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MARCH 2025

Video: Turkey Continues To Deploy Battle Tanks, Other Military Equipment To Border With Syria

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As Syrian government forces continue to bargain with the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and local YPG allies over the control of the northern Syrian town of Manbij [Syrian army troops have not entered the town yet], Turkey is deploying more and more military equipment on the border withthe country.

If the YPG and the Damascus government find no comprehensive political solution on the situation in Manbij, the situation may escalate rapidly in the Manbij countryside. Turkish-backed militant groups and the Turkish Army have concentrated a large force near the area and they are openly threatening to employ it against the YPG, which they concisder to be a terrorist group.

On December 29, a high-profile Turksih delegation is also visiting Moscow to negotiate on the situation in Syria.


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Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

No matter what kind of deal the ypg and SAA make, manbij is still syrian territory and should and must be defended from turkish thugs!

Natalia T.

The Turkish military could clearly crush the pathetic SAA like an insect if it wanted to, and, as we’ve seen, Russia wants to avoid a full-on confrontation with Turkey. Syria will soon be carved up into spheres of influence, and Assad will only not have much say in the matter.

Will be fun to watch, I’ve got my popcorn ready!


Blocked, because I’m not interested in reading about popcorns. A nice good year to you.

Natalia T.

Blocking is for girlie-men with no arguments. Stop biting your pillow and grow a pair.

Promitheas Apollonious

are you in heat girlie?


Oh fuck off fudegepacker.


What kind of “arguments” do you offer? Being an imbecile is not good either.

Promitheas Apollonious

i hope you are good in belly dancing and bending over, because obviously you lack a lot on the upstairs department.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

in ur dreams BITCH!!!

Gregory Casey

WTF ….. this is no Movie! Take you popcorn and go shove it where the sun don’t shine. If you for one minute think the far-less battle-hardened Turks even with (or despite) their NATO equipment, can last on the battlefield with SAA you really do live in Dreamland.


According to RT, Turks have entered Syria and Yanki Choppers are flying over Manbij. https://www.rt.com/news/447834-manbij-kurds-turkey-us-syria/


“Later in the day, the Turkish military crossed into Syrian territory at the border town of Jarablus” It is reported the Turks had to stop just across the border because many troops had crapped their pants before even getting close to the front lines. :D


Jarablus was already occupied by the Turks and their mercenaries, but the yankee choppers flying over Manjib is a sign of a possible presence of SAA forces there.


for turkey, one thing is of paramount interest and that is to prevent the kurds from acquiring any kind of independent homeland, be it in turkey, in syria or anywhere else. kurds are not allowed to become independent and thus the incursions into syria. but once the kurds are put in their place turkey will be returning to turkey like a good boy. it’s not worth the hassle that will follow if they don’t. and the hassle will be the russians and under the circumstance, it’s a good idea to remain on russia’s good side!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That can’t be the case, they have excellent relations with the Iraq KDP Peshmerga which already have complete self autonomy from the Iraq central government, they’ve been cooperating with them extensively for the last few years and have bases in their territories, which the Iraq central government object to very strongly. But you are right about Syria, they don’t want an independent Kurdish state there as well, ones enough for them, two would be too many.


noy really and it’s something of the past but they fu..cked up when they sought independence and a referendum which was entirely stupid since the central government could not accept that. and thus deployed troups to the area around kirkuk, erbil, mosul and more or less shot any dreams of independence to pieces. kurds in that situation depended on the moronic state which they had little use of, like now in syria,

kurds better get used to be lodgers along the turkish, the syrian, the iraqi and the iranian borders.


The show must go on for a little while longer. Some more pressure on the kurds and it will ALMOST be game over. God speed the liberation of Syria!

Hasbara Hunter

Erdogan doesn’t want to Conquer Syria…. but give Kurds ears to hear….a Litlle Sabre Rattling with Negotiations going on puts a little pressure on the Kurds to come to a good Solution…..The Region East of the Euphrates for sure will be part of the talks….Kurds better be nice….


Merijn, Erdogan is an opportunist, anti Assad and anti his secular government, and a defender of the Muslim Brotherhood. His game is clear like water, to try to keep under turkish control as much syrian territory as he can. But his problem is that he is going to keep nothing.

Hasbara Hunter

His problems in the End should be the Turkish People If he wants to be an Elitist-Ruler….Or perhaps Turks like to live in an Autocratic “Ottoman Empire” (which should be their personal choice)….Worldwide Elitist Rulers & Leadership for the most part all the same….Knights Templar, Freemasons, Masonic Muslimbrotherhood…Even Ghandi was a Freemason…I bet Mandela too..one Big Theatre… says enough….who do these folks think they are? It’s Just a Satanic Bunch of Evil Cockroaches…..once the Sheeple truly realise this…..All “Masons” better Crawl back under the rock they came from….Masons Destroyed this planet with their “Greedy Enlightenment & Science” Seize their Assets….Hang them High….The Elites better start realizing that reconciliation might be a smart idea….if they want to keep Men with Pitchforks at bay….because sooner or later they will come….One Percenters are Nothing….

An Explosion of the Angry Mob can Occur anytime….anywhere


And don’t forget Opus Dei.

Hasbara Hunter

I won’t….I know who lives in the Vatican


A good new year to you, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturnalia

Hasbara Hunter

A good New Year to you too…..it looks promising….many good things happened this past year….

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Everyone thinks Erdogan is just bluffing and won’t invade, but he’s fooled me completely, I can’t see him doing anything else. If he doesn’t really invade, it’ll mean he spent a lot of time, effort and money [he doesn’t have] for nothing, and as much as I think he’s as mad as rabbit, I don’t think he’s stupid, well not quite stupid enough to waste all this money on a bluff anyway, we’ll find out soon enough.


breaking news…….houhti forces retreat from hudaydah, abandon city

big win for them satanic jews.major big.


Relax Monsieur Disinformation, the jews have been on the losing side for a long time now, so, please, don’t cry me those crocodile tears. Here’s the fact: “Yemen’s Shiite rebels have handed over control of the main port in the Red Sea city of Hodeida to the government’s navy and coastguard, security officials said on Saturday. The transfer was carried out under the supervision of UN monitors as part of a deal reached in peace talks in Sweden earlier this month, AP reports. The Houthi rebels now control most of northern Yemen, including Hodeida. A Saudi-led coalition has been fighting on the government side since 2015. The talks in Sweden also produced a deal on the exchange of thousands of prisoners of war from both sides.” RT Got it?


South Front, this source is saying the opposite of what you are publishing about Manjib: https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201812291071090930-kremlin-control-manbij/


In times of war, truth is the first victim.

Now one of these two lies. Who exactly?

Well, we, the simple, insignificant folk, will never find out


Oh, Miss Drama Queen, please, don’t cry me a river. There is no contradiction.


Drama queen?


of course there is contradiciton. This is the latest southfront article before this one


Try to speak correctly without insulting others.


I’m only calling SF attention for an fact: different sources are saying the opposite about the situation on Manjib. And that’s because there are already some facts to consider, second my point of view, fact number one, the Manjib’s council, since long time ago, is declaring they prefer the Syrian government in the city, not the Turks, fact number two, now the council and the YPG both declared they called to the region the SAA, fact number three, both the Syrian general staff and now the Russian government are saying that the SAA arrived in the city.

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