Video: PKK Fighters Raid Army Positions In Turkey's Hakkari Province

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Video: PKK Fighters Raid Army Positions In Turkey’s Hakkari Province 5.2857142857143 out of 5 based on 7 ratings. 7 user reviews.

The media wing of the Kursitan Workers’ Party (PKK) released a video of the PKK raid on a position of the Turkish Army in the Turkish province of Hakkari. According to the PKK claim, the attack took place on August 16. The video also shows the killing of at least one Turkish soldier.


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That is really very bad for pkk They won’t stand a chance against Turkish Army I totally agree that Turkey should lunch a military operation against this Scumbags PKK

Tiresia Branding

kurds are calling for some air strike?

Iraqi news channels has mentions that a female Israeli general fly’s into Iraq with US provided papers and then drives to the Kurd’s to lead the Kurd’s against the Turks. Kurd’s and Jews are two part of the same weed. Kurd’s committed the Armenian genocide against Christians. Today Kurd’s are squatting on Christian lands.


Thank you for all of your up votes on the missile attack analysis. I agree that both sides use propaganda. I also agree that that doesn’t exonerate the Jews for their crimes. But I don’t think that Hezbollah propaganda is helping their cause. One of the other commentators suggested in a reply that the IDF has anti missile counter measures installed on some of their vehicles that caused the misses. And maybe they do. But it doesn’t change the fact that the attack was misrepresented as the missiles hitting their target when they didn’t.

The detonation sequence from Al Manar’s own video shows both misses as clear as day if you watch it in slow motion on a big screen.

On an Android device pull up this video on the YouTube site and tap on the screen. Go to the 3 dot settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the video and tap on it. Tap on play back speed and choose .25 and watch the video in slow motion. On a desktop use the instructions below. Both misses are clear as day. The first missile detonated to the left front of the vehicle and the second detonation is to the right rear of the vehicle. ://


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.

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Iranian Falcon

Dude you smoke weed or something? Cause your hallucination is strong haha!

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