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MARCH 2025

Video: Large Convoy Of Pro-Government Tribal Fighters Moving To Participate For Advance On Deir Ezzor

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The video has appeared online showing a large convoy of pro-governnent tribal fightes allegedly moving to participate in the expected government operation against ISIS in Deir Ezzor. According to the report, some 4,000 tribal fighters will participate in the advance. However, this number has still to be confirmed.

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Kim Jong

Love it! Hope they listen to the “Tribal Dance” : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UBnhK7pdIE


Untrained, lightly armed, without command structure, they will be slaughtered by IS.

Pity of lives thrown away without purpose.


Pity as well the jihadists , maybe highly armed , with “quality” US command , but lives thrown away none the less , all because , someone talked them into their Wahhabi belief ideology , their “One Way” . They die for ” the cause ” , but they might have had a life .


haha, yeah Quality.

Justin Ryan

hahaha how would u know if they are untrained? If they’ve been fighting in a war for 7 years, its the best training u can get! Also, “tribal fighters” could be mixed with PMU fighters from Iraq! Maybe Iranian republican Gard Quds forces! Who knows! All I know is the Iran, Syria, Iraq and Hezbollah are going to throw everything, including the kitchen sink at this battle for Deer Ezzoir! Tribal forces is just a cover for allied forces!


Good point, they can be mixed in or used in some of the more rugged terrain to the north. I think SAA has built T3 into a major supply hub by now. It is like a small modern town in the desert that was used by the oil and gas workers. Logistics is very important in the desert and takes some time. Most do not understand this.


You are living in phantasyland, just like those poor guys. Well, if you and them want to talk themselves into a situation that gets them killed without real value, be my guest.

We will read on it in later reports, that is in maybe.

Weldon Cheek

Their fighting for their nation you idiot what would you do if isis or all those would be terrorists your governments let in decided to topple your government and slaughter you and your families? Would you hide?run away? Wave a white flag? Your a coward by the sound of it and should be ashamed.


They are not fighting for their country or they would not have waited for six years to join up.

I think most of them are cowards, waiting for six years to volonteer to help their country and waiting until IS was almost defeated and then volonteer as “patriots”.

Jens Holm

Im sorry for it, but when I see fat officers like that, I always think. New clothe used for the first time trying to get honor by expendables …

Weldon Cheek

Are you military?do you have it in you to fight and die for your country/family?by reading your replys and comments in support of some other commentators id take a guess and say a big NO in answer to the above.

Jens Holm

His comments are strictly military. Like football supporters playing on the field.

Weldon Cheek

To describewar as a game is to dismis the actions of brave fighting men and dare i say women throughout history,and to spit on their sacrifice in the name of honor and freedom.

Justin Ryan

“if you and them want to talk themselves into a situation that gets them killed”

What the FOOK are u talkin about? Prove to me that these guys are untrained! PROVE IT! 7 years of war against ruthless mercenaries and Western backed Reources and intel! SHUT YOUR FOOKIN MOUTH! Lets just say u HAVE NO IDEA and leave it at that!

A nation at war for 7 years and is winning and this FUCK HEAD says “they are untrained” hahahaha! Even the NDF are trained after 7 years of war u dumb fuck!

If u werent TRAINED to fight but u actually DID fight for 7 years, im pretty FOOKIN sure ud know how to fight!

AND TELL ME….. how the FOOK DO YOU KNOW if these tribal forces arnt in fact Iranian Quds or Iraqi Paras? How the Fuck would u know? What….. u think the SAA are gonna say “hey we got Iran and Iraq fighting for us with Tiger forces”!

u dumb fuck!

Of course they are gonna play it down!

ive seen ur posts many times and i think FOR REAL u are one of the Dumbest people commenting! ONE OF…… THE DUMBEST!

to remind u of how dumb u are U SAID… “if you and them want to talk themselves into a situation that gets them killed” hahahahahahaha OMFG!

Dude….. do urself a favour…….. shut your fookin mouth!

Bill Wilson

They’re all fuckin’ queers like you assholes!


Mr Bill is a sore loser. This is a recent pix of him: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2cac8ac78f6523a1d0ce8e0c28d8bacd8390577de4aecdd068a6a21cf33ab329.jpg



Justin Ryan

HAHAHAHA love it! Yeeeah, show those fuckers whats really happening!

Justin Ryan

Jesus…. Bill Will! First of all, thats a fucked up name to either have for real or to choose as a nickname! Second…. WHAT THE FOOK are u talkin bout Will Bill? What? the Tribal forces are Queers? Who exactly are Queers Will Bill? Are u on the side of AMEEEERRRRRICA? Huh? U fuckin loser! Suckin that israeli dick Bill? Losing wars to 3rd world nations again Bill? Getting kicked out of the Middle east Bill? Is this the type of Queers u talkin bout? Well if these fuckers are queer, then what the Fook does that make those AMEEERRICANS trying for Regime change!


Bill Wilson

LOL! You just described a good portion of the SAA! These desert goobers were happy to assist ISIS as long as Daesh had the cash to pay them. There are the fine fellows who were smuggling arms and oil for ISIS.

Jens Holm

Could be. I hope not for those morons supporting Baathistas.


This is the SAA and their allies responsibility to give them some training and then under close command and safety they should be allowed to fight behind fortification.

ISIS are fully trained US SOF with latest US weapons.


That is likely what the tribal forces will do. It will of course enable the SAA point battalions to roll forward and leave fewer experienced troops to guard the flanks and lines of communication of the route to Deir Ezzor.

Jens Holm

Very optimistic.


And on how many fronts? They have gains in the North (Alleppo province, homs province which is fortified by ISIS) the East with sukhana and deir ezzor which is very heavily fortified, the South East against the FSA, and the South and South West in daraa and baath. All of these fronts against multiple enemies and are making large gains. Whatever SAA is doing, I would not complaint and would just tell them to keep it up.

EDIT: I mean this to reply to Soliman krupaceck

Bill Wilson

The SAA in general isn’t doing much of anything other than getting clobbered by HTS once in a while.

Weldon Cheek

Lol! Bill even makes jokes! Can you sing and do silly dances too?you would make a great clown!

Jens Holm

I would prefare the light went off.

Weldon Cheek

Solimans a troll,and he goes out of his way to antagonize people,he even contradicts himself quie a lot just ignore him and he will go and play elsewhere.

Black Raleigh

I guess these guys have combat experience. The tribes are doing a great job along with General Zahreddine in defence of Deir ezzor city so if they will participate as a complementary force that’s great but relying on them as a main assault force would end up with disaster. I hope they will get through with minimum casualties.


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Am sure they will be a huge help :))

Solomon Krupacek

on al,asdarnews daily 1-2 videos/articles are with similar titles. should also attack, shouldn´t they? i think, this is lie, fake government propaganda. if in that region would be so much soldiers, already in june could take arak-suknah-DEZ city-East.


The place between arak/hail gas field and deir ezzor is not that long, but is likely the most fortified ISIS position right now, this advance was widely expected so the government does not want a weak attempt to take deir ezzor with failure, but getting ready and gathering as many men with possible, to attack ISIS positions would be less costly than making small clashes on already fortified positions.

Solomon Krupacek

according AMN there are 50 000 govrnmental troops. so, no excuse. og course, they can wayt, until sdf takes whole dez province and come to arak from east.

Jens Holm

50.000 Goverment troops – where ? If so,it must be the whole ISIS front. They cant be used at Deir El Zor.

Solomon Krupacek

nno, for DEZ offensive

Jens Holm

If they put those 4000 there, they will only win, if ISIS goes out of bullets.

Richard M

Why not use Air-Cav to bypass Sukhnah and then strike them from multiple directions at once? Why do what the NotSees did at Kursk and waste men and equipment trying to batter heavily prepared positions?


Ur kidding right? They don’t have such aircraft. And they only have 4 transports that are capable of air dropping troops that no one has seen in like 3 years….

Richard M

RuAF can help?

Jens Holm

too small.

Bill Wilson

The Germans actually had the upper hand at Kursk when Adolf called off the operation due to the Allied invasion of Italy. The Soviets were out of reserves and their remaining tanks were breaking down en masse as usual due to their crappy design and slip-shod production.


So now you want to rewrite WW2 history Mr Bill. The German attack on Kursk was an act of desperation, and never stood a chance of success. The tanks that broke down where the new Tigers, Panthers, and Elephants. Way to over engineered verses the many T34’s. PLEASE TRY AGAIN :D

Alex Popoff

I dont think that it is in Germans nature to do something out of desperation. I think the plans were pretty close to what previous commentator said. Soviet victory was not predefined.

Jens Holm

Well,thats a matter of words. I would say many germans in the military as well as in the production would name it critical.


Had the Germans attacked the Kursk bulge in late spring the outcome could have been a lot different. Hitler delayed the attack so that the new Panthers would be available for the offensive, during this delay the Russians super fortified the bulge by building a railway and deploying vas quantities of armaments and ammo, making the bulge impregnable.

Jens Holm

I allow me to agree around that Kursk battle with PZIVJ.

German took in, what they had but the german equioment wasnt in fine shape and most rebuilded made from russians wasnt the best.

Its also untrue russians was out of troops. When the battle went on, they even had extra armies to cool germans down. Without them, they still would have destroyed almost all mobile units as they did.

They have good reserves and deep well prepared defences.


Not so, Hitler waited so he the Germans could introduce new weapons on the eastern front, the Russian front was as stretched as the German front, the Germans had the element of surprise if they had attacked in late May.

Weldon Cheek

I thought same,but they would struggle getting heavy machine guns and artillery in,so wouldnt be very effective for the breakout ,once these forces get to 20 miles or so isis will have to move to other positions or a large section willbe sandwiched between D Ez and this force.

Richard M

What about a massive airlift into DeZ. The existing airport can be used. Daesh thinks the defenders are bottled up, so they can concentrate forces to block the Palmyra road. Another tactic is to bottle sleeping pills labeled as Captagon and airdrop them where Daesh will grab them.

Jens Holm

Its same thing. I see it as more realistic, but they already support very many there. But they do put reinforcements in, when they replace the dead ones, so they might put in smaller groups with only some little help.

SyAF & Russians are able to keep the heads of ISIS down, when they land something -I think.

Jens Holm

Now Kursk. hahahaha. Which Kursk.

I can only say taking ISIS from behind there is a good idea, but if they put many troops down there, they all will get lost fast, if they dont win first.

I dont think SyAF has airtroops as well as transportation for it. You are right. A classic one was Tabqa. The beast and only way was to take it from behind. But they also needed supply hard a couple of times even smaller distances and much better logistics. Some might remember a boat was hit and sunk, and theyhad no extra,

Richard M

Yes, logistics would require support from SAA’s allies, Russia and Iran. A blocking position could be set up between DeZ and Sukhnah preventing resupply of Sukhnah and forcing Daesh to divide their efforts and attention.

Richard M

Why do Daesh convoys look like fleets of factory showroom Toyota Land cruisers, while SAA and allies look like Fred Sanford + Beverly Hillbillies + Real McCoys?


But Daesh convoys have no re-sale value :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e4e3bff03c5414e27593557645d3594f95d65ef405d16ae4d9f27a0bb27eac79.jpg

Leon Auguste



Yes indeed lol


There was an investigation started in how Isis got so many Toyotas, when they inquired to Toyota the company head told them to ask the US State Dept next door, investigation promptly stopped lol


Lol they probably bought them from Toyota and shipped them overseas to daesh


Yep it was Hillary’s State Dept #Confirmed


Saudi’s got a bulk discount with toyota…


Obviously they have a lot of money for new Toyotas, well maby they have a Big Country that supplies them with this things and maby this BIG financing country has a lot of STOCK in Toyota.




Hahaha, oh man this is so funny.


Excellent point


Because only Saudi, US, and Israel is giving them brand new Toyota trucks


The kurds don’t stand a chance…

oops, I mean isis…

Bill Wilson

LOL! Those tribal fighters switched sides after Daesh failed to meet their payrolls.

Jens Holm

Im sure, thats not correct at all. Please go to the toilet before You write here.

Jens Holm

So what is it. Look like the Turkish FSA flee market.

Miriam Fraser

What is the accompanying music please? I wish them good luck Cleanse Syria of illegitimate invading terrorists

Igal Turovitz

lol easy prey for u.s.a forces, iran playing with fire and want not to burn…


Awesome. May Assad lead the country to victory and liberation, may he help his Iraqi neighbors to achieve the same very soon!



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