syria….like Assad deserves everything from Russia even more than Russians themselves!

Pavel Pavlovich

Brother muslim, what a laugh I am having whenever I hear this utter nonsense. Whyever should there be such a thing… in this sick world of today.

It is not about Assad, but the defeatism of Syrians and the loss of brain tissue of the Russian people. The outlook becomes bleaker with each day passing, and at one point there will be a popular uprising and a golden dawn, a renaissance that will undo all that had gone backwards since 1918. Unless it shall prove to have been to late…

Dr. Pro Liv

I’m not Muslim but Orthodox Christian I don’t think it is easy to “undo all that had gone backwards since 1918”. I do not know situation in Russia but things are not catastrophic either. Russia has restored status of respected world power again. Which is quite big success. It is good that Putin has chosen economy and well being of the Russian people as next objectives. This war in Syria becomes more dirty every day and if they restart war in Ukraine things might get ugly.

Pavel Pavlovich

I was referring to the ridiculous idea that such a thing exists.

Pavel Pavlovich

No, they have not, this is laughable as the nation is not souvereign. You do not understand what has been going on during the last 25 years or 30 or even 100. Russia is a colony of the USA, with the only difference that there is a fraction of resistance in the system itself. Overwhelmingly, however, there is no real souvereignty. The situation is not horrible, we have been through worse. However, due to mass media, the enemy has the means to addle the brains of people of all hues. Once that barrier is broken and the betrayal fo 1993 by my people to its own fatherland unmade, a new era of multipolarism will be ushered in.

Dr. Pro Liv

So you are saying that USSR was “colony of the USA” and cold war and nukes was just for the show. Like these conflicts between Russia and US-NATO today are. Why on earth would they do that if “they” control everything? And who are “they”, super rich Jew bankers, who?

Terry Pens

Poootin is a zionist jew, both his parents were jews

Pavel Pavlovich

You have not been reading my message, maybe my writing style is at fault. Let me reiterate: the USSR was, however ridiculous in regards to its ideology, SOUVEREIGN. The Russian Federation was created as a colony to the USA. Which, unto this day, it sadly remains.

Dr. Pro Liv

OK thank you for “reiterating”….but still… Her are your words; ” colony” “during the last 25 years or 30 or even 100.” And what is this than “even 100.”?! I know that 100 years ago was 1918 and you use word ” even 100″ and later tell me to misunderstand….

Pavel Pavlovich

No, that is not properly connected on your part. The 100 refers to the catastrophic events of the 1918 when our victory was stolen by those who did the bidding of the British Empire and even in smaller part that of Germany.

Pavel Pavlovich

THEY are the oligarchy and true rulers of the USA, this jewish nonsense has been going on for long years, and I venture to say that it is actively spread by HASBARA trolls.

Dr. Pro Liv

OK that was more or less what I was expecting… Who owns Russian central bank really? Thanks for the explanations BTW.

Pavel Pavlovich

Well, who gives it order, obviously not the Russian state. Else they would not act against the state’s interests (literally, the Rouble has 8% interest or something of that sort).

Dr. Pro Liv


Tudor Miron

Пал Палыч (с вашего позволения).

Pavel Pavlovich

How now, brown cow…


Can you prove that I’m indeed a Hasbara lackey? In fact I was a big (still am) supporter of what Russia is doing in Syria.

The only rodent here is people like you only bad mouth other when they have nothing of substance to say. Just to quick it irrational emotion.

Tudor Miron

There’s no need for proof in your case. No other country (including Iran) is doing as much as Russia does for Syria. If you think this is not enough – sorry that we (Russians) didn’t please you but unless someone also does even half of what Russia is doing I can’t consider this accusations as meaningful.


That is beside the point Tudor. I did not at any time accuse Russia of not supporting Syria in a meaningful way.

In my the litany of my other posts going over Russian delivery of arms and help in setting up better Syrian Radar and AD integration. I was was pleased to see it, my support was as still is full-hearted, but recent events have diminished that a little, is this wrong of me?

The point that was misunderstood was (since this sites patrons are quite pro-Putin/Russia, nothing inherently wrong with that) that I was just saying that temperance of many of our expectations of Russia regarding Syria needs to be done. Due to the current trends that would SEEMINGLY indicate many peoples views of Russia as an absolute protector of Syria on this site.

Basically I was asking those who think Russia will protect Syria 24/7 to rethink their position and base it more in line with whats going on in reality. Russia, realistically, has many relationships with nations in the Middle East and cannot just outright protect Styria all the time, not to mention 1,000,000 Israelis are of Russian descent and or speak Russian, so REALISTICALLY it would stand to say that Russia doesn’t want to get into an armed conflict with Israel regarding Syria.

But alas in return I got the idiot Hamster (a rabble-rouser) who somehow justifies addressing others users comments in an EXTREMELY offensive and aggressive manner all the while saying this is “the way he rolls”, and others who can’t objectively look at my statement from a more scholarly point of view cheer him on. Others in here did the same.

Am I emotional, sort of kind of but not really. So I hope this sheds a more acute light on the very shameful display by some users here in the Disqus section of SouthFront.

Tudor Miron

That reaction that you saw is most probably because you sounded in unison with well known trolls – “Russia is weak” squad in particular. Just check this comments section and you’ll clearly see who I’m talking about. They always jump around similar articles. Some readers are quick to jump to name calling (including me) – that one I agree.

Dr. Pro Liv


The Latin Mass

Erdogan would support Assad if Assad were fighting Jewish terrorists. Since Assad is fighting Sunni rebels, Erdogan a Sunni supported the some of the “moderate” rebels. Russia won’t touch the zionist kurds who are fighting with jewamerica to create the borders of Greater Israhell.

Russia will kill Muslims, never the jew, never the zionist kurds. For Putin is a zionist and a servant of the rabbis.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Russia are happy…USA launched 59 cruise missile and no significan damage…USA launched 105..and only could target 3 small buildings and 2 storage…israel launched 64 cruise missile and only one radar, 2 storage have been damage!..so 228 cruise missile for minimal damage…I think ISIS with 10 carbomb inflict more damage!…so Russian air defense system are doing a good task!


I think so too, and the Syrian damage (no Iranian missiles were fired) to the Iron Dome seems to have been significant.


If this is indeed the true version of events that went down then Russian AD is truly impressive.

Terry Pens

How delusional do you have to be to belive such things? Is it ajy wonder the world hates you trolls?


Do you believe the military’s of all the nations lining up to by Russian AA systems are delusional? The Russians just showed the world the emperor has no clothes, and that is a wonderful thing.

Bill Wilson

LOL! If you believe that BS then you must believe anything uttered by those propaganda artists.

Ishyrion Av

I can make a video like that too. And I’m not a professional. Why the camera was shaking right and left when it should stay very still at the supposed final approach speed of the missile? We don’t see a missile who “dances” around the target to avoid interception, but an old fashion one who goes straight to the target. If the movie is slow motion, what is the real speed of that man who goes from the truck and back to the truck in 4-5 seconds? If the movie is slow motion, his speed is comparable with the missile speed. The movie is made with a military grade video camera, who is suppose to recognize the target in it’s final flight stage. Details, terrain, etc. My phone makes better movies and is not a fancy phone. My opinion… the movie is a fake.


Alright thats a fair position to take. Personally I don’t know if the video was real or not.

Tudor Miron

Fair enough. We simply don’t know if its even real. Should we base our view regarding Russia’s role in Syria based on this video?


Um…What? What does that have to do with anything?

His post was a bout the video, not about Russias role. Stay on target Tudor, don’t drift lol.

Terry Pens

You are stupid zionist, instead of giving syria better weapon pootin jew sheep say video is fake. Only Iran really help syria


Good points, I thought something seemed off, and in the reports on the conflict from Russia and Syria no mention of this equipment being lost is mentioned.


I sympathize with your frustration, but Russia really is Syria’s best chance for anything like normalcy. This is a brazen defeat, it probably won’t be the last. Still, the ratio of victories to defeats is still heavily favoring Syria thanks to Russian air cover. The only chance b for Assad’s gov. is still modern Russian weapons in the hands of Syrians. Clearly the missile crew had abandoned the pantsir, which looks to be out of ammo. A big insult, but not a major defeat.


Hasbara troll, much? As soon as Israel gets involved in conflict with Syria we have to hear how Russia has “abandoned” Syria etc etc. And you’re saying an awful lot for someone who pitched up here from nowhere, but I suspect probably somewhere like Tel Aviv.


Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have died and millions homeless because of the pipeline that Assad refused to allow to save Russia. All infra structures destroyed and have to pay for rebuilding.

Yet Russia cannot even supply an old S300 while ever willing to supply to Turkey and SA .S400 ???????

Tudor Miron

Calm down Joe, what did your country do for Syria?


It it a fact ? For what did Syrians died for?


There is a recent interview with Assad on line in which he says the S-300 have been delivered and training of Syrian troops on the system is underway. If I were Russia I would feel no need and see no merit in saying, hey everybody look what we just gave Assad!! I think Assad told the truth and when Team Evil finally hits Syria hard and one day it will they will be in for a very nasty surprise. I am sure everyone realizes these hit and run strikes are just to get info on Syria’s defenses in preparation for the big offensive. My guess is it will come just as the Soccer games start and it might come in both Syria and Ukraine. Team Evil only has so much time left on the clock before Russia will be formidable and all the players in this know it.

Bob Level

As soon as Assad, Putin and Iran leave Syria and stop massacring Syrian citizens, this will stop.

Tudor Miron

Was it Putin or Iran chopping those heads off? Was it them eating human heart on video? Or was it your stinking kind you ugly rat? Why do you hate Syria and true Koranic Islam that much? Why do you work for Greater Israel?


Yes, it looks like that Russia is trying hard to make happy somehow Israel. It looks like that Putin does not want Netanyahu to get mad with him, and at the same time try to use some protection to Syria. However, Russia knows even when ISrael planes take off from their bais, Russia knows the direction and weapons used by those planes. Russia knows when the missiles are launched and can track exactly the trajectory of those missiles. So, Russia knows everything, including the fact that Israel is one of the main supporter of terrorism in Syria (weapons, money, mercenaries, training, advisors).


I don’t think Russia/Putin is trying to make Israel happy, I think he is trying to make Israel predictable. From what I read Bibi asked for a working meeting as soon as possible and the Victory Day was the first slot available, as a courtesy he invited Bibi to the parade.

I also think Bibi used the invitation to create a MSM impression that Putin was “on his side” and from Putin’s demeanor he was well aware of what was happening and not at all pleased. Further, Bibi said something to the effect that when Russia gives a warning, nothing is behind it because they don’t react if you go against them. I don’t see many more Russian parades in his future:)

I agree with you that Russia knows when a cat sneezes in Syria and probably assisted Syria with the logistics. It was said somewhere that Russia didn’t help with the initial attack, I don’t know if that is true but if it is it may be because Israel is masking its jets with Collation of the Crazy call letters.


Go hang yourself on your expectations.


Awesome Jorge. Nice response, couldn’t have said it better myself :)

Nigel Maund

And why as Netanyahu guest of honor at the Annual Red Square Military Parade to honour the Great Patr

888mladen .

With an ally like this who needs enemies?


Zionist, the most part of your missiles were intercepted, for now.

Daniel Martin

I here a lot of Russia didn’t protect this or Russia didn’t protect that in Syria, I would like to ask you the following question, how many of Syrias Arab neighbors have helped Syria in fighting the war against foreign terrorist except few honorable as Hezbollah and Iran besides Russia? The answer in no one! And all we here is condemnations against Russia all the time, despite the fact that it was actually Russia Iran and Hezbollah that have jointly helped the Syrian President in turning the war from a obvious defeat to victory.


Reality check. Syria destroys over 200 American missiles, Israel destroys 1 Pantsir, the Syrians must be terrified :)


That’s not good for sales….


I see the truck did not even try to intercept it, as if it did not see the missile. What more important is, it seems there were no crews inside the truck, one crew rushed toward the system but it was too late.


It could be negligence from the SAA staff. On left you can notice a group of people.

Daniel Miller

actually notice the radar dish on top is not turning at all.



Daniel Miller

i have a question,why are all arabs so shit in modern warfare? Its not just the Syrians but the Iraqis the Saudis and the Egiptians (cant spell their name right sorry xD). Why are they all so shit?


Because the sun is right above the middle east, turning it very hot and the brain of those people do not work properly at such heat.

Pavel Pavlovich

No, just lazyness from all that sun. And the unhealthy diet.

Daniel Miller

yea i agree they do have the IQ of a boiled potato.


They are Arabs after all.


Many Arabs are fine human beings, thank you very much.


Yeah, but the percentage is very small.


Well, I am from Pakistan originally and Pakistanis are in general much worse than Arabs. Arabs at least have a brain, a soul and gentler heart.


Well, I would then say most the Muslims outside the middle east think that Arabs are decent people. From the religion perspective, they have some kind of weakness towards their holy land and its people.


13 millions wasted


Nor wasted. IL has hundreds. Tomorrow will buy new ones. Syria has no replace.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Syrian sources told that no air defense system have been hitted!…this s a fake image recorder from a spy plane using zoom which have termal cameras with 50-70 km range…like P3 Orion to watch ships!


manual flower escortwife knows everything better.

Manuel Flores Escobar

I have been in the air force while you are master of liar in internet!


you were in shit!


Nope, SANA confirms yesterday couple of missiles hit ADs

Manuel Flores Escobar

Hit radar air defense and a storage inside air defense base…


No, you can see the earlier articles here or maybe in RT. It said multiple air defense assets were hit

Manuel Flores Escobar

only one airdefense base ( Sa-2) in Homs!..In Damascus almost all missile have been intercepted!..


Which would explain why the radar is off and the personnel seem oblivious to danger. The video is really poor and it does jiggle when it is close to the target which is odd.

j. jaxson

the video is so fake it s stupid. go practice moel you motherfuckers.


Looks like an Israeli runway, with a deserted Panshir S1, solen by ISIS/Mossad form Syria.

So no proof at all.


I’m sorry, but how does that “look like an Israeli runway” rofl. You people say some of the dumbest most cringeworthy shit sometimes.



Use your brain a bit:a single vague vid, not showing any environment authentication is now proof at all. Just a training vid.


Yeah, rofl.

“looks like an Israeli runway”. I wasn’t aware there was some distinct “israeli” look to runways that can be deduced from a video.

I am not saying this isn’t a vague video. That’s not the part of your response that I called you out on as bullshit. You said it “Looks like an Israeli runway”. How the fuck do you figure? Or are you just talking out of your ass?

I suspect its the latter, and you’re too much of a coward to retract what is clearly a delusional statement.


Is was a joke, I used Israel as an example.


Its a runway for sure………………. Israeli ? Anything is possible. This could be a fake vid ????????


Yeah, perhaps.

I think the missile looks a bit slow, but then again I don’t know enough about missile technology.


Here’s what I do know, the Israelis are superb at deception, the way the truck is just positioned, in the open, like a sitting duck ????????? It is not in a basic revetment, it is sitting on a runway, the radar dish is not moving…………………this could well be a dummy-truck, after all, the SAA have their own counter-measures , knowledge amassed fro many years of war with a merciless foe…….until we know more, I do not believe what I am looking at because “the picture looks wrong”, and that make me suspicious.


I guess he is joking.


LoL , probably – so all in all, just a propaganda video.

João Leston

That’s a slow missile xD


There goes future sales of the system. The problem is Russian military technology continues to lag behind Westen Europe and America. I wish it didn’t. When it comes to close in missile interception, like here, I think systems like the Kashton-M would be more effective. The thing is there is no mobile version of it.

Daniel Miller

you seem to suffer form ignoran idiot sindrome go educate yourself.


and you go fuck yourself!

Daniel Miller

wow calm down m8 no need to be so mad :D


Its o.k. for you to tell others to go fuck them selves, you just can’t take your own medicine……………… you are so far from being a mensch.


Care to give a real reply to what I wrote jacka§?


NightTrain how old is your mother?


Do you want to respond to my post or fu## someone’s mother because your mom won’t do anymore?


You asked me to give you a real reply and I did and now you’re getting angry…

I don’t understand.


What does my mother have to do with I wrote? Instead of responding to my post go back to fu##ing your mother because it makes as much sense as your response to my post.


Are you serious? How do you not make the connection?

And why would I be fucking my mother. I am not interested in incest.


Try responding to my orginal post because your responses from the get-go has nothing to do with what I wrote.


Sorry, I must’ve somehow misread your original post. My apologies.

Daniel Miller

this is the real reply go educate yourself befor stateing bullshit.


Well educate me about the Panstir air defense system if you can summon the intelligence and mental abilities with a post because you are doing neither.

Daniel Miller

Panstir can detect and shoot down artillery shells…letalone large Popeye standoff missiles. This system was turned off if you look at the video the idiot inbreed IQ 75 arab crew is next to the inactive system the radar is alos turned off indicated by the lach of movment of both the actual array and the turret.


Another possibility exists: the system malfunctioned and was not able to be restarted. That may also explain why the crew was standing outside.

Daniel Miller

that too since arab monekys are known to neglect their equipment.


You could see it has nothing to do about technology. The radar was clearly off.


If they turned off their radar they knew a missile was coming for them or they got scared they were going to be hit by one. The system was defeated.


That’s very lame excuse to be honest.


Then tell me why they turned off their radars when they were clearly under attack.


Well, that’s the real question. We really don’t have an idea. But from the video you could see one crew rushing towards the truck possibly after being alerted by the sound of the missile (seems to be much slower than the speed of sound).

From their behaves during the strike it seems as if nothing happened. Everything is fine. It’s really weird.

If they were trying to evade, the crew would not have rushed toward the truck and also they would not have chats near the truck.

On the other hand, if you have idea about pantsir missiles and guns, the incoming missile should have been an easy target for pantsir.

It’s just simply weird.

Sorry for so many “If”s


In another post I put up another explaination: the system may have malfunctioned and was not able to be restarted.


If they new they wouldn’t be standing ten meters from it. Simplest explanation is that they are idiots.


It may have not been an incoming missile. It may have been they were scared to get into the system and man it or got out of the system because they were scared they were going to be hit by a missile that had not been launched at the system yet.


Or that the video is fake.


Well since you obviously found time to comment and not read about some things, let me explain you few of them here.

For one Pantsir is more modern than any variant of Kashtan. It is even being mounted on new ships and those being modernised.

Second, system in video is turned off. For what reason we can only ask assholes beside it if any survived.


Will admit technical competence of the crew may have been an issue. They may have not been able to perform under the gun causing them to stress out and panic also.

The Kashtan could be updated and probably placed into a smaller turrent and mounted on a vehicle. Those duel 30mm water cooled gatlin style guns can put up a lot more led when it comes to an incoming close missile.


Putin is a coward and a cunt. Can’t understand why anyone thinks anything else of him after what happened years ago to Russians in his neighboring countries. He lets Russian people die in Donbass and Luhansk right now, so why the hell do you think he cares about Syrian or Iranian people. He is a weak person. Her has no ambition whatsoever and is not a nationalist. He is a Russian Obama. People still think he will allow Russia to supply S-300 at the same time as the neonazi netyahoo is sitting next to him in Moscow. Wake the fuck up!


He’s just a pragmatist, and thank goodness. There’s a reason people like you are never in power. Not even in countries like Iran.


he is idiot. old, senile idiot.


Are you that guy who used to be named “Serious”? The one who said Sunnis only smoke cigarettes and play checkers at cafes or something?


He’s a pro Israeli dog turd………………….. and talks shite


velociraptor is not pro-israeli, he is just a troll. He talks shit about all sides when the opportunity arises.


He is, and admitted as much………………………..

Tudor Miron

Just another kind of bitch. Nothing to talk about. I blocked that creature.


no. but putin is really idiot. he was a c class KGB agent. the good ines were sent in western countries, the garbage in socialist countries.


……………..the only idiot here is YOU shit-wit. Velocraptor, what is that ? A turd of a bike ?


all right, idiot, went the flag and blocking you.


…………..there’s the pot calling the kettle black…………….. you fuck-wit.


Well if a pot called a kettle black, he would still be right. The kettle is in fact black, regardless of whether the pot is.


You REALLY missed the point didn’t you ?


No, I actually get your point completely, I was just trolling you lol.


You are so very wrong in all that you say but then you know hat don’t you ?

There has been a concerted Zionist campaign in recent weeks that attempts to sow discord between the Syrian Allies.

Syria, Iran, Russia, Palestinian’s, Sunni and Shia Muslims, Christians, Nationalists et al have for the first time in many decades demonstrated a unity of purpose that scares the shit out of the US ,NATO and Israel.

The Israeli dream of divide and rule is ending. Even Jordan cannot be relied upon by Israel either.

Tudor Miron

Here you are snakehead :) Feeling nervous that your proxy headchoppers are gone to virgins? Hope that Russia leaves Syria? Do you even understand that unlike Iran we actually do not want your (or anyone also) blood? Do you realize that Bibi (he actually knows very well what’s going on) is taking Israeli people straight to the sloughter? I bet you don’t. You guys can’t even look back at your own history. You think you’re chosen one but in reality you’re just a disposable instrument. USeful idiots is the term.

Terry Pens

Pootin is a zionist shill


It does look like a Pantsir system. It may have been engaging other targets judging from the direction that it was facing. Or it may have been inoperable because of technical or reloading issues. Or a missile may have been fired to intercept the missile that hit it that didn’t intercept it for some reason. These systems can be overwhelmed if enough missiles are fired at it at the same time. Which is why taking out the launch platforms is an option.



Yeah you are right however why did Israhell yet get live recording from the missile in flight? Where was the well-known russian EW last night?

Pavel Pavlovich

Who knows, maybe intercepting the other 59 missiles as always.


If ew was 100%, you wouldn’t need anti aircraft systems. The Russians may not be using their best ew systems until they need them themselves. And they may have been tapped into the missile’s communications stream for intel purposes.

Daniel Miller

by the looks of it the Radar is actually not turning at all it seems like the system was inactive.


The radar was clearly off. It was just like a regular idle truck.


Good observation, it may have been out of service for some reason.


I don’t think so. Because the crew was rushing towards it after being alerted by the sound of incoming missiles. It’s simply weird.


There were 4 people walking down the side of the runway. The video is of poor quality. So a lot of information is unclear. It looks like 1 person ran towards it just before impact. Maybe it was right at the beginning of the attack and they were trying t turn it on.


The S-200 is a mach 9 hypersonic missile with up to a 250 mile range that no known NATO or Israeli anti missile system is capable of stopping. The 4 boosters drop off at launch. I’m assuming that it has remove and replace electronics allowing up grades that provide it’s 500 pound conventional or nuclear war head with targeting capabilities similar to S-300 or 400 or Iskander missiles. Syria is known to have 48 of these stationary and portable launchers. Iran has reportedly developed a mobile launch system for the S-200 series missiles.



Pavel Pavlovich

An old system basically useless against small targets.


The stock electronics are outdated. I’m sure that there are upgrades available that are classified. You’re not going to use any large missile like this against small targets. The S series missiles are primarily for taking down large targets.

Pavel Pavlovich

S300 and S400 can bring low any modern drone or smart missiles, only it is not very clever to do so.

paul ( original )

I don’t know enough about these things, may be someone else can help. It does seem strange that the vehicle is being attacked by a missile which looks like it is being visually targeted. Such things are possible but is this normal in these circumstances? What is being use in this attack? It does not look like what I would expect which is a missile being guided by predetermined co-ordinates.

Pavel Pavlovich

Alleged missiles doing alleged things… forget that nonsense, it changes little.


Where do you live?


Looks like the system wasn’t even active, the guy ran inside but wasn’t able to start it in time.


Guys, i told you that Russia is becoming a massive embarrasment. People at forums are beginning to laugh at you.

The Latin Mass

Was the first person on SF to attack Putin, there are mainstream articles on the internet about Putin being influenced by the Chabad, and then there are Putin’s rabbis, and Putin a supporter of Netanyahoo, and Putin the zionist defender of the “state” of Israhell.

Khazar Agent

Pantsir S1 carry 12 missiles. This one on Khazarian video has last 2 missiles. I.E.: this Pantsir S1 shoot down cca 10 Khazarian missiles, after that crew take break or wait for re-arming. Recording is probable taking from Pop-eye or similar missile with Low-light TV/IR camera.

Folks if You want stop this genocidal Apartheid II. Khazarian regime, it is important to stop use this word invented in 18th Century: “Jews”. Purpose of this invention was masquerading Khazars as something different. Khazaria Empire was big country between Kiev, Crimea and Caspic Sea. They adored Phallus as their religion. Their ruler ordered mass conversion to judaism. Biggest fear of Khazars is not Iran. Their biggest fear is possibility, that this secret will revealed.

Folks, call Khazars by their original name: Khazars, and miracle will happen. Zionist regime will collapse itself, without one shot.


Your mom adores my phallus as her religion and she worships my family jewels between my legs. Her biggest fear is you finding that she doesn’t know who your real father is.


Khazar Fake Jews= Ghetto Rats

Richard Oriol

The air defense was totally blind,Israeli planes flied all over the country. Where ever you hide, they will find you. No escape road.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Israel plane flew outside of the syrian air space to be safe!..they only launch long range missile away of syrian air defense which only can intercept these missile!


Everybody wants to be safe, but don’t necessarily want others to be safe.


Radar was turned off and the crews were having chat outside of the system.


It is clear that there is no integrated radar defense … Another bad figure for the credibility of Russia also humiliated by Israel now.

Daniel Miller

What? Omfg…….the Pnstir-S1 has its own radar you ignoran retard (also the system was inactive thats why it got hit) Also what dose Russia have to do with this?


You have no idea what an integrated air defense is. The Russians have an integrated air defense but they do not use it for the Syrians. This is a shame for Russia.


The Syrian system is extensively integrated into the Russian sat net command and control system.


Then the system does not work ….. It seems clear to me.

Dr. Pro Liv

Claudio you talk about your brain or…


I have nothing but this….


There are reports from credible sources that up to 70% of Israeli missiles were taken down. And some of the ones that got through may have hit undefended sites. If the radar was inop, then this particular unit was inop, not the entire network.


You are in good faith … but I have serious doubts about what Russia intends to do.

Dr. Pro Liv

You have “integrated air defense” when you have something else to integrate with…but if that Pantsir is in company with Pechora S-125 or S-200 there is nothing to integrate …….


In fact something is missing …. It also seems obvious to those who are not experts.

Dr. Pro Liv

so you are reading “experts” and giving us the peek preview of that wow!!! I think they are full of it ….your “experts” ..


Lets say you have a PC integrated with other PCs, but you turned it off and hoping other PCs to communicate with you.


It should not have been turned off if long-range radar defense had sounded the alarm…If he could not shoot then he had to move to avoid being hit.


You could see a crew running towards the truck after alarmed by the missile engine sound.

Daniel Miller

……Integrated Air defenses are none mobile like the S200…and far larger systems like the A135 and A235 but only russia has the last 2 also integrated airdefenses are used mainly to take down ICBM’s not aircraft or small standoff missiles.


Claudio, whats your name?


You said it as my name is. Maximum transparency…


You don’t have a last name?

Dr. Pro Liv

Claudius Maximus


Where do you live?


I’m Italian, and where are you from?


I was born in Pakistan but live in US. If I had an Italian girlfriend, I would treat her like a jewel, but my gf is Pakistani, so I beat her when she doesn’t obey. It is the only way in our culture…

Dr. Pro Liv

nice culture….that’s why you came to the culture where girls beat boys….to reeducate them I guess…


No, we moved because Pakistan is filthy shit with no opportunity.

I don’t believe beating is good thing. But for Pakistani women, it sometimes necessary because they often dont understand dialogue or conflict resolution in relationship.

Dr. Pro Liv

Calm down my friend…Don’t get too honest with me and tell me your life story….I was joking there not about “girls beat boys” but 2nd part “to reeducate them”….It is too late for that anyway …


I preferred to give up things that can not be together …. A man does not need women.. :))))

Dr. Pro Liv

Di cosa stai parlando? And what could you possibly need if not peace of juicy girls a$$ Are you Dr. Dolittle …. doing it with animals?!


It’s all an illusion … I want freedom.

Dr. Pro Liv

whatever…I don’t know how you do it and I doubt I want to hear it…


He’s probably some guilt ridden celibate who does “no fap” or something.

Dr. Pro Liv

it’s all Chinese for me this celibate thing….not saying impossible just too distant for me to understand it…. I guess it is all question of mental discipline and practice like in martial arts or yoga…..can’t picture it really…


It’s just senseless guilt ridden repression, there’s not actually much “wisdom” behind most of it. At least martial arts and yoga serve some useful purposes for self development.


You’re a great … if I had money I’ll hire you as a psychologist. Thank you


I’m just very straight forward and I say things like they are and as I see them.

If someone says they “don’t waste time on women”, I don’t just take them at their word for it. There is clearly something else going in their life that has made their life dysfunctional. Some repressed emotions, some traumatic past events, some psychological issues. No man just wakes up one day and decides that they have “no interest” in women.

Same thing if someone says some stupid ass shit. I’m not gonna just sit there and willy nilly take them seriously and simply provide some “polite” feedback/response/counter argument. Of course I’m going to do all those things, but most importantly on top of that, I am going to let them know that they are a worthless piece of shit.

I know that may sound “childish” and “insulting” and “derogatory”, but a lot of people don’t realize that these so called insults actually serve a very useful purpose. There’s people that are wrong, and then theres people that are wrong AND they are pieces of shit. It is important to remind the pieces of shit types that they’re not only wrong, but that they are pieces of shit as well, so they can dwell on that a bit and perhaps work on themselves holistically, rather than just working on their own knowledge and opinions.

Don’t just let people know that they’re wrong. Let them know what they really as well just for good measure.


You have used many words to say something simple…I get it. Thank you

Dr. Pro Liv

Lucky for you that you don’t live in EU. That kind of reasoning is no allowed in certain countries… you would have problems here with your common sense approach. There is huge amount of hypocrisy in the society…specially up north.

Dr. Pro Liv

in EU


it is forbidden to try take information about other. went the flaf and i informed the admin.


Are you that guy named “dutchnational” that just changed his name or something?

Or you “Serious”?

You’re definitely one of those 2, I am almost 100% certain.



Dr. Pro Liv

And tire was flat also…and windshield wasn’t clean….

Mahmoud Larfi

Suicide drone

You can call me Al

Put the air defences systems on a runway, out in the open…..!!!, oh vey !


And turn off the radar


Cant you all see guys on the left of the runway. They are out for a smoke, meanwhile their offline system gets smoked.

Mahmoud Larfi

Here goes Arab “professionalism”


I won’t be that one advocate of Russian weapons, but that system really looks offline and the guy running inside seems to prove that. I don’t know it looks strange, like in marching position.

Mahmoud Larfi



Mahmoud Larfi, are you Iranian?

Mahmoud Larfi

No and Mahmoud Larfi isn’t my real name


Seen that one.


Plus that one running in a bit to late.


I guess he heard the engine of the missile and rushed toward the AD

Neo Onh

Everyone, just look at the BIG picture first: Before the russian help Syria was losing the war – now it is winning. Before the russian help Syria was not retaliating against israeli agression – now they fire back! Things have changed for the better

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