A screenshot from the video
The Syrian state-run media agency SANA released a video showing weapons, including a toxic agent, sezied by government troops from ISIS in the province of Deir Ezzor. The video once again confirms that various militant factions across Syria are able to produce, store and use toxic agents during the conflict.
Greencell Nitrocellulose made by Companhia Nitro Química Brasileira http://www.nitroquimica.com.br/en/products#nitrcel https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e1a25db249a2c139b9f360ac9a85a1bec3e82952bb79bbc1ce5119cf6cd82e41.png
So that’s just dynamite…
Use those on the SDF and Al-Tanf based terrorists.
Wouldn’t that be like giving the US the very incident it is itching to exploit? I doubt that Assad has suicide by Trump on his mind.
All that cost NATO a fortune.
USA and ISIS are the only factions in the world left with chemical weapons stockpiles.