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MARCH 2025

Video: Palestinian Teen Girl Kicking And Slapping Israeli Soldiers During Protests At Nabi Saleh

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A video has appeared online showing a Palestinian teenage girl kicking and slapping two soldiers of the Israeli Defense Forces during protests near the village of Nabi Saleh in the West Bank. The video was reportedly filmed on December 15 following clashes between the locals and the IDF in the area.

The village has been a center for protests for many years because its locals are in strong opposition to the IDF.

The girl was identified as 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi. On December 19, she was arrested by the IDF after the video had become viral.

Pro-Israeli media outlets have already started using this video to show a “professionalism” and “patience” of Israeli sodiers in front of such a great threat as the locals.

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That is what Americans and jew lovers are supporting : terrorism.

Americans want to be seen as good but they are very low lifes in reality.


I love all Jewish people even the indoctrinated who are the real victims of Zionism. Shame on you for being a hater. You play into the hands of the Zionists.


The only haters are the jews. They hate Palestinians so much they kill even paralized people and they bombed chidren on beach. So, please, don’t tell me bullshit. I hate bullshit.


If you love them so much, then get your sayanim arse over there and find those indoctrinators , and waste the fuckers…………… hey then you can play the real hero, having done good for both sides…………… you muppet.

leon mc pilibin

why is the video not playing?zionist censorship.??

Virgil Cane

no your browser sux

You can call me Al

I have it as well. What do I need to do, to get it as well.

Virgil Cane

use a different browser. it didnt work for me at first, then i switched.

You can call me Al



You have not installed adobe flash player in your browser that is why you cannot watch. Copy the title and watch in Youtube. Youtube still work without flash player.


It could be staged but in case it’s real then kudos to that particular Israeli soldier for not murdering that woman as many other Israeli soldiers in his position would. As much as I hate Israel I always remain consistent morally and give credit when it’s due.


This israeli soldier has nothing to do there. No credit to this nazi soldier. This Palestinian girl has the right to even kill him.


The right to protest, but to kill ?


According to international laws, these nazi soldiers have nothing to do there. Palestinians have the right to arrest them and judge them.

In what world people say thanks not to be killed by occupiers.

Palestinians have the right to defend not being thankful not to be killed.

As if I come to your house and I tell you “Ok, I don’t kill you today, maybe tomorow. So give me credits for that”. XD.


Now is not the time ,although that time will come. Have patience.


Why not Florian, the IDF murder these people as if they were “untermench”…………….I wish she had a glock and shot him and all the other occupiers in the face…….. Israeli filth.


In some ways I agree but its important I think not to descend to the depravity of Israel. The Palestinion’s are better than that and currently hold the High Ground of world opinion.

The day or reckoning will come for Zionist’s around the globe and it will arrive in the next few years I hope.


“In some ways I agree but its important I think not to descend to the depravity of Israel.” Florian, you are young ( certainly younger than me ), but in case you do not realise it, we…….. us ……… the goys , are dealing with an evil entity that has NO redeeming features. They are so bad……… as to mimic evil in its purest form. You CANNOT make any allowances for them……… fight fire with fire, suck out their oxygen and extinguish them………… forever. They give NOTHING, They TAKE everything, and their hate and hubris for us is unfathomable. They destroy all that they touch and there is not one drop of humanity in their rotten carcass. Wise up my friend, never drop your guard, and understand you are dealing with Lucifers chosen spawn that he uses to cause chaos and death in our Almighty Gods own eden.


” Florian, you are young ( certainly younger than me ” No one can be that old surely :)

I agree with all that you say. I have detested most of them since I was a young teenager in the early 60’s. The momentum of world anger toward Israel is building up. It is important not to trigger the final battle until other world events in the making have totally isolated the Israel and more importantly the USA. Until the USA is further weakened we have to remain in state of tension that stretches US power.

What the trigger will be is debatable. US Debt,Nuclear war, Conventional war,natural disaster, civil war or even a new US regime of sanity .

Who knows for certain ?


I am hoping for a miracle , but I don’t know if my faith is strong enough. I am hoping that the forces for good in the US will get the upper hand and deal satans spawn a lesson that they will not forget in a very very very long time………………………… Good to see your commentary, keep it up.


The forces of good will gain the upper hand in the US , its just a matter of time and how far the populace will accept the fall into penury and despair.

This is something that the American People will have to do for themselves.


How can you pretend to destroy Satan’s Army when Satan is the God of this God. Inadvertently, by not being a divine actor letting Karma work itself out and seeking to whip out all evil you are joining Satan’s Army. This Earth is a schoolyard for learning Souls. Our task here is to give and receive

Divine Love. Since Souls here are diverse and exist at various states of consciousness and this school must provide not only a myriad of choice, but all the consequences that they might produce. The schoolmaster Satan must provide for all this. Mess with the School structure or the Schoolmaster will are not being Divine at all. Instead, you are attacking the structure God set up to give Souls a choice and the issues that arise from that choice. You have the right to self-defense and to terminate any of Satan’s minions, but only if they step out of line and you do not. When you crusade against evil itself you attack the very force that teaches Souls to be Divine.


You think Karma will work all this out ??????? ” Just bear in mind that for Karma to work , you need the ying and the yang………. and just who do you think the yang is gonna be ? “You have the right to self-defence and to terminate any of Satan’s minions, but only if they step out of line……….”. They have been stepping out of line since time began, and then had their tickets stamped, and then gone ahead and made the self same mistakes in their new crib………. so I guess there is a ying and yang to that………….. and they are about to have another bout of yang, which will make the school master over-joyed with happiness to receive his spawn back into the fold, but this can only be brought on by enlightened souls ( the yang ) who have the eyes to see. We are not looking for divinity ……….. that is for the after-life, we are only seeking to protect those who cannot defend themselves.


Yeah I know but he was likely just born into the situation and the fact that he didn’t act like the typical Israeli terrorist shows he at least has some conscious (Assuming the whole thing is real and not staged to begin with). Also it’s good to encourage them to behave less savagely.


Good post BL. There are some elements that want to create another Intifada. But it’s the Palestinians of the Gaza strip that always seem to pay the price. :(

Peter Jennings

The IDF brainwashing doesn’t work on everyone.


Credits to these brave Palestinians girls protesting the nazi israeli regime.


As these girls are brave like tigers similarly if the rulers of Muslims were also brave and have no diplomatic relations with America and Israel then definitely the victory would be of Muslims. The paedophilia rulers are only brave in their own country outside they are rates. These paedophilia Muslim rulers take loans, weapons and advice from America and Israel and have made it difficult for their nation to survive with dignity in the world. They are traitors.


Sunnis are stupid and corrupted and weak. they just can talk to say bullshit or to kill theirs allies or to kill themselfs and others.

Like I said so many time. If Palestinians were shias, they will never be invaded.

And these girls surely are Christians. So, the stupid american christians think that all Palestinians are “terrorist muslims”.

The propagenda and the manipulation made a religious state (israel) appeared non religious and a non religious state (Palestine) religious. that’s why, sunnis are used by israelis to make this a religious war. Of course, if you talk religion, israel wins. If you talk nationality, they loose.


I have mentioned in previous comments that all Muslims, Christians and Jews are united against radical Zionist extremists Israel. Jews say that Israel have hijacked our religion. Real Jews follow holly scriptures while Israel don’t follow any kind of scriptures. If you don’t trust me then come to New York or go to London then you will see. Israel eat port, bacon, and about other things I cannot tell you here on this site because of limitation.


Muslims, Christians and Jews are united worshiping the terrorist Abraham and destroying every culture on Earth.

Those who eat pork are the christian Palestinian that live in israel.


True Christians, true Muslims, true Jews and all those that follow holly scriptures they never eat pork because they know the consequences.

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

Ha! True Christians are called: Orthodox Christians, and it is not pejorative :) evidence we have to confirm your claim that True Christians do not destroy cultures, and my clarification who the True Christians are: where we came, natives adopted our religion, or stayed on their own (Alaska, Siberia, Russian Far East, Mongolia…) – where Protestants came: there are no even traces of natives, where Catholics came: there are no natives but there is clear DNA evidence that very significant part of native population merged with them and formed new race (Mexico, Brasil…). So: Protestants are cleaning like Mr. Proper, Catholics are reprogramming and we do nothing actually, that’s why from the oldest Christian main-branch we became the smallest Christian main-branch :) So (2nd) you are right Rob, there are some true Christians, but I bet you had some other Chruches into mind ;)


In the whole world there is just one religion with different names and different doctrines that is the religion of God. ———————————

Icarus Tanović

What kind of BS statement is this?


Not BS- but a real argument with evidence. However, There are many Chinese, African, & nonwhite protestants. Coptic Christians were not so Roman as the European Christians. Then, again, there are still Christians in this World that speak Aramaic, since Jesus Christ spoke Aramaic it should not be too hard to see this is relevant.


You are right.


There is a huge distinction. Do they Worship the God of this World, or the next (Heaven). They are those of all Faiths that worship Mammon, the God of money.


……………..and those are ;- really smelly farts !

Icarus Tanović

Close your mouth.


The Israeli terrorists were many in numbers and fully armed with automatic weapons and the guy was unarmed and lonely. In such a situation one person cannot do anything that is why he should not do argue like a wise man.


I have seen videos where israelis soldiers break cervical bones of Palestinians. So, your video is nothing.


Yes you are right but due to the site limitation I cannot show these videos.

Icarus Tanović

That’s right about Muslims all over the World.


Shame on the “power” states.

Jerry Hamilton

Something is wrong here. There is a massive story behind this girl and Southfront are avoiding it.

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