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Video: US Volunteer Runs Into Hail Of ISIS Gunfire And Rescures Young Girl In Mosul

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Fox News has released a video showing how an aid worker rescued a young girl from alleged ISIS snipers in the Iraqi city of Mosul.

“David Eubank, a 10-year veteran of the Army Special Forces, abandoned caution to save the young girl by running into an open area in the middle of war-torn Mosul, grabbing her and running her back. Amazingly, both he and the girl survived.

“I thought, ‘If I die doing this, my wife and kids would understand,’” Eubank told the Los Angeles Times.

The video shows Eubank readying himself to save the girl behind a tank as gunfire erupts around him. He waited for the coalition forces to drop smoke before rushing into the open area while his colleagues put down covering fire with AK-47-style rifles. The whole event only took about 12 seconds,” The Daily Caller’s article reads.

The event reportedly took place outside a former Pepsi factory in Mosul earlier in May.

“Eubank is used to offering help in dangerous situations. Aside from his decade of military experience, he has also worked as an aid worker in Burma, where he delivered aid to areas where normal volunteers simply could not go. He formed the Free Burma Rangers while living abroad, but the group’s mission has recently focused on the ISIS issue,” the article added.

Iraqi security forces are currently working to drive ISIS terrorists from the historical part of Mosul and nearby areas. The area known as Old Mosul is the only remaining ISIS stronghold inside the Iraqi city.

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eric zweistein

Thanks for the CIA-Fox news, SouthFront !


I don’t care what they do the usa is still, and always will be, the scum of the earth.


You should always differentiate between a country’s government and its policies, and the people who live in it. I know I don’t feel represented at all by my own government, and its utterly subservient minionship to US foreign policy. Does that make me scum of the Earth too?


Well may be but I don’t see why. You know when they where incinerating Vietnamese villages and the people in them with napalm it was not Lyndon Johnson flying the planes, it was blameless us citizens. Saves your breath if you feel inclined to accuse me of hating americans.

Solomon Krupacek

you bastard, the us civilians protested solong, that the government had to stop the war.


I normally don’t reply to bullshit but I will make this an exception. The us fought for ten years, it ended because you where defeated. If you don’t know what defeat looks like or can not conceptualize that such a thing could ever happen to the greatest nation on earth then may be the best you can do is call me a bastard.

Gleni Polus

America was realy power ful att that time so if they wanted then they could have crushed the commis it was the fucking people who dident alow it by protesting. B

Solomon Krupacek

they were not defeated. the is army could win the war. the politicians gave up. similar liaku ussr in afghanistan. i remember, the crucioal big russian offensive was stopped. too much cicilians would die. theis was the reason.

btw., in america are protest against us wars. in russia not.


So, what ! You can protest whatever you want. Still USA has a bi-party game in power (Democcrat-republican-democrat-republican—, two periods each according with the well behavior). IF joung people are SO FREE in USA ¿ why the go every srping to México to feel freedom and do whatever they like ?

Solomon Krupacek

look, i am not interested in your bullshits. it is historical fact, that the vietnam war was stopped by civil protests. also the blacks got rights via civil protests. in russia is this way impossible.

your last queastion is totally idiot q.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Americans full well know that the US has not been the greatest nation on the earth for 100 years now. Those days are long gone. Today the US is like the 20th best nation on earth. The majority of the US wants an end to the Federal Government, and to kick out the Zionist. But the UN and European-socialist keeps Zionist in power at every point. The CIA is not an American organisation, they are an international organisation originally envisioned by the UK to help the UK Empire maintain control over the earth, and originally modeled after England’s secret service. (The UK wrongly manipulated the US into fighting WW2 for them) They will loose there power over nation-states once nations of the earth dissolves the UN. Once the world gets tired of globalism, then the Global agenda dies and dries. Then the CIA will shrink for there will be little cooperation with them around the world. Within a few years the CIA will be 1/3rd the size. But as long as 80% of the countries of the world want internationalism and international travel, then the CIA and Mi6 and Mossad will always have vast breeding grounds. End this arrogant desire, and the arrogant’s dies with this faulty fantasy of misplaced science-fiction. It is the same arrogant desire that drove Babylon, and the UK and Persia, and Genghis Khan, and Marxism, and Rome and on and on. The desire to put everyone into one like minded government, tax them, and make every race follow the same laws. That is Romanism, that is Babylonianism, that is the UK, Persia and so on. In the end it never works, but only after millions died to force everyone to be together, and in the end tribalism is natures healthy way. This is also the only thing that has thus far prevented the mark of the beast from being placed upon us all. http://www.ihr.org


Please tell us what defeat looks like? Because all I see in Vietnam is a Nike factory? If you cant conceptualize such a thing as one guy who went to Iraq to fight with the Iraqi army who had a pair of balls to do something about ISIS beyond getting on a keyboard then maybe the best you can do is talk shit about it?

Virgil Cane

Not sure if you noticed Paul, most Americans were pretty pissed when the truth about Vietnam finally made it to them.


So long as they felt bad about it then that’s alright then. There is nothing like a bit of guilt, then miraculously all the dead Vietnamese came back to life and everyone was happy.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I like the Vietnamese, and I believe the Vietnam war was wrong and 100% the idea of the Jew Henry Kissinger. But Asians after all have committed the largest genocides in history, including Genghis Khans genocide of 145-million indigenous Russians and Europeans over a 300 year period. The Asian genocide of 127-million Chinese in the name of Left-wing Atheism. And do not forget the Asian genocide of the indigenous Solutreans and Clovis peoples. To somehow only point the finger one way is arrogant. If I could snap my fingers, I would have prevented the US from ever helping France in Vietnam or Korea or Europe in either World War. But I cannot bring back the millions of dead Vietnamese or indigenous-Europeans because the US went to war with them. Luckily the US never gave the Vietnamese the same treatment they gave to central Europeans. Or else the Vietnamese would be wiped out and would be getting ethnically-replaced and it would be illegal to be a proud-Vietnamese. Had the U.S. lost the first world war, then Vietnam would have never happened. :) http://www.ihr.org


The murder of other people over other people DOES NOT JUSTIFY THE MURDER YOU HAVE DONE. Just remember the USA used atomic bomb by cowardice since they not want to risque fighting with japanness hand to hand.

Virgil Cane

that’s not what i was implying paul. regardless, i see your blinded and forced to think in black and white, good guy and bad guy terms. seems world is a bit too dynamic for you.

Gleni Polus

Yes they where pissed att there own goverment


YES ! you by you own must be responsible of your acts (it could be to obey and order).

Gleni Polus

Yes but this those not mean to hate the people in there to dumb ass

haha funny comment, and maybe true… maybe lol


Bullshit propaganda. Please not here!


Why? Because a human being from America did something good? Does that infringe on your feelings of hatred of everything that country stands for to think that individual Americans can be good?


Go and watch White Helmets videos…


Have mercy! There is already Hollywood doing this…

Virgil Cane

It’s ok to recognize imperial stupidity among American policy makers, but if that leaves you thinking all Americans are evil and dumb and part of their game, you are as stupid as the policy makers.


Right! We have to exclude 5000 followers of the CPUSA from the rest of Americans dumb.


The Pro Russian brainwashed fools drank too much Vodka and their Eastern European brains turned to mush. That’s why their women advertise on web sites to us American guys who still can get a hard on and lay them right! You sorry ass bitches-the guys not your women.

Seriously, the guy did a good deed and that should be celebrated regardless his origin. You drunk fucks are too God damn stupid to know the difference.

I work in medical field and have dealt with Eastern Europeans like Ukrainians and Russians and no one is in any hurry to go back. Get it in your small craniums that not all Americans agree with all our Government policies nor are John McCain maniacs.

I only come to this site to get more objective information regarding world events, not to enjoy the dribble from the bar stool generals.

Gleni Polus

Wtf dude why do you have to be so butthert about such stuff. This those not mean that the coulision is good this just means that behind evry army bad or good there is always a man who will sacrufais his life for others.


I respect heroism wherever it occurs.

Mr. Costelol

We weren’t there to judge if it was true heroism or if it was staged. The US should bomb more carefully, avoiding civilians and allies on the ground. This is most likely PR directed at the home audience – to support the idea “our troops are doing some good there, occupying those folk over there.”


I know, I’m hopelessly naive when it comes to heroism! ;)

Mr. Costelol

It’s a battle for hearts & minds, as well as for resources and positions.


Just one needs to have in mind that USA-NATO-Israel were the creators of ISIS, Daesh and anexas terrorists. If you do not forget this fact, you can admire whover of these does different thing.

Nabir oBar

Ooo so cutee… This https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DB85xIvXkAALKpu.jpg Baby transported by an SyAAF chopper, from DerEzzur to receive medical treatment in Damascus , and he had fun during the flight.


My God, what a bullshit, i can’t believe SF posted this… that’s the lowest so far… what’s next, to post White Helmets videos??? I’m a bit disappointed, but will regard this just as accident…

Solomon Krupacek

this is called objective journalism


Reportage helps to show that SF is impartial, unlike the corp-0-rat media which is full of journalism.

Real Anti-Racist Action

If it happens it happens, and should not be censored like the BBC and Norwegian media censor everything. If it is true, then it should be reported on here regardless if it is good, bad, or somewhere in-between. This is why I prefer SouthFront over FOX, CNN, BBC, JPOST or any other social engineering project usually ran by Atheist or fake-Monotheist practicing polytheist. http://www.ihr.org


No, actually my point is that this is ultimately fake Hollywood bullshit video that shouldn’t be posted here nor anywhere on the world except on CNN BBC FOX shit. Don’t let me be misunderstood, i am with all my heart for objective, censor-free journalism, but i find posting isis videos killing bunch of civilians more appropriate than this nonsense, not because i like isis and murder, but because this is reality, this is actually happening somewhere…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This an old video they have cleaned it up everyone is sitting against the wall are all injured and were placed there by the “medic” who directed the placement . This was taken after the area was secured no one was shooting he cued the guy to fire by tapping him on the shoulder , the camera guy told him he was set .This a mercenary company Media crew and not volunteers either , they arrived in the area and did the same thing in other areas with these fake rescues .


If this isnt staged, that was heroic and ballsy. Yes its fox or cnn or whatever, but why hate on it if its true? Its NOT as bad as a clearly staged white helmet video.


Saved one, killed 10000000000 more.


If you save one you are a hero, if you kill 1 million you are a statesman


Exactly, this is the point. And the one they saved make it public all over the world with the best image as possible. The one millions death, …. do not put attention to that, is collateral damage.


The US has developed Hollywood Style fantasy to new heights. IF this was in fact a selfless act by the US citizen I applaud it BUT if it was just another White Helmets Style fake rescue the US has descended to new lows of depravity.

Very few believe anything the US claims anymore or anything their Fake News MSM says. The US leadership and much of the population are essentially a nation of bullshitters.


If US media released this footage along with the (at least) hundreds of other children being killed as a result of their air/drone strikes then maybe I could stomach the releasing of this footage. As it is…this is prue propaganda, even if unstaged.

Gleni Polus

Wtf they have to bomb the enemy in order to capture mosul. Russia is doing the same, syrian goverment too. i dont apose them because they have to in order to capture a city


Hahaha…..hahaha..hahaha… 1 saved-10 killed


Didnt see any Sniperfire! When this is promoted by CNN and other Brainwashing institutions then i say it, FAKE.


Remember that northamerican people always want to be or find between them a hero !!! Otherwise his life worth nothing,

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