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MARCH 2025

Video: Jaish al-Izza Militants Attempting To Shoot Down Russian Su-25 Attack Aircraft

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Jaish al-Islam militants have attempted to shoot down a Russian Su-25 attack aircraft bombing terrorist targets in the Syrian province of Idlib.

However, they have failed.

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Walter White

I think the dumb fucks think a cloud is a plane LMAO!!!


Given the many hospital bombed in Idlib recently, I hope they shoot all fighters out of the air that come near hospitals. Any fighter.

Borna Artuković

go to mental hospital and ask help there .. before is too late ! go,go goatfucker !

RTA (Bob or Al)

The idiots emphasis on being called “dutchnational” for me, makes me assume he is Turkish or part of, or maybe Moroccan.


Islamist of russian conspiracy theories do not not change my nationality.

Want to have a discussion about the Netherlands?

Just come on.

Mark Sheehy

Please just go and get back in your window in the Amsterdam red light district… the indecent exposure is not very endearing of you … oh I forgot you like to be a gigalow for the Jihadi’s …sorry they’re too interested in goats..

RTA (Bob or Al)

Go for it since I live in The NL.

Langaniso Mhlobo

He is coming from a gaot kraal.


You mean befiore it is bombarded?

Too late. Is already done by Russia.

Gregory Louis

Evidence?…If your making baseless accusations then leave this comment section. We only want facts and not vague arbitrary statements


Maybe you should tell your buddies not to deploy in/near schools or hospitals, since they get obliterated being in an open position. Russian fighters are going to kill terrorists wherever they happen to positions themselves.


In that you are right.

NGO’s like MSF report they are being targeted without any rebels close by.

I tend to believe the MSF, rather than Russian MOD. All liars.


You believe whoever feeds to your narrative, look at that video, the antiaircraft unit was hiding under the overhang of a building, why not deploy that anti aircraft unit under a tree or some other natural cover? Of course you are gullible enough to believe that a enemy outnumbered in every category, without scruples, is going to fight a clean battle?


Likely I am just as gullible as the ass-adophyles here that accept any nonsense coming from Assad or the Russian MOD, exposed liars as they are.


You’re right msf, white helmets and the rest of the ngo’s are all liars. You tend to believe, but you don’t know for sure, so stop claiming.


As far as white helmets, I agree. Never talked about them though.

As for believing anything, most of the commenters here are ranting about beliefs, convictions, not about facts. So I am not impressed.


wtf are you talking about ? what evidence ? specifically? links? loser


Given that you are a Zionist shill , we care little what you say Dutch.





Prince Teutonic

What’s next!? Trying to shoot down Russian satellites flying in low orbit?


Good luck with that.

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