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MARCH 2025

Video Shows US-backed SDF Torturing Prisoners

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Video Shows US-backed SDF Torturing Prisoners


A video has appeared online showing fighters of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) kicking and stomping on two Arabs captured near Raqqa. LINK TO THE VIDEO

The YPG member sits on a metal chair and one of the detainees is lying prone under it. The chair’s leg braces are grinding into the captive’s back. Another YPG member is seen stomping on the back of the second captive. It is not known what the fighter with the knife did after the camera was stopped.

The video shows how some YPG members question Arab denainees from the Raqqah province. YPG members ask them info about ISIS fighters.

The YPG is a part of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) currently storming the ISIS-held city of Raqqah. While the mainstream media argues that the SDF is dominated by Arab units. Experts and anybody who follow the Syrian conflict know that the YPG and its female version YPJ are the core of the SDF.

The US-led international coalition said it is investigating. Turkish media argued that the video was taken at the end of May in the Mansura area west of Raqqah.

In any case, the incident at least partly confirms constant reports appearing in pro-opposition media arguing that tensions between the Kurdish-dominated SDF and local Arabs have been growing since the US-backed storm of Raqqah started.


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Fuck the Kurds


Fuck all dictators!

Alex Black

SDF is scum, a communist cult that is attempting to capture Syrian territory and committing genocidal acts against the local population. Sure they fight ISIS, but only because it is an excuse to steal arab land. Here come the SDF/Kurdish fanboys to justify this barbarism. In the long run, these people will be removed like that cancer that they are, like all socialist thugs. At this point, I am hoping Turkey recognizes that Americans have sold them out for Saudi interests, and they will help to rid the world of another socialist death cult.


Hmnn..you have noticed that we are living through a world rampage by the capitalist elite AGAINST a series of socialist states? Of which the cynical sponsoring of this group is but a small part?

Syira is socialist, Iraq was socialist, Libya was socialist.. even Russia is socialist. Hell, EVERYBODY is socialist compared to the murderous casino which is presently funding global terror and war – “socialist” being of course, the woolliest of terms, incorporating any number of often incompatible ideologies.

But unfortunately, many see the world through the prism of the sham American political spectrum, where the ultra capitalists who rule have successfully created a situation where the “opposition” perceives itself as under attack by none other than the ideology their masters are busily attacking worldwide. And thus you get a self neutering opposition.

Similarly, one hears the hilarious refrains ” Commie Jews” etc, from people presently living in an near entirely Jewish dominated capitalist world. The Jewish political entity having found mature communism not at all to its liking and of course long ago decided to use the ultra-capitalist west as its chosen vehicle.

In both cases, this comes from the control of both factions of the sham “polarised” political scene in the west, and indeed the entire narrative of internal division.

People will insist on viewing important things such as global Geopolitics through the prism of unimportant things such as temporary local moral issues. So, all one has to do, if seeking a permanent mandate for war, is create some. It is easy then to hang the permanent war on one side of the “debate” and so always have an implacably pro-war faction. The pro-war side has changed from “conservative” to “liberal” and back again several times during my lifetime; its becoming embarassing.

There is no socialism in America, or anywhere in the west – the term has been tacked onto a militarised and excessive version of liberalism, all designed to make “conservatives” dig their heels in. Just as the crude anti-intellectual version of conservatism we have seen evolve over the last decades is designed to be unacceptable to anyone even vaguely liberal. Neither amount to a hill of beans – its just blurb, meant to inflame passions and cloud reason.

Of course what one should do, is see ones own local politics in the context of world geopolitics, rather than the other way round. But that’s not how people are. What people actually care about is themselves. So they will pick a side in whichever bullshit local fight is laid out for them based on their family background, peer group, location or or economic bracket and then attempt to interpret world events through this narrow, local, temporary ideological straightjacket.

One of many curious results of this is defining a global war perpetrated by the capitalist financial elite against all remaining socialist leaning states as some kind of socialist plot against free market individualism.

Not that I am asserting that you specifically must therefore have adopted your positions based on the thought process above – that I cannot know. However, it is certainly the confused and narrow thinking which usually leads to such declarations.

John Whitehot

one of the best comments I ever read. Thanks.


What was the comment just out of interest? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4b5df47f6a6b08678998b35d2a4c9a97b2649e9141aef1cea21353ad4fd9bf77.png


I cant reply to his comment so ill reply to yours in answer. Im inclined to think he’s barking up then wrong tree in regard to the premise that Iraq, Syria, Russia et al are Socialist – they are not they are/were Nationalist. Quite simply this is Globalism VS Nationalism with the “you know whos” behind both Communism and Capitalism both Globalist ideologies who benefit a tiny elite who just so happen to be jewish whilst leaving the vast bulk of the rest of the nation “cattle” destitute and in Communisms case with literally nothing. The Communist experiment was found to be to obvious with Stalins rise and increasing Nationalist stance driving out the Trotskite (Lev Bronsteins) globalist internationalist faction out in the the cold who then left on mass under Khrushchev to the United States eventually becoming the Neo Cons or Neo Cohens as I like to call them. This goes back to the old Fabian argument that incrementalism is far more effective and capitalism gives the goyim the element of struggle and hope as noted by both Hitler and the movie the Matrix are essential elements in the human psyche for long term well being and stability.

John Whitehot

I believe that by “socialist” he includes “social-democratic” in the meaning.

I don’t want to sound too simplistic, but again, it’s not a matter of politics, but economics. The state is the only way citizens have to front the powers that tend to exploit and impoverish them.

Globalization, at least in an economic sense, is something that will happen, whether we like it or not.

The point is that the ultimate objective of finance (especially jewish) is to take over the real riches of the world (natural resources and populations) and then put a small elite at the head of a world dispotic regime where everybody else will be enslaved.

The only reason the US is allowed to have the zillions national debt it has is that they are needed to enforce that elite plan militarly and politically.

The rest is smoke in the eyes, right or left are concepts that don’t practically exist and are just used as an instrument to influence the voters.


Indeed I agree with most of that but I would question that Globalization is inevitable, indeed we are already seeing the first stages of a massive backlash against it. Nationalist governments are in a sense communitarian ie govern for the greater good of that nation/group in preference to external forces commercial or otherwise,. basically tribalism on a grand scale and this is the most terrible enemy of Globalists, not sure what you mean by social democratic but im assuming something like Sweden which is Globalist in almost every sense of the word.


Globalism is in no way inevitable. But we are fed globalist propaganda continually from the mainstream media that is controlled by the elites, who want globalism because it weakens nations and gives them more control. I would say that globalism will only happen if people give up appreciating their roots and allow all their national institutions to weaken to such an extent that they can be destroyed or made irrelevant.


“Im inclined to think he’s barking up then wrong tree in regard to the premise that Iraq, Syria, Russia et al are Socialist – they are not they are/were Nationalist.”

Well, perhaps so. I certainly agree that Globalism vs Nationalism is the heart of the matter. Actually, I can’t find anything in your post I really disagree with.

Perhaps “more socialist” would have been better. My post essentially just observing that it is difficult to be less socialist than the nebulous web of supra-national bankers and “you know who’s” powering the endless war, and on the neat trick they’ve pulled recently by selling their overt globalist propaganda in the west with a “lefty” blurb belligerent enough to push any dissenters firmly away from many of the fundamentals that would be needed for any nationalist revival. Many of those fundamentals being at least “more socialist” than our present set up.

But hey, as you observe, they will happily use and/or create any convenient ideology for their purposes, so its no wonder earnest regular people find themselves so thoroughly bamboozled. The only ideological constant being, indeed, the attempts to globalize whichever system they presently reside at the top of.


Oh, glad you liked it. Cheers.


It could be anybody dressed as Kurdish fighter remember Turkey has been doing that for a while plus do you trust Turkey if so more fool you ,HTS has been seen doing this as well I see all the Kurd hater’s are out tonight jeezz quick to judge one photo , and everybody goes on about the CIA supplying him or her but there made there mind about one photo ???

Alex Black

Anything is possible, but there are many reports about this. It’s not a one off, it’s a pattern.

G Dean VanGaya

it is true. these soldiers were alredy found guilty and put in prison. it is not a pattern, yet, but after years of fighting ISIS i wouldn’t doubt that it’s happening

Alex Black

Do you have some proof of this? that the soldiers were found and put in prison?


Like that undeniable pattern, that assad is the Gandhi of the middle east and Putin the Gandhi of the north east? LOL? But somehow interesting… Don´t they offer their captured enemies heaven on earth? No? Yes? No? So much stupid claims, such a few answeres…

Alex Black

Thanks for your response. I am glad you admit sdf is evil because of the perceived injustices they suffered. Assad maybe no gandhi, but sdf is scum. You think anyone in the us will have patience for your commie cult when Isis is finished? Not so, it will be sucking up to turkey, and then you will beg for Assad and Putin.


Me, we, as anarchists never beged for any dictator, pesident of socalled free countries or whatsever. Therefore we have been – and maybe we´ll always will be – the usefull idiots of political powerplays, but maybe we´ll break through one fine day. In the endeffect the result isn´t that much important, to have tried it, that is the real thing. That may bee sound a little bit esotheric, it isnt´t. It is the only hope in a hopless world full of all the guys who know the “Truth”. Who can tell black from white. Who never ever been wrong… Nice time finding out what evil side you could choose… ;-) Btw: Nighter most Kurds nor me have ever begged to be saved by tyrants…and them and me will continue not to…

Alex Black

You talk big game because Uncle Sam has your back, but they aren’t staying. And when the people sdf betrayed come for justice, nobody is will save you. You talk about anarchism, but it’s a big joke. The truth is, before you served Assad, then you started to serve the US/ Saudi monarch interests. The communist ideology will only hasten the sdf demise.


Its always confused me, why do Anarchists ie No or minimal government total freedom also claim to be or closely ascociate with Marxists who are total government no freedom (run by jews always) is this stupidity or ignorance or is there actually some strategic thinking behind this I am not seeing?


Antifa are Zionists. They are Jewish supremacists and they are racist.


I think hes Gandhi like, more so by far than any other force in the Middle East


Assad offers enemies captured or about to be a choice of free passage to another area or to disarm and become one with the greater Syrian population, that is something ive never seen from an Arab leader before and indicates a depth of compassion for humanity rarely seen, you can say what you like but the world has seen this from him time and time again

Neo Anderson

Its also there culture,they don’t hold the same values on life in the middle east.it wasn’t too long ago the Kurds refused to fight on non Kurdish land! Very tribal I wonder how the Americans convinced them to push on raqqa

Neo Anderson

Good point!


Nope. Arabs and Turks don’t have a history of doing false flags, whereas Jews DO. https://apunked.wordpress.com/2017/03/16/mossad-false-flags/ Lately, people who are working for the Jews have started doing false flags too – see White Helmets and “moderate rebels” in Idlib carrying out the charade of the chemical attack that they tried to blame on Assad. The USA claimed Russia was colluding in covering this up with Assad.

https://apunked.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/uss-liberty-int-1.jpg?w=640 Pic: USS Liberty crew.


They will decry about the evil of “Racism” and “Identity Politics” but has no ethical problems with Kurds physically removing arabs to claim sand for their own people. -)


Yes like they removed the Armenians before. So where is this Kurdestan they are trying to create? On who’s blood soaked soil?




If you like Erdostilzchen that much, feel free to settle down in his concentation camp called Turkey.

Alex Black

Not a fan of turkey, doesnt excuse the torture terror group that is occupying syria known as SDF as well as its various other terror names.


ah, so you prefere Putin-style and a boot- and w.o.e licking arab badass called Assad. How inovative! How progressiv! Congratulations…

Alex Black

I prefer a legitimate state, not a bunch of racist vigilantism armed to the teeth stealing Arab land and torturing locals.

John Whitehot

gotcha Solomon!


The Kurds have to do this because otherwise, they can’t claim it is a Kurdish state, supported by Kurds. They have to do the ethnic cleansing so that when it comes to elections, the majority of voters will be Kurdish and they can claim that they were democratically elected to break away and form an independent state. Right now, there are too many Arabs there in “Kurdistan” for their plan to work. Assad can say, “This is not Kurdistan. This is a mixed area like other parts of Syria. Many Arabs live among the Kurds.” or Assad could say, “Let’s call elections in this area to see which government the people want” and if there are many pro-Assad Arabs or Arabs who don’t want to live under Kurdish rulers, they will vote against forming Kurdistan/SDF-ruled area.


Was it not the Kurds who were instrumental in the Armenian genocide? It was run by the jewish “Young Turks” of course but the actual dirty work were not the Kurds as well as the Ottomen armies primarily responsible?



a strange thing…the Kurds worked alongside turks in genocide of armenians, greeks and others , and now they fight them.


Yes we even more rarely hear of the 300 000 Greeks slaughtered in the coastal zone.


not only the coastal zone of the aegean sea….in the region of pont euxin in the coast of black sea another genocide occured.353000 souls. during the asia minor disaster another 300.000 estimated dead…..the turks and its friends are only good at genocide…..since they have no other nationalities remaining in their country they are commiting genocide against the Kurds nowadays


Horrible sad stuff,. I didnt know about the others.


turkey specializes in genocide……its done even now to each own citizens….arrested by the 1000s ,no trial, torture, jail for life…..


Beats the concentration camp run by Jews called Palestine. Turkey is lovely. Or used to be before the Syrian War broke out. It was a favored tourist destination for many Europeans.

John Whitehot

how about the Gaza strip? Oh shit wait, you can’t settle there unless you eat kosher.


“Communism” is a virulent form of “international” socialism run by Jews. It is “international” because it lets outsiders, Jews, control the government. They also let their pets – immigrants, refugees – into the nation to destroy the national identity of the nation, in order to destroy nationalism, their aim. This is what the Bolsheviks (=”majority”in Russian) did to Russia. *(Mensheviks = “minority”) This destructive philosophy is what the Zionists hope to bring to Syria through the SDF/Kurds.

“Socialism” is national socialism. This is what Hitler brought to Germany and is the reigning form of government in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Russia (after the end of Stalinism), Venezuela, and other nations around the world. It is the opposite of communism in that it seeks to PRESERVE the national identity of the people.


They resist the Jewish bankers and do not encourage immigration. They do not let Jews control the government as communist nations (homicidal left wing Jews) and capitalist nations (homicidal right wing and homicidal left wing Jews) do.

Communism causes millions to die in man-made disasters like the Holodomor (a man-made famine that killed 7-10 million Ukrainians in 1932-1933). During the famine, the USSR exported grain to countries like Canada at rock-bottom prices. Communists try and deny it was man-made, but they can’t explain away this fact.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0hGUwpkNh8 Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0hGUwpkNh8


Communists fabricate the Holocaust. Six million did not die. Auschwitz museum revised the total who died there down from 4 million to 1 million but the total of six million remains the same. In countries with Holocaust denial laws, you go to jail for saying the six million number is wrong. Auschwitz museum people should go to jail.


Read: https://papermacheworld.wordpress.com Debunking the Holocaust

in contrast, the ZOG nations of the USA say no genocide happened to the Ukrainian people. Essentially, Jewish people will not admit Holodomor was a genocide because it means that Jewish people killed 7 million Ukrainians deliberately through starvation.


So, Jews deny the Holodomor, the real Holocaust, and make it a crime to deny that six million Jews died from gassing in National Socialist camps (the fake genocide claim).

Only 270,000 inmates died in total (and not all were Jewish too) according to the Red Cross. This tallies with the total of dead in the Death Books of the camp commanders that were seized by the Soviets and released to the public in 1989. These books say 280,000 died in total (135,000 or half of the total were in Auschwitz). The people died from disease – typhus. Gassing was not done on people but on their clothes – to kill typhus-spreading lice. Because Jews were the victors of WWII, they get to tell the history. Jews also control the mainstream press of the West so they tell they can brainwash the public with disinformation about the Holocaust and keep a blackout on the Holodomor genocide.


Which is the real Holocaust? 200,000 Jews dying in camps of disease because of typhus epidemics or 7 million Ukrainians dying of famine caused by the Bolshevik Jews?

Solzhenitsyn said that communism (Bolshevism which was 90% Jewish in the top leadership) caused the deaths of 60 million people in the USSR.

If you want to know what communists were like, read this account of Latvia when it was taken over by Soviet Jewish communists for one year:


Caption: This shows the Yiddish butchers’ “scochet’s cut”

I have chosen the least disturbing picture on this page. Warning: Pictures of torture in this site.

From: https://www.latvietis.lv/BaigaisGads/BG/eng/Lapas17_19.htm


Far from the Jews being the victims of WW2 and earlier, they were the genocidists of Europe, the torturers who committed atrocities that killed 60 million Russians, Ukrainians, Latvians etc. They even killed Koreans who lived in their territory who had fought in the Red Army. It didn’t matter whether you fought valiantly for the Soviet Union against the Germans or Japanese. The Jews would kill you if they thought it politically expedient. Red Army heroes were no exception. Of course, not many Jews joined the Red Army as soldiers.

Jews will commit violence on the streets as saboteurs and provocateurs in demonstrations to whip up revolutionary fever and encourage violent protest – see ANTIFA – but they won’t be the ones signing up as regular soldiers in the general armies of the communists. There will be plenty of them in the NKVD (old name for KGB). Many of the butchers who worked as torturers for the secret police of the USSR were Jewish.


“Communism” = Jewish Bolshevism. “Socialism” = National socialism of gentiles.


Picture didn’t come out above. Latvian Holocaust. Caption: The Yiddish Butchers’ cut “scochet” – see the neck cut.

I have chosen this picture because it is one of the lesser disturbing ones.

Note the US mainstream media never talks about this horrible genocide of the Latvian people by the USSR government and it doesn’t talk about Holodomor. But it talks about the so-called Holocaust non-stop. The mainstream media is Zionist propaganda.


“Communism” = Jewish Bolshevism. “Socialism” = National socialism, gentile government.


Picture didn’t come out above. Latvian Holocaust. I have chosen one of the lesser disturbing pictures at the site.

Warning: pictures of torture in this site:


Note the US mainstream media never talks about this horrible genocide of the Latvian people by the USSR government and it doesn’t talk about Holodomor. But it talks about the so-called Holocaust non-stop. The mainstream media is Zionist propaganda.


Maybe all the noise they make about the so-called Holocaust is to hide the REAL atrocities, Holodomor, etc, that were done by the Jews.

If they talk ad nauseam about the so-called Holocaust and keep quiet about the Holodomor, maybe Gentiles won’t realize Jews killed 60 million Gentiles in the USSR.

200,000 Jews who died in the National Socialist camps VS 60,000,000 Gentiles who died at the hands of the Jewish communist government that ruled the Soviet Union … there is no comparison.

Americans interned Japanese during WW2. Difference between the US and German camps was that the US wasn’t a war zone and Germany was.


Far from the Jews being the victims of WW2 and earlier, they were the genocidists of Europe, the torturers who committed atrocities that killed 60 million Russians, Ukrainians, Latvians etc. They even killed Koreans who lived in their territory who had fought in the Red Army. It didn’t matter whether you fought valiantly for the Soviet Union against the Germans or Japanese; the Jews would kill you if they thought it politically expedient. Red Army heroes were no exception. Of course, not many Jews joined the Red Army as soldiers. They were 90% of the government though.


Jews will commit violence on the streets as saboteurs and provocateurs in demonstrations to whip up revolutionary fever and encourage violent protest – see ANTIFA – but they won’t be the ones signing up as regular soldiers in the general armies. There will be plenty of them though in the secret police.

The Soviet secret police, NKVD (old name for KGB), was dominated by Jews. Many of the butchers who worked as torturers for the secret police of the USSR were Jewish.







Hisham Saber

True, also, the Bolshevik revolution is sometimes refered to as ‘the Judeo-Bolshevik ‘ revolution.

tigbear, heres a great site you should look at. cheers.



How can they steal from themselves?

Syrian kurds are SYRIAN ! Syria is their (and Syriacs) land and was their land before arabs invaded in the 7th century. Syria means land of the Syriacs, not land of the arabs.

PYD is not a death cult at all. They want to LIVE in a free, democratic land where they have rights like everybody else. Arabs want, rightfully, to be able to speak arab. Kurds want, rightfully too, to be able to speak and be educated in kurdish.

I do not know your country, but they most likely have native minorities too. Do they want to be able to speak their language? To be educated in their language? Do they have the choice?

Kurds have not.

Hisham Saber

Stop don’t insult us with that nonsense. Kurds have , and will always be a nomadic peoples.

Why is it then that Kurds have never , ever had a Kurdistan ?

No matter how much you jews and jew lovers embrace and nurture, beautify the ‘Kurdish cause’, because it suites your Zionist goals, it will never happen.

I got news for you. If the Kurds do try to stab the Arabs, Persians and/or Turks in the back, they will pay a most severe price.

Do you really think Iran, IRGC ( with all its asymmetrical means), the Syrian Arab Army and government, Iraq and its sunni-shia militias and army, Hezbollah and maybe even Russia are going to allow for a mini-Kurdistan right in the middle of the Iranian-Levant crescent? Some refer to it as the ‘Shia Crescent’.

It will be seen by Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon as an Israeli-U.S. foothold right in the middle of them. It wont happen.

They will be surrounded by angry, betrayed Arabs and hostile Persians and will get overwhelmed and annihilated if they don’t cease and desist from the idea.

Although Kurds are not the brightest of people, I really don’t think they are as reckless as Jews are. A mini Kurdistan will be an island of misery in an ocean of enemies, just like its bastard sister Israeli.



Stupid people always seem to remain stupid.

Kurds are mostly sedentary where they live in mountain areas. Even those in north Syria are mostly sedentary.

Beyond that, I fail to see the relevance. Arabs are, or were, nomads. So they have no rights?

Turks were, and to a little extent, still are nomadic. So they have no rights too?

Stop this stupid racist BS. please. You convince nobody except other racists and you show your true face (which is a good idea, really, so nobody will believe you)

Alex Black

It only seems like a contradiction because you are lying and playing a fool. It’s stealing because Kurds are attempting to create a state within a lawful, internationally recognized state by seizing its land.

I am glad you admit that Kurds are Syrians, as in they should be subject to Syrian law and the Constitution, which they are not following. The best way to describe their legal status is a foreign funded and illegally armed coup government.

Kurds can speak whatever they want. The government must however function and the Constitution and the law say that will happen in Arabic. This is not uncommon. Russia, for example, has 93 republics. Some of them have their own local languages, like the Chechens. This doesnt mean that Russia has to function in Chechen. Everyone speaks Russians. Similarly, in the U.S. there are hundreds of thousands of Native american languages, but the government functions in english. Your standard is foolish and doesnt fly anywhere on the planet.

In most countries in the world’s there are native minorities, but the government picks a common language and this is how they function.

PYD is an evil, communist cult.

Your arguments are childish and have no legal basis what so ever. The only reason you can speak on behalf of the Kurds, or that we are having this discussion, is because they are armed by the americans.


So US is planning to substitute present Syrian government with some kind of Kurd led one party entity on at least 1/3 of Syrian territory because Assad and his lot “tortures and kills it’s own people and beautiful babies of course”. Well best not make too much of a change – else the natives might get restless…

G Dean VanGaya

the ypg has set up democratic councils in every town of Northern Syria now. They are way more democratic than the Ba’athists ever were


…but first they “disappeared” their Kurdish political opponents and encouraged most Arabs to “decamp” (term used by US to describe ethnic cleansing of Kurd held area). Baathists were never democratic – but to claim PKK is, that’s just childish…

G Dean VanGaya

there are hours of footage on youtube of arab majority councils in northern Syria. Anyone who cares about truth can go and look it up.


…there are also statements of US officials openly bragging about Arabs of Northern Syria – decamping – once the fighting is over and Kurds take over officially. Anyone who didn’t decide to believe in fairy tales and pipe dreams should beware of Americans bearing gifts.


If anything, these jihadists should be publicly molested by donkeys or impaled on wooden dildo wrapped in rusty razor wire. http://world.korupciya.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/vlad-1.jpg


What jihadists? These are local people and they are not wearing any jihadist garb or beards. Torturing captives who are tied up is indicative of the torturers’ mentality. It is useless as an information gathering method. It is pointless cruelty that casts a shadow to all Kurds as these are doing it in uniform. It makes it look official, even if it isn’t. If they are just locals it will rebound on the Kurds badly.

G Dean VanGaya

these soldiers were tried and jailed already


So what, make a video, no problem… Really bad bad bad kurds (beware: ironie on), good good good old assad… Sure, if the SAA (and/or syrian intelligence services) take some prisoners, they would never ever akt like this subhuman kurds! They are allways follow straight the geneva convention – MORE THAN THIS!!! – the are giving the poor catured enemies always: 3 good meals a day, they just asked them very very politely about their background, their aims, their motivation. They give them allways 3 to 5 star cells, as much apple tea as the want and after a smooth interview, they´ll sit together with them having a nice shisha. (ironie off) Come on folks, Syria is no Ponyhof. And to find out what is really true is much more complicated than hearding 2000 cats. But aren´t you sometimes bored in this stupid black and white dream? Biji Kurdistan! ;-)

Real Anti-Racist Action

One day Kurd’s will stomp on all of us non-Kurd’s. Just ask the Iranians, Syrians, Iraqis, Turks, Europeans. They all get stomped on by these invasive-species every day.


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These are the moderated terrorists. FSA, SDF, and YPG (kurds) are simply another face ot terrorism in Syria land. After the destruction of ISIS-Daesh-Nustra (created by USA-NATO-Israel), the USA-NATO-Israel need other groups who help them to destroy and divide Syria.

Jens Holm



The eastern European countries also didn’t appreciate the Soviets “liberating them” from the Nazis, especially since they decided to keep these countries, just like the SDF is doing.

Solomon Krupacek


Jens Holm

Hard to see SDF is taking anything from others then ISIS. Most people from there isnt there and dont defend. They just went passive to Turkey and far away.

If SDF & Co wasnt there figting neutral Assad was hardly Emir of Latakia.

Jens Holm

Many good examples below for so many still live in the dark ages having just being painted a little.

As I recall it, they are already being jailed themselves.

Whats the next trend “Latvia genoside”. And of course none registrate russians came, germans came, russians came back and even got latvian rebillions escaåed to other countries home.

And of course jews leaded the whole show. The rest of the world are sheep guided by them. Even 1 billion muslims cant handle 5 mio jews, because they were raised by tons of pepper to be strong.

And they were even converted to nazism having the most high ranked places among the german SS, so they could kill all those nice people of Latvia, which would never harm as russian, a german or a Latvia.

You are mad – barking mad and has mainly no idea of, what went on so jews went to USA in millions and making Israel was a peace of a cake.

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