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MARCH 2025

Video: US-led Coalition Strikes Positions Of Syrian Government Forces In Deir Ezzor Province

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Video: US-led Coalition Strikes Positions Of Syrian Government Forces In Deir Ezzor Province

A screenshot from the video

On February 13, CNN released a video [source] allegedly showing US-led coalition strikes on positions of Syrian government forces in the province of Deir Ezzor.

According to the video, the strikes hit a battle tank and an artillery position. Some sources speculate that the shown battle tank and artillery position could be operated by Russian military contractors, but no confirmation of these claims are available.

Right now, rumors are circulating online that 100, 200, 300 and even 600 Russian private military contractors were killed in US strikes on their column allegedly attacking positions of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces on the eastern bank of the Euphrates. However, all these numbers are not confirmed by any realy evidence.

The new report of CNN on the issue argues that the SDF’s positions were attacked by about 500 pro-government fighters and the US strikes killed over hundred of them. However, the report fails to show any destroyed equipment or bodies of hundreds of the allegedly killed fighters.

These rumors and reports are likely a part of the ongoing large-scale propaganda campaign aimed at undermining the anti-terrorism efforts of the Russians in Syria.

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BS of today!!! New York Times (how do they know?) thinks it maybe 4 russians were killed….


Oh really?




John Whitehot

LoL, again linking to Russian sites that just reported on the same sources SF wrote.

You’re on your way out.


Moscow Times is written in NYC and Produced in NYC. Nothing Russian about it. Try TASS – it’s the RUssian Sate Official or Russia Today. They always admit it when theirs get killed and publish huge photo pages of the funerals with family and Christian Church stuff and all sorts.


Why are you called Apache? Are you Native Indian?


Apache means Enemy. He is enemy of menkind :)

Ariel Cohen

The New York Times is the flagship of the NWO MSM. If they wrote it, it must be a lie . .


Thgat US Bastardly behaviuor must stop, QUICKLY !


What are you going to do? Type away at your keyboard? HAHAHA. “DAMN AMERICANS!!! OHOOOOOHOH IM SO MAD!!!!” hahahahahaha

Daniel Martin

No, actually ther’s a much more effective method, that is to ram a 715 kg Buk missile with a 70 kg high explosive fragmentation warhead in the aggressor jet’s butt, just like they did with the Israeli intruder the other day. And if the Pilot survives they should hand him over to the civilians around Deir Azzor or Aleppo that lost their loved ones due to American criminal and illegal bombings, and then write him of as collateral damage,when they’re done with him.

Daniel Miller

or by S-200VE :D with a 150kg warhead

Jens Holm

You could mail one or 2. Could be they are stupid those down there have not done that many years ago.

You should be a Syrian or russian general at once.


Don’t worry you’re day is coming.

John Whitehot

you must have met your areas Heisenberg..

Ariel Cohen

Zionazi troll . .


Kill all american tourists.

That Guy

The keyboard tough guy strikes again…. pffft, bitch please, do this somewhere else… `:/

Samantha Green


Ariel Cohen

They should have started by aborting you ..


Youre one of those stupid woman, what has this to do with abortion, see a shrink !


Abortion rights ARE internal human rights, but war crimes, especially from an outside nation, are always tragic war crimes no matter whose rights they may pretend to be protecting. Too much U.S. warmaking/coupmaking is based on faked concern for rights that are completely ignored once the target nation is broken. The U.N. Charter does not accept warmaking/coupmaking as a way for any sovereign nation to attack another, except when the Security Council deems it right.

Please, stop attacking women you disagree with by calling them crazy. We’ll think you a misogynist who calls all your ex-partners crazy so your own faults will be ignored.

Ariel Cohen

What about the rights of the unborn baby? Killing an unborn child is not exactly a humanitarian thing to do. What if you had been aborted and never had a chance to experience life, love and commenting in these forums….um . actually, on second thought, that might have been the best thing that could have happened for all the rest of us here today. .


Your religion is showing. 1st trimester fetuses are not children, they are not babies. They are the start of the process of building a new human that must be accomplished completely by and within the mother’s body, while causing her (not the exterior sperm-donor) dramatic changes in body/brain form and far too often leading to lifetime health issues you as a man are largely unfamiliar with. Mothers who are wanting children choose to bear these issues. But pregnant women who do not want children (and often did far more than most men to prevent that pregnancy) will be enslaved for life (unless they can ignore their powerful, hormonally forced maternal instincts and give their newborn away.).

As a Cohen, I will guess you are no Episcopalian, much less Catholic, but you really should see Monty Python’s “Meaning of Life”. The “Every Sperm Is Sacred” scene will certainly make you feel all cuddly.

What a stupid meme “What if you had been aborted?”. Too much human life is being brought unthinkingly in to this overpopulated world, and is much too often NOT loved, NOT cherished, and tragically, NOT even properly fed or socialized. If birth control were given away free, all methods (including celibacy that any rapist can easily wreck) still are far from perfect, and some women who might agree to sex, even with GODMAN you, will end up pregnant and unwillingly enslaved by your stupid sperm (except, our government does protect our right to an abortion and NOT the right of a fetus to birth.)

What thinking woman would be willing to reproduce YOU??? Do need a properly GOD/MAN-oppressed girl to get pregnant and force to bear your offspring because you so hatefully believe in your GOD given right to enslave her to your spermal DNA against her will?

You and your anti-science GOD patriarchy are evil.

Ariel Cohen

I agree with the part about too many children being brought into this world unloved, uncherished and unfed. I can honestly say I used to think almost exactly like you have espoused here. I was an ardent atheist 50 years ago and participated in regular debates and condemnation of any ideas of religion. But that was before I met Jesus. i discovered that he was not the ridiculously legalistic, dogmatic, uncaring God of the religious church system (which I cannot abhor and to which I have never and will never belong), but He is a tender, kind, understanding person who lives in another dimension, parallel to ours, but interwoven with this physical world. I am many things that you may not understand completely. I am a feminist and have fought for the rights of women in several continents over the space of 40-50 years. Women are probably the most denigrated, abused and discriminated against segment of our society, and it’s even worse in Asia, where women are treated like animals and men are their “Gods”, a sickening inequality that needs to be exposed and eradicated. But, as you have seen, I also love babies and children. I am open minded. If a woman needs to abort a baby for certain reasons, then that is her choice and hers alone. Noone should have domination over her God-given right to choose. But many babies are aborted near full term in some of the places I have lived and this is wrong. Enslave a woman with my sperm? Never heard that one before, but I can assure you, women need more freedom, not more male domination. So dear lady, please don’t throw out the baby (scuse the pun) with the bathwater .. get rid of the dirty water, but let’s keep the baby, OK?

Ariel Cohen

My religion is MY business. My choice to show my religion is MY choice. My Choice of denomination is MY choice. My choice of what program to watch on TV is MY choice. My selection of meme in any online forum is MY choice. My choice of sex partner is again, MY choice. My choice of whether to believe in God is unequivocally MY CHOICE!

You are an extremely bitter and hateful woman, who thinks the world owes her an apology and everything else along with it. The world owes you NOTHING. Get over it.

Just don’t allow your HATRED and GENDER-LOATHING, to be taken out on those who are defenseless .. the unborn.

Jens Holm

As a start, You could cut some of Your own stuoidity first. You did not learn by Al Tanf. You did not learn by Tabqa.

In the other hand why blame people, which is not able to or allowed to learn.


You need to look at the photos of the number of ISIS that have surrendered to the Turkish Forces. 600 in the last day. Embedded with Kurds. How the fuck do you think ISIS got all that oil out of the Country you dumb schmuck? Plus 100% of Iranian Sunni who joined ISIS day one are KURDS. You don’t know where to look do you. Try Twitter. And then there is the case of the YPG Suicide Bomber yesterday (Female). Kurds are the closest thing to ISIS. And they have been together since day one.

Jens Holm

By their own harbour or what ??

Jens Holm

Where did those 600 from ISIS give up ?

Robert Duran

That despicable skin head again.. Shouldn’t you be joining the Azov battalion?

Jens Holm

I am no Tatar. But I sometimes eat Tatars. I have a horse in man garden and sometimes put them under the sattle. They Young ones have no need for that.


Birth Control??? Like many Western nations, Assad’s patriarchal government still encourages any form of it as part of family planning, they just ban nearly all abortions. Women are allowed to and do prevent (no protection is 100%), but not to individually and freely choose to deal with pregnancies if and when ‘accidents’ happen unless two doctors confirm their life is in danger.

No woman in a war, famine or plague torn country wants to carry a pregnancy and put both herself and potential child at risk! Thats why ‘baby booms’ only happen after a war is concluded.

Jens Holm

Fine to know something is done, but it was a kind of bizarre joke.

Assads also have told the many uprisers are not syrians and at least 5 millions are not even there.


@Jens Holm, is probably a fake Trollname for a CIA; US MILITARY or NATO slave ! It’s not about learning you stupid , it’s aboiut the right and justice for Syria to rule their own country like they did it in a better way than the Americans or whatever other dirtycoalitionmember did in his own country !


us and kurds atnd opposition liberal pro us russian propagande fake! 100 200 500 russians contractors killed that blague!!! mdr!!


I explain you why Syria is loosing, why USA is destroyed by inside by jews, why mayas and Aztecs were easily destroyed, why sunnis are loosing ….

It’s because they believe in fairy tales.

Mayas and Aztecs believed in fairytales, they tought that Europeans were Messiah send by their gods. They welcomed Europeans. Europeans destroyed 400 Aztecs temple and slaughtered hundred thousand of Aztecs and still Moctezuma welcomed Spaniards.

Americans are fanactics religious. Jews can kill 1 million Americans, they will be jews slaves.

Sunnis in Syria are fanatics religious. They slaughter people and are being slaughtered because they can’t think outside of religion. So, they are used by whoever want.

In the same way, most people on Earth believe in so-called western “human rights” and can’t even think that USA is devil on Earth.


You don’t know any Americans, do you? LOL. Most of us want to cut all aid to Israel. You’re a dumb fuck Russian


If most of you do want to cut aid to Israel, it just shows how impotent the US voters really are and the minority group that in fact rules over you.

And despite all of your bluster YOU allow it.


A lot of Americans support Israel. Of course, the awaken Americans start to understand that they are being fuc..ed up by their closest “friends”. Of course, you can always be betrayed by your closest friends. But, it’s too late. They can do shit now.

People that believe in fairy tales will be destroyed after destroying the rest of the people.

Anthony Paul Mapes

Amazing how they can strike targets so precisely and yet they level city’s too the ground


Okay and?

Anthony Paul Mapes

It’s a satirical post and slightly ironic, meaning to be taken in a sarcastic context! Hope that’s explained it for you Apache?


He only have half braincells on him. Kindly forgive him.

Anthony Paul Mapes

As: that’s why I tried to explain it, not trying to beet on him or anything lol


I think he’s a Meth Addict. Or maybe he was educated at Yale. All they do there is get drunk and hit stip clubs every day.

Robert Duran

Yale.. I doubt it.. This guy is most likely brain damaged..

You can call me Al

Your Country is fucking shit, full of fat, dumb, retarded fucks. Your time will be over shortly and he World will rejoice.

You can call me Al

What like Chicago, Detroit etc. This crap is all to get us away from the US internal collapse.

Anthony Paul Mapes

War ferver has always been the tried and tested method of distracting the peasants in time of economic and sociologic strain!

First Lastname

(((Drudge))) headline was sensationalized of course: “US jet destroys Russian battle tank in ‘self defense’ in Syria…” Just clickbait for his (((friends))) in the MSM. They destroyed a Syrian T-72 and call it Russian, since it was made in Russia. Fuckin’ jooz man. Liars all.

Thankfully, Southfront is here to give actual information, without a political spin!




Liberal Russian paper pushing the Western agenda.


By this logic, the Jap Imperial Navy sunk an American armored cruiser in the Varyag battle, as that Imperial Russian Navy ship was built in Philadelphia.

Jens Holm

Kind of semantics to me. You support CIA by using internet.


Debka which is most likely untrue proudly reported more than 200 Russian contractors killed.

Wow… if true , Putin must be losing sleep. But then barking dogs do not bite .. so may be he remains quiet for a suitable time.

If true , Russians really lose face … and those S400s confirmed are for show only. ..maybe dummies.


Russians are all bark and no bite


Actually Russians are quiet not barking. That’s when it’s dangerous.

However if it’s quiet and no bite, might as well go home yo Russia.


Because they act as if they were in a coma already.

Oingo Boingo

USA is Israel’s bitch in Syria. The jew and Shabbos Goyim infested CIA is the dog walker.


You’re a moron, fucking dumb goat fucker.


He may or may not be a moron but he is correct here regarding Israel owning American foreign policy.

Oingo Boingo

Thanks, kinda.

Ariel Cohen





You brainwash ameba go blow your head


too much CNN NBC = brainwash ameba

Oingo Boingo

Stooge shitheel sez…WHUT ?

Ariel Cohen

The rabid Zionazis always resort to the “goat fucker” label. What they don’t realize is that here in The USA and Canada we don’t relate to it cos we don’t have the proliferation of goats like they do in Occupied Palestine. .


Thats a Good one!


Give my regards and a cosmic hug to your wife.


Because I am female. The cosmic hug thing to your wife. Thingy.

John Whitehot

USA is Israel’s bitch in general.

Angelo Cinarelli

Israel and USA criminals of this world!!


What are you going to do about it?

Oingo Boingo

Drooling assmonkey sez… WHUT ?

Jens Holm

You live in acave with them.

Oingo Boingo

Your pointy head lives up your shaggy ass.

Ariel Cohen

Haaretz is on a different url peanut . .

Jens Holm

You are just a nut :)


Hi Ariel. :)

Ariel Cohen

Do I know you bvgp?

Jens Holm

Do parrots repeat themselves more then kakadues ?

Jens Holm

Haha. Dont worry, im already on the floor, so i doint fall laughing down from my chair. Hahahahaa :::::::::)

Ariel Cohen

Already on the floor did you say? Great . . please stay there and give us all a break from your literary diarrhea will you?

Eskandar Black

You can say what you want, but there is a lot of central Russian social media activity indicating people died.

John Whitehot

Russian social medias are more used by mossad than by russians of late.


Documenting their own war crimes, how German of them.


War crimes? How is it a war crime? hahahaha self defense, you pussy


If you are in a country illegally with armed forces (no UN mandate, not declared war or there by invitation from the legal government) every act you commit that results in injuries or deaths is a war crime. Self defense or not doesn’t matter in that case.

Jens Holm

I think You should forget those illigals. A minimum for the nicest people in the world would be all Baathists in jail and good food and health care, so they live long.

Thats where the real problems are in Syria.

Robert Duran

Stop molesting kids

Bird of Prey

Are you really that stupid? 1. ISIS declared war on U.S. civilians, and killed a number of them. 2. ISIS controlled wide swaths of land in Syria. 3. U.S. had every right to go after them under UN Article 51. 4. U.S. went in and killed many of them, and will kill the rest. Will also kill anyone who tries to stop us killing ISIS.

Educate yourself, fool.


Where were Putin’s “mighty” S-400 air defence systems that supposedly are designed to protect Syrian airspace and friendly forces operating on the ground?


Putin is not in Syria to defend SYRIAN AIR SPACE fool, he has the best air-defense system in the world and it is stationed in Khmeimim , Air- Base in Latakia. Russia was never wowed to defend Syrian Air-Space any where in Syria. Syria has it’s own air-defense systems to defend it’s self when ever its need it, like S-200 and Mobile Defense Systems like Russian Buk’s. We saw if Syrian Government want’s a Jet down what can do, like 2 days ago the Israhelli F-16 and the F-15 and many more, but the Israhellis just are covering them, to look tough, to look like no one can touch them. Hah so stupid.


new tale?


No, facts. Get over it. You and Wanker need new material.

Gary Sellars

Wanklord… a well chosen handle methinks…

Samantha Best

and you are a GAY lord my good son

You can call me Al

Hahahaha, another Yank troll.

Syria will e the downfall for the vile, septic US of fucking A.

Robert Duran

Are you illiterate?

1)UN article 51 doesn’t give any country the right to occupy another. Read rather than repeating what you hear on MSM

2) The US permitted ISIS to grow in Syria. The US bombed Syria for over a year while ISIS kept growing.

3) It is well documented the US funded and continues to fund ISIS and Al qaeda. They retrain ISIS and call then SDF.

You really need help with reading.You are so dumb

Bird of Prey

Your conspiracy theories aren’t even imbicilic enough for the Arab street. Sad!


Remind me again what the hell Americans are doing in Syria apart from trying to overthrow a leader who refuses to let them build the Qatar-Turkey pipeline through his land. A pipeline that would cut off the Russian gas monopoly in Europe and eliminate one of Russia’s largest sources of income. Is anyone surprised that the Russians have accepted Assad’s invitation and are defending their interests? The US is clearly the aggressor in this instance. What would the US do if Russia made such an aggressive move against one of the major US sources of income? The US would declare all out war. Let us be consistent here.Russia is protecting their interests. They are doing exactly what the US would be doing in their place only much less aggressively. The US would long since have bombed Russia if they did the same to them. Am I the only one to see the hypocrisy and the double standard at hand? I am for fact and truth, not Russia. And fact and truth are on Russia’s side in this conflict.


I have posted such many times


You sound convincing.


Great posting


I agree with you in that point that this Neo-Zionist piece is a conspiracy theorie, and not the best one, that I don´t support, but my friend you are also so damn wrong with nearly everything you wrote.


Excellent comeback…uuuh, what does it mean?


Mate why you are wasting your time with stupid Neo-Zionist idiots like these idiots he is obviously pro ISIS-SDF-US-Al-Qaeda etc etc. this Bird of Prey noob


Like I said he is a kid


Now you’ve done it! Went and popped his bubble.


Lol, ISIS can’t declare war, fool. Next the local basketball team can declare war. :’)

Bird of Prey

Read up on Article 51, fool. Particularly as to acts of agression and territorial control.


Yeah, that armed attack against a member is what the US is doing against Syria by putting it’s armed forces inside its borders. It’s not a response to those illegal forces being in another sovereign member of the UN. Jeez, you Yanks… “Article 51 Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

Robert Duran

Not even US politicians are calling their occupation of Syria legal but this idiot is..

leon mc pilibin

Ignore the zionist idiot.He is totally brainwshed by the zionist MSM,just like most of the sheeple in the so called West.


You are childish

Ariel Cohen

Nothing in Article 51 that allows for an illegal occupation of a sovereign nation, under the guise of “defending” against an armed attack on your military forces while you are illegally in that sovereign state territory. If this was the case, China could invade and annex florida under the guise of Article 51 in order to stop Tibetan resistance fighters deemed to be preparing to attack the Chinese embassy . .


Excellent point! Not many of us, propagandized for decades, in the U.S. can see things fairly. You cetainly appear to attempt to see the beams in our own eyes before we pluck out their splinters. That’s likely to get us labeled as traitors in this neo-McCarthyist period!


And who created and funded ISIS and Al-Nusra who tell us, who> your precious American government did with never ending funding of weapons and equipment,Since when ISIS killed your American Civilians where, was this when, there is not US civilians in Syria, only War occupators, there for only 1 reason to wage war and fund terrorism you idiot you go educate yourself poor kid.

Gary Sellars

ISIS have been defeated, so now its time to FUCK OFF….

What part about that do you not understand?


Scaathor, don’t you realize our U.S. government is now getting them to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban??? Also, the Kurds have been absorbing many ISIS terrorists into their own forces (to fight Assad’s goal to keep Syria together) for the Kurdish dream of a separate state including parts of Turkey and Iran, which the U.S. has always wanted as a dismemberment of a potentially workable Syria, potentially in service to Israel and our own oil market hegemony. ISIS is also continuing the fight in Syria as ‘ISIS’, even retaking parts of Syria’s capital, Damascus!


Pls please don’t make a fool of your self.

So can anyone go to your country and do the same since terrorists attacked America and UK too. So can Assad or Russians send their soldiers there ?

Soo childish


I like the way you put it in. Everypoint of yours is in past tense. Glad, you are subconciously recognizing the defeat of usa’s mercenaries.


I’ve had several long discussions with American friends on the internet. They claim the wildest things, connect things that do not belong together, and in the end always say that you should educate yourself. Very disturbing.


Were I you I would refrain from calling anyone else stupid or a fool, although sometimes it does take one to know one…You state the US liars reasons with accuracy, very good…you learned your lesson well. Who do we message to get you a raise?


US created ISIS, IS Al CIAda Al Nusra via the CIA and the Pentagon this is known for so long time , see Scott benett; https://youtu.be/Jo8Xm46s62I Gepubliceerd op 2 okt. 2014 Discussion of the book SHELL GAME: A Military Whistleblowing Report to the U.S. Congress Exposing the Betrayal and Cover-Up by the U.S. Government of the Union Bank of Switzerland-Terrorist Threat Finance Connection to Booz Allen Hamilton and U.S. Central Command

By 2LT Scott Bennett 11th Psychological Operations Battalion (retired)

Part of the reason behind Eric Holder’s immediate retirement.


Yeah, Rudy, The CIA/U.S. government did ‘create’ ISIS et al. out of the salafist/Saudi Wahhabi terrorist cell nurtured (and later taught to the rest of Sunni Islam) by the House of Saud with the full support of their oil ally, the U.S.A.. The Wahabbis were used to conquer what would become Saudi Arabia after WWI where the Brittish conquered, invaded and dismembered the Ottoman Empire.

In the U.S., Carter was an early heavy hitter with terrorist brigade creation. HE (not Reagan) was the one that first paid bin Laden & co to add their foreign, fanatically violent, terrorism point to the ‘too nice and ineffective’ AfPak Islamic Mujaheddin (later al Qaida, then ISIS/DAESH) to do the dirty work in taking down the U.S.S.R. when his communism-hating idol/buddy/NSA Chief Brzezinski (Mika’s daddy) recommended it. I think he is worried that he’ll go to Hell for causing so much murder and mayhem, so he alone among retired Presidents is doing honestly good work for the world as PENANCE. Religion does bring an occasional soul to do good work, but not any of our other bloody warmongering Presidents all, (much less the trained ‘holy’ warriors/political terrorists) who are only trying to grab more and more and more before getting to rape all those virgins in ‘Heaven’.)

Of course, our government was only copying their Brittish Empire mentors in how to control the Earth for private gain, so can we really blame them??? lol

Ariel Cohen

Absolutely inane points. Your simplistic sweeping statements are ridiculous, to say the least. Your assumptions and presumptions about the above people and points clearly indicate a twisted soul, full of hate and judgmentalism. get an education or grow up before commenting on these grown up people forums will you? This is not a kiddie discussion group. Your views of world history betray your childishness. .


There’s a name for what you’re doing. It’s ritual defamation. Please desist and debunk the arguments you disagree with.


The vitriol that explodes from this “Ariel Cohen” against perfectly good comments got me investigating. He must hate you and consider you dangerous because you are right on the mark with nicely considered comments.


Thanks, but I did choose to attack him personally along with honest points I was attempting to make in frustration and too much anger. I think him a fool, but I won’t hold it against him. Many born agains seem to have the most screwed up and surprisingly hateful concepts as they claim to personally love Jesus above all others, a real or perhaps just mythological man of supreme love and forgiveness.


Thanks for telling me how you set him off. He apparently was born-again out of desperation and felt threatened by you.


Certainly by my assumed ovaries as all true Jesus Freaks are. I think his mind is like those infamous younger misogyinistic gamer-tech-heads but lacks the willingness to threaten to rape me. Btw, I’d really like to follow you (I don’t follow hardly anyone) but respect you privacy controls.) Would you mind following me so I can hope to run into you?


I’ll can’t resist your invitation because of your propensity to issue deeply considered comments.

Please understand that I began to keep my history private because of some really nasty trolls stalking me. So I suggest that you reserve that to yourself as a future defensive option. You can also use the blocking temporarily to lift the attack and then restore access to your history when pest has likely moved onto other people.

I found that I liked keeping the blocking because it freed me from being reproached for things I said years ago without sufficient inquiry or mature restraint. I can get pretty vicious toward those persistently mendacious while supporting policies of great immiseration of others. Sometimes, I just want to indulge myself in being childish without everyone knowing about it in the far future.


As I said, I do respect that, and will keep your suggestion in mind. As a warning, I am an extremely intermittent blogger and completely drop out for lengthy periods from exhaustion.


But, I’m clearly a traitor to American Neoliberalconland Global Empire since I have been becoming ‘woke’ to the corruptions of the real world.


No, the ruling elites of the “American Neoliberalconland Global Empire” has been traitor to you, me, and all of us. They deserve to be deported to Mars. Elon Musk is working on that. He will lead them.

Corruptions of the real world? In a series of short lectures, Russian historian Andrei Fursov offers very educated and intriguing perspectives on them. I like them also because Fursov doesn’t hit us with a two hour bomb into which everything diffuses, and the take home lessons become obscure. His short lectures are generally 6-8 minutes and are right on point through out. That also makes for easy review, since you only have to scan the list of lectures to find what is immediately important to you. Here are some of his lectures. After you’ve watched a few, YouTube will start suggesting other educated and experienced lecturers too. They also tend to be somewhat dry, but that’s okay to me when they are thick with thought.

How Jews blackmailed Nelson Rockefeller in 1947 mengutimur Published on Oct 29, 2017 Andrei Fursov (Андрей Фурсов) – Russian historian, sociologist, writer, organizer of science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW1EtaNzDnQ 6:02

Does a world government exist? ulaghchi Published on Jan 5, 2015 Andrei Fursov (Андрей Фурсов) – Russian historian, sociologist, writer, organizer of science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIatYEpOWYE 5:10

Why capitalism is dying and making you dumb jabarbadi Published on Jan 6, 2015 Andrei Fursov (Андрей Фурсов) – Russian historian, sociologist, writer, organizer of science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4Ge6_V-zpg 6:54

Chernobyl disaster was a result of sabotage ulaghchi Published on Aug 11, 2016 Andrei Fursov (Андрей Фурсов) – Russian historian, sociologist, writer, organizer of science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_wzZqL7v0I 6:19

Why capitalism no longer produces inventions jabarbadi Published on Oct 19, 2016 Andrei Fursov (Андрей Фурсов) – Russian historian, sociologist, writer, organizer of science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REDY2a7Yahk 4:50

Was Vladimir Lenin an agent of the capitalists? ulaghchi Published on Jan 2, 2016 Andrei Fursov (Андрей Фурсов) – Russian historian, sociologist, writer, organizer of science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocWA2UtERHg 6:45

Rothschild vs. Rockefeller ulaghchi Published on Jul 30, 2014 Andrei Fursov (Андрей Фурсов) – Russian historian, sociologist, writer, organizer of science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBw6ZKg3b14 8:35


BTW, as a Californian and until very recently a lifetime Democrat, I did not vote for Feinstein in her previous election, nor will I ever vote again for her or any other conspiratorial royalist. She does not believe in small-d democracy, nor does she believe in peace. As a very wealthy Senator (also married $$$) she believes in war for profit, just like all the Republican ‘neocons’ and Democratic ‘neoliberals’ that make her richer and richer as we the people, become poorer and poorer. Thanks for the video, but it will take some time to get through the 3 hours.


Note that when you add to a previous statement by using the “Reply” button, you addition can be separated from the original statement. I get around that by editing into the original changes the addition or changes, copying out the revised statement, deleting it, then posting as originally. That way the person being responded to also gets a notice of the revision by way DISQUS email.



Samantha Best

And Bird Of Prey is APACHE’s bitch


Are you really so stupid like a Murrican?

1. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant did not declare war on U.S. civilians. In fact, even in its first declarations, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant refers to the fact that it had been wrongfully bombed by the United States of Aggression; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant did kill a number of U.S. civilians, whom it called spies.

3. The U.S.A. had no right to go after them under UN Article 51. Here is what the article says: “Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.” Thus, an armed attack must be carried out before “self-defence” may be claimed; apparently, no armed attack occurred against the U.S.A. before the U.S.A. itself attacked the I.S.I.L. However, what is really important is that the United Nations Security Council did address this and did take the above-mentioned measures in the form of the resolution 2170 (S/RES/2170) of 15 August 2014, “Reaffirming the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Republic of Iraq and Syrian Arab Republic, and reaffirming further the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,” which overrides any rights that you claim from Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, which means that even in your claimed self-defence you must respect the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic”, which the U.S.A. has been grossly violating.

4. The United States of Aggression went in and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant was still expanding it territory for about a year, until Russia intervened. You killed many of them, then you saved the rest and integrated them among your forces, which is widely attested, now killing anyone who tries to kill your newfound Islamic State allies.

Educate yourself, fool.


Are you really so stupid like a Murrican?

1. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant did not declare war on U.S. civilians. In fact, even in its first declarations, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant refers to the fact that it had been wrongfully bombed by the United States of Aggression; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant did kill a number of U.S. civilians, whom it called spies.

3. The U.S.A. had no right to go after them under UN Article 51. Here is what the article says: “Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.” Thus, an armed attack must be carried out before “self-defence” may be claimed; apparently, no armed attack occurred against the U.S.A. before the U.S.A. itself attacked the I.S.I.L. However, what is really important is that the United Nations Security Council did address this and did take the above-mentioned measures in the form of the resolution 2170 (S/RES/2170) of 15 August 2014, “Reaffirming the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Republic of Iraq and Syrian Arab Republic, and reaffirming further the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,” which overrides any rights that you claim from Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, which means that even in your claimed self-defence you must respect the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic”, which you have been grossly violating.

4. The United States of Aggression went in and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant was still expanding it territory for about a year, until Russia intervened. You killed many of them, then you saved the rest and integrated them among your forces, which is widely attested, now killing anyone who tries to kill your newfound Islamic State allies.

Educate yourself, fool.

jim crowland

Calling a mass murderer government “legal” is quite ridiculous


Loads of Americans call their government legal though.


Yeah because Syria is American soil. Go home Yankee.


In coffins.


Self defence in a country that you invaded? Act of war you have no legal bases to be in syria! So you killed a lot of russians! Have that in mind it will come back to you!


You use the name of a noble Tribe ; but your language shows no nobility .


Apaches were not noble. :)


Apaches are still noble . You have never had the honor of knowing one . You have never known the south-west desert, never mind its people .


The nama apache gave the other tribes. It means Enemy. Apaches were never noble, never seated anything, never had animals. Always only pillaged from another tribes. They were simply parazites.


As if you would know. You, and all the other shills out there, have no idea what honor even is, how could you possible know anything about being honorable or a noble person?


Fuck your horse!

Samantha Best

APACHE – A Poofta’s Asshole Constantly Haemorrhaging Excrement… in other words your mouth is where your asshole is and shit is continually dribbling from your ass/mouth. ;-)


Like the holocaust was a “humanitarian operation” in self-defense of the German nation.

al quaida

The irony of a pro US troll naming itself Apache…

Bulgarian God

Go, go, go ! Nuke these Assad bastards ! :)


Do not wish that or Turks will soon come to Bulgaria to open again some hareems, ie. brothels. At least they in this way could create some job opportunities for Bulgarians (girls), maybe not so bad!


You’re not a Bulgarian. Most Bulgarians I know have a brain and if they’re not Pro-Russian they’re at least not Anti-Russian.

Bulgarian God

I’m bulgarian. You are communist shit! :)

Robert Duran

No .. Thats a Bulgarian transgender


By Empire rules, and how the Great Game must be played (to avoid greater war) Russia MUST strike back against similar America forces, and HARDER. Instead Putin allowed US proxy Israel to strike all across Syria at will, and watched as another Deep State terror attack in Russia itself took the lives of another jet full of Russians.

Remember how Putin moved Heaven and Earth to DENY the terrorist bombing of the russian jet out of Egypt (even tho the terrorists provided day one footage of the jet exploding high in the sky using an altitude trigger). Only when Putin could no longer hold back that truth did he admit it was a terror attack. Then we had Britain downing the jet full of military musicians on the way to perform at the celebration for the liberation of Aleppo. That time Putin sat on his hands and allowed the celebrations to be canceled- a pure victory for MI6.

Team Saker sez America can come up to Russia in the bar, insult her mother, spit in her vodka, pour beer over her head, shoot her dog, and Mother Russia should just stand there weakly smiling and TAKE IT- because obviously Russia must NEVER be allowed to act for GOOD in the way America acts for EVIL.

Russia is currently being treated like the most worthless cur at the Winter Olympics- a humiliation unprecedented in Human History- and Putin not only takes it, but rewards the demons subjecting Russia to such ignomy by voting FOR their depraved resolutions at the UN.

Yes we know Putin pats Russia’s pride and joy, a nuke so powerful it doesn’t just destroy New York City, but the entire New York STATE in one ‘bang’- but is THAT how we think the game is played. Russia taking beating after beating until Russia snaps and partners the Deep State in the End of the World? The Saker, in every word it utters (from jewish homeland Florida, USA), wants you to think so.

Love your kids more. Love your friends more. Love Greater Humanity more. Demand that Putin punch the USA so hard on the nose, Americans are still feeling the blow two hundred years hence, long after the demonic bully instinct was fully extinguished in that nation (thus saving the world).


Nice shot!

John Whitehot

bite ass shlomo.

Christopher Higgins



Hahahahaahaha Russia hit them hard? hahahahahaahahahaha Russia knows they’d be humiliated. Rest in piss Russian terrorists

George King

You are no Apache you wannabe warrior. You laugh like squaw scorned. Cochise, Victorio, and Geronimo led various Apache bands in resisting white Anglo and Hispanic encroachments on their lands and their Unalienable Rights.

John Whitehot

shlomo go away.

Doom Sternz

Recently the illegal U.S. occupation force in north-east Syria attacked a group of Syrian government aligned troops. The incident happened north-east of Deir Ezzor city on the east side of the Euphrates.

The “attack on coalition forces” the U.S. claimed as justification for its bombing was a complete lie and in reality never happened. Just one more US war crime in support of terrorism, against international law and UN mandates.

Heres what actually happened…………….A small area across the Euphrates north-east of Deir Ezzor had been taken by Syrian government forces months ago. It is near some oilfields which the U.S. wants to keep away from the Syrian government.

The valuable oil and gas fields are currently in the hands of local Arab tribes who earlier worked with the Islamic State and are now allied with the YPG/PKK Kurds under the name Syrian Democratic Forces. The YPG/PKK is a registered US terrorist organisation which the CIA renamed SDF for obvious reasons.

Local deals were made between the Syrian government side and local Arabs holding the oil fields. The U.S. told the SDF to move out of the way. When the government aligned groups started to take over the field the U.S. bombed them.

Smith Ricky

Long live SAA

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Russian contractors working outside of Russian military air support… I’d strongly doubt it.


The Anglo Zionist Empire = The Real Evil Empire.

Joe Doe

This would never happen, if Vladimir Zhirinovsky had presidency in Russia. Putin act like Chamberlain before 2 world war

John Whitehot

Yeah, it’s the wettest dream of you zionists, Russia and the US slaughtering each other and jews taking over the rest.

The problem is that Israel will get vaporized day one, together with all there is to take.

Joe Doe

You nothing more than pig

John Whitehot

groin groin grunt


jews can take nothing without USA and Russia. The day there is no more USA and no more Russia, jews would be in big troubles.


after such war there will be no jews.

Ariel Cohen

Zhirinovsky even wanted to take Alaska back to Russia. .lol


But… what is so funny about it? The contract is still there on paper, it exists. that it was a deal for 200 years it is already over. Plus they never paid the full price for it only the half. I dont find it this funny to take back what you have sold or only the half.

Bird of Prey

It was a bill of sale. Alaska stays American until hell freezes over.


And what about not getting payd for a deal? Isnt it busted then?


Apache I’m calling you out as the lowlife scumbag you are because you don’t represent me or my family or millions of other “sane” Americans who don’t want war with Russia or China or Iran or even North Korea. We are tired of the wars for the Globalist Elite, we are tired of wars for the Zionists.

John Whitehot

that’s not an american, that;s a shlomo stirring it up like all of its kind normally does. don’t be manipulated by them, they are apes just like we are.

Manuel Flores Escobar

These airstrike are posible because Syria as well as Russia dont deploy SAM system in Deir ezzor airport enabling US forces to attack SAA when they want without risk!

Jens Holm

No, its not. What a crap.

Its like they crossed Eufrat not even knowing the heavy fortified ISIS frontlines was there. They also shouted SDF for help to take DEZ. When SDF came, those were airstriked delaying the takings from ISIS fast and are still blamed for grabbing oil.

Its all over. Ragga was letting ISIS escaoe to fight SAA. When SDF soon after actually closed it, they were blamed killing so many cuívilians in it.

So crap, crap.

Syria incl helpers has not even good troops mat Dez to Aby Kamal. They also are nor many enoiugh and ignore very good examples of how the US defence zone has its borders.


It’s because either Putin is so a pussy that he fears to fight USA in Syria or Putin is working with USA.

Either way, people will start to understand that Putin is overrated.

Russia is so desperate to join the west camp and to be part of this camp that they made big concessions to the west. But, the west hates Russia and always humiliates Russia with lies, bullies, ejected from olympics, demonized, sanctions, …. But, Russia is always so deseperate to be part of the west.

In the same way, Aztecs still welcomed Spaniards despite slaughtering, Iraqis still colaborate with USA despite genocide and nuclear weapons dropped in Iraq, Sunnis still loves USA despite USA is making a plan against them, ….

People who love their ennemis will die. All we see is logic. And I have said it way before.


How do you want to expell USA from Syria if you don’t make clear that ISIS has been created by USA to invade Syria ?????

How do you want to stop USA using sunni terrorism if you don’t make clear that 9/11 was an inside job and a conspiracy ????

No way you can protect from these evil people if you want to play double game.

That’s why I support Iran. Only Iran made both very clear despite not being a super power.


Too bad Iran doesn’t have a meaningful air force, and minimal air-defense tech of its own it seems.

Bird of Prey

Iran needs to stop causing trouble in Sunni countries or it’s eventually gonna’ get a serious ass kicking.

Robert Duran

By who.. Saudi Arabia???


Iran is causing solution. USA is causing troubles.


Tipical russian lies method! Weak ago declined the presence of any russian contractors. Now MAYBE. After one month wil say the truth. I never understood, why lie the russians in slear situations? They have the lies in blood??

Sp, what now? Russia tolerates such things? Towarishch Pootyin, where is the nuke strike, as you told several times in autumn 2015? Ha?!


Pootyin, the “brilliant” chess player overcombined the game.

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