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MARCH 2025

Videos: Wives Of ISIS Fighters Shout Pro-ISIS Slogans, Rail Against Journalists Near Baghouz

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These videos provide a closer look at people, whom are being evacuated by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) from the ISIS-held pocket near the Syrian village of Baghouz in the Euphrates Valley.

After the “evaucation” from the ISIS-held pocket, these persons are then being transfered to SDF-controlled refugee camps in northeastern Syria. Local sources say that a notable part of these ISIS-linked persons is deeply indocrinated by the ISIS propaganda and their compact presense in the refugee camps turn then into a foothold of ISIS cells operating in the area.

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SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Just. Shoot. Them.


No. Don’t waste the ammunition. Just burn them alive.

Tommy Jensen

Who are the monsters here?


Your masters tommy.

Tommy Jensen

Not. Im only under the universal laws and God´s judgement.


Who do you think you are fooling tommy.

Tommy Jensen

All right. Lets say Im at least trying.

Feudalism Victory

What do you know of Gods law and judgement? Your arrogance knows no bounds.

Tommy Jensen

More than most people here. Universal law is all around us, the bible can be used if anyone wants it in ink.


Is that a trick question? The monsters are the Muslims and the vile, stinking religion they practice. Fortunately , Europe is rising up to fight it. The future isn’t going to be a safe place for muslims, thankfully.

Alex sayon

Wrong, the monsters are those who spread and agitate disbelief in muslim lands not the other way around :)

Tommy Jensen

Muslim women get half cancer of Western women, moslém women´s children do all write letters with correct gramma and do math, moslém women gather, sleep and sing in front of police stations and get their unjustified prisoned relatives released, moslém women have backbone to tell fact and truth in public latest Ilhan Omar.

“burn them alive with children, take their kids from their mothers, castrate them, shoot their kids, throw them in prison with Saudi maniacs, stinking religion”? I mean you were the ones letting your government brainwash and pay them in the first place.

Shouldnt you show yourself off as better humans before you judge others?

Feudalism Victory

Its a military matter. Their deaths wouldnt be necessary if they didnt necessitate them with their murderous idealogy. Seriously what do you think happens next? These women and children foment the next generation of murderous religous fanatics. Kindness is saving people from this again but these people are irredeemable and it needs to end here.

Tommy Jensen

I understand what you mean, but cannot be a judge in the case. Im only expressing the human dilemma. There was a case in England. A guy raped a young girl in the neighbourhood and threatened her to keep quiet about it. As the weeks passed, the guy became afraid she would go to the police anyway, destroying his name and life with 3-8 mth prison. So the guy find her and beat the h… out of her, threaten to kill her if she ever tell anybody about the rape and the beating. As more weeks passed, the guy now become afraid she will give him up with both rape, beating and death threats, and thus destroying his life giving him 3-4 years in prison. He decide then finally to punish her for his own fear by killing her. He hide the body, the police find it and the court give him life in prison.

The moral is if you face your account for the first rape both can live on, wounded yes, but nevertheless get a life out of it. But if you continue to hide your own guilt and take the small consequence, out of fear, the small act can end up destroying the entire life of both.

This story about the ISIS women and Western hate against them and their children, reminds me of this UK case. Obama, Clinton, many in West will always have bloody hands and feel the guilt as long as these ISIS women are alive. You see what I mean?

Jens Holm

I dont see that. To me its much more that many westerns dont understand those people at all and feel no guilt.

Feudalism Victory

Thank you for the thought out reply.

I suppose its analogous but it only says to me the obomas and clintons need to be staked out and killed as well given their culpability. The people are put at risk by these shenanigans.

I personally doubt they feel any guilt as they dont face any consequences. They probably feel its their due for others to die in their place.


Have a heart, please, their husbands have been on bibi’s pay roll and american taxpayers funds. They have been serving you to their best. What’s your problem? You are angry cause there will be no grater israhell? Woops.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

And their burkas look so clean and neatly pressed — after living in a bombed out “last ditch” for lo these many weeks. And the black gloves, nice touch. This is all Kabuki Theater.


Honestly, I’d go as far as saying shoot their kids too. I don’t trust even their progeny

Feudalism Victory

Its like abused children grow up to be abusers. They are ruined as people now and no therapy will make them civilized again. Itll just be under the surface the trauma and violence. Mercy to save them from a life of pain for them and the people around them.

I don’t want to live in the same world with the kuffar :) That’s right but i believe that new Islamic caliphate will be establihed after the great conflict between nations of Kufr (World War 3) :) ISIS is still strong in many countries, deal with it :)

And to people who don’t know our Islamic state and our people: The slogan Baqyia means: Islamic state will remain until the end of the world!

Pave Way IV

Look here, ISIS hasbara… I am FORCED by my government to pay taxes that go to CENTCOM, some of which in turn goes to MISO for its US public brainwashing ops. Your lame-assed social media influencing company is just making a buck from them. You have to pay rent, buy Mac and Cheese and purchase a new crack pipe. I get it – I really do. But you guys just SUCK at this. Are you unemployed journalists by any chance? FFS, learn to code.

Supervisor: “Marty, your jihad bonus score is dropping again. Didn’t I tell you to stay off South Front? You don’t want to go back to driving for Uber, do you?”


Feudalism Victory

Yes. There should have been no survivors. Every man woman and child over 12 dead.

You cant kill their evil ideas unless you kill the people thinking them


We are not genocide to do that. They must be judged and put in jail if they are guilty of any crime, that is.


The NATO nations and others that have supported terrorism in Syria should also be prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity and Aiding and Abetting UN proscribed terrorists.


Vile creatures. Just utter vile creatures. Fuck you islam. may your oceans be filled with the blood of muslim pigs.


Err no. I think you’ll find it’s all about Muslim and Islam. Jews don’t go around blowing themselves up for the sake of their vile putrid religion. Or killing others for the sake of their vile, putrid religion.


Really? Since when? Tomorrow?


I think you all should look up operation black September to know a few things. Firstly, this war was not started by Isreal but the Brits.

Secondly, after the brits started this war, Isreal won it. Simple.

Three, the Palestinians are to be pitied, but if you think for one second the surrounding muslim countries are not pieces of absolute shit, look up the birth of the Muslim brotherhood, their tendency to lick Hitler’s asshole, with Hajj Amin al-Husseini paying him visits, and by 1936 asking for elimination of all Jews till Palestine. This is the same Muslim brotherhood you guys support right? The same on that’s “speaking out” against dictators? It’s this very organization that has created the Fideyeen and the Hamas and Al Queada (from the teachings of Sayyed Ali Qutb, who was one of the foundation stones of the Muslim brotherhood) So this is where your anti semitism comes from, just so you know. You all are neo Nazis, I hope you’re proud of what part of history you support.

No.four. counting the Isreal Palestine war, Isreal has killed a total of 60,000 and lost 20-25,000 themselves. In 50 years of it’s existence. In operation black September General Zia ul Haq from pakistan helped the king of Jordan kill 25000 Palestinians. In just 1-2 years. Compare that damage to Isreal’s in 50 years.

Now Jordan heads human rights commission in the UN and Pakistan claims to be the protector of all Muslims. What a sick joke. To what level of hypocrisy can you all fall to? Why can’t you just accept that the whole of your religion isn’t bad, but there are parts of your book that can be misinterpreted to propagate violence. I agree, most of you don’t follow that, but instead of blaming everyone around you, just analyze where you all might be going wrong too. The west has it’s own share of the blame, but so do you all as Muslims. There is an element of extremism in Islam, and it’s up to you sensible Muslims to analyze it and destroy that aspect, and anyone who tries to propagate it.


All I can say in response is : whatever you say. You belong to a mental institution, the whole lot of you and you know that mental cases do not enjoy long and productive lives.


That’s your informative reply? I provided facts and what you came up with is “your place is in a mental asylum to die a slow death”?

God, you guys really do love the “poor Muslims can do no wrong, we’re always victims” bullshit, don’t you? As though you can never hurt one another or anyone in the world. Terrorists are just born that way. Or the tiny country called Isreal is secretly controlling the world and your population of fucking 1.5 billion sits around doing nothing wrong. Just covering their women head to toe and making them “obedient”.

Thankfully alot of Muslims understand that there are things that need to change in their religion, and frankly all religions, and they don’t waste their time blaming Jews for their own faults.

Seriously, how long do you think the world will buy that before you realize that the filth is coming from within, and is then being used by outsiders to kill your own people?

Extremism is your problem to deal with, exploitation is ours. The longer you guys blame someone else for manipulation of your scriptures, the more your own people and everyone else dies.


You don’t deserve any better. Get lost.


And you wonder why we call you guys brainless. Come up with better arguments next time.


How about ” God, you guys really do love the “poor Jews can do no wrong, we’re always victims bullshit,”



No, they blow others up for the sake of their vile, putrid religion. Kill unarmed children too.

Concrete Mike

Neither do real muslims.

What you call.muslim is saudi wahabbi sect.

Read the kuran, the truth is there.

You know this we call you out everytime on it!

You are just as bad as the zionists, if you arent one to begin with.


These people were not cheated or deceived by islam, they were deceived by their Imans who, in turns, were deceived ($$) by ISrael-USA-NATO about the creating of an Islamic State, and were used to destroy Syria, that is all.

Tommy Jensen

So the camera men and the journalists with open mouth and big eyes didnt get the message. Well what do you do then?


US rescuing ISIS for future “humanitarian” operations.

Alex sayon

Deal with it :( ISIS is the most misunderstood group of people… some morons say that we don’t have right to live, we don’t have right to fight for own ideals and goals, that we are nothing. But i swear by Allah that victory is comming soon, and we will finally live and prosper in the way of the religion, in the way of the God. It is the truth that has made darkness die, and thus has the exposed disbelief run away in its disgrace.

Ahmed Sniper



shiksas from the mista’arvim perhaps

Pave Way IV

First, take their kids away. Being anywhere in their mother’s presence or subject to their poisonous influence is clearly child abuse – anywhere on earth. Nobody is allowed to create their own victims, not even ISIS biological breeders.

Then get about 200 of these nasty women and lock them up in the same cells with the most senior male members of the al Saud family – and keep that whole cell block in isolation 24×7. I suppose castration is called for – can’t have the geezers breeding more head-choppers. Rotate new nasty women into the al Saud holding cells every few months. About five years of this ‘treatment’ should do it – by then, the al Sauds will have realized what they’ve done to the world… or they will have killed themselves. Either way, a win-win.

Now here is a thought far, far worse than the above sarcasm: these women and their children are now a US (and Coalition of Evil) problem to solve. The Kurds don’t want the US to keep them in SDFistan forever, but the US has no idea what to do with them. Are they refugees, criminals or prisoners of war? The US should have thought about that first.

And as evil and psychopathic as US leaders may be, they won’t resort to executing them. Bad PR and all. Foreigners can’t be shipped back to their countries because their countries won’t take these terrorists even though it’s their responsibility to prosecute them for supporting terrorism. Syria damn sure doesn’t want them, neither does Iraq. Many of them are stateless.

It would be a big problem if there were 200 of them, but it’s more like 10,000 head-choppers and their spawn. And most are not ‘in custody’ or detained. They’re just placed in refugee camps like the 33,000 in al Hawl or 45,000 in Rukban. Many more scattered around SDFistan. WTF is the US going to do with them?

I have a funny feeling that we’ll be secretly ‘hosting’ many of them in the US without the consent of the people who live here. Hey – just like Europe! Snackbar!

Alex sayon

I’d rather be dead than living with my enemies, I’d rather be dead than letting them to hurt my people and to steal children of my friends :)


Kefir is like Gojim, non-believer or non-Jewish, demonstrating that the ISIS ideology is not Islamic but Talmudic. ISIS and Talmud also have another common ideological root: the material elimination of Christians. This is why the Islamic State, supported and armed by Israel, has made unspeakable hurts against Christians and never anything against the Jews.

Alex sayon

Free the ISIS people, we are not bad as the propaganda tells you.


You are not. Simply, you do not exist. You are a product of Mossad, and you are also directed and armed by them like Al Bagdadi, Abu Hafs’ real name Benjamin Efraim, Jewish Mossad who killed 21 Coptic Christians in Libya. It is their indication that you kill all the Christians you find, do as the Jews in Palestine, with the Christians in place of the Palestinians. You are not Islamic, you are Jewish followers of the Talmud.

Ahmed Sniper

Nasheed About Islamic Law Sharia by Islamic state of Iraq and Sham https://youtu.be/SttCrIPPpPE So who is the real believer here? Look in the comment section: People defend Islamic state because they know we are right.

Game Over

They celebrated while people were getting their heads chopped off by their husbands…If you don’t kill the cancer it will come back. I know that sounds bad to say but even liberals will agree.


Not, they must be judged and put in jail if they found guilty of any crime, that is.

Game Over

No court will be able to prove that individual ISIS fighters have done something bad other that been a member of ISIS. None of them are going to admit anything unless they are stupid. The only ones that will be specifically charged will be a hand full of them that have been recorded doing bad things and can be identified. The dangerous thing here is that many of them will slip away and comitt more crimes wherever they end up. Their wives and kids are even more dangerous. What do you do with them?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Using bottled water given as humanitarian aid as a weapon, mmm, that may not be very dramatic or life threatening, but as they say, it’s the thought that counts, no more water. In times long past, no one would be left alive after a defeat like this, not the wives or the children or the elderly, and it wasn’t always done because of hatred or bloodlust, there was a sensible logic behind a lot of those massacres. Aren’t the Isis wives lucky we’re no longer as sensible as our ancestors were, and a lot more compassionate, though some of us know, that some poor innocent person, somewhere sometime in the future, will pay a heavy price for this act of mercy. I used to say just bomb them all into oblivion, but the do gooders always say that’s a terrible and barbaric way of behaving, but stories like this make me wonder though, is it really more compassionate to think of the Isis wives and their children now, or should we at least consider all their possible innocent victims in the future, which is the more compassionate way of acting for the greater good. I’m all for redemption, but that’s only if there are no soldiers risking their lives to achieve it, but put yourself in the shoes of an SDF fighter, they have to risk their lives to not only rescue the innocent civilians, but also the lives the wives and children of the people that would happily either murder them or sell them into slavery, would you risk your own life to help the people trying to kill you and your family. I wouldn’t, I’d just bomb them all into oblivion, and watch a few videos like this afterwards to make myself feel not so bad afterwards, not better though. When the Rukban refugee camp near Al Tanf is finally dismantled, 75% of the refugees there will be behaving in exactly the same way as these fanatics did, well that’s only if they evacuate through US corridors, if the Syrians control of the procedure they won’t be behaving badly and throwing water at all, they’ll be on their knees and begging for mercy, and that’s what I think this group should be doing, that’s if they really do deserve any mercy at all, I think the SDF should have just bombed them all into oblivion.

Concrete Mike

SDF=ISIS. This is manufactured outrage.

Feudalism Victory

Your analysis is correct.

You can call me Al

Screaming banshee mozzie whores.


I wonder if the ISIS wives will advertise themselves on Tinder when they return to Europe ?


Of course


Very good brain washed ladies. You can not do anything about that but to wait until they by themselves see the terrorists atrocities committed.

Xoli Xoli

This women in satanic black table cloth.Eish their are use to be rape and kick every day.If you kill a snake then you must also kill small snakes and egg as well.Or donate them to USA jails for terrorists breading purpose.

Jens Holm

Those has had no contact with the rest of the world and are kept in high moral. By that You should not trust all are believers as several ones write here.

They need som long time debriefing by education and fx several TV channels. By that at least some of them will change a lot.

But we have a big problem with the ones, which stay unchanged. How can we let those go – ever ?

I allowed me to propose Eastern Greenland becuse none else live there. There is only 2 villages. I know no deserted islands, which are big enough. And I still allow me to think, that those total covered women cant see the rest of the world and hardly are a memeber of it – and are raised to it.

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