Video: Palestinian Critically Wounds Security Guard In Stabbing Attack In Jerusalem

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Video: Palestinian Critically Wounds Security Guard In Stabbing Attack In Jerusalem 7.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings. 2 user reviews.

A Palestinian man stabbed a security guard in the chest in the city of Jerusalem on Sunday. The icident took place on the city’s central bus station. The guard received critical wounds.

Police detained the attacker who was identified as, Yasin Abu al-Qur’a from the Nablus area. The guard, Magen David Adom, was taken to Shaare Zedek Hospital, where he was reportedly put on life support in the intensive care unit.

A new round of violence between Palestinians and Israelis erupted following US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in early December.

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Gary Sellars

Excellent. Give that man a medal.


You can’t invade a country, build walls, imprison its people, bomb its people, treat its people like shit, settle in areas u agreed u wouldn’t and then take its capital city away which houses its religions most important relics. What do u expect. Of course there is going to be a war and one day the Israeli,s are going to know how it feels to lose. Karma is a real thing. Doesn’t matter who u are or how special u believe u are, what comes around always goes around 2 to 3 times harder. Its the law of the universe.

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