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Video: Ukraine Is Harvesting Children’s Organs in Adrenochrome Labs

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Video: Ukraine Is Harvesting Children’s Organs in Adrenochrome Labs

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Written by Peter Koenig. Originally published by GlobalResearch

A whistleblower from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) which has itself a shady reputation mainly for its biased reporting, always in favor of the western wannabe empire and its vassals, has revealed the discovery of Ukrainian Nazi Groups harvesting children’s organs in underground laboratories. These labs were exposed after the buildings were destroyed in the war.

The 11-minute video of The People’s Voice is so brutal and cruel it is difficult to watch and listen to.



The Ukrainian atrocities it describes is just at the limit of what a normal human being can take – and still believe in humanity. Lest, one begins to segregate humans from un-humans. Thoughts and concepts along this line are not new, especially since the beginning of the new era, as you may call what began with the self-inflicted 9/11 mass murder – and related lies, ongoing.

The thought of un-humans running the world was just drastically reinforced when Muammar Gaddafi, the then-leader of Libya was lynched on 20 October 2011 in the most vicious ways by NATO forces led by France and the United States, and when the then-President Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, celebrated with colleagues and journalists, laughing diabolically, “We came, we saw, he died.” The legitimate question, “Is this woman human?” was raised by many people and journalists.

Then came the beginning of the UN Agenda 2030 / The Great Reset – the fear-mongering and lies after lies after miserable lies about a virus which, rightfully may be asked, did it ever exist? — locking down people, preventing them from seeing their loved ones, elderly parents, dying relatives.

A lockdown, of which one key purpose was to start warp-speed building of countless, literally millions and millions of 5G antennas around the globe, with the objective of eventually helping kill people and transform the survivors into remote-controlled transhumans, executing the agenda of a sick elite. See this.

The fake plandemic was followed by two intense years of forced and coerced “vaccination”, of discriminating vaxxed against unvaxxed around the globe, no escape, with a mRNA concoction that was a trial injection – trial not to find out what works best against the flu-like invented Covid disease, but figure out which one kills best and in what ways.

The objective was and is to this day – not healing, but killing – a movement of massive depopulation of the world. That is where we stand today, with the disclosure of thousands and thousands of Pfizer documents. See this.

The population is flooded with media lies, government lies, scientific lies – all bought and corrupted to serve a diabolical elite agenda, an agenda debatably led by Un-People.

When it comes to this western / NATO-provoked Ukraine war, where the Ukrainian Nazi government kills its own people and destroys its own infrastructure just so it can blame Russia for it – see especially the blowing up of the Nova Kakhovka dam – the corruption and child trafficking for elite pedophiles, as well as organ and adrenochrome harvesting, by the tens of thousands, come to the fore.

Just to add another barbarism, the purposeful devastated Nova Kakhovka dam is flooding some 80,000 people, destroying their livelihoods – all evidence indicating it was done by Ukraine but the west blames Russia – all the western mainstream media ape the same lies. See this.




The People’s Voice video describes in vivid style how Russian troops discovered carved-up bodies of children as young as 2 years to 6 and 7 years of age. Killed alive for their organs. Their pain-stressed blood was harvested for Adrenochrome – the “live-prolonging” remedy for the elite – traded for millions every year.

Child trafficking for sex and organ harvesting is the fastest growing business in the world, currently said to run in the tens of billions. No precise figures are available, and the all-controlling corrupt media make sure that no such figures enter the light of day, as this is the darkest of all dark businesses.

It is a worldwide business, but the center of it is arguably Ukraine.

The west knows it, while still supporting the also most unethical country in the world. President Biden must know about Ukraine’s corruption, as his son made millions in this lawless ambiance. The presstitute media mute such news.

Europe is fully aware.

But the European Commission’s priority is destroying Russia. Are the people at the head of the EC still humans? The west will, of course, never succeed with the Ukrainian war, no matter how many hundreds of billions-worth of weaponry they supply to the Zelensky government. They also know that 70% of this weaponry goes straight to the black-market. See this.

They also know that Russia is far superior and never intended to dominate Ukraine, just protect the Russian population and their territories.

Yet, Europe follows the insane and inhuman mandate of her Washington masters.

Europe as well as Washington are well-aware of the child-trafficking and organ harvesting, another billions of dollar business. Yet, the support of Ukraine and the repugnant lying to the people around the world continues.

The legitimate question: are these humans or un-humans, those who run the world, those who run the institutions like the WEF, WHO, GAVI, Club of Rome and more? Look at their facial expression, the dark vibrations they emanate – and you keep wondering.

Then watch the video below. Same video as above

Indeed, the power of atrocity is hard to stomach.



And the answer to the question about humans or un-humans becomes obvious.

We, the People, must wake up to an uncomfortable reality, one that cannot be swept under the rug, but must be confronted to save our planet and our civilization from disappearing.


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looks like mengele is alive and kicking.

Россия 482 - USA 0

we are going to need to hire a very adept executioner for this lot.


bilbaoba kene menni…


… utah is some nasty sekt !!!!

Gneaus stapo

utah? whats ur problem with those mormons?

Россия 482 - USA 0

they speak retard, they are descended from retards and we all know the best retard is retard hanging by his neck until dead. like we did to the retards in 1945 after destroying their cow field. dung for brains


jews run ukraine. jews are not ukrainians. so they are not their people


the khazar empire of thé 8th century converted to judaïsm. their descendants are the ashkhenazes. the true jews from middle east are the sephardic jews.


jews are a race of their own, and any non-jew who procreates with a jew will create jewish offspring, effectively ruining their bloodline.

Gneaus stapo

sf going nuts, i am waiting for articel about demons, witches and everything else a dark age shithead can come up with.

Россия 482 - USA 0

keep waiting then little kraut arse picker. no one cares the opinion of a retarded gender confused dung farmer from dusseldorf with 1/2 a turkish guest workers spunk on his chin. we already destroyed your infected little country of deranged farmers once, sure would like to come do it twice for payback.


the evidence must be gathered and documented so that those in denial are confronted with overwhelming evidence of the absolute evil of those considered to be elites.

Icarus Tanović

this monstrosity must be destroyed and burn to the ground!


tak ako to robili v srbsku, keď ich darebácky štát usa prepadol a podporoval tak teroristov z kosova!!!


adrenochrome can be created in laboratories. you can but it on sigma aldrich. 250mg for 670 euros. it’s synthetized by oxydation of adrénaline. adrénaline is biosynthetized.

Россия 482 - USA 0

pedophiles can be “cured” with duct tape, a common household chair and a ball peen hammer.


i agree, a good old rope can cure them too. but harvesting adrenochrom on human is a non sens when you can produce and buy it legally.

John Kesich

this reads like something from the national enquirer or worse.

Cannon Fodder

if this is true then all the more that russia must end this conflict with the most brutal means possible. the west is a rotting corpse filled with satanic freaks. putin, end this evil!!!!!

christian reinhard

is she on exstasy or speed?


the legitimate question: are these humans or un-humans, those who run the world, those who run the institutions like the wef, who, gavi, club of rome and more? look at their facial shape shifting reptilian reverse eyelid blinking when super stressed! hypothetical of course!


the either see themselvs as goods among humans or do not see others as humans at all.


we refer to them as simply anti-humans.

meaning, the opposite of humans or the “not humans”.


would anyone take out a pedo rapist killer who lives in sussex england?

Россия 482 - USA 0

you have to get an awful lot of them to add up to anything as pedo lives dont matter.

Shahidul Afridi

this article is very knowledgeable : https://tempmailo.org/ru

Raptar Driver

sons and daughters of the beast. which gets its power from the dragon. they will be thrown alive into the lake of fire.

Happy Days

organ harvesting has a pretty well documented history in recent times. seems that group after group keeps getting busted for this crime. and who are the criminals? well, jews are a very disgenic people. many of their genes are known to be problematic. it’s very common among jews for them to have sickly bodies. it is monied jews who create the demand and coordinate the collection of these illegally harvested organs. not neo nazi’s living in ukraine.

Happy Days

those poor men and women thought they were fighting for the future of european peoples. but they were set-up, and mostly wiped out in bakhmut. jews are found everywhere you turn in this conflict, getting gentiles killed.


maximum cope and trolling from the nafo-keyboard murderers here so most likely true.

Gneaus stapo

lol u are perfekt example of flatheads being stuck in dark ages….the witch is drowning in the river, proof she is a witch.

this artikel is new low point of shitfront.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
Россия 482 - USA 0

they sure do scramble for some stuff and not for others. its best to be 100% positive in these things so i would suggest field executions for any captured officer corp level nazi. its the best way to be 100% positive.


at least have some standard of evidence.

Paul Citro

the problem with reporting like this is that evils committed are so horrible that we simply don’t want to believe they are true. how can anyone be that bad?


the more spam such articles get in the comments the more you know it’s real


indeed some said that before auschwitz was liberated, we also saw reports of organ harvesting in kosovo, that was covered up because its said some un officials were involved, this shit is on the depraved level as mengele.

La crampe

notice to users in france because of french government demands to remove creators from our platform, rumble is currently unavailable in france. we are challenging these government demands and hope to restore access soon.


there is one website, i did deep investigative report about it. people mostly men pedoes and men gays connect to it from different countries. women publish photos of children. there are some public talks very disturbing. i think it is ukrainian website. private chat they do with getting password to connect to more photo albums of children.


there were photos from orphanage. i worry that these children are sold. i have that report on my facebook profile. i didn’t knew to whom to report it. after i found some people were already reporting website to different international organisations. not sure is that website still running, i don’t have it on my mind what is website called.


they literally talk about children in wicked way in some public albums. but when you enter website it is masked no photos of children until you either enter profiles of women and albums they uploaded … that is where all starts. at first sight website you see has nature photos, animals photos etc.. you could not guess what is all about at start.


when you see it, read it … you cannot unsee it undo reading it.

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