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Video: Israeli Strikes Destroy Syrian Pantsir-S1 System

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The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) released a video showing the derstruction of an alleged Syrian Pantsir-S1 short-to-medium range air defense system during the massive airstrike in Syria, which took place on January 20.

According to reports, during the 24 hours, the IDF launched over 50 cruise missiles and guided bombs at targets in the countryside of Damascus.

The Russian military did not provide details into the number of the employed missiles, but said that the Syrian Air Defense Forces intercepted a total of 37 missiles and guided bombs [7 – during the first round of strikes; 30 – during the second round of strikes].


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37 out of over 50 in a saturation attack is not a bad hit to kill statistic.


They need to shoot down some israfucky planes, that will stop the attacks for a while and will give the Syrians some time to take back Idlib.


This latest attack was done by stand off munitions outside the range of Syrian ADF.


Zio-rat filth-scum operating over the Mediterranean.


More information, with some syrian casualties, https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201901211071665232-syria-air-defences-israel-missiles-attack-russia-military/


You and I know that. The problem is most non technical individuals will form their impressions on imagery.


It is definitely a hard pill to swallow especially when the Israelis do it constantly, so I understand the anger coming from those who get overly emotional when looking at the aforementioned images.

Yet, It is evidently clear that Syria needs larger SyrianADF infrastructure to further mitigate possible Israeli damage. The number of active Pantsir systems needs to be doubled and more BUK systems should be flown in ASAP. If Syria can widdle that number of incoming missiles down to under 4 or 5 out of 50+. Then practically the Israelis would be waging a war of futility. Again, ladies and gentlemen a military that intercepts over 30 incoming missiles is a competent military. So hats off to the SyrianADF.

I would also say that it isn’t far fetched to surmise that Israel’s war against “Iranian” targets in Syria isn’t going well. They admit to near constant air strikes but we see only little damage and the Iranians/Hezbollah are still there, ever expanding their capabilities. Logically one would have to assume that the reworked SyrianADF network is indeed doing its job to the best of its ability.


At the very basic level. This regime Israel has taken against Syria is a numbers game. If Syria has enough interceptors then any likely Israeli damage will be mitigated into irrelevance.

-Panstir S-1 (Or S-2, not sure which version the Syrians operate) -BUK missile system -S-200 -and others Are all doing their jobs to the best of their abilities.

If the SyrianADF was shitty then Iran would have backed its bags and left last year, but evidently the Israelis are still pestering Syria and allies constantly due to the REALITY that SyrianADF is putting up a palpable defense. So they need to launch strikes against “Iranian” targets at an increasing pace.

Another reality is that Iran is more than happy to keep bringing in equipment anyways…


A very cool and rational argument. Too many people think certain weapon systems are wonder weapons, when its really a number’s game. You can never fully stop 100% of the attacks, all you can do is raise that percentage up so high as to make it very expensive for an attacker to carry on.

That being said, the question on everyone’s lips is, where are the Syrian S-300’s and what are the Russians doing. Are they back at letting the Israelis take pot shots at the Syrians and Iranians, or are they up to something?


I genuinely can’t come to a conclusion on the S-300 fiasco regarding Syria (the S-300 seems like a phantom at this point). Just don’t have enough information. Any sort of reality I come to would be based on inference and conjecture. I mean there are conflicting reports of the system being operational, being close to operational, being in the process of being operational etc, etc…Whatever it is, the information that many would like to know is kept with those who NEED to know. So I will leave at be lol.

One thing we do know is that Israel is effectively banned from flying its military assets over Syria. No jets no nothing, so that in of itself is a modern marvel given how “amazing” the IDF air force is supposed to be.

We gotta wait and see if Russia can strike a deal with Syria to bring in more AD equipment and interceptors.


S-300 are tasked with preventing IAF aircraft from penetrating Syrian airspace. They are not used to take down low-flying stand-off missiles – taht is the job of the Pantsir systems, and they are short range systems located at potential targets.

S-300s are not failing as they are keeping the Zio-rat filth out of Syrian airspace.


This is what I also think is to be the case regarding S-300 usage during Israeli strikes.

Using an advanced system like the S-300 against cheap low flying targets that can be adequately taken by other systems is a waste of a good missile that could take down an incoming F-35,F-16 or F-15.


Yep, S-300 are reserved for putting a cock-sucking faggot IAF monkey into da ground.. or better yet a Damascus prison cell. Jew soy bois are too scared to risk it so they fire missiles from over the med then run for home.


Theyre scrap metal getting recycled by F35’s just like the S400 junk :D




Dumb fck redneck with a Jew cock up his over-used azz…

The Jew plays his monkey… and the monkey purrs affectionately…


I love Black Hawk Down: The Somali battle…

Luke Hemmming

I love the video of the cafe bombing last week too Jose…KABOOM!!


Allow me to provide some numbers for your statements here. An Israeli retired general recently claimed that only 5% or Iranian weapon shipments to Hezbollah were being intercepted.


Iran can keep on producing the weapons and bringing them in. Simple as that really…

Zionism = EVIL

Iranian economy is being strangled and that is the Jew agenda. The cost for Iran is becoming too high and unless it hits back there is good chance of street revolution. Iranians don’t like body bags coming daily now. 5 senior command level officers have been killed, 4 nuclear scientists assassinated and Iran has done ZILCH.


The cost of the Syrian War on the Iranian economy has been minuscule (I have Iranian parents and friends in Iran, I know what I’m talking about). It is also in Iran’s interest to keep supporting and bringing in equipment to be field tested. We can’t completely rely on Israel’s self reporting on the damage they inflict. We don’t know the true numbers. So, I will let that be.

Since my parents are from Iran and I was born in the states. I can only give what I knowledge I know and that the situation in Iran economically is not all because of sanctions. Iran has a HUGE amount of internal corruption and inept politicians/institutions running things. The sanctions don’t help what is already a bad case.

Your comment on the IRGC is irrelevant and ignorant to put it bluntly. What I will divulge to you isn’t new information.

At its core, the IRGC is a deeply religious and committed force. Commanders and generals willingly chose to go on the battlefield without body armor knowing full well they can die but they view themselves as living martyrs, so death doesn’t scare them. You mentioned that Iran has lost over a thousand men (debatable as to what the true numbers are). But all I see are casualties of war. Iran has been involved, ON THE GROUND for over half a decade. Your point on Iranian officers and generals being killed is mute and completely irrelevant. War tends to, I don’t know…KILL PEOPLE. It’s a difference in philosophy between Western militaries that send young men to their deaths while generals fuck women and sip on fine wine from thousands of miles away. While IRGC generals sleep, eat and stand along side their troops. Why do you think General Qassem Soleimani is so revered and respected around the Middle East amongst friend and for alike?

Politically speaking, Iran has internal issues, yes. But it isn’t COMPLETELY destitute. Iraninans also aren’t dumb and overly emotional like many would like to think they are. Iran won’t, especially now, throw their nation into a civil war seeing how others nations have been destroyed doing such.

Final point I wanna get across to you Zionism=EVIL. At first I thought you were a decent fellow who brought rational arguments to the table. Your sentiment is inline with many on here for the most part but as of late you’ve gone overboard with your rhetoric.

You need to cool it down and act like anal adult instead of yelling and spamming “Russia is playing with Syrian lives”. War is multifaceted and complicated. There is much more going on here than just S-300s and cruise missiles.

Grow up, please.

Zionism = EVIL

Some of your points are valid, but Russia is no friend of Iran historically. The mullahs are not the smartest negotiators but Russia refused to sell them any modern weapons. Putin’s mother was a Jew and he has strong links with Nutter Yahoo. One has to be realistic and not emotional.

Concrete Mike

Good points, might i suggest you edit your last paragraph, there is a hillarious typo that doesnt belong there. That guy is a troll, acts the exact same way as a previous troll called starlight.


Bigaess Wangmane

Final point I wanna get across to you Zionism=EVIL. At first I thought you were a decent fellow who brought rational arguments to the table. Your sentiment is inline with many on here for the most part but as of late you’ve gone overboard with your rhetoric.

i thought the same thing about him too, at first. But I’ve come to the inevitable conclusion that he’s simply another hasbara troll feigning sympathy for the plight of syrians will advocating that Assad is weak and needs to be replaced, Putin is a Zionist working for Bibi etc….


To answer your really ignorant claim that Iran has done “ZILCH”.

Iran has supported financially and militarily Hezbollah and Syria. Iran has provided the means for Hezbollah to make weapons and drones, as well as helped Syria with their own weapons. Iran has done A LOT.

So don’t claim Iran has done nothing.

Respond to Israel, opening a new front while trying to finish the current war is a dumb idea. No need to respond when you’re winning.


0 Israeli planes shot down

Looks like F35 fucked the S400 good LOL



fck off! they need you to build up fences and walls in USA


Stupid red-neck inbred…


S-400 are only at Russian base. Your Zio-rat owners didn’t shoot at Ruskies cuz they are cowards.


I love Black Hawk Down: The Somali battle…


What I see is that the Pantsir is turned off, its radar its not even erected, the two 30mm guns are up but its seems there are no more missiles left, probably launched them and waiting for refill.


Can be of this attack, or can be of an past attack, when a Pantsir really was destroyed


Its possible but I dont remember the guns to be in that position.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Very good point


Hope crew is safe then, SANA published photos of their missile hits, e.g….



Israel destroyed S300 too that was firing missiles https://mobile.twitter.com/IDF/status/1087208824182919168

Bye Bye S400

Hello F35




I love Black Hawk Down: The Somali battle…


The link has the video showing that S crap firing off missiles before being blown to pieces!

F35 fucked Iran Syria and Russia hard!



Stupid seppo redneck….

Zionism = EVIL

You Aussie matey :) Your government kisses Americunt arse too, bigtime, especially the Lib retards. Vote Labor!


Yup, our gov is a bunch of Zio kissers. Filthy degenerates, all of them. One day they will be held to account.

Zionism = EVIL

You are a smart one, even Bob Carr pointed that out in his book. Jews are fucking up the world fer sure.



That’s not S300 you braindead, utterly clueless 5 year old shiteating imbecile, your eyes are as dead and rotten as your brain. You don’t even know how S300 look like LOL! Dumb little bitch… no really, your idiotic garbage is not even trolling, you’re just spamming feces from your mouth.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Its not a S-300, and they did not use F-35. And if you look at the video, the two clips are edited together, because the second part, where it hits, does not show any smoketrails or anything.

And the first part does not show anything about the platform, being deliberately blurred hard and filmed with a tomato. Why would they not show sharp and clear what they destroyed instead of blurring everything beyound recognition?

Im not saying the syrian AD did not loose anything, they most likely did and will again, im just saying that dont make up what you see and know you facts.


You can clearly see the explosion, it was a video recorded in combat

Russia and Syria already confirmed those casualties and are hiding how many Iranians really got killed

0 Israeli planes intercepted btw



Zionism = EVIL

Iran has sent untrained and unprotected cannon fodder and over a 1,100 have been killed so far and the public is getting restless against the idiotic mullah regime. It is sad though as Iran should have stayed out of Arab mess.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

You clearly see an explosion yes, but you cant see what explodes, its all blurred, and aint it funny that ISIS can give you 1080p super clear and sharp gopro videos, but the IAF with billions and billions in sensors and super hightech military gear cannot? And why blur the surroundings, it makes no sense to do that from the Israeli side, what are they hiding?

That Pantsir does not look manned and ready for combat, and notice it looks like the drivers door is open to, nothing like that would be open during combat.

Its a S400 now?

Come on, if you want to comment something or have a discussion, then at least stand by your mistakes and try to know your facts.


0 Israeli planes intercepted, hundreds of SAM’s fired

F35 laughs at the S400 bwahahaha

Footage of a Russian SAM firing wildly before being blown to bits

How humiliating LOL

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Listen up little troll boy, show me proof of “hundreds of SAM fired”, show me proof that they used F-35´s, show me proof that it was a S-400, show me proof that it was a russian system exploding.

You cant, and you know it kid.

And since you are not able to back up what you are saying or conduct a mature and coherent discussion, you will join many children like yourself on my block list.


Yep, and Pathetic_WhiteTrash_Azzhole is too stoopid to understand that… he reads a headline and sees what he wants to see…


that is why you support ISIL?

Luke Hemmming

Hey did you hear about the CIA agents that got fucked hard last week?

LOL Yeah I bet you did :-) Bwahahaha


No F35 used and no S300 targeted. Raid was with permission of Russia. Syria and Iran are on their own and can ONLY DEFEND not shoot down Israel jets


Stupid lying redneck inbred…. with a mouthful of Zio-rat cock


hey burger-man, nothing of that shit happened, only in your imagination. And you are not American, you are just a European immigrant in a mixed multicultural country, who just went there and renamed yourself as American.

We cant even call you a nation, just a mix from immigrants all around the world including Russians that you hate so much, Arabs, Chinese, Africans, and so on with mostly of European decent.

Zionism = EVIL

He has point, the Russians are arseholes who are playing with Syrian lives.


What ‘point’ he’s spamming 100% bullshit.

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll’s amusement or a specific gain.

That’s him ^

Zionism = EVIL

Regardless of his trolling, the sad fact is that Syria looks like a dickless wonder unless it retaliates. At least it should take out the Zionist ELINT station on Mt. Hermon in Occupied Golan. Even a Kornet can do it.


Russia and Syria don’t agree lol


Your move ?

Zionism = EVIL

LOL indeed.


Hey burger-man, learn to read first, I see nothing about S-300, what I see that most jew missiles were intercepted. Now go back to your cave, pseudo-murican immigrant lol.

Zionism = EVIL

oh well, not to worry the brave Syrian army and superhuman Ruskie fuckheads will give another strong warning to the Zionists and all will be well again in play land. The Russian flying dishwashers are getting wiped out, they gave the SAA only 7 batteries of Pantsir pansy missiles and 4 have been confirmed destroyed so far. There is another attack coming in the next few hours and that will take care of the rest. Russian arseholes.


S300, S400, F35, Aliens from Urans… hallucinations, idiocy, endless diarrhea from your dirty mouth….


Тrying hard to believe your own fantasies, eh? You’re not doing too well, I’m afraid….look pretty unconvincing and you know it ;)

Zionism = EVIL

I am no fan of Americunts, but they are reckless and use their weapons, the Russians so far have proved to be inept or patsies. Even a schoolyard kid knows that unless you hit back, bullies will rip you apart. Syria needs to fire some heavy base bleed artillery at Occupied Golan that can be intercepted, Even Hamas can do it now.


Russians have responded by hitting the seppo cuntz where it hurts… by destroying their takfiri troops and defeating their regime change wet-dreams.

Russians won’t hit the seppos or the zio rats unless either of them directly target Russian gov forces. IAF deflecting an SAA missile onto a RuAF sigint plane is not teh same, nor is USAF hitting Russian private mercs. So far, neither the seppo fags or the zio-rats have had the balls to hit Ruskies direct, so the game goes on. That’s why it is called a PROXY WAR.

Zionism = EVIL

But they need to support their Syrian “allies” as it makes look like a joke. The Zio fucks are deliberately making Ruskies look like pansies.


Тhat’s precisely the cowboy thinking typical of Hollywood-brainwashed average (western) citizen. Haven’t you noticed that the US and its helpers have lost the war in Syria? What’s the point in “hitting back” just for showing off the in the “American style”? Can’t you understand that the Russians have a different mind set that thinks strategically in the long run (chess players) since time is clearly on their side and the collapse of the bully is on the way? Why risk a great conflagration with millions of Russian lives lost if it can be done much more easily by not letting yourself be drawn into the fight all the while the bully is breathing ever heavier and growing weaker and clumsier by the day? A few things for you to ponder upon….

Dušan Mirić

O-ho-ho! Another intellectual comment by exceptional inhuman begin


That’s probably the tactic being used. Find a single system, overwhelm it. Once the crew realize that they are out of munitions, they abandon the complex.


Most likely yes. People need to realize that no air-defence in the world is invisible, especially when there is such a saturation attack. The best bet is to have couple of this systems close to each other to provide cover whenever one of them needs to refill.


Exactly, they used their previous (failed) attack to locate SyrianAA, then overwhelmed it. I guess they specifically targeted Pantsirs (rather cheap system btw), because they were so efficient; psychos from Tel Aviv were angry and humiliated, that’s why they expediently made this video.


The best defence is not waiting for attack but to attack the planes near to Lebanon.

But then Russia will stop Syria to be able to shoot down Israeli planes for sure.

Dušan Mirić

The best defense is to destroy the air base

Miroslav Beran

This video is scam, because 5 seconds before search radar in transport position, Pantsir was fiiring multiple missiles. 5 seconds later all missile tubes and radar in transport position. Radar is not moving such in 5 seconds.

Launching missiles into neighbour country without UNSC mandate is war crime, so we are talking about war criminals.

Zionism = EVIL

as if the UNSC has any balls. The Zionists have invaded 4 countries, annexed Palestine, Golan, Shebba Farms and violate Syria daily and the UN licks their arse. My friend we live in the Americunt created law of jungle, either fight back or be eaten by the NATO hyena pack. There are over 700 UNSC and general assembly resolutions on Palestine and ZERO action.

Pave Way IV

I don’t think it was meant as a continuous shot of the same Pantsir. But then again, I have no idea if its really just a screen cap from Falcon BMS 4.33 or an Israeli practice run against mockups.

In any case, two different Pantsirs, two different locations, two different clips.

The first seems to be a saturation attack on an active unit, with at least two or three Delilahs in a train as viewed from the last cruise missile. If this was an older Pantsir in stand-alone mode, it would only have been able to track/engage two missiles simultaneously by itself. Standard tactic is to send three missiles in close train (following each other) at the unit. By time the first attacking missile is destroyed, the radars and fire control unit do not have time to acquire the third missile accurately enough to engage. Nothing you can do about this if you have a lone Pantsir in a remote location protecting something. Three $2 million Delilahs takes out your $15 million Pantsir. Yes, you can use more than one Pantsir with one in command mode, but sometimes you just don’ have that luxury – depends what you’re protecting and how many you have. This was not a Pantsir anywhere near Damascus in that network. You take out a Patriot or Iron Dome the same way with a larger, more closely-spaced train.

Second clip is a Pantsir out of missiles – and what I assume is the reloading truck to it’s right (as seen in the tweet below). Why wasn’t the search radar active? Probably because the crew didn’t want to die. You don’t emit when you don’t have any missiles. Best you can do is point the narrow-beam engagement radar in the direction something is likely to attack and hope you get a shot at it. The Delilah can loiter in a target area for a few minutes, so you just need to wait for a side or frontal attack on a truck out of missiles and/or search radar off. Again, not much you can do if this truck is in stand-alone mode at a remote location.



But nobody care in UN and the World.


Old video, reminds me of the one where the crew left the vehicle unattended.


what i see is 2 missiles launched from the pantsir…you can see the smoke trail ….


Well, this is a typical Syria army behavior, drinking coffee and wasting their time somehow in the middle of a war.

Lena Jones

Why should we believe anything that comes out of the mouth of a jew – worse, from the gabby propaganda factories of the jewish military?! When was the last time jews ever told the truth to gentiles? Yeah, I don’t remember either – it’s been THAT long and ever longer than THAT lol!

Remember: jews always use the ‘fog of war’ to tell turdy lies and hide their failures.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

I understand and support what you are saying, but we have to remember that even a lier can tell the truth, if they do, is another matter.


Hello again, how are you feeling?


F35 fucked you again




Jew cock fuked you again.

Then you licked it clean and said thank you Boss.

Lena Jones

I’m feeling smarter than you are motherfucker: 50 jewish cruise missiles killed only 4 servicemen (may they RIP and their children RRRIP your heart out!)? You call that success? NO jew moron! I call this here a typical jew failure – and this is coming from a jew cock talking to a daily sucker of jew cock: https://youtu.be/jrHOnLuPxmk

I could post tens of thousands of links showing the wimped out state of the jewish terrorist army, but you know what? Why should I bother when I know that deep down inside you, you already know that you’ve lost ‘israel’ with the loss of the Syria war and now you have only two choices left: the diaper or the suitcase – and the little coward that you are has their suitcase already packed.

Have a horrible day at hasbara central (or khkhhkhkhazbara central as I’d like to call it)! Hope you fall down for israel today and break yer neck and goiter.


I love Black Hawk Down: The Somali battle…love too much…

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, the Zionists used F-16I with Popeye stand off missiles, 50 were used in today’s strike from Golan and that comes to 25 tons of serious HE and can do a lot of damage.


F35?? Stop hallucinating you braindead imbecile:

Syrian forces have intercepted 30 Israeli missiles over the past 48 hours.


And intercepted 0 planes :D

Russia admits at least 4 SAA dead 6 wounded

Your move, bwahahahaha

Zionism = EVIL

It is confirmed that the crew of a Pantsir 1 battery was killed. Russia has not given Syrians enough SAM systems for a layered defence. These Pantsir operate in isolation and easy to pick up with anti-radiation munitions like the US HARM or Zionist Popeye that travel low and are terrain hugging. Poor Syrians do try, but simply are out teched and out gunned.


So 4 Syrian soldiers who died defending their country against ISISraeli aggression somehow makes you happy? You miserable, inhuman pile of shit.. they died as heroes, while you’ll die as a pathetic, lonely shiteating bitch, in that basement. Soon I hope.

Luke Hemmming

I loved the cafe bombing video from last week. LOL Bwahahaha KABOOM!!


LOL….and the russians are sitting at the sidelines and laughing their asses off.

Tommy Jensen



BOOM. And there goes the myth of Russian air defense


There are more videos from tonight too :D


I love Black Hawk Down: The Somali battle… two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters were shot down by RPGs and three others were damaged.


You got nuffin cracker…


No air defence system in the world would work 100% of the time including that unreliable Patriot system.


Looks like more of your Russian junk got humiliated



Israel also destroying an S300 shown firing missiles and also a Pantsir



Russia admits 4 dead SAA and 6 wounded.

0 Israeli casualties

F35 fucked them hard


Brother Thomas

Better drink the champagne fast before the true facts become known. I haven’t seen anywhere any reference to an S300 unit being destroyed.

However, I do recognise how frustrating it must have been for Israel to restrain its aggression these pase few months since the S300 system became operative, so the mere fact of an attack lunched is cause for an Anglo-Zionist orgasm.


Bwahahaha 0 Israeli planes intercepted and multiple dead SAA plus Russian SAM’s toast

Your move, cowards.


0 Israeli planes came anywhere near Syrian airspace cuz the Jew trash cowards are too frightened…

Don’t expect a dumb fk seppo faggot to understand that however….


I love Black Hawk Down: The Somali battle… The battle resulted in 18 deaths, 73 wounded and one helicopter pilot captured among the U.S. raid party and rescue forces.




Mexicans soldiers leaping off cliffs while US marines storm in

Zionism = EVIL

Come on dude, Mexicans are dopers not fighters, baila baila….


In Florida, people only speak Spanish, the streets are mostly Spanish, the conquest began. Then you are so ignorant (and this is evident in the label you attribute to yourself), that you do not know that Jose is not only Mexican. But from an individual like you, nothing profitable can be expected.


n Florida, people only speak Spanish, the streets are mostly Spanish, the conquest began. Then you are so ignorant (and this is evident in the label you attribute to yourself), that you do not know that Jose is not only Mexican. But from an individual like you, nothing profitable can be expected.

Luke Hemmming

And dont forget the images of the pilot been dragged through dust covered streets…YEAH!! I love a bit of gritty drama. LOL Bwahaha…Gritty…dust hahaha I crack myself up.


Nope 37 out of 50 missiles taken down – BIG FAIL

Panthera Pardus

am I missing something or this is the old Video of.. when was that? December? November? I am sure I have seen similar but do not remember the date..


Its old and the jews are lying as usual.


8 months ago, idf managed a pantsir score when unit was in transport, not active mode.


What makes the Pantsir standing there, not in action, completely still and off? Was it broken? Very strange, being a mobile system, could have been hidden. There are things that do not fit right.


What if it had used up its munitions on the attack & was basically empty.


Could have hidden somewhere. This is why they are mobile. This only gives a bad image of the Syrian army.



This is only half the video, you guys didn’t show the S300 getting blown to bits.


John Whitehot

and you blowing up some circumsized dick.


No evidence of that


Psychotic rage, another proof how sick and desperate are these degenerates from tel Aviv. ISISraeli terrorists failed miserably yesterday, so they launched this huge scale attack against syrian AA. Mostly failed again, they are bragging with just two destroyed targets.

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, the Russians are being humiliated daily and their junk weaponry is being wrecked for the past 60 years now. Never seen a country that can’t fight back, even Kansas city faggots can beat the Ruskie shitheads, I kid you not :)


What a dumb fk… Syrian IADS intercepts 37 of 48 missiles, which is friggin good for any nations military.

junk weaponry? They just tested an intercontinental hypersonic glide vehicle, while US MIC thieves have produced powerpoint presentations! ROFL!!

Zionism = EVIL

Yeah fer sure, my old exploding Samsung washer is more deadly than the Ruskie decoration piece sams. If I was Syria I would be installing Samsungs on the Golan.


If you were in Syria you would be an AQ butt boy. Really popular with the takfiris cuz you clean em off afterwards.

Zionism = EVIL

Sorry, not an Ayrab so not much into faggotry. You speak from experience me bum chum :)


You kidding right? The US is the most faggot-friendly place on the planet. At least ISIS used to throw the dirty scum off tall buildings. It was one of their only redeeming features.

Zionism = EVIL

True, faggots are at home in San Fran, Tel-Aviv and Sydney.


I’d like nothing more than to see some damned raghead “refugee” blow the feck outta the faggot mardi gra. FFS its turned into a 2-week fiasco these days… decent people shouldn’t have to be subjected to this disgusting display of fucked-up brain chemistry and ruptured sphincters.

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, faggotry like breakdown of families and focus on materialism, Lesbianism, gayism is all a Jew construct to destroy western civilization. They are almost there. Now with #METOO they are setting off gender conflict and demonization of men.


Agreed, so i don’t see why you are ragging on Russia. They prevent faggot extremists having access to kids, and support the Syrians and Iranians to defeat Zio-rat plots (like their support for Wahabbi terror gangs in Daraa)

Zionism = EVIL

I am not a fan of Russia, they are infested with Jews and fail to support their friends. They gave Iran a third rate S-300 systems after 10 years and refused to sell SU-35 due to Zionist masters pressure.




Seriously, are you PWA alter-account or his transgender wife?

Zionism = EVIL

transgender is the new orange and really hip. Russians will have no problem as they are already dickless :)


“S300 has stopped Israel from attacking Syria”


Too easy


Finished sucking that Jew cock? Wipe yer lips big boy, cuz you only just started….

Good obedient little seppo goyim trump-voter.

Luke Hemmming

I loved the cafe bombing video from last week. LOL LMFAO KABOOM!!


S300 has never been used by Syrians they only target incoming missiles. Since Israeli planes dont fly in Syrian airspace they are not targeted


The US could smash Russia in under 4 hours in Syria after seeing this pitiful air defense



Dumb fuck seppo trash… big talk from a limp-wristed faggot from a nation that can’t shoot straight and can’t beat the Afghan goat herders after 17+ years…. hilarious…

Russia could turn Murica into a vast plane of vitrified slag. Poor seppo…

Zionism = EVIL

Russian nuclear arsenal is stronger and more modern than the Americunts and that is what is keeping Russia safe so far. However, the Americunts and NATO poodles are encircling Russia from Ukraine and other old USSR states.


Really is that why Israeli planes only attack from Lebanon or Golan – they dont enter Syrian airspace any longer. Knocking out 37 out of 50 missiles is good


0 planes intercepted


Lazy Gamer

Those four servicemen were more important than the pantsir. Now SAA has to train new operators again and start with 0 experience.

Zionism = EVIL

Smart man. Indeed, SAA is already short of trained manpower and SAM crews need at least a year training. The Russians have 10 batteries of S-400 and 300 and have yet to use them or even activate them. Iran would be better bringing its own S-300 or the domestic Sayyed 2 and BUKS to Syria, deploying them at T-4 at Homs and then moving west.

Xoli Xoli

Iran ,Hizbollah and Syria must retaliate just to put Putins oil and gas trucks with air pollution tubes in air in danger.Putin is only concern about how many messiles were repel and not how many targets were destroy.Target Israel military bases because it is vulnerable.Atleas weakYemeni rebels destroys big targets.

Xoli Xoli

To be Russian ally under Putin is life threatening.Their switch off air defences or the system are no match against western partners jets and missiles.Syrian and Iranian soldiers are dying in sovereign Syria.Russia just threaten to cool world embarrassment.Putin behave like Trump and Satanyahu ugly Erdogan virus infected floppy drive.

Tommy Jensen

To avoid reality its important to discuss trifles and technicalities, and believe Syria neutralised 30 Israeli cruise missiles out of 50 by invisible electronic waves :-D.


This is old video

John Whitehot

just a montage, first showing some device launching missiles, then a turned off Pantsir (the missiles are stowed) being hit in another -separate- episode.

the quality of the videos is so low that the only reason why one should believe israeli bs is because one fervently wants to believe it. there is little doubt that currently no government on earth lies so much to its own people like israel.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If it was 2 missiles attacking the Pantsir system simultaneously it couldn’t effectively defend itself, if it was just 1 missile that attacked the vehicle, the Russians need a better short range system.

Promitheas Apollonious

bullshit video.


You wish :D

0 intercepted Israeli planes and 4 dead SAA admitted by Russia

S400 is a joke hahahahaha

Django de Reynaerde

Bahhhh … This video is useless and probably processed with photoshop or other software. For that, shades in negative or infrared of the various parts of the truck (Pantsir) and the environment would color differently and also the proportions and parts on the rear deck of the truck do not correspond with the real scale or dimensions. There is normally a container under the anti-aircraft gun that runs unambiguously up to and including the stern. Nice try but not realistic …

Manuel Flores Escobar

These missile are guide by GPS..and Pantsir is a mobile Sytem…again SAA forces in unprofessional movements use to park vehicles waiting for supply.. instead of moving them knowing that IDF are monitoring them and send the position to IAF!…the first one is not a Pantsir System it is an explosion in an Grad rockets ammo depot.

Django de Reynaerde

This video is useless and probably processed with photoshop or other software. For that, shades in negative or infrared of the various parts and tyres of the truck (Pantsir) and the environment would colour different and also the proportions and parts on the rear deck of the truck are not conform the real scale and dimensions. There is a normally a container under the anti-aircraft gun that runs unambiguously up to and including the stern. Nice try but not realistic … !


One thing no one believes Israeli claims as lies are the norms.

One thing is a fact though.Iran is really lame .Can only talk big but no tooth . Just sit there being attacked and NOT A SINLGE RETALIATION. This goes to prove Iran is more hype than anything.


Unless Assad, Hez, and the Iranians retaliate like Hamas the attack will not stop.

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