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MARCH 2025

Video: Syrian Troops And Their Allies At Iraqi Border, Near Al-Bukamal

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Video: Syrian Troops And Their Allies At Iraqi Border, Near Al-Bukamal

A screenshot from the video

The Hezbollah media wing in Syria has released a video showing Syrian troops and their allies in an area east of the T2 pumping station, near the Iraqi border.

Government forces have recently reached the Iraqi border near the ISIS-held town of al-Bukamal. This video confirms this.

Thus, the storm of al-Bukamal may be launched by pro-government troops soon.

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Deo Cass

They should surround Al-Bukamal first from both the Western and Eastern shores of the Euphrates river. Otherwise the same scenario as the Omar fields will be replicated, with the Syrian government forces advancing from the West while ISIS supported by the US SDF forces from behind them attacking from the East.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Yes my friend, the same scenario as the Omar fields will be replicated here, if the SAA and allies commit the same mistakes of trusting themselves too much and underestimating once again the astuteness and acute ability of the SDF and sponsors to cheat and win at whatever cost. And if the same happens, this time, there will be no excuses that worth, both form the part of Russia the greatest allied in the field and neither from the same SAA and its other allies.

John Whitehot

Terrence, to be “trusting” is not a mistake, it’s a feature of those that don’t creep.

Of course, those that creep and hiss, and mischievously betray others, can do it one time – the second time the other party is prepared.

Then there are also the propaganda boys, always ready to make things appear like their bosses tell them, but in today’s world, their job is getting more and more complicated because, every poor bastard hanging around with a phone can show what happened any time.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Yes my friend, you are very right in that. In now days It is much more difficult today with so many technological advances and devices scattered everywhere to give faith or disprove and undo any attempt at massive deception like years ago. I like your comment.

Pave Way IV

The Iraqi PMUs and SAA both have fire control over the east bank of the Euphrates River and the river, itself, near al Bukamal Iraqi gunships have already flown missions into al Bukamal from the east. The al Bukamal Bridge was destroyed by the US in 2015 and all Iraqi Euphrates bridges are now under Iraqi control. Anyone attacking from the east bank or trying to cross the river to the west will be showered with mortar and artillery. And no telling if either Iraqi or Syrian forces have already made it to the Northern Cliff area from Iraq, ready to pound al Bukamal with artillery or move down to secure the east bank villages.

No way the SDF will ever be able to hold on to the Omar Oilfield or anything south of it once Syrian forces start moving up the east bank. There will be plenty of Russian advisers with them – CENTCOM wouldn’t dare call in an airstrike to protect either their SDF mercs or oilfield war booty. The SAA/Russians will politely ask any SDF to leave if they’re still there.

You can call me Al

That brought a tear to me eye…. it really is going to be sweet to watch / read about.

I wonder if the US coalition are throwing their dummies out of the pram now, hence the trouble in Saudi and the sudden air games in Israel ?

Muriel Kuri

Russia should pummel all areas surrounding Al-Bukamal where the terrorists are. Could also drop troops behind lines to let them advance. Brilliant move to get Iraq to coordinate with Syrian troops to meet up in Syria so they couldn’t be cut off from that direction!

You can call me Al

Did you miss the Russian air force blitz the place ?. Your wish has already been granted.

You can call me Al

The Omar fields are irrelevant.

Don’t forget the PMU will join in 3-2-1 !!.


Nothing better that the union of Iraq-Syria-Iran-Eussia forces.


hezb too ;)))

You can call me Al

Palestinians also (which shocked me).


Yes for sure, Liwa al quds, how could i forget them

Terence Silvestre Jr.

But when, someone tell me when the great final battle began to take and reconquer that place of such strategic value? It seems that nobody cares that the americans servants of the SDF fight and advance without resting, day and night towards the same objective and without bragging so much about. Be very careful about dear SAA and allies, to not repeat the same mistakes made in the previous arrangement to the capture and reconquest of the Omar field oil whith a lot of noise and wait and nothing more that shame and failure at the end . Please more action and less words and boasts.


I think that what happen to Omar oil fields was an previous agreement between USA and Russia. This speculation came to me from the fact that when SAA arrived to Deir Ezzor and Al-Mayadin, they had plenty of time to cross Euphrates river and to stop SDF advance to south and south-east, and they did NOTHIG for this to happen. Yes, this was a very disappointed events.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I think your comment is the only possible logical and plausible enough answer so far, my friend, and the obvious question that will follow is, it would be possible a repetition of a same hiden type of agreement here in the Al- Bukamal case too?

Richard M

Storm is coming and Daeshtards have nowhere to hide!


its time to finish them. you got more war coming ahead. Idlib,Raqqa, Al Tanf, Daraa and lebanon


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