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MARCH 2025

In Videos: Tiger Forces And Their Allies Crushing MIlitants In Eastern Ghouta

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Videos below provide a look at the ongoing clashes between Syrian government forces and militant groups in the Eastern Ghouta region, near Damascus.

The Tiger Forces, the Syrian Army, the Republican Guard and their allies have recently liberated a large area in the region from militants and now are developing momentum further there. The current goal of the advance is to cut off all key militant supply routes and to besiege their strongholds in urban areas. MORE DETAILS

Militants run away from government forces shelling:

Clashes and airstrikes:

A video from the recently liberated village of Al-Shufiniyah:

A video from the recently liberated village of Al Muhammadiyah:

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good videos thanks!! south front!!!


Here’s a question for all of you. As you know Putin has helped crush wahhabi terror forces in various areas of Syria- yet for the longest time Putin forbade real action against the terrorists in Damascus itself, despite the fact that these same wahhabi radicals were so close to Russia’s original Syrian facilities, they were actually able to mortar strike the Russian embassy again and again over the years. Don’t you find this FACT curious.

Ordinarily, in warfare agaisnt ‘rebels’, you start by eliminating the rebels in the immediate vicinity of the key government cities. But this didn’t happen in Syria. Yet this confounds all standard logic- so what happened?

After the false flag of 9/11, Assad was one of the most enthusiastic members of the “war on Terror”. The West sent captives to Syria for torture and interrogation. Assad was a loyal lapdog of the USA. But the REAL game was getting Assad to allow wahhabi imams to operate across Syria, so ordinary Syrians would be radicalised in readiness for a future time- which of course is NOW.

East Ghouta was a major Saudi base, originally with full support from the very naive Assad. Far from East Ghouta being an enclave of FOREIGN ‘militants’, the region is a result of young Syrians having been raised under Saudi Arabia’s wahhabi doctrines across thier childhood. These people are now fanatics- fanatics who think they own the true vision for Syria’s future.

So back to Putin leaving this region alone for the longest time. Why? Well look at Putin’s main allies in the region. Certainly NOT Iran nor Syria. But Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. And each of these four have one thing in common- rock solid members of the WEST’S sphere of influence.

Saudi Arabia, Israel and Egypt didn’t want East Ghouta touched, so Putin left it alone. Now Putin is finishing off the rebels there, but only as a distraction from the turkish invasion of Syria, and the coming Israeli invasion via the Golan Heights where Israel extends ‘Greater Israel’ once again.

Putin is throwing Assad a ‘bone’ to silence him over the turkish atrocity, and to get him to ‘relax’ over Israeli war crimes and their invasion preparations.

All hell is due to break out in the region when Trump moves the US embassy to Jerusalem, and finally triggers the wider regional wars. Putin, faced with ‘protecting’ Iran and Syria or running is planning to run. To justify himself, Russian interest in Syria will collapse to just the Damascus coastal region- Russia’s bases there, which is why cleansing East Ghouta now is finally acceptable to Russia.

And it is no coincidence that Putin has been playing the “Syria was just a training ground for the Russian military” at maximum volume for the last six months now- culminating in the highly unsubtle use of Russia’s most advanced jets in Syria last week. Putin is preparing for the day when he announces Russia was NEVER about saving Syria.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

he waited for invite from syrian government first.


lol stopped at false flag of 9/11 – another one of these tin foil wearers LOL !!


Why was the hole in the Pentagon facade smaller than the aircraft that the US Government said that flew into it ? Where were the passenger aircraft wings after the supposed impact? Why were the lamp post’s still intact in the crash zone? Why were the engine turbo fan parts smaller than the alleged passenger aircraft ?


Let him he is a Shill.


The Shills are so obvious as well . It us amusing to watch them in action really. Frank must be expecting a bonus :)


Frank Behrens

uhm cute…but not authentic…were are the sidelocks?

Frank Behrens

aaand…that is why? Because YOU (choose) to think (oh well, feel , ould be the better term here) that ?


Yeah… the Pentagon ‘hit’. Twin Towers..? Somehow an aluminium wing sliced through steel girders… but at the Pentagon, the aluminium wings could break a glass window. Funny about that.


You have no idea that the plane uses Nippon steel in their wings. It cuts through steel and anything solid in existence.


It’s not even the nippon steel. That’s highly irrelevant. Its the velocity that the aircraft was traveling at. At those kinds of velocities, the composition of 2 pieces of matter coming into contact with one another becomes increasingly less of a factor. But dumbfucks like trauma and floriangeyer dont know any better. All they know how to do is post some cringeworthy memes or pictures depicting jews or claim that anyone who remotely disagrees with anything they say is on some reptilian/mossad/anglosaxon payroll, or some shit like that. And they think that theyre actually being “funny”. I dont think they realize how cringeworthy some their failed attempts at humor are. I cant imagine them having any sort of friends in the real world.


Yeah, except thats bullshit. There were numerous windows around the pentagon crash site that shattered. Some did not. What the fuck did you expect?


That is the best effort a flaming I’ve come across in several years. Seriously. Some of your insults are straight out of Harrasment 101.

Haters gonna Hate. Flammers gona flame.

But I’m going to hummur the sod anyway.


Ooooh… Unbroken windows. Ooooh… plane doesn’t fit through the hole it made. But I’ll stop. Sod won’t even go and look at because he’s not interested in the forum. He’s just trying to cut people down.


Hmmm. i was wrong about the Boing cuting through the steel of the Twin Towers. Appears it didn’t. Plane just sort of… evaporated without a trace. https://media.giphy.com/media/YdcLK0IVXSxQ4/giphy.gif


Again, you’re a dumbfuck. I just explained that the plane did fit through the hole it made, the wings folded in unto the body upon impact, and the massive explosion from fucking JET FUEL disintegrated most of the plane’s body. At the point of impact the plane turned from a hollow tube to a smoldering fiery fluid mixture, which continued to flow through multiple layers into the pentagon at close to 500 mph. Life is not a fucking cartoon where bugs bunny slams into a wall and leaves an imprint that looks like the shape of bugs bunny.

Aluminum wings cannot cut through reinforced fucking concrete of a military bunker, ESPECIALLY when they are in the process incinerated and broken up by EXPLODING jet fuel. Holy shit youre retarded. And instead of spamming links, learn to construct a fucking argument. Oh good job, you posted a fucking link to some “christian forum” post from 2008 with half the links deleted and half the image attachments expired. Again, this “pentagon wasnt hit by a plane” nonsense has been thoroughly debunked multiple fucking times over the years, and not by some worthless unemployed piece of shit posting photographs without context on some random ass internet forum.


https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2016/10/07/bringing-closure-to-the-911-pentagon-debate/ https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a5659/debunking-911-myths-pentagon/

OH LOOK i can spam links too. GEt fucking bent already, you worthless loser piece of shit. This stuff has been thoroughly debunked multiple times by people far smarter and more qualified than you or your ilk and people who actually understand what critical thinking is.

As for the windows. Again… SOME windows were shattered, some, which were not directly hit by the impact survived. Well NO FUCKING SHIT SHIRLOCK, they are BLAST RESISTANT WINDOWS. Do you know what the fucking pentagon even is? It is a massive fucking bunker made of multiple layers of reinforced concrete and *GASP* BLAST RESISTANT WINDOWS. In other words, you cant just tke a fucking hammer and smash thru them.

But again, you don’t know this or you dont want to know this. Its not because it was an inside job, its because you WANT it to be an inside job because for whatever reason you think that if it is an inside job then perhaps your world view would be somehow more vindicated. Again, objective facts fly straight in your face and do not support your argument.

Lastly, the planes that crashed into the world trade center didn’t “evaporate without a trace” or whatever other dumbshit you posted. It SMASHED into a SKYSCRAPER at well over 300 MPH and the jet fuel EXPLODED.

What part of 300mph + projectile loaded with exploding JET FUEL does not register in your pathetic little pea brain?

What, you want to see fully intact pieces of plane and near little plane shaped holes after something like this?!


God you are fucking stupid. Go see a fucking a shrink.


Again, you’re a dumbfuck. I just explained that the plane did fit through the hole it made, the wings folded in unto the body upon impact, and the massive explosion from fucking JET FUEL disintegrated most of the plane’s body. At the point of impact the plane turned from a hollow tube to a smoldering fiery fluid mixture, which continued to flow through multiple layers into the pentagon at close to 500 mph. Life is not a fucking cartoon where bugs bunny slams into a wall and leaves an imprint that looks like the shape of bugs bunny.

Aluminum wings cannot cut through reinforced fucking concrete of a military bunker, ESPECIALLY when they are in the process incinerated and broken up by EXPLODING jet fuel. Holy shit youre retarded. And instead of spamming links, learn to construct a fucking argument. Oh good job, you posted a fucking link to some “christian forum” post from 2008 with half the links deleted and half the image attachments expired. Again, this “pentagon wasnt hit by a plane” nonsense has been thoroughly debunked multiple fucking times over the years, and not by some worthless unemployed piece of shit posting photographs without context on some random ass internet forum.


OH LOOK i can put up a bunch of urls too! GEt fucking bent already, you worthless loser piece of shit. This stuff has been thoroughly debunked multiple times by people far smarter and more qualified than you or your ilk and people who actually understand what critical thinking is.

As for the windows. Again… SOME windows were shattered, some, which were not directly hit by the impact survived. Well NO FUCKING SHIT SHIRLOCK, they are BLAST RESISTANT WINDOWS. Do you know what the fucking pentagon even is? It is a massive fucking bunker made of multiple layers of reinforced concrete and *GASP* BLAST RESISTANT WINDOWS. In other words, you cant just tke a fucking hammer and smash thru them.

But again, you don’t know this or you dont want to know this. Its not because it was an inside job, its because you WANT it to be an inside job because for whatever reason you think that if it is an inside job then perhaps your world view would be somehow more vindicated. Again, objective facts fly straight in your face and do not support your argument.

Lastly, the planes that crashed into the world trade center didn’t “evaporate without a trace” or whatever other dumbshit you posted. It SMASHED into a SKYSCRAPER at well over 300 MPH and the jet fuel EXPLODED.

What part of 300mph + projectile loaded with exploding JET FUEL does not register in your pathetic little pea brain?

What, you want to see fully intact pieces of plane and near little plane shaped holes after something like this?!



My god you’re retard. Go see a shrink.


Go take an intermediate physics class with a laboratory component in it you dumbfuck. It’s not “aluminum wings sliced thru steel, omg thats impossible durrrr duuurrrr”. No, you fucking dipshit, its aluminum wings traveling at well over 830 kilometers per hour. At those kinds of impact speeds, it doesnt fucking matter as much what the tensile strength or consistency of 2 materials are.

A ping pong ball is orders of magnitude less massive and made of more fragile material than a ping pong paddle. However, if you shoot a ping pong ball at supersonic speeds at a paddle, the pingpong ball will tear a hole thru the paddle, despite being made of light weight plastic.

God you are a dumbfuck. Seriously, shut the fuck up and go take your meds, bitch. The main reason most people dont read or take your crap seriously is NOT because you have something of intellectually unassailable value to contribute. It’s because the shit you post is CRINGE WORTHY RETARDATION. It’s not even worth most people’s time. They can see the bullshit instantaneously.

Objects flying into structures are highly complex phenomena that require a multivariate analysis of all the factors involved. You cannot just be a dumbfuck, look at one factor (such as elementary composition of 2 different objects) and be like “AHA! CONSPIRACY!!!”.

I am so glad morons like you don’t work in science or engineering or infrastructure. Society would be a fucking shithole if we had mumbling unemployed morons like “Trauma” in any of these fields.


“No, you fucking dipshit, its aluminum wings traveling at well over 830 kilometers per hour. At those kinds of impact speeds, it doesnt fucking matter as much what the tensile strength or consistency of 2 materials are.”

This is horse manure. Can you even read and write? So let me get that straight. Based on you “theory” a an egg moving at high speed will cut through steel. You heard it right here folks..


No you fucking retard, it is not horse manure. You’re just a fucking uneducated dumbass. I don’t know about an “egg” as eggs are pretty brittle and have little tensile strength. Assuming you could accelerate an egg at several times the speed of sound and prevent the egg from disintegrating in mid aid from atmospheric friction, yes, it could puncture through a thin sheet of metal while also breaking up in the process.

Again, look at this video. How does a fucking PING PONG BALL made of light plastic, weighing almost nothing puncture a fucking hole through a paddle?

Watch the fucking video and embarass yourself u dumb bitch.


God people like you are a fucking embarassment. That’s why you only post the dribble that you post online. I never hear dipshits like you say this crap irl, because youre an embarassment.


The “hole” in the pentagon was not smaller than the aircraft you dumbfuck. The hole was 75 feet across in the exterior portion of the pentagon that was hit. Stop getting your bullshit information from propaganda like “Loose Change”.

The passenger aircraft wings disintegrated into numerous pieces upon impact. Why on the fuck do you think there would be any intact wings or a “hole” to accomodate the wingspan. A crashing jet doesn’t punch a cartoon-like outline of itself into a reinforced concrete building, you stupid fucking uneducated tinfoil hat wearing dumb piece of shit. Go take some basic physics courses.

3rdly, what “lamp posts” were present at the crash site? There are no fucking lamp posts at the crash site. There are some lamp posts in the vicinity surrounding the pentagon (and yes, some of them were knocked down), however there are none “at the crash site”? Are you a fucking moron? Do you open your front door and have a lamp post right on your fucking porch? Whether or not some nearby lamp posts (not “At the crash site”, cuz that doesnt make any fucking sense) were toppled depends entirely on whether the aircraft was close enough to hit them or whether the explosion from the crash would be powerful enough or close enough to knock them down. There is no evidence that any of this is the case. Only some dumbfuck basement dwelling tinfoil hat wearing retards who think they understand the world because they watched some “truther” propaganda say this crap. The evidence does not.

The turbo fan parts were not “smaller” than the passenger aircraft.

Oh and lets not forget the hundreds of witnesses as well as aircraft wreckage parts that were recovered at the scene.

Oh wait, OF COURSE *sarcasm*.

*sarcasm* OF COURSE, they were mossad/illuminati/new world order/reptilian goons, all of them, collaborating on some elaborate conspiracy, bringing in “fake” aircraft parts, “fake” dead bodies, and “fake” witnesses. All “fake”. Oh and what happened to the aircraft if it was a “cruise missile”? Im guessing aliens from roswell abducted all the passengers form American Airlines flight 77 in order to probe their assholes for zionist research, amirite?

That’s what dumbfucks like you think.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am 100% pro-assad, and I have quite a load to complain about American and Israeli foreign policy, but some of these completely retarded, fully and thoroughly ad-nauseum debunked conspiracy theories are getting old, and thats why noone reads them.

You’re not that fucking intelligent, I promise you, and your so called “arguments” have been rehashed and debunked thousands of times by rational skeptics over the past 16 years, you just never bothered to research or look at the refutations with an honest mind.

You’re just a fucking illiterate, uneducated buffoon sitting at home, with no friends and no family raging away at your keyboard because youre a complete failure at life. You were born a piece of shit and you will die a piece of shit, having accomplished nothing in your life and you know it very well, thats why you lash out at the world with all these completely and thoroughly discredited conspiracy theories.


Your rather course and hysterical reply answers my questions , thank you Hamster and I hope that you are able to continue your quest for knowledge as you run around your wheel that is your world.




Oh look another dumbfuck response with some random, unrelated, copyrighted image someone took off a google search, in some pathetic attempt to try and be funny. Again, though, no arguments to try and articulate anything, lets spam stupid irrelevant, links amirite? Because youre fucking retard incapable of even basic critical thinking. You’re only good for posting “hilarious” memes and copyrighted stock photos of “joos” in some pathetic attempt to be “funny”.

But let’s go over a few of these moronic so called “bombshells” in that link.

“Moments after missile impact: Major Douglas Rokke, PhD, U.S. Army: “When you look at the damage, it was obviously a missile.”

Yeah…. “obviously”. “OBVIOUSLY” it was a missile because some random guy whose only “qualifications” are that he’s retired military and posted an opinion on sites such as”patriots question 911″. So let me guess, what should I take. Some random guy’s opinion on the internet, or the overwhelming set of facts that support that the pentagon was indeed hit by a plane?

“Fire fighters arrive & spray foam.”

Yeah… that’s kinda like…. what firefighters do.

“Missile exit hole.”

This is a claim, this is not an argument. I see a picture of massive amounts of debris that spilled out due to massive explosion from disintegrated aircraft parts and pentagon structures.

“Exit hole location”

Again, what am I supposed to “see” in that picture that is some sort of “bombshell”? Looks like an airplane hit a massive bunker of reinforced concrete, nearly liquefied into a fiery mass traveling at over 500 mph upon impact and penetrated through several layers of the building with the most massive sections of the aircraft having penetrated the deepest.

“Notice the lawn. Untouched, unscathed & no plane parts. Also take note of the black scarring of the building to the left.”

“Unscathed” how? How exactly is it supposed to be scathed? You post one picture from one angle. I don’t understand where these moron “truthers” get the idea that the lawn was supposed to be “scathed” and why a picture from that angle. You really expect debris to be laying around at EXACTLY the location where 2 firetrucks are trying to put out a fire? 2ndly, the aircraft exploded upon impact into the first and 2nd floor of the pentagon, not on a fucking lawn.

2ndly, there is plenty of debris seen EVEN from the very same “truther”website that you just linked to.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b271891a92b0586742722b51b3b17747b1e6ce1d9cdb52792103c4c66ced0782.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5ce21a2a637020c2c39787767510e59903136bc1dfcb9a9694e05af2e83a4da3.jpg

Oh look! more debris and a better angle! Funny how “truther” websites are very selective in the photographs they use to “prove their point”. Completely dishonest garbage. 9/11 wasn’t an inside job, you just have a vested emotion interest in trying to make it be one.

As for the “black scarring” on the building it is there because mushroom clouds tend to go UPWARD, not DOWN. Notice the LARGE mount of black scarring at the TOP part of the left portion of the building versus the bottom. Kind of explains why the grass isn’t “scathed” (why the fuck would it be?).

“Where is all that thick black smoke coming from? Notice the fire upper left.”

It’s coming from the inside of the pentagon, dumbfuck. In case you didn’t know, flammable materials tend to burn, and burns tend to spread to other flammable materials.

“The origin of the thick black smoke. But wait a minute. How far away is that fire and how did it get all the way over there?”

*GASP* HOW DID IT GET OVER THERE? How on EARTH can a fire get from one place to another? SHOCKING! I guess these morons don’t understand how fires can spread within buildings.



The role of Putin is not clear in Syria. But, I don’t think that east ghouta operation was a priority in the past.

But, I noted that several times, operations were delayed for months. For example, the operation to Al Bab was delayed for I think 6 months. Then, Turkey took Al Bab. The same for Al Bukamal which was delayed for 1 year.

Putin let the situation get worst, so that USA can invade east Syria and FSA create strongholds. I think that the distraction was Aleppo. SAA was fighting Aleppo with endless ceasefires to slow the operations. During that time, USA was invading Syria with SDF help.

Also, Assad is too kind to be a leader in this region and has been fooled by his naivety. He collaborated with the west on their “war on terror”. Gadafi warned arab leaders so many times. Assad was even invited in France during their national festivity just like Gadafi was inviting in France just before France kill him.

Of course, Russia do the exact same errors. Russia collaborates xwith the west just like Saddam Hussein, Gadafi and Assad. But, at the end, Russia will be destroyed by the west.


“The same for Al Bukamal which was delayed for 1 year.” Bro have you looked at where Abu Kamal is located? How on earth does any decent human being liberate Kamal and leave tens of thousands of people under siege in Dier Zor?


SAA could have passed from the south and liberate Al Bukamal for 1 year. But, strangely, no advance for 1 year in plain desert.

But, what I clearly didn’t understand is why SAA didn’t attack Al-bab for 6 months or more that was just close.


Kamal was mostly liberated by Iranians and Hez. The SAA has been at war for 7 years. Human resource is an issue. When Dier Zor was freed .. it was these same “spare” troops that helped with liberation of Kamal.


Hezbollah fought since the beginning and despite less in number, they were the most effective. Assad and Russia made too much mistakes.


Hez are hard core fighters. Other the Hunters and the Tigers, the SAA isnt that experience. A Russian Special Op soldier described how they react in the face of overwhelming force from terrorist.. They cry and scream he said. These arent hard core forces. .. Try fighting evil western back headchopping scum for 7 years then report back to me.


Anticipating is the key. Fighting these terrorists ask very brave behaviour. Those who do that are very brave. I could not do that myself. But, tyhe key is to be prepared and to anticipate. Hezbollah are well prepared. So, if Hezbollah can be preparaed, SAA can be too.

Daniel Castro

Seriously, it’s like you have not been watching this war since the beginning… when Russia came all guns blazing with the air group we were so close to WW3, Turkey was about to attack, and then it would be game over for everyone.

Why it is so hard for you to understand this isn’t just about Syria?


Ask that to Putin that didn’t give S-300 to Syria and didn’t provide SAA with weapons decades ago. Also, why SAA is so poorly equiped.

So, yes, to anticipate is key. Of course, if you are talking about the consequence of non anticipation (the first years of war), you can’t argue about anticipation.

Daniel Castro

Indeed, the arab spring happened because russians made a mistake, but it the proble was not about weapons, but letting the resolution to attack Lybia pass on the UNSC, that was the start for this all.

Weapons are not the solution for everything, and many times they are the problem, had Russia patronized Syria a long time ago to counter Israhell they would have started an arms race way back as Syria is not a rich country and it has no conditions to compete with the petrodollar behind the zionists.

It’s everything about sustained development while you force your enemy to overspend, now Russia is much stronger and USA much weaker.

But indeed, russians failed big time letting Gadafi to the jackals.


Arab spring happened because arabs were convinced that they have had a bad life and wanted a better one and yeah, the west helped with jihadists and propaganda. I know some Ukrainians that have participated on maidan bs, students around 22-23 years of age, they were so brainwashed, they really believed that west had their best interests in mind, nothing i would say could convince them otherwise, even if i would smack them with facts in their face, imho, they just smiled like idiots and walked away, i told them that they would have a war in the east and that Krim would not return, they just laughed and told me that Krim will be back in a matter of weeks because they have turned the water off. Now years later they do agree with me but now it is too late. I think that same happened in the Arab countries. So stop blaming Russia for everything imho, the only ones who could have stopped that spring are the arabs.

Daniel Castro

I agree with you, but you have to agree withj me that letting Gadafi to the jackals was a russian and chinese mistake, you have veto power, Gadafi was one of the few people keeping jihadists in check, you signed a resolution without reading it and let NATO bomb Lybia, the most developed african nation, into the stone age. Yes, of course there is a lot of stupid people all around the world brainwashed by western propaganda, but it was only when you gave carte blanche to do what it wanted in Lybia that these people had a territory of their own,

Ukraine is a more complicated matter.

Frank Behrens

I bet a lot of people smile (like idiots ) at your “facts” (I think the right english term here would be : arguments..cause facts…uuuh…facts ..what various people call facts is sometimes something to create a smile on people´s faces :)).


don’t care about english to learn it properly :) But yeah those were facts i smacked them with …

Frank Behrens

-…and they were so convincing , that they smiled on you…like I do at the moment :)…but do go on..

don’t care about english to learn it properly :)

yeah, ignorance is strength !


Speak 3 other langs, properly, english is not a priority for me cause i don’t really use it anyway IMHO, plenty of other useful things to learn out there.


Like Chinese(Mandarin).


They were crying afterwards, if you would have finished reading my post you would know :) Keep on smiling dummy :)

Frank Behrens

I did read all of your writtings…and yeah, they were right back there to smile upon you blathering about facts (well, if that hole story is even true…guess we should believe you …but you don`t care nevertheless if I do). Cause NO one (exept mayhaps the inner circle of the Kremlin ) could KNOW what would happen. And here perhaps comes your semantics (or lack off) in play: FACTS in english means something different. You made predictions back there based on assumptions (!). I give you now a fact: russia is about in the near future to liberate their baltic brotherns !


One of the facts that i smacked them with was that it was a west backed coup :) So yeah facts. Baltic brothers ? Do you mean Polaks ? Dude, we have let them go, all of them, including all of those asian countries. I believe that even official papers have been signed that we won’t try to stop them or prosecute them for trying so. In any case, nobody wants them back, they are nothing but a dead weight, ask the EU officials how much they have to invest in Poland alone to keep it running imho, all of those talks that we have robbed them during Sovjet times are bs, those countries cannot take care of thmeselves, they have always been under the rule of someone, turks, Russia, west, multiple times. Problem that we have with those states is that the west uses them as a brick to throw at Russia, spreading russophobia in those states, placing weapons under false pretenses etc .etc .etc … so yeah, remove your weaponry from our borders and you can keep those beggars for as long as you like :)

Frank Behrens

Gods, Alex, how often we heard the “fact” that this is a western back up coup. Which is something YOU choose to BELIEVE (the russian propaganda)…since you don´t have any proofs/evidence. I repeat (and you can act ignorant further) , when you are talking about FACTS , you need proofs , evidence etc.

“A fact is a statement that is true or can be proven with evidence. The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability — that is, whether it can be demonstrated to correspond to experience. Standard reference works are often used to check facts.”

So, no facts…

A fact is that russia invaded another country (which, given, the us did as well) and annexed part of it (again…and what the US didn`t do the last 100 years). Constantly lied about it (no, the green men are not russian soldiers) and now even think (na , not really they believe that themselves) the rest of the world really beliefs their reasoning for doing that (and no country recognized that).

Poles? In the baltic? (and there I thought only US-americains lack geography). Mayhaps you grab your Atlas and look it up ? Then you might find that concerning Poland , there is no common boundary with russia….and thus “we” can`t station weapons at…err…”your” borders (now you even “own” the borders between Russia and other countries?) .


Lol, i think you are the one who should look up the atlas, russian enclave Kaliningrad does have a border with Poland :) there are also american and other nato troops stationed in Estonia, Litwa and Latwia along with tanks and planes, there are also plans to implement the rocket shield. The american backing of ukranian coup is already a well-known thing, Senator Mccain on maidan and i dount count other euro idiots like timmermans and guy verhofstadt, Joe Biden has already admitted in his book about medling imho, https://www.sott.net/article/372328-Biden-reveals-in-memoirs-US-meddling-in-Ukraine then there is Victoria Nuland with her cookies https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=99&v=WV9J6sxCs5k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2fYcHLouXY many european governments have supported and still support anti – russian radio and tv in ukraine https://en.hromadske.ua/about#how_work click on partners. :)



Luckily Russia has saved Crimea from the same fate when it did, Crimea is finally recovering from 20 years of ukranian neglect.

But you keep on laughing dummy :) or should i call you cannon fodder, cause that’s what US is turning you into :)

Frank Behrens

Uh, yeah, the tiny piece of land around former Königsberg. But since it IS an enclave, as you rightly put it, there is no border with Russia proper. Alas, they may invade that piece of land, but cannot invade the rest of Russia without moving through other countries (and do you really , really believe for just one moment that the Poles ever would do?)–and besides…that Oblast of Kalinigrad is still not part of the Baltic.

Yeah , and of cause there are Nato troops in the Baltic states..what´s the deal? ..they are members.

And the so called american backed up coup is a very well kown russian propaganda theme (I wonder if you guys REALLY belief that). And a bunch of western european politicians and diplomats around in the capital of the Ukraine as a proof ? Now I am the one to LoL …capitals tend to be FULL of foreign diplomats and visitors …could you imagine right now how many western politicians and diplomats and their staff are in Moscow ? (or vice versa.)

Oh yes…and Nuland …you guys have nothing new? What exactly can we hear but that leaked call which should convince use that the Maidan was a western coup? Because she said “Fuke the EU” ? (could you imagine how many people say and think that? )

Did you really thought I don´t know the usaul stull from russia? :)


Lol, most pathetic debunk ever, so , the so called all russian propaganda .. no facts just some bla bla from you, we are used to it, even after being caught red-handed you still deny it. Besides FU-EU she also discussed who she would like to see in charge in Ukraine, obviously that after they will remove the goverment that was in place back then, you prolly haven’t listened to the recording or choose not hear it, also you are neglecting the fact Joe Biden ex- vice US president boasted about putting pressure on Janukovitch to leave his post as a president, you are such a failed cherry picker imho. Eu and US were putting insane amount of pressure on Janukovitch to leave, you call that not interfering with the countries internal affairs, you also ignore that western organizations like USaid were sposoring anti-russian media to put dirt on everything that is russian, isn’t that meddling lol. So according to you when high-ranking eu and us officials come to another country and express their support for the opposition and call on the current govmnt to leave, isn’t meddling ?

Imagine me coming to your country, and start supporting some political party, encourage them to go against the ruling party, then talk to the ruling party and tell them to leave, would that be normal ? wouldn’t that be medling ?

Isn’t this meddling


ALL RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA RIGHT ? hhahah .. you are so full of it :D Joe Biden must be a russian agent then hahahahah

Nato states might be partners in crime but still americans and other states are increasing their presence near our borders along with their weapons and anti-russian rethoric. Evrything that we have seen before :)

Frank Behrens

You catche me red-handed? Prey tell, on what exactly ? :) Concerning Nuland: errr…I am well aware what she said (I read the hole transcript…a while ago ) Well, you might have a look at:


were the conversation is commentated and regarded and as well judged.

First off: there are NO indications to be found in that call that the US /West or whoever from the outside is behind the Maidan protests are started/organized them (as 5th. column/paid protesters etcetc…)..so we are lacking any indications that this was the case.

Second, concerning the US is “ordering” their “puppets” or have command over who is the next government:

“The US says that it is working with all sides in the crisis to reach a peaceful solution, noting that “ultimately it is up to the Ukrainian people to decide their future”. However this transcript suggests that the US has very clear ideas about what the outcome should be and is striving to achieve these goals.”

Meaning that of cause they try to influence (peacefully) by talking and convincing. Although, they wish for a greater involvement of the UN (ok, if you deem the UN as a western tool) instead of the EU as a mediator (thus “Fuke the EU” ). And do you really , really think that russian diplomats had a word or to with ukrainian politicians? (which musn´t be bad…could even be helpfull)..we call that diplomacy.


Nuland call is a clear indication that they were involved in the political process inside ukraine, it clearly indicates that she’s backing the opposition, yatzenyuk, klitchko, thus they were preparing the transition of power from Yanukovitch to opposition, when a foreign politician is backing an opposition like that on the ground inside other country, it is called meddling. Other thing. You seem to skip Joe Biden, one might ask why :D but i think that you know the answear, he openly admitted both in his book and on that conference that he pressured the Yanukovich to leave his post as a president, that’s a clear evidence of backing the opposition, now at that time the opposition was, besided the dumb boxer klitcho and other idiots, the right sektor http://www.newsweek.com/2014/03/21/dmitry-yarosh- svoboda man-who-claims-victory-ukrainian-revolution-speaks-247987.html http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26468720 They have done the most fighting there. These are the guys western governments were backing. Pretty sure that Poroshenko and Kolomoiskij have invested some money into maidan. I don’t know what you call diplomacy but i call putting pressure by the highest ranking politicians on the legitimate president and tell him to resign and back the violent far right, look there is our friend Mccain again. https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-u-s-has-installed-a-neo-nazi-government-in-ukraine/5371554 Americans and some european countries have been investing heavily in the information sources inside ukraine long before the maidan, USAID and other NGO’s and it’s not like they are hiding it you can visit their news outlets and click on partners, you will see the whole list, lol, there have been an anti-russians histeria in their new agency even before maidan, they were clearly paid to present the western “point of view”, they are also doing that in Russia that’s why Putin has passed the law about NGO’s, i’ve seen those guys working for those american sposored NGO’s, they critisize everything about Russia imho. That’s how they always work, poison the minds of the young, mostly students , buy some media outlets, give them leaders and send them off against legitimate govmnt.

No matter how you twist or turn it US did back the opposition and the extremists during maidan, they did put pressure on Yanukovitch and i’m not even mentioning the western mainstream media, they were praising the maidan and everyone behind it imho.

Frank Behrens

err, I certainly won`t dodge like some others , be assured …but forgive an old man if he is not THAT fast . I am reading your links rather carefully and try to find evidence s and proofs and weigh them and my answers (and find appropriate links)…which does take some time, doesn`t it ? But here is a fast ad hoc one (first glance)…the Biden thing hasn`t to do with the Maidan in 2014, right? (it was about 2016 and concerned Poro and his g0v.) So, you are opening another cane.


Both http://weaponews.com/news/20819-biden-in-his-memoirs-acknowledged-the-pressure-on-yanukovych-in-februa.html

Frank Behrens

Uhm, have you read the actual memoirs of Biden (in original english)?


Uhm what , still not conviced of the fact that US has backed the illegal coup commited by the extremists in Ukraine ?

Frank Behrens

Uhm , nope…cause so far I see nothing convincing. And what about the support for the jihadists ?


Yeah keep playing blind, i think that you see the evidence yourself that’s why you want to go back to jihadists.

They have put insane amount of pressure On Janukovitch to go into the opposition demands, like released jailed politicians and signing early election papers

This is just what have been caught on tape, imagine the things that are being said behind closed doors :)

West clearly had a hand in the decision making


Oh yeah, almost forgot hehe

According to CIA declassified files US has been supoprting Bandera neo nazis In Ukraine for Over 60 years: http://turcopolier.typepad.com/sic_semper_tyrannis/2018/02/american-meddling-in-the-ukraine.html

I think that pretty much proves it :D. Lol if you won’t believe it after this than you are lost cause :D.

Frank Behrens

I want to go back to that, because that was the starting point…and is far from beeing solved…lest we are getting too entangled with additional points (and this side and thread is about Syria, isn`t it?)


So i take that you DO agree with me that Ukranian coup have been backed heavily by the west and that they have been preparing it for along time :)


Frank Behrens

Do you really believe that ? You failed to deliver evidence and proof about both the issue support for jihadists and a western-planed/initiated coup in the ukraine.

Yet, you deliver another personal comment from an anonymous writer (and from a first glance…one of those riht-wing nuts/truther ). CIA supporting ukrainian nationalists, which, as often with nationalists, are often anti-semitics (hm, you know, you have no problems with the fact that the comments here are full with anti-semitics ?) in the soviet aera. Well, and what has that to do with the modern day ukraine? Who supported svoboda directly ? Who praised them?


Your rambling doesn’t make any sense, especially the last part :D

LOl, i’ve provided all of the info i needed to prove western backed coup in ukraine and their 60 years support for those nazi movements based on original CIA files imho, ive also provided the proof of meeting between John Mccain with the svoboda pary leader Oleg tyagnibok, i’ve provided so much on that issue that even a blind person would see, you are just trying to push so that i would quit imho, i’ve also explained how the jihadists get their training from US and rotate in and out, jihad groups, depends on who pays more. US is well aware of that fact and they still send weapons and give training, imho. I bet even if Obama would tell you that they have intervened in ukraine you would still not believe me imho. You are just an old troll who says that milk is black.

You have lost and you know it :)

Frank Behrens

They are ramblings to YOU and they might make sense to YOU (which is something, again we are at that issue, different from a fact.)

No, you didn´t provided infos about that….you provided evidences (which are well known to those who are interessted in that particulare aera of history ) about the Ukrainian national movement(s) (other might call them independists..active since the 19th. ce. and against the Habsburg monarchy and the russian empire..and again, as almost all natioal movements in europe were /are anti-semitic)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization_of_Ukrainian_Nationalists.

According to soviet propaganda ALL insurgents are per se “bad” , are nationalists, imperialists, right-winged and all of them are traitors and enemies of the public (working classes) and are ALWAYS puppets of the imperialist-capitalists (read: the western states) .

Of cause they fought against the Habsburgers, the polish state , the soviet union, communist and polish nationalist partisans and Nazi.Germany likewise (and sometimes collaborated with the various fractions…like (white) anti-bolshevik russians did) …heck, 25% of those soldiers encircled in Stalingrad 1942/43 were in fact soviets/russians (so called hiwis). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Insurgent_Army but was finally anhilated by the soviets in 1956, but their main forces were destroyed around 1948/49.. Contacts with western intel.org. like the CIA started in earnest in 1949…contacts, but no substantional support /supplies were delivered (couldn`t be deliever… ) I advice you to use actual serious works…like e.g. https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/STUDIES%20IN%20INTELLIGENCE%20NAZI%20-%20RELATED%20ARTICLES_0015.pdf

see pages 39-41.

The first CIA-sponsored airdrop into the USSR occurred in September 1949 when two Ukrainians landed near Lvov. This mission.which C -a coordinated and handled, sought to establish contact with the UHVR/UPA in Ukraine.” While the Soviets quickly eliminated the agents, .operation sparked considerable interest at Headquarter and resulted in expanded CIA exploitation of the ZPUHVR.” By 1950 CIA entered joint discussions with the British to launch operations into Ukraine; the United States, however, supported the ZPUHVR while the British advocated the use of Bandera’s OUN.” The Ukrainian airdrops also formed the basis for expanded CIA illegal border crossings into the Soviet Union by Foreign Division S, which had assumed responsibility for all operations behind the Iron Curtain. The bulk of the missions were launched from Munich in an operation that eventually became known as REDSOX.” After a number of abortive missions, CIA discontinued this approach into Ukraine after 1953. The Agency, however, maintained an operational relation- ship with the Ukrainians that proved to be not only its first, but also among its most resilient projects with, anti-Communist emigre groups. Under.Mykola Lebed, whom the CIA brought to the United States in 1949. the ZPUHVR turned to other forms of resistance activity. With Agency funding. the Ukrainians established a research institute in New York and published a number of anti-Soviet publications, including Suchasnist. From this basein the United States, the Ukrainians continued their struggle against Soviet oppression until the collapse of the USSR.


LOL , i have provided enough evindence to support my claims.

You can dig up as many WIKI articles as you want bu you should know that the information there is not complete and often not true, sometimes when

you cycle through languages the info on the same subject differs.

Ukranian strugle against the sovjets is BS also, most of them besides Banderas were happy to be there. Although banderas should be greatful to stalin for giving them a normal life unlike they had under polaks.

West has supported nazi groups in Ukraine since the end of cold war and still supports them, shown plenty of proof to you, if you want to hide behind some wiki articles that your choice :)

Frank Behrens

McCain meeting this Tyagnibok? Sure.. http://www.businessinsider.com/john-mccain-meets-oleh-tyahnybok-in-ukraine-2013-12?IR=T # while he was meeting with various leaders of the opposition parties …sorry, they were elected party leaders. And who again was McCain back then? Some member of the US gov.? Nooooo…he was a prominent leader of the Republican Party…the opposition to the Obama admin. !.^^ It is soooooo unusual and suspicious that politician from the opposition meet politician from the opposition. That might be the case in russia …but in europe (and elsewhere) that is pretty normal . Last week a delegation of the right winged AFD (opposition) met with syrian officials—how DARE they ? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/03/07/afd-courts-assad-syria-bid-send-migrants-home/

and meanwhile in the ukraine? http://radiolemberg.com/ua-articles/ua-allarticles/a-bizarre-meeting-pro-putin-mayor-kernes-welcomes-trump-advisor-giuliani-to-kharkiv a pro-putinist ukrainian meeting an important US person (Trump advisor) ? tsk, tsk…

Concerning the jihadists : So you failed any evidence that the US every supported directly and consiously jihadists. Former FSA members joining jihadist groups ? Sure, well known, and the main reason why the west was very reluctant to support the FSA …but now call on the US for that ? Did they staged that ? (well, former SAA members also joined jihadist, so? Should I now accuse Assad , his supporters Iran and Russia, to support jihadists? Gods, the Assad gov. buyed even oil and gas from the Isis). Again..NO evidences (that is the best you could come up with?) .

You might call on my as you like (I am used here to worse in fact) and think of me as you please.

And if you YOU think that I am lost it…well, that is also up to you.


Mccain is not just a somebody,

he constanly shows up at places, he is some kind of mediator

2013: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/may/27/john-mccain-rebel-leaders-syria

2016: http://theduran.com/every-time-john-mccain-makes-secret-trips-to-syria-chemical-weapon-attacks-follow/

talks with the “opposition”


He constanly calls for war, don’t say he’s a nobody when he can get things done :)

Syrian opposition and Syrian gvmnt. are BOTH Syrians, they are negotiating truce, it’s a complete different thing from Foreign govmnt. officials like MCCain and other goons going to other countries and ARMING the so called opposition to fight the official govmnt. DONT YOU THINK ?

Lol you trying to equate those things, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME, IMHO.

Frank Behrens

if you constantly using far -right-nuts media outlets (who constantly pick up “infos” spread by russian trolls, you make it fairly easy for me to mock that. http://theduran.com/every-time-john-mccain-makes-secret-trips-to-syria-chemical-weapon-attacks-follow/


while the “main-stream” guardian just reports of McCain meeting FSA commanders .

McCain is a Senator (not unlike Mr. Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky… ..born as Edelsthein (what a fine jewish name).


Like MCCain, he is not somebody…but still in the “opposition” (some claims that he is just a showman for Putin…but for sure these are just guesses). So does speak Mr. Zhirinovsky on behalf of the russian gov.? Are his rumblings and words of some significant for the russian foreign policy? (and you want me to quote some of his ramblings?)


Zhirinovskil, doesn’t meet up with insurgents and doesn’t lobby weapons, he’s a big mouth and a showmen constanly appearing on talk shows , so yeah comparing those two isn’t accurate.

Frank Behrens

Uh, then you one of the very few here admitting that the syrian rebels are…syrians. Most see them as foreigners (or indigious jihadists at best). Uh, so it is wrong to support rebels with weapons ?


UHM , they are mixed, as you can see there thousands of foreighn mixed into those groups aswell, the ones that ran back to europe, also the so called syrain rebbels also fight side to side with nusra, the al qaida, for example until recently in damascus.

What is wrong with supporting an uprising with weapons IMHO, what do you think ? War , death maybe ? what are you stupid ?

Frank Behrens

Am I stupid ? Perhaps sometimes (according to my wife at least :)). And you are hot -headed , which normaly blocks reasonable thinking.

So, it is wrong supporting an uprising with weapons? Well , you should tell Mr. Putin to stop supporting the Donzek rebels ….but let me guess:THIS is of cause and again something TOTALLY different ? Cause…they are just protecting themselves from an Holoquost-like horde of blood-drinking ukra-nazis which even overshadows the Mongol invasion…of cause there are no russian soldiers (perhaps a few civilian ones….or soldiers on vaccation and since it is usual in russian for them to take their tanks with them…) around. Annnd, as usual, the Kosovo case is mentioned ?


You are quite right it is different, first it’s your side that have toppeled the legitimate president with the help of nazi extremists, you made the first move, this simply a response. Secondly Ukraine is at the Russia’s border, thirdly your puppet govermntment in Ukraine is growing an anti-russian gvmnt. , you think we would watch how you grow and anti-russian country that hates everything about us anf FOR OUR MONEY, guess again. In Syria you again are trying to topple the ligitimate president. It’s your side that is creating chaos there, like they did in other countries over there, LYbia, etc etc etc , you know which ones. And why shouldn’t we mention Kosovo, is it not allowed to criticise you. It’s funny how your shitty Nato countries go and accuse someone of having a stained shirt while themselves are dipped into shit up to their ears.

Your wife is right, you are fucking stupid.


Dude you are sick in your fucking head, mate. There is no way of reasoning with you, you old retard, i see you are of an opinion is that it is ok for the western govmnts to interfere in other country’s internal affairs and cause all kind of trouble there imho, you will just keep on justifying it.

Frank Behrens

look there …another small man jumping up and down and yelling …do you also stump with your feets on the ground now?


You can troll all you like, still you have lost and you know it :)

Frank Behrens

As long as I have such an attentive young man who seems to be sooo willing to answer every of my posts…I don´t feel like an loser :)


Yeah, western politicians, like verhofstadt, timmermans, mccain, nuland, openly backing the opposition along with extremists like right sector, svoboda party it’s giving them a carte blanche, they have closed an eye for their actions and called them peaceful protesters imho,



at first police wasn’t even responding.

later on same idiots did the 2014 odessa massacre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7paGcbyefhk

Again the west turns blind eye to it , i can go on and on with the examples. Shame you don’t speak russian or ukranian, there are even video recordings of ukranian journalists that explain how to get work from western organizations, to write or report ordered articles, simply said , spread their propaganda and fake news.


When you will have time watch this


this will give a slight insight on what is going inside ukraine country with

politics and the association because of which the protests started.

don’t worry this is not russian propaganda :) not extreme stuff either , just an analysis. Don’t forget to turn on subtitles. :)

Frank Behrens

you really want me to watch a guy rumbling half an hour about the miseries , problems and corruptions as well as a hyper-patriotism which even rivals that in russia ? You know, western media is FULL of that (and one reason why Biden wanted that corrupt guy name Shokin be gone). .No one claimes here that paradise come true there.


If you would have watched the video you would understand that the media was convincing the people that the association would deliver all of those things, better healthcare, better salaries , unlimited travel and study to europe, which all was NOT true , they were doing that so that people would force Yanukovitch to sign the treathy, which turned out a complete lie.

Guess who financed the media that would go against it’s govmn and promote that deal with all kind of lies just to get it signed ?

Here they are trying talking about doing it in Russia, i’m sure you can handle 3 minutes :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDjW4Sgh28o

Western powers were also putting pressure on him to sign it, they also promissed better economics for when in fact that assosiation is just a way to dump their good on the ukraine market and doesn’t offer much in return.

they also forced him to release some jailed politicians http://www.gulf-times.com/story/373135/EU-leaders-set-for-tough-talks-with-Yanukovych

You can read in that article that they forced him to release some people form jail, among those people is Yuriy Lutsenko, which now has the position of the Shokin who was fired on demand by Biden :)

The people that US and EU have brought to power in ukraine are far worse that the ones who were there before. They knew exactly who they backing and what they were doing.

Compared to now back before the maidan life in Ukraine was a paradise.

Here another video how she brags about how they forced him to abide to their demands, it’s bit longer one, more than 7 minutes, hope you can handle it.


And don’t compare the support for Putin and unity in Russia to the debility what you call a ukranian patriotism, where they call on kill other ethnic groups, like polaks , russian and jews IMHO.



You know what is funny ? Back in 2014 when Russia was saying that there are ultra violent nationalsts groups in Ukraine that have received a carte blanche to practially do everything that want without being prosecuted, the western media blamed it all on russian propaganda, they have downplayed it, you can google articles that date back to that time and see for yourself, here pretty sure you used to be spoonfed :d


Now, since 2017 or so they suddently “noticed” it





In any case i think that i have provided enough evidence that US and EU have backed the coup in Ukraine , have been meddling and still are in their internal affairs, i have shown you that they pay off local media to spread their propaganda and turn people against their govmnts’. i have show that the western media and politicians were defending the extrmists by telling that it is all russian propaganda etc etc etc.

Bonus, not really related to Ukraine but still fun https://youtu.be/flbzqFLrnoU?t=6

Frank Behrens

Ohm I watched 5 min. and then made a stop and go…I think I get from that the big picture the guy would like to show..but what of it ? What has this to do with a “western-coup” …or , if I may remind you, with the US support with jihadists ? (of which I still I have not seen one proof or even evidence)?


I’ve explained it im my previous posts, maybe you should read all of them. Funny that you replay with a bla bla response to a comment that contains most info about US’s meddling in other countries. You just choose not to see it, imho, are you going to come back every other 3 days and claim that you are not conviced, lol. You have read the first sentense and skipped the rest of the post.

If you would have watched the video you would understand that the media was convincing the people that the association would deliver all of those things, better healthcare, better salaries , unlimited travel and study to europe, which all was NOT true , they were doing that so that people would force Yanukovitch to sign the treathy, which turned out a complete lie.

Guess who financed the media that would go against it’s govmn and promote that deal with all kind of lies just to get it signed ?

Here they are trying talking about doing it in Russia, i’m sure you can handle 3 minutes :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDjW4Sgh28o

Western powers were also putting pressure on him to sign it, they also promissed better economics for when in fact that assosiation is just a way to dump their good on the ukraine market and doesn’t offer much in return.

they also forced him to release some jailed politicians http://www.gulf-times.com/story/373135/EU-leaders-set-for-tough-talks-with-Yanukovych

You can read in that article that they forced him to release some people form jail, among those people is Yuriy Lutsenko, which now has the position of the Shokin who was fired on demand by Biden :)

The people that US and EU have brought to power in ukraine are far worse that the ones who were there before. They knew exactly who they backing and what they were doing.

Compared to now back before the maidan life in Ukraine was a paradise.

Here another video how she brags about how they forced him to abide to their demands, it’s bit longer one, more than 7 minutes, hope you can handle it.


And don’t compare the support for Putin and unity in Russia to the debility what you call a ukranian patriotism, where they call on kill other ethnic groups, like polaks , russian and jews IMHO.



You know what is funny ? Back in 2014 when Russia was saying that there are ultra violent nationalsts groups in Ukraine that have received a carte blanche to practially do everything that want without being prosecuted, the western media blamed it all on russian propaganda, they have downplayed it, you can google articles that date back to that time and see for yourself, here pretty sure you used to be spoonfed :d


Now, since 2017 or so they suddently “noticed” it





In any case i think that i have provided enough evidence that US and EU have backed the coup in Ukraine , have been meddling and still are in their internal affairs, i have shown you that they pay off local media to spread their propaganda and turn people against their govmnts’. i have show that the western media and politicians were defending the extrmists by telling that it is all russian propaganda etc etc etc.

Bonus, not really related to Ukraine but still fun https://youtu.be/flbzqFLrnoU?t=6

Frank Behrens

funny, how fast you have that much links at hand ..well done, congrats. But you are still jumping from one issue to the next (and now I am an american troll…funny and there I thought I am Hasbara, an Zionist , a polish nationalist…and whatever I was called here). You talk about western media making propaganda in (and on ) Russia ? Ho DARE they ! (and then you are refering to Russia inside ? Lol…one could call that hypocrisy at it´s best…but you know what? Fine…the more sources, the better…and btw…NO ONE is forced to watch/listening to that “propaganda”). Western countries DID THAT FOR DECADES ! surprise , surprise (most of them had boradcasting programms in various languages worldwide …as had the eastern bloc states) . Of cause they were denounced by the Nazis and the Soviets as enemy`s propaganda and even declared illegal to listen to them …while they themselves used such methods (but it was strangely never forbidden to listen to them in western states). Doesn´t Russia has such institutions and using them to…show the world the russian view (RT) ? BTW…when was the last time RT made a critical statemant or report about Putin or the russian government (or church)? On the other hand…western (even so called state media) are constantly critical on western govs. as well (and how often said politicians get angy at them?) .


I don’t know what the others call you and couldn’t care less…

Indeed HOW DARE THEY, western nations have been doing that for decades, brainwashing people with their propaganda, buying of the opposition, creating and sponsoring political movements to put pressure on the govmnts and what not, That’s a clear Evidence OF MEDDLING IN OTHER COUNTRIES BUSINESS, you can’t dismiss it just buy saying oh but they have been doing that for years, it’s normal, it is still meddling and it is documented :) If that would stop at news outlets but they also infest themselves into educational facilities, “sponsoring” the directors and teachers so that would spread love for the western idiologies and hatred for our own, lol.

You cannot avoid something like that if you want to get na education.

RT is pretty mild compared to your agressive media, it doesn’t instigate haterd toward other nations.

And i’m not even talking about ukranian broadcasters that are being sponsored by the western govmnts and organisations.

So yeah there you go again trying to nullify the fact that US govmnt interferes in other countries affairs by trying to normalize it,

oh but we have been doing that for years or look they have also started doing that as a response to us .

Frank Behrens

well it should…strangly enough it seems to be hard to believe that I am just a very normal, single private person (despite that I am one of the very , very few who is using his clear name). As I told you, various groups, from the Nazis to the Soviets called that meddling (in a negative way of cause) ..so nothing new about that. (while using such “meddling” themselves…or what is e.g. RT…or former state medias by the Nazis and soviets?). . They always blamed foreign (western) agends and agents provocateurs if there were internal quarrels and demonstrations against their gov.´s ). The positions of the weak ons´s (our people are NEVER against us, the just and right ones…they HAVE to be misguided from the outside).. Also nothing new. And if you see RT as less “aggressive” then western media, then well, that is YOUR very personal perception…noooo, and of cause is not preaching “hatred” (which is a strong word here….because I see no classical Hate speeches on either side). And for sure, only the US is interfering ….no one else. Such a singularity.



You know that the RT and so called troll brigade are the answear to your meddling, it’s all pretty recent. Putin is planning to create a Eurasion Union and Ukraine had a big role in it. thats why the west created all of teh trouble there using the nazis they have been raising for 60 years


You haven’t missed this one, i hope :)


Clearly proves it :)


You are either too old to process the info or just acting like a spoiled old american troll who is used to be “right” no matter what imho, the evidence is clear right in front of your nose and i think that i’ve fed you with a spoon enough.

Frank Behrens

sure, will you are an honest young man, with the best intensions and showing always good manners …and you never want to be always right and anytime ready willing to admit, that he might be wrong on some occassions..and thus you want to walk away and don`t discuss that anymore..yeah , thought so ;)


I think that it’s rather you who is for an escape, replying with unrelated stuff about how lazy you are to watch something ignoring the rest of my comment. Here have a read If you would have watched the video you would understand that the media was convincing the people that the association would deliver all of those things, better healthcare, better salaries , unlimited travel and study to europe, which all was NOT true , they were doing that so that people would force Yanukovitch to sign the treathy, which turned out a complete lie.

Guess who financed the media that would go against it’s govmn and promote that deal with all kind of lies just to get it signed ?

Here they are trying talking about doing it in Russia, i’m sure you can handle 3 minutes :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDjW4Sgh28o

Western powers were also putting pressure on him to sign it, they also promissed better economics for when in fact that assosiation is just a way to dump their good on the ukraine market and doesn’t offer much in return.

they also forced him to release some jailed politicians http://www.gulf-times.com/story/373135/EU-leaders-set-for-tough-talks-with-Yanukovych

You can read in that article that they forced him to release some people form jail, among those people is Yuriy Lutsenko, which now has the position of the Shokin who was fired on demand by Biden :)

The people that US and EU have brought to power in ukraine are far worse that the ones who were there before. They knew exactly who they backing and what they were doing.

Compared to now back before the maidan life in Ukraine was a paradise.

Here another video how she brags about how they forced him to abide to their demands, it’s bit longer one, more than 7 minutes, hope you can handle it.


And don’t compare the support for Putin and unity in Russia to the debility what you call a ukranian patriotism, where they call on kill other ethnic groups, like polaks , russian and jews IMHO.



You know what is funny ? Back in 2014 when Russia was saying that there are ultra violent nationalsts groups in Ukraine that have received a carte blanche to practially do everything that want without being prosecuted, the western media blamed it all on russian propaganda, they have downplayed it, you can google articles that date back to that time and see for yourself, here pretty sure you used to be spoonfed :d


Now, since 2017 or so they suddently “noticed” it





In any case i think that i have provided enough evidence that US and EU have backed the coup in Ukraine , have been meddling and still are in their internal affairs, i have shown you that they pay off local media to spread their propaganda and turn people against their govmnts’. i have show that the western media and politicians were defending the extrmists by telling that it is all russian propaganda etc etc etc.

Bonus, not really related to Ukraine but still fun https://youtu.be/flbzqFLrnoU?t=6

Frank Behrens

“Western powers were also putting pressure on him to sign it, they also promissed better economics for when in fact that assosiation is just a way to dump their good on the ukraine market and doesn’t offer much in return.”

Putting pressure on him? Sorry, put for over to decades , that is right after the Ukraine got it´s independence (with a referendum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_independence_referendum,_1991 with a vast majority ) they were negotiating with the EU about an Association Agreement.


While the EU was reluctant at first, the Ukraine asked for such an agreement.

Nothing changed with the Yanukovich precidency…on the contrary :

“In May 2010, President Viktor Yanukovych promised to adopt in June 2010 the legislation necessary for creating a free trade zone between Ukraine and the European Union (EU).[nb 1] Yanukovych expected visas between Ukraine and EU member states to be abolished and that a free trade zone will be created by March 2011.[34]

The Azarov Government continued to pursue EU-integration. During May and June 2010 both Prime Minister Mykola Azarov and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kostyantyn Gryshchenko stated that integration into Europe has been and remains the priority of domestic and foreign policy of Ukraine.[35][36][37] The policies of the Azarov Government do not exclude EU integration, the EU Commissioner for Enlargement Štefan Füle stated on 12 May 2010.[38]”

Frank Behrens

“The people that US and EU have brought to power in ukraine are far worse that the ones who were there before. They knew exactly who they backing and what they were doing.”

The people who are now in charge were not brought not brought to that by the US or the EU…they were elected by the Ukrainians in fair elections (which were even recognized by the Russian Gov….errm. why on earth should the Russian Gov. recognize them, if they weren`t ?) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_presidential_election,_2014 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_parliamentary_election,_2014

Frank Behrens

“they also forced him to release some jailed politicians http://www.gulf-times.com/s…”

uuuuh, they “forced” him…uhhh…errr..How? They DEMANDED that (in eglish: strongly asking ). Your know the difference between forcing and demanding? Oh, and who exactly was that (or one) person?

The german gov DEMANDED from the turkish gov. for over a year to release some turkish-german reports to be freeded…which happened some week ago. Tell me, what does this tell us? Germany in contol of Turkey? Erdogan a puppet of Madame Merkel?

And btw: what know about the US supporting jihadists groups? Shouldn`t we turn back to that issue and clarify that?


Ukraine is highly dependent on Europe economically and now on US too, they can easily cut some programs or decide not to give another IMF loan, so it is different compared to Turkey, Turkey is self-sufficient enough to give europe the middle finger. So yeah they CAN DEMAND AND FORCE Ukraine to do stuff , what did ole Joe say , so the son of a bith got fired , hahahah. I’ll get back to your jihadis later, now i’m off.

Frank Behrens

Uhm, they were far more depending on Russia back then, which was the trade partner no. 1 (especially needing russian natural gas….totaly dependend). Only now is the EU trade partner no. 1 which isn`t that surprising since russian also implented sanctions on ukrainian goods. Couldn`t it be that the russians used that as a pressure tool ?


Both, but like i said in the past, western sponsored media had people convinced that signing the treathy would improve their pensions, salary and their average way of life, plus Europe had invested a lot in ukraine, in universities, students exchange, lots of pro western propaganda had been pumped into the heads of youth and Russia has been dissed both is media and Universities, i guess that’s why they were jumping on maidan and screaming, the one who doesn’t jump is a moscowite, or hang the moscowites on a branch, lol. In any case, Europe was seen by many people as their new destination plus the investments. so yeah they had the ability to put a lot of pressure on Ukranian govmn’t otherwise he could have just have given them the finger and walked away and maidan would be over in a matter of 20 minutes.

Frank Behrens

prey tell which western sponsored media ? You surely have some articles in those widespread medias ? Strange enough most big medias are and were owned and run by rich ukrainian buisnessmen /oligarchs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_of_Ukraine

And who “bumped” in unis etc. western propaganda ?

You are always talking about financial and economic benefits…couldn `t it be that the (young) Ukrainians were hoping for a more free land with less corruption ?

You don´t need to advertise for “western values” …most people yearn for that (which is what other people turn mad)…or do you deem the gov. of Yanukovich a proper , non-corrupte one?


Yan was corrupt but the ones who west helped into power are not just thieves they are also murderers, by far worse than the pervious guy.

I’ve already gaeve you enough examples:

Gromadske tv.

Radio free europe

stop fake

and countless of other small media outlets

Do your own research.

I’ve shown plenty of proof, you are just in denial.

Also you haven’t provided any solid fact to counter my arguments, you just tried to normalize the fact that US spends money in other countries to influence the public opinion both through media and educational institutions, you know the Nuland video at congress, i could spend my time smearing the facts all over your face, but you will just keep denying the obvious lol. Not worth my time :)

Frank Behrens

whom they murdered ? Klitschko e.g. ordered whom to be killed ? Stope fake ? Sure, an organizations which debunks russian lies is suuuch an evil org. ^^ I bet that the kremlin/oligarchs in all countries dislikes them and tries to color them in a bad light. Well the fact remains that it doesn`t need any foreign involvement for peoples to stand up /dislike a corrupt gov. (see what happens in slovakia at the moment…or in rumania, despite the fact that they are “pro”-western elected govs). And was it illegal to support certain org. in the ukraine ? Nooo (which they could have done easily) and why should they ? Supporting organizations which are involved in pomoting a free press , anti.corruption, environment, monitoring, open and fair elections ? I fail to see a problem with that. Of cause corrupt gov´s see a problem with such org´s and institutions. They offer an additional source of information…which one can use IF one chooses to. As long as they aren`t the only sources (and medias owned by private rich buisnessmen or state owned are by far more influential) there is no problem with that imho . And most ukrainians could (and still can) watch/read russian medias as well. And at last: what you are doing with your time…is up to you…no one forced you to participate here.


Stop fake creates more fakes than it debunks, thus the massive unsubscribe. Lying about and instigating hate toward Russia and praising west got nothing to do with free press, you fail again.

The rest of your post is BS again, Yan’s govmnt was corrupt but the one they brought is even more corrupt and they knew it. They knew that they guys west were backing during coup were extremists, they just wanted Yan to force sign that association, part of Nato’s and Eu expansion, again nothing to do with freedom or whatever.

No all of russian media is banned in Ukraine https://cpj.org/2017/05/ukraine-bans-russian-media-outlets-websites.php

Movies are getting banned, artists, Sovjet movies, you name it, there is NO media freedom there. And i’m not talking about how they shut up people and journalists who speak out against the war

https://www.newcoldwar.org/interview-journalist-ruslan-kotsaba-jailed-speaking-war-eastern-ukraine/So yeah, maybe you vision of ukraine of what western governments do abroad is completely distorted ?

Frank Behrens

First and again:

“Stop fake creates more fakes than it debunks, thus the massive unsubscribe. ”

YOUR opinion (opinion vs. fact again). One would need to SHOW (somehow) that this might be the case (well, and I guess they do, as any human and/or society of humans , errors…we have a pro-verb here: the one who doesn`t do anything, does no failures…and who makes no failurs, is appointed chef :)). So you have a side which statistically makes it plain obvious that stop fake makes way more errors , creates false infos more then they debunk ?

The next what you call BS….well, YOUR opinion. Nonsense is that the next gov “they” brought in were known by “them ” (who are “They” again? ) to be even more corrupte then before . How does anyone “know” how a gov. turns out before ? Speaking abour coeeuption (and facts)… yes, the Ukraine is still one of the most corrupt countries in the world (with only minor changes to thr better)…placing No. 131 in the ranking…together wit countries like Iran and Russia .(eh, even Belarus is better ^^) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_Index


I could show that stop fake creates more fakes than it debunks but then you don’t speak russian do you ?

LOl that corruption list claims Ukraine became less corrupt by 2 points , that’s nonsense, compared to 2013 it is complete wild west now, i hear from people i know there and even western media, now they are stealing even more, do you know that poroshenko became 3x times more wealthy after his year of presidency and i’m not even talking about the rest of the goons. Those ukro channles were shot down because they were instigating ethnic hatred between groups, also did you know they have passed this law against minorities https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-pace-criticizes-language-law/28790456.html Ukraine is becoming anything but democratic or less corrupt.

The knew who poroshenko was, he worked as a minister of trade and economic development during Yanukovich,

But even the dummies that have endured his corruption and war have enough of him now http://www.news.com.au/world/ukraine-is-on-the-verge-of-its-third-maidan-as-tensions-toward-their-corrupt-government-boil-over/news-story/159017477a11310d76c1096184c86f68

it’s clear indication that the things didn’t get better,

Income has become twice as low, energy reforms made the prices even higher than in western europe, now the med reforms , they are literally killing the country. Can’t pay off debt, have got to sell lands, forrest and other things and they still keep on stealling.

Russia is by far less corrupt than Ukraine, especially now, lol., that list is made by some idiot compring some numbers in their kitchen.

Frank Behrens

no , I don´t …but german would be fine :). So, all debunks of stope fake are false?

Sorry, but as most persons I believe in those rankings more then one´s personal views or unknown people (besides…I never doubted that the Ukraine, along Russia, is still one of the most corrupt countries worldwide..so what ? No one of any sense denies that..even and especially most Ukrainians) . Poro is and was an Oligarch …but although I personally don`t like him very much , he was still elected (and even russia recognized him …) . Besides : aren`t russian Olgiarchs are getting poorer ? Nope…normally , and worldwide, all those very rich people are getting richer and richer…while the poor get poorer and poorer. Does that makes Poro any better ? Nope…not at all.

Yeah sure, I guessed so…the ru…errr…local crimeans have of cause a good reason …while the other side is bad and wrong….c`mon now (strange enough, they used the same arguments …). I ridicule you ?…well you make that very easy..and besides: I riddicule your reasons and arguements (I am well aware that most people always take that very personal)..

And yes…Poro , as most Oligarchs worked with Yanukovich gov…as once did J. Timoshenko .

Yeah, and for your last sentence concerning the corruption in russia: I guessed so…I wonder who is the blind one here? If something don`t fit in , is is either false, or an outright lie. Denial at it´s best…like back then, when the hard-core comis in the eastern bloc were in denial and claimed that all was well and good and a strifing paradise of the workers and farmers (and some are still wondering what and how what happened..and still blame outsiders and western agents alone for that).


Lol , no , even your german sourses are full of bs. the rest of your bla bla is just western propaganda. If poroshenko is so great why are there prostest to get rid of him again imho, he proved to be even more corrupt than the previous president, imho.

Frank Behrens

sure, all sources which don`t suit are ALWAYS propaganda and/or lying. …again bla bla? What did I said you about using bla bla the last time? (you don´t have children , don`t you? :)…else you wouldn`t use that term)

And you didn`t paid attention at all here …were did I say that I find Mr. Poro so great?

I sometimes wonder if you are a son of those Oligarchs (rich parents) or rich buisnessman yourself …

Frank Behrens

What the Ukr. gov. did , I feel is wrong and stupid. (but still russian broadcast is available..unless they jamm the signals). But then again in the same article :

Pro-Russia authorities in Crimea shut down several Ukrainian television and radio broadcasts and replaced them with Russian broadcasters following the annexation, CPJ reported at the time.

And strange enough: “Attempts to ban Russian media in Ukraine are antidemocratic, are likely to be ineffective, and could easily backfire by making the government appear afraid of allowing citizens to make up their own minds,” CPJ Europe and Central Asia Program Coordinator Nina Ognianova said. “We call on Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to reverse this misguided order and to cease interfering with Ukrainian citizens’ right to receive information and opinion from a range of sources.” Hu, one of those “western (media) org´s.” ? These that constantly critizices russia ? https://cpj.org/europe/russia/ (and thus called are western agents and anti-russian…c`mon, since when are those “neutral” or fair and believable? ).


lol russian media had been shot down since 2014 , artists are still being banned, they also considering to make it difficult for ukranian artists to perform in russia .. etc etc . Ah the western gvmnts. media start to shown the truth when it suits them, after years of sanctions they have realised that they have been taken from behind by US and co, Russia’s trade with US has risen in those years, it has been rising with Ukraine the last couple of months too, but Petro deemed it necessary to go to the Munich conference and demand that the sanctions will be kept in place, so it looks like this, we will trade with them but you shouldn’t because you betray us and european values :D

Frank Behrens

CPJ is a private and independant org. of reporters and not any form of western gov. media ( which are still labeled as western puppet from time to time if it suits…or are citated if it suits…as it fits). And which “truthes” are the western gov. owned media (what about the non-gov. owned medias?) do show now?


Lol, like i said it’s difficult to show you anything cause you don’t speak russian nor ukranian otherwise i would just give direct link to their parlement discussions or tv ot whatever, do you think that western outlets do really want the world to know what kind of failure they have created, not really. Also it was really silly attempt at discrediting me.

Frank Behrens

What has that to do with “western owned/financed” media in the ukraine to do? Which medias of some significance is western owned by the way? Especially before 2014 ?


I have provided enough sources for also i don’t feel to put anymore effort to feed you with a spoon again, since in the end you will say again, ah .. it’s normal , we have been doing that for decades. If you want to know, look it up yourself.

Frank Behrens

Yet, another post with any meaning or reasonable answers…you do have to say any anything with meaning or will you repeat some personal insults ? Well, young man, then off you go..enjoy your life, do something meaningfull or fun. Don´t waste your time with an old , slow brainwashed westerner…I am sure you have better things to do, don`t you ?


You are so brainwashed by your govmnt that you cannot even believe your own eyes and constantly are trying to normalize the interference by the western govmnts. into other country affairs, like Syria, ukraine and many others, interference that leads, to many dead, bad economics, ruin, hatred among different groups inside the country. All of that that your countries turn a blind eye to. I wish you same “democracy” that western countries are imposing on Syria and the others :)

Frank Behrens

C`mon…somewhat ? TOTALLY I am brainwashed by my gov. , …errr…prey tell, in which ways does my Gov. brainwashes me? Let me guess_ of cause they controll totally ALL medias (well, except those few, mostly far-right/left ones, which always talk nicely about russia, right?). But one thing is strange : if they have manage to achieve that …why didn`t they achieved it to brainwash me to vote for one of those gov. parties (CDU and SPD) ? Guess in regards on inner politics they suck? Cause those parties also lost a deal percentages the last election in autumn 2017….they are doing something wrong…

Your reccuring “little story” about western states imposing “their” democracy (democracy can be owned? Nonsense..if at all, it is greek) is the typical one for all those who seem to have no problems with dictators (and thuis always fear anything which has to do with democracy). Western states are NOT imposing..they sometimes help or try to help THOSE who want to have democracy (and we are talking here about that typ of democracy which strives to achieve good government, a good and functional social welfare/health system, fairness, fair trade, free press, equality , free and independant judical system as well as good education institution). As such they are not the initiators of such democracy movements (which is also the typical argument of all dictatorial systems …such protests are ALWAYS of cause initiated from the outside and foreign agents are to be blaimed…yawn) They might sometimes grossly misjudge (totally…see Afghanistan in the 80´s …that is what happens when blind-anti-communism dictates your thinking…you even start to support bloody right-winged dictators) whom they support or how protests turn out in the end (radicals, anti-democrats using those protests for their ends) …no, I am not turning a blind on on that issue,

So, western support in Syria was always and right from the start for those peacefull civil protesters which longed for a rather saecular democratiztion (Assad had the chance back then to negotiate and with a few (true) reforms to end the protests peacefully). …and still is (jihadists are as well enemies for those still civil protesters… you just don`t hear much about them ).


Yeah, accept the terms of “opposition” backed by the west, so that west can take control of your country and rule through the puppet gvmnt, like we see in Ukraine and some other countries ? Right. Who to f do you think you are going and telling everyone what to do you old fucktard

Frank Behrens

wow, you lost it waaaay now here…well, you are not the first hyper nationalistic russian with inferiority complexes (which is the cause of such hyper nationalism) who, at the end, runs out of arguments (reasonable ones) gets angry more and more…jumps up and down, using bad language (and/or even threatens with violence),,,but can`t just leave (cause thinks that would be …looking like losing, would be disgracing)


No i was right on the spot, you are just too old and too slow to understand it. I have proved many times , you just refuse to accept it cause it would mean a loss to you, so spartle like a caught fish in the net but can’t really do anything but deny deny deny , lol


You can go and post you clueless trash somewhere else, it’s quite obvious you don’t know anything going on inside Ukraine, lol, i wish you the same gvmnt they have now, since you like it so much and all.

You can stop arguing with me, i understand that you are old and single and don’t have a life but i’m not here for your entertainment, you keep on posting nonsense that don’t have anything to do with real life and ignoring and trying to ridiculize and normalize that western govmnts support radical parties in other countries and help them to topple the officil govmnts.

Frank Behrens

Again, that I post rubbish is YOUR opinion…obvious to YOU alone here. . No, I don´t want there gov. , since it is not MY gov. (hell, even many ukrainians are suspicious and critical with their gov.), that is their buisness in the end..their task to change things to the better (democracy is not for FREE..you have to constantly fight for it) . And again: YOU don´t have to debate here with my ..not at all (how often will you repeat that and then fail to act accordingly?).


You fail imho, i smeared all nicely all over you face and you don’t like it :d

I am not going pt repeat all of the facts all over again and represent all of the videos and push you with your nose in it, cause you know that you have lost but you are trying to slip away by denying everything with some silly “arguments” , not gonna work boy, you have lost, now i don’t know is it because of your loneliness that you do that or something else, don’t care lol.

Like that pervious comment, what is wrong with mccain providing rebbels with arms to start a war against the gvmnt and cause massive damage to the country’s economy and lots of death, imho, what are you, retarded ?

And it’s like that with everything with you IMHO.

Frank Behrens

You had NO Facts…I debunked everyone of them . That was even pretty easy. A guy who keeps on and on telling someone that this person has lost etc…for sure is no winner (and this is no contest here about wining and losing…one can WIN insights at best). Another indications is when one starts to get personal. (seen that many times…when people run out of reasonable arguments) And I answered to you to that McCain delivering weapons to rebels…(err, and agaon..McCain couldn`t deliver them weapons…cause he had no power to do that since he was in the opposition).


You haven’t debunked them , you tried to normalize it, you failed :) Mybe in your mind you are a great debunker but to me you feel like an annoying grand pa that tries to avoid penalty from police by acting dumb.


West did interefere and backed the coup both in Syria and Ukraine, plenty of proof there, but you keep on fiddeling in your anus for more facts, lol, trying to noramalize your interefence, soon you will say that there were no Us and Eu officials there at all. You clown. You have lost, it’s plain and clear to see for everyone but you are still in denial, get a life lol.

Frank Behrens

That is what YOU think …and you can use and spice up your contributions with profanities and vulgar terms as long as you want (in the end, most people in the defence are reffering to that terms and language in the absence of true reasonable arguments).


yeah haven’t seen any arguments from you besides western propaganda that you have absorbed pretty nicely.

Frank Behrens

Again, today your answers have NO reference to the things I wrote…you are just answering for the sake of answering (creating white noise)


Perfect reference to western bs that is eating your brain.

Frank Behrens

” Besides FU-EU she also discussed who she would like to see in charge in Ukraine, obviously that after they will remove the goverment that was in place back then”

Uhm, the phone was leaked an February 7th (exact date when it happened is unsure). ..where Pres.Yanukovych was still in charge.(he fled on 21 February) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Yanukovych https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Euromaidan But there were negotiations with the opposition and that one of the opposition leaders would be made prime minister in order to share power (Yanukovich himself made the offer). And Nuland and Co. were thus dicussion whom they would like to see (note: would like to see…not ordering one of them).

and he wasn`t forced to go, in fact there was already an agreement between the gov. and the opposition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agreement_on_settlement_of_political_crisis_in_Ukraine

So, that pressure on Y. to leave from the EU and the US is just a claim of yours (otherwise, show me the proofs for that). Even russia didn´t acknowledged him as President after he fled.

Well, next show my those US-sponsored anti-russian medias and what is or was so anti.russian about them? You take every (reasonable critic on Russia as Anti-Russian?)

Frank Behrens

and of cause you call me dummy and cannon fodder..we are use to that from Russia…(slaves to Washington, pawns of the capital etctec…) they called us that back then in the cool war aera (so nothing changed)…which you lost…and which will you lose again to the lose of the common russians. The only “fodder” I see here are russian like you who fall in to the nationalstic rethorics of your government…cause NO ONE wants to invade russia (why should we ?).


I don’t why, cause your debt is rising and you need to support your enonomies, cause US wants to eliminate competition and stay a hegemon ? Who says that i fall to the nationalistic rethorics, i’m simply reacting to your govmnts behaviour, when i look at the polish government they are as russophobic as it gets IMHO. But like i said, yes you are a cannon fodder, you’ve had different masters through out history that would combine you all in a pile and would wage war on us, lol. Why should you invade us, i don’t know , why did you do it in the past ? But yes now that is US has promissed to make Poland a gas hub of europe for american LNG, you govmnt rethoric against Russia has intensified x 100, apparently it’s more than what EU is giving you that’s why you have a big mouth against EU now IMHO, countries like yours always have been economic protitutes, if someone offers you 5 cent more you will run to him screaming and complaining about how the other one has occupied you and used you, we certainly don’t want you back cause you are nothing more than a dead weight.

Frank Behrens

you don`t why ? o.- …and our debts rising ? Uhm, in fact there was a surplus (again) last year (talk was about 42 billions),,,but whatever, I advice you young man to learn more about economics …you seem to think that someone in debt is…enslaved? Is “owned” by someone ? And…do you realize about the various typs of beeing in debt ..that is: to whom the various states in the world are indebted ? And as long as you “own” a certain amount (assets) there is no problem at all. You say US wants be be and stay hegemon …errr, don`t normaly states always try to further there benefits(as do humans ) ? Wouldn`t russia (or Germany) never try to achieve a better position (in certain limits).? Who´s to say your are falling to the rethorics? I do (at the moment) …in which ways is my (?) government using anti-russian rethorics ? The polish gov. ? Well, they use currently a lot of anti.EU and anti-German rethorics too..but I am not worried that that boils down to war (even an economic one)…some barking here and there (must be about election terms ?). Of cause we had different masters…like your ancestors did..duh…what´s the point? I am pretty sure that you ancestors , like mine, had to bow to various landlords and pay them taxes and owned them forced labour…and were send to their wars , brain filled with nationalistic rethorics.


Debt is rising, both in EU and US, social benefits are in decline even in the most developed european countries, at some point the debt will become too large to handle, CAUSE IT IS GROWING, enslaved through debt, sure you can, take a look at Greece, they have been blackmailed to death IMHO, Ukraine is also enslaved now, recently IMF have refused them another loan because they have forbidden european firms to cut ukranian forest for wood, now they are forcing them to sell their agricultural land, obviously you are spending more than you earning, all i hear from the west is cuts cuts and more cuts to the socila problem cause they don’t have enough money, it’s just a matter of time before the debt becomes to big to handle, CAUSE it is growing, old man :) What are your options then if i may ask . Yes countries like Russia and Germany do want improve their position on the world stage but they do not go for a full hegemony like the US does, Don’t you think that it would be better if the countries would acting according to international law instead of do what we say or we will bomb you under the false pretences, don’t you think that mutipolar world would be better instead of suffocating monopoly by US ? https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-pentagons-strategy-for-world-domination-full-spectrum-dominance-from-asia-to-africa/5397514

Frank Behrens

so? Debts are rising in most countries of the world. Who forced them, eg. Greece, to make debts ? If you spend more money (or earn not enough) then you earn , you get in debts (on a personal level, that is really the same, isn´t it?). One day your loaners ask for their money back (or interests)…and if you are so much in debt, that you can´t even pay the interests (or you find no one willing to loan you more money) your are ? Bankrucpt? Ask your local bank about it :). Imagine you are loaning someone money again and again and you see him spending his money foolishly again and again on cars, drugs, women, gambles, parties and other needless luxuaries…wouldn`t you one day tell him to f–off and that you want (at least some) money back? You start probably to tell him that you will only lend him more money under certain conditions (start earning money, sell his cars, stop gambling etc…). Is that man now enslaved to you? And if so, who really enslaved him? The fool himself in the end !

The rising debts are thus a global problem (which tangets all countries…even the wealthy ones…customers who can`t afford to buy your products are a problem for YOU as well) …what to be done ? – good governance – better controlling of international trade finance (banking system) – stop of tax avoidance (especially from the rich, wealthy and big concernes ) – fair trade conditions

ah, and dear Alex, as long as you aren`t part of your countries buisness/politician/upper class we both , as with Jon Doe or Achmed or Li-Pin face the some problems: we are both getting worse of while our upper classes get richer and richer…there is no country XY vs. YX…there is a war between “them” high above ..and us down below (ever was) . It doesn`t matter which country is the hegemon and wins this or that politically (or which teams wins how many gold medals). It is about equality, fairness—labour rights, civil rights, payable rental fees, taxes , incomes, clear water, environment pollution etctec…


Bla bla bla, what are western countries going to do when the debt becomes too big to handle, western countries have got the biggest debt out there some even more than 100% gpd already, Russia has got debt 15% of its GPD. SO what will happen in your country, will they introduce more cuts? more taxes ? how far can they go, people are not going tolerate it forever, life in the west becomes more expensive each year. Us started to surround us with their missle shields since 2004, dragging more countries in NAto, spreading anti russian histeria in those countries, do you think it is all for nothing ? Do you think that will not try to do the same thing they did in ukraine, syria, lybia. The military build up in europe and the exercises are not for nothing, lol.

It does matter who is hegemon and if there is one, as you can see in practice some countries are being bombed to middle ages because the west deemed it necessary to come in free them. Pretty sure many countries/people will agree with me on that one. That’s why it is important to have a proper international mechanism working instead “exceptionals” who do whatever they like even if they will break their own rules in the process.


Lol US didn’t do it for 100 years, lol, they have other means, they don’t have to annex, they place puppet governmnts.

Fred Dozer

Russia was not strong enough to protect Libya. Putin was smart enough to save funds when oil was high. When Russia got to Syria, oil dropped like a stone, when it should have gone up. The USA and Saudi Arabia devised a plan to bankrupt Russia. Over 100 oil companies in the USA went bankrupt. Somehow Russia was prepared.Everyone in the USA thinks the drop in price was caused by shale drillers. They need $100.00 oil to break even. USA still trying to bankrupt Russia not allowing pipelines thru sanctions. If China introduces the new Petro China Gold Dollar, USA will be big loser.

Daniel Castro

“Russia was not strong enough to protect Libya.”

Perhaps, but I think european nations wouldn’t have attaked Libya without UN mandate, there is a video somewhere Putin himself admit this mistake, and also there is another one of Hillary boasting of how she played the russians in Lybia. That smooth talk of Obama in the 1st term was all a trap so russians would low their guard, it worked.

Fred Dozer

I got this from RT and wonder why the Russian’s call us partners. Makes me wonder ?

“Today we witness that some NATO actions in Libya are exceeding the framework defined by the UN Security Council. It is already being discussed that UN Resolution 1973 could also be used for ground operations,” Lavrov declared.

“The resolution does not provide for such actions and does not approve them, nor does the UN deal support regime change in Libya,” admonished the Russian foreign minister.

Daniel Castro

Yes, the approved military action to protect the population against the “evil” Gadafi, too bad when you let NATO planes fly over your country they will bomb everything into oblivion.

Russians always knew this, but for some reason they thought he west had changed… methink there were some huge bribes being passed behind the table at the UNSC…


Bribes or threats that selected UNSC members would have pictures of themselves fucking little girls and boys posted on the internet if they did not vote ‘ The right way’. .

Daniel Castro

The governor of a state I used to live here once said this:

“In politics there is no such thing as incompetence, as naiveté, as mistakes, there is only corruption.”

He probably know this very well as later it became evident he was corrupt himself… but the phrase is still valid.


Russia didn’t vetoe the vote in UN just China. At that time it was Mededev but Putin would have no differences. Great “allies”. XD.


human resources??? under asssad live 10.5 million people. dont say, that he is not able ti create 250 000 army!


Strategos would do this. Idiot what did assad.


“SAA was fighting Aleppo with endless ceasefires to slow the operations.” These ceasefires and “humanitarian corridors” are the only way of wining a war in a densely populated area and limiting civilian deaths. If you go all guns blazing in a densely populated area killing thousands of civilians what kind of population are you going to inherit afterwards.. A bitter one..How do you govern a population who believes that their life meant as little to you as the terrorist you were fighting.War isnt simple


Ceasefires are just plain and simple useless. I don’t understand the concept of ceasefires. You make a ceasefire for 1 month and then what ??? Nothing. You just lose 1 month.

Daniel Castro

It gives the people time to run from the terrorists, to put pressure on the terrorists, it gives unwilling and forced conscripted soldiers time to attempt mutiny, so on and so forth.

If you just bomb and bomb all you have in the end are dead bodies, from terrorists, from women, from children, from elderly… and then you are just like the anglo-zionists…


You are talking about humanitarian pauses. Ceasefires are useless and make the pain worst. You give time for terrorists to create strngholds and to think about a strategy.

Daniel Castro

They were negotiating with the west, by that time was Obama in power and his finger was itching to call for US boots on the ground, he could even call martial law on USA, Hitlery was talking about red buttons…

Rüdiger Preiss

Spot on, Turbo. Also, look at Mosul – the US Coalition went in ruthless, they used phosphorus bombs and there were much higher civilian casualties, whilst the Battle of Mosul took well over a year. Nobody pressured Russia in this case, the US coalition forces could bomb unhindered.


As if the west was worried about iraqis. XD. When USA toppled Saddam Hussein, they even use nuclear weapons.

Americans didn’t try to save people. They tried to kill as much as iraqis as possible. So don’t compare.

Frank Behrens

and they used death rays from the death star battle station from orbit…and are fond of grilled baby meat.

See their REAL leader…also at grilling baby meat. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/140b06a952b5e214960237eb3b55a1b221a499493409727386d2a66ff3cc5e78.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a374b904ba5103c810abf0a34f0b06e0b167ebd2b7d05550c67ba7b4e905c46e.jpg


Darth Vador is less evil !!!

Frank Behrens

well, that is what western media (alll of them controlled by jews of cause) wants you to believe, you brainwashed fool !


Yes, real evil is dark helmet of the white helmets!!!



Dear Frank,

“It is no secret that the U.S., with the assistance of other governments, used depleted uranium in the Gulf and Iraq War. A simple Google search of this topic can produce dozens and dozens of credible reports or stories to confirm these war crimes. ”




Which one are you Frank :)

Frank Behrens

uhm, yes …so? But now I am buffled …you are using western medias? C´mon, we all know they are lying, don`t they? And since they are all , more or less, are controlled by the jews , this must be a sinsiter lie ..cause, a simple google research on the 9/11 matter produces dozens and dozens of credible reports or stories, that the official version of the event is true and confirmes that …perhaps you tell that you new buddy seroius and discuss that with him ?

Richard M

Way too much wrong with this post to even know where to begin. So I will just say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNbF9PI9Gjo


I though you was not a US supporter. XD.

Liers gonna lie.

It’s too easy to recnognize american supporter terrorists. XD.

And, I think that you loved when Trump bombed SAA to help your sunni terrorists. XD. So, please, don’t fool people by saying that you don’t support the terrorists. XD.


Fake ID.

Richard M

Don’t claim I said something unless I said it. I said I don’t support USG policies. I never said I dislike America. As for Hillzebub Clinton, I am still relieved the witch failed to be enthroned.


You are a liar. You don’t support US policies but you support Trump who bombed SAA to save your terrorist sunnis. XD.

Please, I’m not stupid. Try this with someone else. XD. Mayvbe try to say that to a sunni. Most of the time, they trust any garbage given. XD.

Richard M

You should stop talking to Orcs so much. You’re beginning to speak and think like an Orc!


Give you ypur own advice. XD.

Doyle Philipson

Sunni Muslims accounted for the greatest number of terrorist attacks and fatalities for the 26th consecutive year. More than 15,700 incidents were attributed to Sunni Muslims, accounting for nearly 92 percent of all attacks and about 90 percent of all fatalities. Among this perpetrator group, sunni Salafi and their affiliates were responsible for at least 4800 attacks that resulted in almost 12,000 deaths, while the sunni Wahhabi and ahrar al-shaam conducted over 6200 attacks that resulted in nearly 19,000 deaths. Sunni islam and the teachings of ibin al-wahab are responsible for more western deaths than sepsis and cirhosis. in France and the UK you are 3 times more likely to be the victim of a sunni terror attack, than you are to be the mortal victim of Influenza or diabetes Secular, political, and anarchist groups were the next largest category of perpetrators, conducting 83 attacks with 126 fatalities, a drop of 5 percent and 9 percent, respectively, from 2010.


I stop you. I don’t believe in “terrorist attacks” in the west. These attacks are made by the west.

And I don’t think that sunnis are accounted for the greatest number of terrorist attcaks. I think it’s USA who kill Muslim by millions since 200 years.


And the best friends of the USA and America are, mmmm Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States , the Wahabi and Takfiri capitals of the World Terror Caliphate.


It’s a violence spillover nothing more. They wage a war out in the desert and naturally they destroy lives, livelihoods of civilian over there so there’s always people who want to get even or inspired by the idea of those revenge killing. For these warmonger the civilians casualties is a fair game in the war they waging so likewise someone who affected would think the civilians over the USA and west is also a fair target. As the nature of things that they the warmonger is responsible for the very death from these tit for tat from the middle east so they masked these or more accurately i should say their own country civilian casualties as a victims of terrorism.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Putin has played well since 2015… 1º liberates North Latakia.. 2º Aleppo city and East Aleppo…3º East Syria..( from Homs to Palmira to Deir Ezzor to Iraq border)…4º East Idlib…and finally 5ª East Damascus!….Russians expected US coalition airstrike vs SAA to save terrorist…thats why have been liberating outward in order that terrorist cannot retake free zones like ISIS did in Deir Ezzor hills after US coalition attacks!.. therefore Terrorist have never be able to lauch offensive aimed to conquer Damascus….now with ISIS defeated and al Nusra broken…US coalition attacks would be useless and only would leave US jets shot down over Damascus!…


3º East Syria.

never. only central .. partially

latakia is still not fully liberated. beacuse ruskies stopped the actions.

Russians expected US coalition airstrike vs SAA to save terrorist. ouch, that means ruskies are so weak, that yanks shit on them????

Manuel Flores Escobar

1º ISIS terrorist are indeed US military contratist!…ISIS went to Homs, Palmyra, east Aleppo..and also left Raqqa to fight vs SAA in vain.. leaving all east eufrates free from US/SDF forces!….2º Russia has deployed S-400 to shot down US jets…not to shot down terrorist air balloon or drones….3º USA never thought that Russian forces would be deployed in Syria…that thwarted Non fly zone…and it was the end of US dream to turn Syria in another failed states like Libya and above all to left Russian navy without naval base of Tartous!


East Ghouta was not a Priority in the Past. They where much easier and faster things to do before that. East Ghouta is again a Hard, House to house, Knife fight that is BACKED by Western organisations(Look ta the News in the West), that means they have a LOT of spys there who are involved, maby they have waited until they go away themselfs, who knows. They have waited to starve the rebels a bit more and the rebels did fought ONE ANOTHER in the past, that means they have NOW, less stupid idiots to fight against with less backing from the WEST and citisens, thas why. Who knows how long the “Häuser Kampf” will take they did not reach it from the east. Aleppo alone take a long ASS time to liberate, you could liberate much much more land and citys in less time then east ghouta. THATS WHY You piece of shit cant even think foryourself i guess with the same stupid ass shit you talk about how bad Putin is. Your arsehole never understands that Putin is the Reason that syria is still STANDING!

I could give you much more info WHY they didnt go in YET, but this will just expose strategis some Usefull idiots should have not know of.

Rüdiger Preiss

Sounds like a very far fetched conspiracy theory to me. So far, it makes me wonder how on Earth you’ve fetched it :D

Joe Doe

I would disagree with this statement. First, Putin try please Erdagon allowing him to conquer Afrin at the expense of Syria,because Putin things Erdagom will leave NATO, which will not happen.

I would disagree with the statement on East Ghouta, Syria has been fighting other area and had not enough resources to fight East Ghouta.

Assad should demand from Putin modern Air Defense System under SAA control for SAA to be able protest Syria and SAA.


,because Putin things Erdagom will leave NATO

putin is not a big caliber, but so much stupid is not.


Starlight is preparing for the day when he announces the USA was NEVER about fighting terrorism in Syria.

Richard M


Franta Flinta

Comeone…that first video is like 5 years old.


Really? I never seen it. Still liked it a lot.


Assad is not a leader for this region. Assad is a leader for Sweden.

In this region, you must not be kind. Otherwise, you are done. People in this region are bad. that’s why most of them live under dictatorship.

Dictatorships don’t come from nowhere.


Sweden? With no go zones and grenade attacks on police stations…I suppose he would feel right at home ;-)


I said for Sweden, I rather said for Swedish.

Assad is a leader for Swedish where policemen let babies ducks cross the street. Assad is not a leader for bad people.

And these no go zones are not occupied by Swedish but by bad people from Africa or middle east or east Europe. Even Sweden can’t manage them.


Why not an eye doctor for Syrian President, it is a civilized country once terror scum liquidated.


And don’t forget Assad’s wife. (She’s a bit of a bunny). If Europe etc want to go and promote ‘equality’ and ‘tolerance’ etc, then they should model it on the Assad family. (No, that isn’t a flame. I’m serious.) Two different religions (one a minority) girls. Assad’s wife wears leather pants. Refuses to leave her husband and ‘return’ to England. Really, the Assad family is probably a very good example for the Middle East to model themselves on. Tolerant, multi-ethnic, multi-denominational. Intelligent. Educated. What’s not to like. (And Assad’s wife is a bit of a bunny).


Tiger Forces and the MoonMan battalion rolling from city to city. Terrorist-supporting politicians, bureaucrats, judges that let rapists go free, cultural-trotskyists activists and the thugs they support are rounded up. All their wealth, goods being seized and redistributed to those who suffered because of their deeds. Trucks filled with all these scums drives to pig farms and horse stables.


Fack ID.

Rüdiger Preiss

Syrian people are great, at least the majority of them. Where do you get your opinion from?? Have you been there? I can’t imagine you have, otherwise I’m sure your opinion would be different.


Syrians are the less bad from arabs. I agree that most of them are kind. But, kindness is useless in this region. And, also, the sunnis are too brainwashed by their religion.

And, I noticed that they are kind with strangers. They love americans, french, … but they cheat on their own people. That’s why they collaborate with strangers to kill themselfs.

Also, they are too naive.


Did you know that out of all the middle eastern countries, syria was the most free?


That’s the problem. Freedom is used by USA to topple leaders. That’s why USA can’t bring democracy nor freedom but forced leaders to be dictators.


Well done. Kick their asses. They are all pro Trump thugs and terrorists. ————————————————–


originally they are Obamas Army


Obongo, the king of down-lows. http://antifashist.com/images/jimg/e/e188ea3b51dd31a1cb0bf1411f53ab90.jpg https://reclaimourrepublic.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/obama-orange-barack.jpg


The Wahhabi headchopper cowards have not been trained well by their MOSSAD and CIA masters as they have yet to put up a fight and have mostly been running at the first sight of SAA and Hezbollah. The sale of burkas and razors has gone up in Ghouta. BTW, recent reports on SAA and Republican Guards 4th Division home pages show that 60% of the terrorist enclave is in government hands and the advance is steady and methodical. Very few SAA casualties, thanks to effective airstrikes and mounted infantry supporting the armor. The SAA has transformed into a first rate military and woe to the Zionists if their underestimate it in the next conflict.


Look at your neighbors. Jordan, iraq, Turkey, israel, Lebanon, kurds.

That’s so shit man. You better have good weapons and be prepared with such backstappers and bad people and stupid people.

It’s a challenge to rule Syria.


We all know the only country that used nuclear weapons to kill millions of innocents and they still keeping nukes and missiles against the world. One that has military bases in countries around the world and attack Palestine, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya etc.


People still believe that USA is good. XD. Believe it or not, but people think that. 80% of people on Earth are stupids and even more are dishonnests.


Of course they do: most people are stupid, or just don’t care about politics. And all media in the west are controlled by the US: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” And they are repeating these lies for so many years, decades (since Pulitzer and Hearst, or even british press before them), they are repeating exactly the same pattern: bad guys (unfriendly government, always labeled as evil dictatorship/regime) vs “good guys” (some terrorist, rebel group, supported by the US).

Rüdiger Preiss

Is that a white helmet limping away in the top video :D?


I hope so


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Cedric Hunter

Yes, a white helmet. So much for serving the wounded and poor…..


“white helmets” are the propaganda arm of the Salafist headchoppers. How come they never come to aid of the headchoppers victims? no glamorous videos there.


Who could have filmed and passed to SF the first clip? Bizarre. SAA seems to have come a long way during the last 2 years or so. I watched it a few times. Perhaps the events on the clip and perfectly matching background music have enticed me. (Limping back of the 3 guys some of whom may have lost un arm or two as well.)


Trust no one. Most people lie, most people are stupid and most people are dishonest.


It’s marvellous to get news like this every day from Syria.Bring it on


Also, Richard M is so pathetic with his 9/11 garbage shit and with his WW2 garbage.

Richard M has a lot of similarities with sunni terrorists. He believes in 9/11, he believes in WW2, he supports the terrorists and pretend to fight them like his master Trump, he loves the west, …. XD.


Someone one tells me that “Sunni Muslims accounted for the greatest number of terrorist attacks and fatalities for the 26th consecutive year”. It’s obiously false.

Only in 2001, USA killed 1.5 million Iraqis.

In 2011, Europe have killed so many Libyans.

Americans and Europeans are the FIRST terrorists in the world ever. Don’t ever try to argue this. I can prove this 1 million times by facts. You will lose 100%. Don’t try to fight the truth to make you feel good.


Everything is connected. Doyle Philipson seeing that I said that sunnis are stupid and bad tries to sell me “Sunni Muslims accounted for the greatest number of terrorist attacks and fatalities for the 26th consecutive year”. XD.

I answered and later I said that he believes that 9/11 has been done in a cave by Ben Laden as he upvoted the comment of Vidura.

But, Doyle Philipson, I’m sorry, I don’t buy shit !!!!! XD. Try to sell shit to sunnis or americans. XD.


Who want to buy shit ? XD.


And you think that people are not ready to buy poison. If I say to you that people are so stupid that they can buy poison, you will say to me that I’m totally mad and must go to the hospital like so many people told me to do.

OK. But tell me what are cigs ??? Cigs are not poison ? People don’t buy cigs every day ??? And it’s f..ing expensive. XD.

Yes. People buy poison to poison themselfs and they buy the west propagenda shit. That’s the truth.

Frank Behrens

so ? People eat (cheap produced ) meat…meat is bad according to the vegetarians and certain groups even tell and preach to you to stop eating meat. Using cars (running on oil) is bad…stop using cars. Watching TV and or using modern media is bad …stop using them. Alcohol is bad…stop drinking that. Sports are bad…stop that.

Yeah, the world is full (and ever was an will be) with people telling other people what is good form them and , if it is in their power, to hinder them doing/saying/listining/reading/writing things THEY don´t like. Why are they doin`that ? MY believe is…they have a low self esteem…


I never see a cancer specifically caused by meat. XD. But try to smoke cigs and you will have big health problem for sure in long term.

Also, alcohol kills your liver. If you drink too much, your liver is at risk. Also, so much car accidents are caused by stupid drunk people. I never see a car accident caused by eating meat. XD.

Frank Behrens

yeah sure…but what has that to do with watching western medias? Have you ever seen someone watching western media …and getting chancer after that ?


Yes. they have brain cancer. that’s why they can’t think.

Frank Behrens

which of cause is an fact…I recommand wearing some tin foil on the head as protection. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0b803bde5d54e315d94830b57d628be0b3c3574c5ba46b75d62d195bc11f4a04.jpg


that’s what I do every time I watch the TV. I didn’t use this since long time now.

Also, never read “free newspaper” that you find outside. If it’s free, you are the product.

Frank Behrens

see? and thus you have nothing to be afraid of…so don´t tell people to stop watching…tell them to wear better tin foils hats !


I absolutely don’t care if you like to watch west news and read west newspapers. I will not save the world or whatever and I don’t care. I just say what I think it’s close to the truth.

I do it for myself and my own mental health.

Frank Behrens

ah, and why writing it here then? And if you know about the dangers…aren`t you a little bit selfish to not warn people?


I explain why things happen and argue with people who wants to understand why. That’s it. I argue to see if i’m right. And nobody manages to convince me that I’m wrong. I’m curious. I want to know if I’m right or 95% right.

Frank Behrens

what does it matter if you are right or 95% right ? In the end…you are right , aren`t you? Especially since nobody manages it (or ever will) to convince you that you are wrong . (besides…I doubt that this here would be the right place for such)


It does matter because knowledge is power. If you know, you can anticipate and prevent.

Anticipation + prevention > treatment.

Frank Behrens

the problem here is: what is knowledge? Is it right or wrong knowledge? Can you deduct the right conclusions from that knowledge ? You can Know a lot of things..like, after night, the day will come….in a desert here is (relative) small amounts of water and greens. Trivial, pathetic…pointless. Knowledge is like a pile of bricks …useless if you want to build a house but don`t know again how to use those bricks to achieve that.


And people buy poison cigs and they don’t keep it for themself. These stupid people smoke near people. Keep your garbage for you.

It’s like sunnis. Keep your religion for you.

It’s like the people who loves the west propagenda and are the most eager to spread their shit to people. Keep your propagenda with you and stop infecting people.

Frank Behrens

ah, but it is okay to spread anti-western , anti-democratic propaganda , right? Cause…YOU are of cause right and know it all (and waaaay better) ?


I’m sorry but this argument is void. If someone kills someone that did nothing to him, the killer can’t say “Oh why do you hate me, you spread anti-me propagenda”. XD.

If someone rapes someone, the raper can’t say “Oh why do you hate me, you spread anti-me propagenda”. XD.

We live in a very strange era. XD.

Frank Behrens

what are you blathering about? Small wonder people often smile at you…your “examples” have NOTHING to do with what I wrote.

Except that we are living (sometimes) in a strange area and time.


USA makes 9/11 and cheat on people and kill them and then you think I will say “Good job ! I support that”. XD.

Support if you want but there is always a back fire. If you start supporting shit, it’s the beginning of the end.

Frank Behrens

sure, and we never went to the moon…there s no Bielefeld town and we have been visited by aliens at Roswell…oh, and Elvis is still alive !


This rhetoric is old. I know about the rhetoric tactic that consists of denigrading other arguments by bringing something ridiculous.

Sorry, but it failed. I don’t care about the moon story, roswell or Elvis. XD.


Well said serious. Frank uses the old Zionist playbook and he fails to realise that he ‘ can be read like a book ‘.

Frank Behrens

Buddying again (so much different as in your real life , mh?) . And you reading (serious) books? C´mon…some right winged leaflats and pamphlets perhaps …else, I wuld be interessted in that Zionsts playbook of yours …where can I find that?



The Jews Who Rule America.

Frank Behrens

I know them….known since the 19th. cen (you guys are always a little bit late) couldn`t you find me the Jews who rule Russia ?

Frank Behrens


but then again you guys were wearing those disgusting jingle-jeans right into the 90´s or thought that Dauerwellen for men were chic and up to date


If you find me the Jews who rule Germany Frank v Behrens :)

Frank Behrens

Shouldn`t that be YOUR job ?


It is for the current generations of Germans to stand tall again and defend their Fatherland. You know who controls Germany today and its not those who have any love for ancient German heritage.


It can’t work. Don’t understand why people fight the truth. It’s absolutely useless. It’s like beating your head to a wall. The wall will never fall but you will hurt ypurself.

And, what amazes me is that surely frank Behrens has nothing to win to save these global elites. He doesn’t own the federal banks nor will operate oil fields in Syria and buy a yacht.

It’s like the CEO of Malboro. He surely doesn’t smoke. XD.

Frank Behrens

Oh, I feel your pain…I also don´t understand why people fight THE truth…why can`t they accept it? Oh, and I do smoke ….but not Malboros (urks). I do a lot of things which might not be the best for me ..


If you smoke, stop it. It’s useless to smoke. You make your life in danger. You can also save a lot of money. Don’t give money to the Malboro CEO so that he can buy his useless yacht. He doesn’t care about you.

Frank Behrens

see? Now tell my: why do YOU care if I smoke or not ? Is that YOUR buisness? Do you think you are the first one telling me? Do you think I don`t know about the possible dangers of smoking? (and again…no money to Marlboro from me, I asure you ;)).

Useless? Save a lot of money? Could you imagine how many things I do and spend money on which VARIOUS people tell me that they are useless (or even dangerous…like eating meat) and a waste of money ? Well, I don`t do that, don`t tell them (or very , very seldome)


Don’t know why you are in defensive mode. I don’t care. I just say that. Do what you want.

Frank Behrens

Am I ? Well, perhaps that´s because you are in a offensive mode? The rest is nonsensical blathering…if you don´t care , you wouldn`t write at all (or are you not sure even about your own thoughts and or reasons? Perhaps you should sorte them out before and get clear about your own ?)


I’m not in offensive mode. I only talk.

It’s free advice. Otherwise, I don’t care. It will not change my life.

Frank Behrens

You don´t care, because you believe that ? Are you THAT brainwashed?


We actually smile at you Frank because we know you are literate and intelligent , yet you attempt to defend the indefencible .

That makes you to be thoroughly dishonest Frank


Frank Behrens

If I made an Ossi smile, then I `am fine (else you see them so often with those haggard, bitter faces and always lamenting). Me? Beeing literate and intelligent ? Uhm , isn`t that a contradiction …how could that be, since `I am so often opposing your views? And small wonder…since WE are the Hasbara …(forgot about that?)

And don´t talk about honesty with me…who´s the one hiding behind a false name ? And who is using his real name?

Gods, you want me to debunk your link (again)? For free? Again?


Time you had a haircut Frank.


Frank Behrens

I don`t want to look like an right-winged Ossi , you know..sorry.

Frank Behrens

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/71e841bba9d42381db48fe 900661ae0c94e75eee851403c6ab743dbff73417b7.jpg

Who really wants to look like THAT ? (a proper Ossi man)


It is not “Anti-Western Propaganda ” to say that NATO forces have been training , paying and arming terrorists to fight the elected Syrian Government. The US has admitted as much.


“For a long time, Western and Arab states supported the Free Syrian Army not only with training but also with weapons and other materiel. The Islamic State commander, Abu Yusaf, added that members of the Free Syrian Army who had received training — from the United States, Turkey and Arab military officers at an American base in Southern Turkey ”

The word of US and NATO collusion with international terrorism is spreading fast Frank, but that’s why you and your fellow travellers seek to obfuscate and hector people isn’t it Frank?

Frank Behrens

ah, see…that sounds a little bit different then the usual bullshit ..(because it is waaaaaay differential). Ok… 1. Trained by Nato forces…errr, by US forces ..or western states (inter alia) that is. Note: not BY NATO (which IS a big difference) 2. The FSA is not deemed a Terror organization (you want me get started on the problem about Terrorist vs. Freedom fighters?). In fact, the FSA (a loosely amalgations of groups) was fighting also against various jihadists group (but lost). Right from the start the problem was that some western states wanted to strengthen the more seculare /democratic forces within the opposition (which I deeme a wise move) while certain arabic states , including Turkey, (or better: wealthy persons) didn`t cared and supported even willingly religious groups (and they paid even more and send more supplies and weapons). 3. What some Islamic state commander states is the one thing…if that is true, the other. (and even if true: how could he e.g. differ between turkish and american bases there? And often american and turkish units share the same base…)

And no. the words are spreading no more faster then decades before…heard that stuff (US/NATO is supporting Terrorists, tries to undermine the “free” world and dominate…encircles Russia etcetc…) back then there .


Your ‘Free World’ is enslaved by personnel debt and national debt. Most in the West feel wealthy but own nothing, or a very small part of what they have. The British SAS, Norwegian Special Forces and other NATO groups have been training terrorists in Syria and Jordon , to name but two. I spotted a UK Royal Marine Commando officer in Raqqa last year with the Kurds.

Frank Behrens

are you lacking food ? Do you have no home ? Do you have to freeze ? Have you no fresh clean water ( even hot) ? Don`t you own clothing? I bet neither of those…in fact , and compared to the vast majority of the world population, you are rich. You feel enslaved ? In which ways? If you have debts , pay them ! (or don´t take them up at all …were you forced to make debts ? If so: who forced them upon you?). Trained terrorists ? And were are the proofs? You personally have spotted a UK Royal Marine Commando officier in Raqqa ? So? Does that mean he was there to train “terrorists” ? Even if we believe you, mayhaps he was just there to watch (and btw….no one denie that western instructiors trained SDF forces)…guess what, russian officers are constantly present with the SDF You deem the SDF as terrorists? Why is the SDF /YPG a terrorists organization? Who said that and what is his reasoning? Erdogan? C´mon….even the Russians declared them as an terrorists organization


Libya was a prosperous nation before NATO destroyed it. Iraq destroyed. Syria destroyed. Yemen destroyed. Serbia greatly harmed. Ukraine greatly harmed.

NATO is just a tool of Zionism and the USA. Hundreds of millions of people have been killed or ruined in nations that were no threat to the EU or the USA since WW2. The export of American Democratic values to these countries has only bought death and despair.

After WW1 the US elite was wealthy from the sales of weapons . After WW2 the US elite was hugely wealthy due to the sales of arms. Britain and Russia only finished paying that debt in the early part of THIS century.

Germany today does not wish to buy the useless US F35. Trump today threatens the US car and steel industries .lol

Germany is still paying by kneeling to the USA and the Jewish owned banks.


This is what was destined for Germany.

“The Morgenthau Plan would have led to the death by starvation and pestilence of ten million Germans in the first two years after the war, in addition to the one million who had been killed in the saturation bombing and the three million killed in the enforced expulsion from Germany’s eastern territories.”

Frank Behrens

Dodging again? I asked you a couple of questions…aren´t you able or just not willing to answer them? Before we talk about the politics of the US , we should discuss your for amentioned issues, shouldn`t we? I may remind you : what about the support of jihadists groups by the west ?


Being ‘itchy’ about night and day is never really an issue worth debating about. It is a fact that the Western nations in particular rely on debt to increase prices , ergo more debt and an indebted citizen are easier to control.

Frank Behrens

again: I may remind you : – what about the support of jihadists groups by the west ? – And in which ways are you enslaved?

We are not going anywhere before we discussed the fist issue (and most related to this thread/news here)

Don´t be afarid, we will then come back to your “economic” debts issue


The US has publicly stated that Jihadis have been supported by them. You know that anyway , so I will not waste my time with links.

I am forced via taxation to pay taxes to support the White Helmets propaganda outfit, to pay via taxation for Aircraft carriers that can only intimidate ‘men with spears’ and that’s when they have aircraft in a few years time.

I am also forced via taxation to pay for an influx of refugees to the country of my birth because YOU support the continual rape and destruction of their countries for US Geo Political goals.

I am there enslaved by the debt of war the criminals who control my country even though I have no personal debt. And never have had.

Frank Behrens

which of cause is bullshit…I know of no such statings and as such I ask you again : where is the link ? (but I guessed already that you would try to dodge that question…uuuh, you won´t waste your time with links…hich could be done within a few minutes at worst…you have none, that´s it). Again, I will only persue to discuss your “enslavment” and beeing forced if you show me your links which proofs, that the US willingly and consiously supported and equiped jihadistic groups…no more dodging here , easy at that (at which you will leave I guess :)).


Tulsi Gabbard should be President of the USA.



There is much more if you care to look Frank, which I am confident you will not as it does not fit your Zionist narrative.

Frank Behrens

Yes ? Both articles fail so far to deliver any proofs or even evidence that the US willingly and consiously supported jihadistic groups. The article in the guardian is nothing more then a personal opinion/statemant of a former reporter, aka columne (most of those are rubbish..as if I am interrested in some reporters personal opinion/view) ..who is now , by the way, Labour’s director of strategy and communications. (leftist). But even in that article the columnist is not claiming that the US did ever supported jihadists…

else, feel free to citate the passages … meanwhile I am still waiting for those evidences that the US or West willingly and consiously supported jihadistic groups. Face it…there is none, because they never did (that is not to say they they did a lot of stupid things and failures)


Well, hows this Frank.

From the mouth of John Kerry, US Secretary of State.


” Obama’s objective in Syria was to change the regime, and he wanted ISIS to carry out this change and gave them the weapon capabilities to do so, according to the recording. Kerry admits he did not expect that Syria would ask for Russian aid.”

Frank Behrens

Leaving aside that this is one of those far-right outlets (angy patriot…just from the name..and a button to click here to support Pres. Trump…the guy who actually bombed a syrian military station…which even the Obama gov. never did) and we that we can´t verify if those “leaked” interview is true (ho easy to make such an interview)…the “Kerry” we hear never said that Obama (the US gov.) … wanted ISIS to carry out this change and gave them the weapon capabilities to do so,his words are:

“And we know that this was growing, we were watching, we saw that DAESH (ISIS) was growing in strength, and we thought Assad was threatened,” Kerry stated on the recording, “(We) thought, however, we could probably manage that Assad might then negotiate, but instead of negotiating, he got Putin to support him.”

The best (or worse) was for them , that they hoped that the threat by Isis could probably manage Assad to negoiate (what exactly?).

And further:

“In a WikiLeaks released email, Clinton stated to her adviser, John Podesta: “At the same time, we should return to plans to provide the FSA [Free Syria Army], with some group of moderate forces, with equipment that will allow them to deal with a weakened ISIL and stepped up operations against the Syrian regime.” (another leak )

So, they wanted to strengthen the FSA (and other moderate forces) to deal .. with ISIL AND the Assad regime.

.where do you get the notion from, that they were supporting ISIL from that ??



“The U.S. intelligence documents not only confirms suspicions that the United States and some of its coalition allies had actually facilitated the rise of the ISIS in Syria – as a counterweight to the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad- but also that ISIS members were initially trained by members and contractors of the Central Intelligence Agency at facilities in Jordan in 2012.”

Frank Behrens

Gods, another of those “Truther” sides? Making claims? Have you read the mentioned leaked document by yourself? I did …and there is NOTHING in it which would justify the claims (I say outright lies) of that Truther side..that the Obama Gov. EVER saw Isis as a tool to weaken Assad…lest gave advices to support/equip them. You know where and when ISIS got most of there US weapons from ? When the Iraq national (equiped inter alia ith US weaponary) army run away on northern Iraq and abandoning the civilians there…who´s fault was it then? They got even tanks and heavy artillery which they used to attack other rebel groups (ranging from FSA, Jihadistic groups and the Kurds).


1. Trained by Nato forces…errr, by US forces ..or western states (inter alia) that is. Note: not BY NATO (which IS a big difference)

there re officially brit and french insrutors in syria, outside of sria are involved norwegian and german isntructors, too.

Frank Behrens

German and other instructors are officially training the kurdish forces in Iraq (as they do train the Iraq national army) …no big deal. The point is: where are the proofs that western (officials) train jihadists groups?


on the website of white house

Frank Behrens


Frank Behrens

so? Give me the exact (!) link…you seem to have that and I couldn´t find there something about the training of acknowleged jihadists groups like Tahir al shams , ISIL etc.


They train enough shams over there, those guys rotate in and out of groups, both isis and tahir, those groups also working together, amies know that and still continue to supply them with weapons and train them, also US doesn’t do anything against Tahir. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/715977/al-nusra-us-arming-jihadists-syria


Frank Behrens

you guys are so predictable…well , make´s it easy :)

oh, you are refering to western media ? I thought they were all lying and are controlled by the Zionist or whatever sinister anti-russian force out there)…well, fine…let´s see Reuters article:

“Syrian rebels trained by the United States gave some of their equipment to the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front in exchange for safe passage, a U.S. military spokesman said on Friday, the latest blow to a troubled U.S. effort to train local partners to fight Islamic State militants.” etc…

So, we learn that the US did NOT equip the Jihadists…in fact they tried to strengthen local groups TO FIGHT those Jihadists.

Again…were is the evidences that they equiped and trained Jihadistic groups ?

The second one is even easier:…cause it was debunked (that interview with a german reporter called Jürgen Todenhöffer …who is well known ).


At best he got tricked by the syrian regime. And even if that “commander” would be a real soldier of the al.Nusra…he never said that the west DIRECTLY supported them (which would still be a claim….people are lying sometimes ,you know?).

So, next one…


Don’t try putting words in my mouth i’ve never said. Before the russian intervention the US and it’s coalition were “fighting” isis but it only grew, lol even John Kerry admitted that Obama’s passive actions looked like they were aimed at helping isis to grow, after the russians have started bombing isis, major jihadi exodus happened http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3279094/A-close-shave-Terrified-jihadists-leave-BEARDS-battlefield-shave-faces-dress-women-flee-Syria.html

What makes you think that the so called rebels that US trains are not jihadists imho, like i said they rotate in and out of different groups depending on who pays more and to receive training from US and other western stooges. US knows this

this one is back from 2013:






The first video is very very old and I believe it was somewhere in daraa when a SAA guy chucked a grenade into their laps.


USA is like sunnis.

Sunnis forced rape women to marry the raper. USA rapes a country and then force the country to marry with USA. XD

There are too much similarities !!! XD.


Tigers descend on the orcs. All defenses have broken down in the east, most orcs and resources are reinforcing the frontlines to the west. Now to discect the remaining tumor into chunks aka shit pockets. God bless general al Hasan and his tigers. They have been liberating areas all over the map.


Of course, you are good at what you like. Americans are good at war because they love war. Americans make war for fun.

I think i’m good at seeing fake arguments because I like to think about that. Also, I want to know and I love the truth.

Truth (or what I think is truth) is my love. XD.

So, I understand that most people don’t care about geopolitics and rhetorics. Most people don’t care about that and that’s why the west trick works so well.

You are good at what you like. No mystery.

Frank Behrens

Hmm, how again could you know that Americans (which ones ? Canadians and Brazilians too?) love war? Are you an american? How many do you know ? Did they tell you that ? Do you plain believe them ?

“Truth (or what I think is truth) is my love. XD.”

Your best sentence so far !

Icarus Tanović

I love first video where 23mm gun hits them hard.

Potato Potato

What’s the name of that badass song in the top video?


The first video, which appears to be the work of a 40 mm grenade launcher, is a couple of years old! I

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