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MARCH 2025

Video Shows Production Of First Ever Serial Su-57 Fighter Jet

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The Russian Defense Ministry’s TV channel Zvezda released a video showing the production of the first ever serial Su-57 fifth generation fighter jet. The jet’s serial number is T-50S-1. According to reports, this fighter jet will be delivered to the Defense Ministry in the end of 2019.

On August 22, 2018, the JSC Sukhoi Company and the Defense Ministry signed a cotract on delivery of 2 Su-57 jets. The contract should be employed by the end of 2020. On May 15, 2019, President Vladimir Putin revealed that Russia is going to acquire 76 Su-57 jets by the end of 2027.


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Toronto Tonto

I wonder where the engines will come from , we know Russia cant make them .


Clearly you live in a different reality than the rest of the world.

Toronto Tonto

Ya a civilized one unlike Russia .


Well Jordan Peterson is Canadian, at least you’ve done that right.


I highly doubt your problem is with Russia or Putin. This is an English speaking site and I’m sure you are very much aware that there are very few Russians hanging out here. The few that do come here are hardly going to be offended by your misinformed, childish posts. It is much more likely that some Canadian did you in. “Toronto Tonto”, your use of the Canadian flag in your Avatar and the deliberate childish way in which you post are all clearly designed to malign Canada.

Mr. Jackson

Toronto is an old urkap jewtroll. Escaped from Ukrapina back in days, grew old and now trolls websites for food stamps.

Jens Holm

The ussual stuff. Being jews explain everything You not even try to understand.

Jens Holm

Reading his stuff here. None so far is misinformed or childish.

Writing like that, which even can be confirmed by many links as oppinins as well as facts, mäkes You a malignion.

Toronto Tonto

The rest of the world is where reality exists and that’s not Russia stupid , there cartoons are great for the local populace but lame at best in the REAL world , if I was you I would jump .

Mr. Jackson

Says the ukrap troll. Did all ukronazzi web sites shut down?

Jens Holm

It doesnt matter where he comes from. Maybee You are country blind or football supporters ?


The rest of the world is invested by debt and ineptitude

Jens Holm

You dont understand, what depts are in Your ancient economics of Muhammed once upon a time ago. Depts often are investments, which pay mainly pays back well.

Hard to see our “ineptitude” compared to most parts of the world.

It would be nice with some links for something better… pls.

Jens Holm

USA companies do help Russians as well as the other way. You can find many articles about it.


moron just use google for 5 sec for making idiot claims

Toronto Tonto





I hardly met a dumb Canadian… why you acting all American?

Tudor Miron

This creature enjoys displaying his stupidity and ignorance in public. No surprise – those NWO slaves all are marked with some kind of prversion.


Haha good one… Hey wait I’m an American…

Toronto Tonto

Haha good one … Hey wait your inbreed , ha ha dink .

Jens Holm

Both are westerns.

Jens Holm

Yes, many facts as well as oppinions are easy to get. Of couse we also have to filter them.

Pave Way IV

Ukrainian-based Motor-Sich produced most of the larger (transport aircraft) turbofans and some helicopter turbine engines used by Russia, so that set Russia back. They certainly know how to make them – they just didn’t bother because Motor-Sich was huge, efficient, had good engines and already right next door in a (formerly) friendly country. ‘Did not’ does not mean ‘Can not’ – building industrial capacity to replace Motor-Sich doesn’t happen overnight and Russia is doing that now.

You’re confusing those engines and loss fo Motor-Sich with military fighter jet engines always made in Russia.


No need to try to reason with that corn-hole.

Jens Holm

You loose at this site bringing crap thinking it can replace hard facts.


You wouldn’t know a hard fact if it hit you in the face.

Toronto Tonto

With less than stellar dependability .


that was a long long time ago….after the collapse of the soviet union Russia tried to solve this problem. During the Putin era this is long forgotten.

Jens Holm

Something like that too. The replacements has to be improvements too.


Quickly! Tell the Chinese! Because they are buying a couple of dozen SU-35’s, which they don’t really need, and they don’t really want, just to get their hands at its engines. Tell them its a scam, o wise Canadian one.

Toronto Tonto

Cant fix stupid stupid ..


Go drown in your own piss a=hole. Stop desecrating the Canadian flag. Also your ‘name’ belongs to Max Webster.

Toronto Tonto

Go play with yourself dufus .

Jens Holm

Helping each other is well known and also well described.

Very symptomatic You are an enemy of oppinions and facts from around the world having well descriebed proofs.


Probably the same factory in Russia that makes rocket engines for NASA. http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Elon_Musk_Lauds_Brilliant_Russian_Rocket_Engine_RD_180_in_Core_of_US_Atlas_V_999.html

Jens Holm

Thats right. They do help each other some inventing things too.


We know you are a retarded ukrainian troll with fake account and a single digit IQ

Toronto Tonto

No just hate putin .


Low IQ

Jens Holm

You dont have to share private information abou Yourself. And we already know.

Mr. Jackson

Toronto is a major Ukrap retard.

Jens Holm

His oppinions as well as Yours count plus or minus for me amd not some flag or nationality.


The engine are infact made in Russia

Jens Holm

There we go again. Russians invented the engine and we all copied engines after that, and thats why Russia is number 1 in all matters incl. having the best free parking spaces in Sibiria.


You badly do not know it. Surprise my friend, they are not Canadian engines. However, just for cultural information, F16, F15, F22, and F35 (and any other F’s) are based on the plane Ming-25 that USA had from Japan.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

Ming-25 does not seem to exist. Where you find it?

Jens Holm

Its partly true. I will not find a link for You about it. I think its about the corpse.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

It’s MiG 25. The one stolen to Japan by Soviet pilot!

Jens Holm

Thanks I guessed its a Mig 25. Nice to get confirmed


it’s a Mig 25 https://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/how-one-soviet-pilot-pulled-the-sheet-off-the-ghostly-m-1786267464

Mr. Jackson

Toronto, you animal. What are you doing here?

Jens Holm

You hardly sit on the toilet, as he does.


It has already been re-engined. The US still has to buy Russian rocket engines as they are technologically incapable. Canada is infested by useless third worlders.

Jens Holm

So canada collapsed yesterday or what ?

You can call me Al

” Putin revealed that Russia is going to acquire 76 Su-57 jets by the end of 2027″.

No, no, no; he is going to need 10x that number and long before 2027.




a senior airforce officer (now retired) that has flown 4-5 types of US-NATO aircrafts and had the opportunity to fly as co-pilot in a SUKHOI said after many years that he was just astonished by the aircraft :the pilot position in the airplane was unique, and the aircraft itself seemed to be flying itself, thats how easy was to control it. in total the aerodynamics of the airplane totally amazed him. no idea about the electronics since they were not revealed in total so he didnt say.

Jens Holm

Very good, but can anybody effort to buy it. Thats how it is for the F35.


he was talking (and i am also) about older SU types. at least if you buy such an expensive aircraft you expect it to fly as well, not like the F-35 that has a lot of criticism on its wings.

Jens Holm

They have to fly well too. F35s are not as bad as Your propaganda says, but its too expensive.


you dont expect the most expensive aircraft in history to be ‘not as bad as etc’. you expect it to be an aerodynamics marvel, a state of the art in avionics-elctronic equipment. this is not MY propaganda as you state. its wide spread concern which i must add is not the same for the F-22 which noone daughts that its a superb aircraft far ahead from anything that we will see even in a decade from now

Jens Holm

I am not like that at all. I see anti propganda mixted in and try to subtract that.

Everything from there is no good as well as biased from some parts of the world.

Fx a week ago, I was told USA could not make airplane motors, because USA used innovated Rolls Royce motors.

USA did but it was because USA and Britts had to make a lot of airplanes and fast. So it was the best solution and forgotten, that industrial capasity was a main factor.

It also was not mentioned, that the Japanese part of WW2 was made by Pratt and Whithey motors, which today still are going strong today.

Under WW2 they produces a lot of good airplanes such as Hellcats, Hellfires, KIng Cobras, Cobras, Corsairs and Catalinas.

The reason for that ignorance of course is, that USSR hardly partifipated against the Japanese.

And when we see the numbers of, if USSR could have taken Western Europe from Nazis AND USA/GB., they never add what USA had in the Pacific and was able to move from there to Europe. NEVER.

At this sites its also hardly ever mentioned, that even if some F35 should be that bad, USA today has many times more airplanes then the Russians has.

The same for missiles. Even the US ones seemes not as good as the S300 and S400 serias, the production is much larger and those only are one at the Piano.

Thats what I write about and not about F35 is the best airplane in the world. But they are able to fight well.

I have seen that som many times. Even the Abrams tanks was talked down before the Iraq war even it showed well, that T72s by Saddam was no match.


totally agree with you, well said…..if it comes to comparing then its all about what you compare with what…..f-16s with f-35s?no match, f-35s with ??what?even with the top Russian project that is known you cannot comapre them since they are both highly top top secret. so it simply cannot be done. i was just stating the fact that f-35s have major criticism on their wings whereas i can’t find anything of that sort for the f-22s and that i believe is a fair comparison. concerning SUs they are easier to fly and thats it. im really hoping we will never have to find out which is better in real combat. half the globe is a mess……failed states, civil war, proxies war, terrorism…..last thing we want is a superpower conflict….

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