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MARCH 2025

Videos 21+: Russian Tank Fired At Group of Soldiers at Close Range

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On April 11, horrific footage was shared online. The video shows how the tank is firing at close range at a group of soldiers. The exact reasons and circumstances of the shot are unclear, as well as the place of the incident.

The strike targeted a BMP on the side of the road, where the group was standing.

The tank was identified as a Russian one, presumably, T-72B3.

Videos 21+: Russian Tank Fired At Group of Soldiers at Close Range

Click to see full-size image

Judging by the environment, the video was made in the Kiev, Chernihiv or Kharkiv region. The uniform of the dead soldiers is not typical for the uniform of the Russian Army. The Russian military does not have black bulletproof vests. The DPR and LPR forces were not deployed in these regions. Black vests are usually used by the press or volunteers, Ukrainian civilians of the so-called territorial defence or foreign mercenaries. One man in black can be seen filming an approaching tank.

Later, the consequences of the shot were reportedly shared by eyewitnesses. The footage confirms that the victims are Ukrainian servicemen, or members of the so-called territorial defence of the AFU, i.e. armed civilian volunteers.

This video of dead Ukrainian soldiers lying next to a Russian infantry fighting vehicle has not been published before.

The video was made by Ukrainians on one of the Ukrainians checkpoints. The man in jeans is seen on the video soon after the incident. The camera man was filming near a car which looked like a civilian one.

Highly likely this was a point of local territorial defence.


A little later, the video from the spot was voiced over and shared on the social media. The man with camera allegedly claims that this was a Russian tank. It is unclear who did the voiceover and for what purposes.


The footage was immediately used for propaganda purposes. The Ukrainian side claimed that Ukrainian soldiers captured a Russian tank and fired at the Russian military. In fact, rather the Russian crew hit a group of soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, local defence or mercenaries. Or the crew of Ukrainian soldiers on a captured Russian tank hit a BMP with a Russian V sign on the road, not seeing clear signs of the local Ukrainian territorial defense of mercenaries or even confusing them with disguised Russian soldiers near the Russian vehicle.


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no peace until denazification complete

Ghost of Kiev

How does something like this even happen? A single Russian tank driving alone into a Ukrop checkpoint and taking out all the defenders? I guess the plan was quite literally to do something nobody would expect, and clearly they didn’t. I guess the Russians had abandoned some equipment in this area, and so this 1 Russian tank drove back under the guise of being “captured”. That’s why he just calmly drove directly at the entire pack of goblins to make it seem like it’s under ukrop control.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ghost of Kiev

More likely it was friendly fire from an Ukrainian tank.. saw the russian vehicle and assumed the crew was outside

Ghost of Kiev

I suppose that too is possible, considering all the footage we’ve seen from before, Ukrainian tanks shooting at each other in Kiev even when there’s no Russians present there, or crushing civilian cars. I guess that’s what happens when you arm toilet cleaners with weapons.

Elohim Kosher Bar

I realize some of you get your jollys off of people killing people and that the trolls need to make their rent money, but the jewish Ritual Blood Sacrifice of Passover starts April 15th, 2022. Christians killing Christians for the jewish ritual blood sacrifice is EXTREMELY RETARDED.

****Don’t take you eye off the ball: 1) Number of convictions from the Ghilaine Maxwell trial = ZERO. Jewish Pedophile Epstein didn’t kill himself. 2) Jewish caused Covid death shots are becoming increasingly noticeable.

Daddy doesn’t give you what you want. Daddy gives you what you need. You are welcome.

Elohim Kosher Bar

For more on Jewish Ritual Blood Sacrifice PLEASE WATCH the video.

Search for: goyimtv (dot) tv “A History of Ritual Blood Sacrifice – Jewish Ritual Murder”.

Remember, the corrupt oligarch, Igor Kolomoisky (jew) of Dnepropetrovsk and Victoria Nuland (Nudelman – jew), the USSA, Inc, Under Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs, financed and are directing the comedian coke head Zelensky (jew) of Ukraine. Sprinkle in a bit of Soros (jew) and Rothschilds (crypto jew) to complete the stew.

The AshkeNAZI fake jews hate the TRUTH.

Elohim Kosher Bar

Southfront is blocking posts again. I guess their following Yankistani censorship.


It’s not censorship. My posts never get censored. You were probably using banned words, that is all.

mike brown

probably missclick bro


Perhaps, there was no machine gun fire. Weird things happen in war. Happy ending nevertheless 😀

Pamfil Military Academy

I believe that too. The tank was captured by ukrainians and because almost nobody wear blue ribbons there assumed they were russians. I think I heard the guys from tank swearing when filming the carnage.


Not likely. Ukrainians always wear blue, that is their national color actually. Russians always wear white on their arm. Those who got shelled at are very typical of Ukrainians, not Russians.

Elohim Kosher Bar

Southfront is blocking posts AGAIN. Naughty, naughty AshkeNAZI slaves!!!


Chill. Sometimes if spend too long writing a comment, or wait too long to click Post Comment, it just won’t process and load, seems publishing system has its glitches.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens

Not likely. The parked tank and the men in military uniform were far too close to each other. No military person would risk a tank cannon shot at another tank or vehicle, knowing your own men are right next to it. There is zero chance that they would not be killed.


Poor ukrainians soldiers. They die for nothing. Zelensky and Biden are laughing and dancing


zelensky is doing a lap dance for Biden in his high heels


Zekensky is a sock puppet with a hand up his backside – the hand belongs to the US Consulate Staff of Kiev (now of course relocated to Poland).


Yes Zelensky with his 1,5 billion dollar.


When the truth about him is finally so overwhelming they can no longer spin him a “hero” instead of an actor playing a despicable part, His 1.5 billion will not be enough to help him buy flip flops at the prison commissary to walk to his hanging in. My take is, He is assassinated by a right wing StooperUker for “treason” when his last line of Elocution is capitulation.


Getting standing ovation from every western parliaments for our dear Wolodimir

mike brown

they laid bait


Unlikely, the cameraman survived, so best guess is “friendly” fire.




Question: https://join-wagner.com/

Why is this blatant bait not been shut down, that’s not how Wagner recruits?!

Putin Chess 4D

Shut down by who? Wagner is very strong.


Wagner doesn’t even exist. It’s a US fiction, like El Kayduh.


What Wagner…? No one’s been able to prove its existence. It seems to be a journalistic folk myth that started with a Russian guy’s call sign, which mutated into a full blown phantom, and has since been used as propaganda by both sides. Urban myths have a life of their own…


There is Not Wagner in Algeria. Wé have a strong army.We have good relations with Russia and China. Only the problème is Tel-Aviv

Carl Bunker

Wagner? Arent that the faithless whores, that should be shot on sight? i hope someone reveals more and more data of their members


No Richard Wagner was a C19th German classical Romantic-bombastic composer, much loved by ole’ barmy Adolf.

Last edited 2 years ago by SaltyDog
Carl Bunker

never stop dreaming yuri. soon trash putler will get a severe ass kick


No peace, with the crime, in Kiew


Glory to taco meat!


Can someone translate what the cameraman says in both videos?




Bitches, bitches, bitches.

Pamfil Military Academy

If was a russian tank how they after stay there and filming ? And how about the russian tank ?


In was Ukrainian “sukah” = bitch “yebat” = fuck (but that might be voice over after the video. I don’t think that one could calm down so quickly after something like this…)


Oh yeah, before he begun screaming he said. “Here comes our war booty”… 🤣


I’ll meet you bitches at the respawn point!


he takes a tank on camera and says, “oh, well, another captured tank is coming.” And after the shot shouts “AHHH, AHHH, DAMN, DAMN, AAH”))

your daddy

hohols crying and shitting themselves right now. ya love to see it!


Informing the readers: Hohol îs a word to describe non russian speakers (or ucraineans speakers) So… Ho ho ho and a bottle of rum (pardon my french i mean vodka) to the 7 likes.


Hohol / hohliuska = Romanian in my neck of the woods, where 25% are ethnic russian. I know every must know word of the slavic language since i have close childhood friends who thought me. Peace!

Pamfil Military Academy

What do you want to say about romanian Hohol ?


I can’t tell who is who in the video, but it’s obvious that those solders assumed the tank was on their side.


When did you earn your shield?


I think it was one of their own. One man is seen puting his arm up in the air as if he was signaling the tank-driver to stop or slow down. I guess the guy operating the cannon saw the Russian BMP and just fired at will. The dead soldiers were clearly Ukrainian army. Stuff like that happens a lot. People are scary and confused and act spontaneous. On a battlefield information is very important. That is why tanks often use scouts to guide them through territory. You can’t see s**t outside. They only have monitors to look at. Sometimes they even don’t realize something hit them, when their tank dodges an serious attack. They just go as if nothing has happened.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

It certainly looks so, the tank is very close, approaching on an open road, and the cluster of men just remain stationary in open. T-72’s have big diesel engines, they are not stealth, they saw and heard it coming! The white Z is still clearly visible on front of the the BMP. If it was an AUF crew in captured tank, that white Z may have been cause of an AUF on Territorial Defense friendly fire incident.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens

Ukrainian friendly fire for sure. Soldiers near to Russian BTR-1 with Z symbol. Tank did fire.


Imagine the odds: captured Ru tank fire on captured Ru BTR. Killing bunch of Ukros in the process! 🤣🤣🤣


Crazy set of events. Captured tank rolling up to own Ukie checkpoint, then see’s the Z at last minute, and in sudden confused panic fires into crowd. With high explosive fragmentation shell. But it shows Ukies are very disorganized with poor communication abilities between own various groups. It’s all very well creating territorial militia and foreign mercenary militia, but if they can’t communicate with AUF, due to no common equipment, or training to use same channels etc, or even no common language itself, its all a giant clusterfuck!

Last edited 2 years ago by SaltyDog
Timmy Temperance

Well. People have been asking me what to read whilst taking a break from war. I would like to recommend Canton by a dear friend of mine, Khatiam. Available on Amazon Kindle.


You insensitive asshole!


He just saw his buddies going epic on each other and suddenly he’s not in the mood. Classic NATO.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

Screw Amazon. Not a cent for Bezos

Timmy Temperance

Amazon doesn’t get the money. I also dislike Amazon but it is a practical platform. The author, Khatiam, gets the money.

Last edited 2 years ago by Timmy Temperance
Pamfil Military Academy

Correct. A ‘great’ figure of NWO.


Read “Cezar” by Alexandre Dumas. It îs a good lecture. Enjoy!


Any of Dumas’ books are down time well spent : )

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens
Karl Wolfe

Meat 🥩 looks ready! Fire up the Grill !


Put youself in the position of the grilling meat. And turn on the heat. War îs terrible no joke!


Probably bunch of recruited Ukrops who had no idea Russians are nearby, and actually no idea what’s the difference between Ru and Ukr tanks. They are not real soldiers, they are civilians in uniforms.


I’m surprised the tank didn’t fire earlier tho.


pro gamer move

Pamfil Military Academy

I’m surprised that the tank didn’t fire CMG/BMG’s instead.

James Brown

Is that an armor piercing round? Guessing tank had an HE round next up on the auto-loader carousel and as they were not expecting this situation, and panic fired, they targeted the men with HE not the parked BMP. Tho that close impact was enough to blast the BMP’s left track out.

Last edited 2 years ago by James Brown

War…. War never changes….


Jesus F Crist

I dont trust you or your god

Can someone please upload a decent torrent of the new Batman movie. The cam rips available are gash!

Uncle Ozzwald

Don’t use the name of the Lord invain!

Simple man

Instant Fried Chicken Kievs. Delicious!


Seems like Territorial Defense, from clothing, which likely explains why they were so poorly stationed and clustered together on an open road. It is an active conflict zone, basic perimeter watches and manpower dispersal applies at all times. If not, this what happens.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens
hans raus

they are chechens from russian side. Its clear that they wear white tape, ukrainian never were white. southfront lies are pathentic and its sign of desperation.

same as here:


Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Ah yes, Twitter. Fuk yourself, there aren’t any white tape around their legs or arm. There is something on the ground and it is white. But you are full of shit saying those “soldiers” had white tapes around their legs or arms.


Hans Go back to sleep please. You are mentally ill by your russophobic behavior. It’s not good for your health.

Last edited 2 years ago by DSB88

Must be your monitor. I see blue ribbons on the (sorry) body parts. But ok hans, you are known to deny everything that remotely indicates your buddies loosing badly. If necessary you even pretend to be completely blind to color. Do they pay you more if its an outright lie, contrary to all evidence presented? I mean, even total embarrassment has a price. How much or maybe little is it?

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum
hans raus dead

They are your Ukro boyfriends, go suck their dicks in hell you infinitely moronic and equally pathetic animal. Absolutely no white tape there – your blind eyes must be full of cataracts and Zelenskys semen. Only BLUE tapes :D

Look again and cry stupid bitch: https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/tank.mp4?_=2

📘B📘L📘U📘E📘 +Ukro flag hahaha

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus dead

What a horrible way to go. It was quick.

James Brown

At that range it would have been instant. Barely registering the flash and the bang. Before any cognitive processing of what was happening could occur, would be scattered all across road.

Last edited 2 years ago by James Brown
Peppe il Sicario

If these Ukiestains had half a brain, they’d turn their guns on that vile SatanicJew turd Zelensky and his jew crew who are purposely destroying their country.


well, these guys have half of a brain now… or less.

Putin's MASSIVE Balls, NATO's empty nutsack

Bingo, but they won’t. This just proves the cretin level IQ of these turds. Think of it as cleansing the gene pool.


Wow! Someone screwed up big time.

But look on the bright side. All of their worldly problems are over.


Noticeably the first corpse has no boots on. Just socks. This is commonly seen with bodies after have been searched post battle. Assuming boots could have been loosely on/unlaced and simply blown off, but is noticeable thing about this corpse.

Last edited 2 years ago by SaltyDog
The maharaja

Yes and the second and third corpse have no legs? Seems that in many places people do not like their issued boots as they are the first to be taken. I think here the 125mm had the ability to take you out of your boots….some are wearing t shoes as well no boots for a lot of the vol defense forces.


Definitely blown off. what you expect when a tank fired a few meters from them


Yes fair call. Was trying to say is curious to see same result happens in different ways in war, sometimes boots taken off, sometimes blown off.

Last edited 2 years ago by SaltyDog
hans raus

Fake title , they use white tape on their legs and they are russian or more likely chechens. Tank was stolen by ukrainian forces and still with russian symbols ,,O” ,,Z” or V. Again Southfront and its propaganda at its best…

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Your account doesn’t add up. The bodies have blue tape and motley sets of uniforms and vest rigs. Most likely Ukrainian Territorial Defense who have no training, so didn’t know to put flag ID on their road checkpoint. This is why in all those videos of Syrian war, all the checkpoints have flag colors painted on barrels or concrete and flags hoisted over frontal lines, to avoid this.

hans raus

They use white tape, its hard to claim that there is anybody with blue tape.

hans raus dead

There is nothing white there, only BLUE tape you moronic braindead corpse with decomposed monkey brain

Look bitch and cry, cry! https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/tank.mp4?_=2

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus dead
hans raus

oh you are right bro, they are ukr, i was playing insurgency sandstorm on my xbox and didnt notice video nr 2.

BTW here is another destroyed russian unit is kharkiv:



Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
hans raus dead

I’m not your bro you dumb animal. Keep your garbage from twAtter for your boyfriend while you are playing gay insurgency on xbox. pathetic little twat.

hans raus

relax bro, we are still friends ;)


There is even an idiot that has the ukaranian flag on his vest. These are likely dead Ukrainanian soldiers or some of their Allies


Hans, seriously dude, check your monitor. Or yet better, go see a doctor. There is really something screwed up with your vision or the peanut you call brain or something.


you are definitely the most retarded troll in the world


And he’s battling multiple Ukroderp imbeciles in SF comment sections for that title. It’s well-earned.


Most likely that’s all him with multiple personality disorder .


Hans only sees dead Russians everywhere. No matter what, it’s always dead Russians. I think that whole debacle for the Ukrainian army loosing that conflict has also done some serious damage to him too. Poor guy!

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

hans rat/tomsewer+1000 gay names, this psychopathic freak spams garbage and hate here all day long, every day of his miserable and failed existence. He’s a mentally diseased obsessive degenerate but above all a total and complete loser idiot.

hans raus dead

Lol cry harder you moronic cocksucker: BLUE tapes and ribbons, ukro uniforms and ukro FLAG on dead bodies.

You are just as blind and braindead as these ukro corpses you pathetic filthy worm.


i see clearly see 3 corpse.. all with blue bands and blue/yellow patches. your color blind ?


You are a moron or high out of your mind bitch, they don’t have a white tape around their legs or arms. The checkpoint is very much like it is under Ukraine’s side not Russia’s as well. I don’t remember Russians blocking roads…why would they?

It is most likely another fuk up from Neo-Nazis, remember these fuking apes can’t even fake a story. West MSM now even saying Russia “may” have committed a war crime.

The maharaja

Hey retard click video #2 and look at them post surgery they are wearing blue armbands uaf camo


Yep. In the video there are no blue nor yellow signs on their uniforms. After the shot every one of them has it – apart from two bodies being completely dismemebered around/in the BMP wreckage.

Seems like a Russian patrol behind the line thinking everything is ok, greating their own tank as a much desired support, only to be fired upon. Blue and yellow bands were surely added after that to cover up their fuck up to their superior officers.


The derp is strong in Ukrotardistan today!

hans raus


russianbots are triggered now


you are not even a troll, you are a chimpanzee on crack ^^^


My God, with what kind of shit they feed you? And you have the right to vote!? God help us!

M from Romania

a lot a bleeat suka … wish i could understand some of the comments in videos


Man the new COD game looks sick


Ukrainian orcs are fighting to be ruled over by jews. How can anyone respect these people? They have no respect for themselves. May they rot in hell.


German lad are you?


Being Anti-Neo-Con and/ or Anti-Globalist does not mean “German” by which you mean Nazi by default. In contrast the ruling regime in Ukraine, a coalition of elite Ashkenazim Oligarchs and extremist Asov-Nationalists openly promote neo-fascism, Bandera worship, and ethnic cleansing.


From the Ukrainian perspective, they’re fighting for independence from Russia

hans raus

Another russian column has been eliminated by ukrainian army



Don’t pay too many video games. It will rotten you brain!


It is okay to lie and fake your stories but no one is buying it, buddy. That video was uploaded an hour ago fuk face and god know when it was taken or where it was from… Also going by how that moron couldn’t hold his phone….it is most likely a fake video.

hans raus

cope mode ? your russian child rapists die one by one and nothing you can do :(

Bruce Leee

Projection, much??!! You are desperately posting links because YOU are in cope mode (or rather not) over the Ukies blowing each other up in THIS news report. Ridiculous twat.


You aren’t even trying to prove me wrong but crying like a Neo-Nazi buddy.

“cope mode?”… buddy, you and I know who is going to win this war – remember Russia wants a road from Crimea to the Russian border, they removed NATO and they would have land/roads between Crimea to Russia.

Anything from here is a win (Plus) for the Russian side.


I fapped to that so hard. Holy shit, it was so enjoyble!

Pamfil Military Academy

That’s 1 month old. Sorry you dumb shit syphilitic retard. Also, you mention it 10 times by now, like a brainless baboon.

Neo Galt

The Ukrainians Nazi it coming. ;-)




Is because ukrainian propaganda say we captured all Russian tanks, and when ukrainian see Russian tank think it must be one of that captured one.

The maharaja

After watching video and seeing comments no idea what t make of it but in the video where the man filming runs its pretty clear the tank can be heard firing a second round. I would guess the Tank crew were just as confused as the check point. Who are these guys? Drove up on them realized it was the UAF and let rip. The second round tells you it was not an accident . Either way it shows what a 125mm blast wave can do to a person.

Tine Milic

I don’t see tank crew being confused. They approached with cannon not locked on target, but locked on one position. That way solders weren’t suspicious of it being enemies tank. That s why tank fires so late. 🤔


Hmm, why the second round? The fist one took them out already i would presume. That blast ripped everyone apart. No need for a second round in my opinion. It is known that Ukrainian soldiery are often on drugs. Either way, it was somehow brutal but in the end that is what a conflict is, people killing others who try to kill them too.


Ukraine friendly fire: Ukronazi were stationed near a captured Russian btr1 with the symbol Z and the Urko tank fired just saw them

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