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Video: Russian Military Police Forces In Damascus’ Eastern Ghouta

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Video: Russian Military Police Forces In Damascus' Eastern Ghouta

A screenshot from the video

According to a video released by the Russian media outlet Rusvesna, some units of the Russian Military Police are still deployed in the Damascus region of Eastern Ghouta, which was fully liberated from militants earier this year. Military police units provide security and assist in keeping the law and order in the area.

Syrian security forces, assisted by the Russians, are conducting a security operation in the area in order to crack down the remaining cells of militant groups, uncover hidden weapon depots and to remove IEDs and mines.

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Park Bench

All news is deceptive…All white people are working together and the Middle East is just a Spearhead into Afrika…The Luciferian Siege Continues to Conquer a Black Planet and Hide the Truth…Asians are imps of Lucifer that came with Lucifer…All non-Blacks are Aliens and their God is a Dragon…


Wow! They have some really nice drugs these days.

Park Bench

When a Black Planet called Earth welcomed what they thought were their brothers from Space, the Heavens they soon learned and were destroyed by the Aliens, who pretended to be gods of heaven, that false god was Lucifer and those who came with Lucifer, Tyrants that have a history of conquering planets and destroying them; parasites of the Cosmos. Black People were caught unawares of the Devils in disguise and having lived in Paradise, did not know Evil existed. Like children Black People were easily conquered and had no defense. Fallen from Grace into Hell became the FATE of Black People, and still remain in a state of disbelief that such Evil can exist in the Uni-Multiverse. Both Black People and the remnants of the Conquerors will not accept this thesis of events, but the evidence is buried and wars, enslavement, and false history continue to hide the truth, which will not be denied.

Park Bench

Yea, Molly is your mother and she lives in Afghanistan…


Is that the park bench that the Skiperals sat on ?

Park Bench

When a Black Planet called Earth welcomed what they thought were their brothers from Space, the Heavens they soon learned and were destroyed by the Aliens, who pretended to be gods of heaven, that false god was Lucifer and those who came with Lucifer, Tyrants that have a history of conquering planets and destroying them; parasites of the Cosmos. Black People were caught unawares by the Devils in disguise and having lived in Paradise, did not know Evil existed. Like children Black People were easily conquered and had no defense. Fallen from Grace into Hell became the FATE of Black People, and still remain in a state of disbelief that such Evil can exist in the Uni-Multiverse. Both Black People and the remnants of the Conquerors will not accept this thesis of events, but the evidence is buried and wars, enslavement, and false history continue to hide the truth, which will not be denied.

El' kerym

No no, you got it all wrong – the Earth is Flat and we’re all rules by Reptiloids. They came in from portal in the Atlantis and their arrival sunk the Great City. That portal was destroyed, so Reptiloids cannot go back home, thus they try to push our technologies while sucking our planet dry off resources… cause when it’s completely dry, it will roll in like a paper roll and in the Eye the new portal will emerge! Oh yeah and the Dragon-God is long dead – they sucked him dry to absorb it’s essence so that they could survive and rule this Earth. Which is flat, unless you’re modified by them Reptiloids.

Park Bench

Nice try, influenced by TV, Hollyweird, False History, Education and now the internet scrambles the brain via MK-Ultra and psyche warfare has people wrapping their tails around the flag pole to see their asshole…try connecting and downloading from the Source…The All Knower to your inner knower…a bird’s song has more wisdom than all the books in the library…D- minus for effort though, better than the sponges that suck it up…


FATE ; is FAKE, it is just someone holding on to fearful thoughts. When you drop them in humility you become capable of grasping or connecting to the Source or the Eternal. If you achieve a moment of contact, then you will Know its power is far beyond all darkness, and that you and all life is apart of it. As a co-creator, what you think is what you get. Drop your fear and be like the birds, singing songs of the Love of Life. Achieve this, win you your birthright, the Joy of the Eternal Love.

Park Bench

You probably believe the Bush-it story and dancing Israelis about 911

Park Bench

Stockholm Syndrome makes people love the condition they are in…LOL

Tudor Miron

Someone call the ambulance! This creature shows sure signs of mental disorder and may hurt itself.

Park Bench

If you are a victim of your education and indoctrination, you will not and cannot understand or comprehend my post…people find it impossible to think differently than the way they have been trained to think. Original, unique thought is impossible…

Tudor Miron

“Original, unique thought is impossible”(c) What you try to call a unique thought is nothing other than same old sh$t pushed upon humanity for thousands of years. Racial segregation by color skin – what is new and unique about that BS?

Park Bench


Park Bench

Educated Blacks are labeled Terrorist… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84668vv621M&spfreload=1

S Melanson

In other words:

You are incapable of independent thought. Therefore, we will do the thinking for you.

Well how convenient for the controllers but at the same time, a symptom of weakness. That you are bringing into focus what is suppose to be invisible and unnoticed is quite telling. Obviously the controllers have failed to keep the awakening sheep ignorant and so now retreat to the next line of defence – the controllers now exposed must deceive the masses into thinking they are powerless to change their circumstances.

You know this too will fail. You know where this path leads but again are deluding yourselves that somehow, this time, the outcome will be different. It will not be different and that is because it is you that are unable to think differently.

There is another way.

Park Bench

White people if you love your children it is time to KILL them all. The Samson Option is on the Horizon, when the Sun gets to Mid Heaven it will be too LATE. New Beginnings means burning away the old, for a New Harvest. It is time to plant New Seeds for growth that will nurture another world as the old world passes away…Mushrooms just don’t look like and are not just named that, they hide the SUN, and the Fire comes from another Source…

S Melanson

I had warned of the danger of the Samson Option in an earlier post and am surprised that discussion of this is largely absent here at Southfront, and elsewhere in general. To me, it is that which evades debate that represent the most pressing danger. So I appreciate you bringing this forward, although many probably will not read past your first sentence – which reminds me of the TV adaptation of King’s short story ‘The Mist’. I recommend watching, particularly the very dark ending that is different from the story on which it is based. There is a message there for those whose eyes are open, and awake.

You mention the mid heaven which is astrologically associated with destiny. I am interested in what you have to say about this given what is at the mid heaven in my natal chart. Lastly, mushrooms grow underground and you say the fire comes from a different source. I think we may be on the same page…


The Samson Option is meant for the Poor Israelis (IsraHell seems to be just a part of a Bigger Plan anyway)…..they will be Sacrificed for their Masters….who will be in a Safe Haven when the End-Time Arrives..Like they always have done…Elitists are the first to Run to Safety… Our Queen Fled to England when the Germans came in….Like a Rat leaving the Sinking Ship….Captains go Down with that Ship… no matter what..

mules donkies horses :)

i have to tell you one thing : Baron Von MuleBanger


Long time no see…. send him my regards

mules donkies horses :)

come to liveuamap to tell him yourself


You know how I operate….

mules donkies horses :)

there is a topic you might find interesting… https://syria.liveuamap.com/en/2018/10-june-netanyhu-europeans-support-israels-demand-for-iran


Satanyahu: Europeans support Israel’s demand for Iran to leave Syria….. This Topic?

mules donkies horses :)

yes check comments

S Melanson

We will miss Mulebanger greatly, although not as much as the mules. But his spirit will live on in the mules, donkies and horses that roam the lands…

S Melanson

I think so to. I sense the Samson Option sets in motion events that lead to some finality. As for the fate of the elites, like everyone, it will be exactly what they deserve.

Park Bench

If you think dancing Israelis during 911 was good or bad, it will be meaningless compared to the next volley, and they will be dancing on your children’s graves…

S Melanson

I do not think in those terms as they are lessons to be learned from. The greatest opportunities to learn are from ones mistakes, if humility permits. Hitler presented the world with a grand lesson but the opportunity has largely been frittered away by reducing Hitler to a mere madman, ignoring the mistakes that created the conditions for his rise to power. And so, until learned… well, I think you have already said it.

In closing, I point out some disagreement with what you say, or more specifically, how you say it. I would say events all have potential to be meaningful, even if used as a tool to deceive. Therefore, it is not the severity of what follows that renders meaningless, it is the failure to recognize the meaning or see through the deception – this then precipitates that which follows.

There is no such thing as being all wise. I seek wisdom and so I encourage you to continue to speak your mind.

Park Bench

Hitler got a bad rap according to “Paper Clip”, and some say he was a Rothschild, making him a Jew. Wisdom comes with the Truth, if you can find the root, follow the trunk to all branches and even the fallen leaves, tell a story. Who makes you afraid to speak the TRUTH? Speaking truth has penalties, because those who LIE don’t want to be revealed. Those who LIE make it a crime if you expose them. Those who LIE make the LAWS. Those who LIE regulate the LAWS and all Departments of Justice, the Courts and who presides. So how can you get justice if you are a target of those wheeling the Power? Even the Scribes that write the Laws are the same as those who LIE. The LIARS even control the process of education, and the curriculum for the study of the LAW. From the Head to the Tail, it is one an the same Animal. That Animal is Lucifer and his children, the Chosen Ones, the same one who wrote God’s Law; The Bible. Oh, how clever is Lucifer who deceives and makes you BELIEVE, it is the Words of GOD. So, who can challenge the LIE parading as the TRUTH and coming from GOD. No need to say or tell who the children of Lucifer are, they are “The Chosen Ones”…

S Melanson

You understand the system of control well. I have been targeted for some time now but I still speak my mind which I am sure puzzles them. As for Lucifer, I have some thoughts to share but will have to wait as must sign off for now.

One thing, for me, it is not Gods word, the word is God. Focus less on the messenger and more on the message. Keep posting my friend, silence = death.

Park Bench

Sound is Frequency. All Frequencies are in a spectrum and vary with resonance and limitations of our senses without an extension. The Word is God depends on Consciousness. Consciousness depends on Intelligence and together create Reality… the formula I compose for Reality is R = I x C

Park Bench

You believe you are all wise, but you don’t even know who you got in bed with and what will be conceived…

S Melanson

When I believe that, it is then when I am lost. They know but do not understand… yet. And when they do, will it still be what they want?

The ultimate expression of the end justifies means is not when the costs are intolerably high, it is when the costs are not even fathomable.

Park Bench

Everything you say and believe are just echo’s of your indoctrinations…

S Melanson

Yes, and the first step is to recognize this. I have free will.

If I were to be asked why I made such an unexpected choice I would answer; because I chose to. If challenged that this is not an answer, I would say; it is an answer, it is in fact, THE answer.

S Melanson

I wrote to you above a light hearted piece in jest ;). But if we critically examine what Park Bench has to say, I think it is quite understandable.

History is written by the victors. The narrative, well worn and familiar goes something like this:

The victors are the saviours representing all that is good and wholesome. The victors will always contrast themselves favourably to official enemies whom are evil and perverse. To show just how evil and perverse is the enemy, begin here long tirade on all of their despicable acts – the true factual record is of course irrelevant except where it is of service to the victors. The enemy is so evil and dangerous that even despicable acts on the part of the victors is justified by their noble purpose of keeping the population safe. End of tirade.

If we compare my outline above with how Park Bench structures his narrative, I think we have a match.

Park Bench

If you are a victim of your education and indoctrination, you will not and cannot understand or comprehend my post…


I am the DRAGON….

S Melanson

Oh mighty Dragon, I Lucifer, your humble serv(p)ent, commander of the Terran Sector, must warn you they speak falsely. In secret rituals they grovel before the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Yes! Their ancient God has returned.

They must pay for their insolence! I will smite the ancient monster’s meaty meatballs (TM) into a thousand nutritious fragments. I wait upon your word.

TM – use of bombastic alliteration is a registered trade mark of the Luciferian Ministry


When the Great Wise Owl of Minerva Hoots 33 times.. the Annunaki will arrive in a black Space Tesla…. Elon Musk will be our Chauffeur and take us for a Little Trip to the Seventh Dimension of the Meta-Universe for a little teaparty..Zodiacal scattered light from interplanetary dust will be prominent….so take your sunglasses…

Park Bench

What kind of people elect to the Presidency members of organizations like the “Skull and Bones”??? What kind of people support governments that kill people and use their body parts for profit. What kind of people claim this is my country, when their government, experiments on them with chemical agents in their food, water, air, pharmaceutical drugs and vaccinations for their children, that leads to death and or bad health for profit; kill their own citizens in False Flag attacks and then sends their children of to fight in illegal wars to become cannon fodder and return with mental and physical diseases??? What kind of people use their citizens as slaves, supplies them with drugs to criminalize them, puts them in privatized prisons for profit??? I tire of listing what kind of people thrives on such governments, so add to the list your own questions, if you think something is rotten in Denmark


It is a Worldwide Criminal Organisation……The only thing necessary for the Triumph of Evil is for Good men to do Nothing….

Park Bench

If you are serious and not a Jew, then they are dead meat…LOL

What is anti-semitic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0


If every “Good Person” thinks like me…. Evil would be Exterminated in a matter of Days…Clean up that Shit…will take some time to Breed New Ones hehehe

S Melanson

Where did you get the figure ‘8,500’?

The problem with terms such as good and evil is they tend to be reduced to absolutes when they are conceptually complex. Ask what is a persons concept of a utopian society and you will not get two answers that are the same. The problem is the focus on some final destination when the answers are to be found in the journey… and it never stops.

Park Bench

At the end of every journey, is a mirror…”Circle of Iron”

S Melanson

You think the people actually have a say in who is ‘elected’…

Park Bench

You want to know what I really think? Who makes you afraid to speak the TRUTH? Speaking truth has penalties, because those who LIE don’t want to be revealed. Those who LIE make it a crime if you expose them. Those who LIE make the LAWS. Those who LIE regulate the LAWS and all Departments of Justice, the Courts and who presides. So how can you get justice if you are a target of those wheeling the Power? Even the Scribes that write the Laws are the same as those who LIE. The LIARS even control the process of education, and the curriculum for the study of the LAW. From the Head to the Tail, it is one an the same Animal. That Animal is Lucifer and his children, the Chosen Ones, the same one who wrote God’s Law; The Bible. Oh, how clever is Lucifer who deceives and makes you BELIEVE, it is the Words of GOD. So, who can challenge the LIE parading as the TRUTH and coming from GOD. No need to say or tell who the children of Lucifer are, they are “The Chosen Ones”…

Park Bench

Stopped to re-energize, but this is what it looks like. Can you imagine anyone else bragging about killing anyone else’s GOD, like Jewish children? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqKCOlpXx6Y


I’ve seen that movie before…. Arrogance & Supremacism is Bound to Fall….there should be no space left for that Shit… Anywhere in the World of today…Otherwise go live on the Moon… But many Religions that think they are Superior should fuck off….There is NO Superiority…. We Humans are all Suckers…we cannot even take care of this Earth for our Successors…a Suicidal Cult….or Change Radically in ways of thinkin’… Religion is Something between Man, his Surroundings, Behaviour & Attidude towards (after) Life itself….

Park Bench

What other children have to say, but who is listening? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX18zUp6WPY

Park Bench

What is anti-semitic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0


What have World-Famous Men Said about U.S. Terrorising the World? Which is Continuously present for the Past couple of Centuries….


This seems like a plan to me…. https://youtu.be/Fn4tBelsh6c

S Melanson

Merijin, I listened to the full video. The overarching theme comes across as hopeful and spiritual but there is to me a sinister streak that runs throughout the narrative. The substance is also a mix of truth and falsehoods that are wrapped in sophisticated sounding prose – the prose sometimes has a plastic feel. That said, the video is quite good as a subject for critical analysis and debate.

I respect your posts and ask for your opinions on this video. Also, it seems buried within are hints of deeper concepts that are yet to make their way into public debate. There seems to be a deeper message.


It is about Divide & Conquer…in many cases Religion Was & Is a powerful tool to set up Masses of People to fight eachother…the PuppetMaster is the Instigator or third Party… If you are able to control Human Behaviour in this way you can easily Conquer the World… The British Empire was able to exist through Divide & Conquer… give two Enemy Tribes plenty of Guns & Ammo to fight Eachother and when they both have become weak through their wars you March in with your own Army to clean up the Remnants… easy does it… So if Muslims & “Christians” fight eachother, they are distracted from the real Target & Plan of the Elite….it is about control…I am in Control of myself… I have no Emperor nor Bankster that Controls Me…. so I consider myself a Free Man…It is All about the choices we make ourselves…a better World starts with me…not by lookin’ at my neighbour….

S Melanson

Well said

Joe Dirt

Ha! They have nothing left to police! they bombed and gassed everyone already! :D

Tudor Miron

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God bless Russians and protect them from all evils including the child butchers Trump, Netayahu and KSA.

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