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MARCH 2025

Video: Syrian Troops, Backed Up By Attack Helicopters, Advancing Against ISIS In Southeastern Syria

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Video: Syrian Troops, Backed Up By Attack Helicopters, Advancing Against ISIS In Southeastern Syria

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Theh Syrian Arab Army and its allies, backed up by attack helictopers, are advancing against ISIS terrorists in the border area with Iraq.

The goal of pro-government forces is to reach and to retake the ISIS-held T2 pumping station. If this is done, government troops will be able to get another strong point in the border area.

The T2 pumping station could also be used as a foothold for the widely expected advance on the ISIS stronghold of al-Bukamal.

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joe doe

This is not a new news. Looks like the information is recycle again from couple days ago

Wahid Algiers

Good and brave guys. Hopefully you all will make it back home…


The nice thing about these pumping stations is that they also come with landing strips that are still in good condition(they just need the sand cleared off of them), this will result in the SAA being able to instantly increase support for these troops as they clear the way.


Yup, get some gunships in there, shore up defence, you’re in like Flynn! No way they’ll dig the SAA outta there.


T3 station is like a small modern industrial city in the the desert, even with housing that the oil and gas workers used in years past. Of course they would need a secure buffer zone to deploy helos there.

Solomon Krupacek

small city is oxymoron.

town is small, city is big


Only able to take it if the Iraqi’s do the same on the other side of the border.

Alex Black

They are able to take it either way, the issue with the iraqi side of the border is whether or not this will provide opportunity for easy access of shia militias into syria to mop up the sunni jihadists?


How can they hold it if ISIS keeps attacking from across the border. The Iraqi’s need to clear that space, including Al-Qaim. The militias are already there, even before SAA reached the Iraqi border, it was the Iraqi militias (including Sunnis) and SAA that got to the border few weeks back. Its not a sectarian war on the Syrian side, and in Iraq, it was sectarian but only in 2014-2015.

Solomon Krupacek

why should not be able to keep? if take, taht means, they defated isis. so, should be able to keep al bukamal.

Jens Holm

Well, just across the border, You have ISIS in the phosfat minefield district with good roads and even trains(which probatly dont run now).

ISIS fast can put light weight troops in and out there, if they have some. Able to keep meens to me, SAA troops are very small on a very big scene having very long supply lines.

It can be very dangerous even SAA will not loose so many soldiers, because there are not som many of them.

Solomon Krupacek

IF SAA IS NOT ABLE TO HOLD LINES? is only shithill. and all people, who said, saa is able only take empty villigas, are right. yup, in war soldiers die.

btw., your dear russians can send irresistable troops :DDDD

Alex Black

The Same way that the other defense lines are holding all over Syria. Many countries have unfriendly neighbors. Of course, it would be better if the PMU hurried up, but in the meantime, the SAA, has to secure their end of the border. Also, ISIS has little ability to attack across the border. Their ranks are devastated, and they are losing ground everywhere. Sure, they could engage the SAA in the open Syrian desert, but that is a quick road to jihadi hell.


There could be many ISUS along the river between Deir Ezzor and Al Qaim. Mayadin is their new HQ and many Daesh withdrew from Raqqa to hold it. It could be like walking into a hornets nest if Iraqi army does not do there part to secure west Anbar province.

Jens Holm

Im sure those troops are used already as reinforcements at their fronts. Those troops from Ragga therefore is not withdrawn. Very much blapping abpout that are only dirty air from the enemies of the succes of SDF.

I cant see the Iraqian army shouldnt liberate at least the Syrian border. But they have to take Mosul before they have enough good troops for anything new. They also have Tal Afar as well as Kirkuk enclaves.

Solomon Krupacek

this is war and not ball

or your tiger forgot to jump? :DDDDDD


Sometimes the Tigers get tired in the hot desert terrain. But this weekend they will secure route 42 between Ithrirya and Rasafa. This is a very important move for logistics and supply.

Solomon Krupacek

yup, you are like typical russian: always find excuse, why is impossible to do possible things.

you are loser fan of loser country.

Jens Holm

SAA forces there are like ants on a football field with lng supplu lines. As few from ISIS are vety dangerous.

As usual the fanatic faith og the SAA troops. Seems none has learned about that enemy yet.

Again its totally ignored SAA hardly has left Palmyra and some troops needed there now are spread out, where focus should be concentration.

You obvius also ignore, that ISIS actually are in the open desert and do fight back even having loses.

The rapports from there are mainly infected by inflation as well.

Alex Black

It is true, ISIS is defending their desert positions, where they are dug in deep with bunkers and AT squads. Different game when you have to be on the offensive while shot at by snipers, machine guns, and kornets. I am not sure ISIS has much offensive potential left, which explains the race for the spoils of Isis land. I think the SAA uses a style similar to Russian tactics from world war 2 “Razvedka Boyem,” The fundamental principle is that those small formations of troops are sent out in order to be engaged by the enemy and draw fire, once this happens, a larger force backed by air power, shows up and permanently removes them. This strategy is not without fault and does lead to casualties, as would any rapid advanced over fortified enemy position, but in order to advance on the enemy across a broad front, it has proven effective over several generations. A secondary advantage of the strategy is similar to the SAA, ISIS is forced to spread out in order to defend vast stretches of the desert. With limitations being what they are, and advances in SAA equipment, the small ISIS teams are often overpowered, by advancing albeit small SAA formations across the broad sections of territory. This strategy has been so effective, that SAA has been conducting bold raids behind ISIS lines. Of course we, arm chair generals are all entitled to our own opinions.


Man! These guys have to be the most battle hardened experienced soldiers on the planet right now. Akin to the soldiers of North Vietnam back in the day, relentless, tested, and determined.

joe doe

Looks like SAA stops advances on almost all front lines, not to provoke the chemical fabrication to give American pretexts to bomb SAA and Syria. I think Assad had the ide that can’t count on Russia for protection and to avid to be bomb, SAA has stop advances. I would blame directly Russia for very poor protection for Syria and false hope for security. The same time Russia created prescription for Americans that even when Americans bomb Syria and SAA, Russia will take no action


There is nothing SAA can do about the fake chem attack, Syria has a lot of limestone (CaCO3), just a basic lab and some common chems like HCL needed to make Chlorine gas. That gets you as far as CaCl2, a solid, one more reaction to get the Cl2 (gas used in WW1 and by US-backed terrorists in Syria today).

Solomon Krupacek

standing shoot. somewhere. no helmet. gipsy band. :(


Ah yes , the helicopters arrive !

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