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American billionaire George Soros intends to spend $220 million on “strengthening power in black communities and a new anti-racist policy in the United States.” This step confirms the status of Soros as the main supporter of racial justice initiatives, as well as one of the main opponents of the right-wing forces that accuse him of supporting the escalation of the situation in the country.
George Soros is a native of Hungary, who managed to create a charitable foundation that is represented in 37 countries, and gave its owner not only the title of one of the most famous philanthropists of our time, but also a fortune in billions of dollars. Despite the enormous influence that George Soros has today both in the United States and abroad, the independence of his Foundation’s activities is in doubt.
The biography of Djerd Schwartz, who changed his name several times and became George Soros, is rather vague. Most of his life, until the end of the 70s, is represented by Soros himself.
It is known that he was born in Budapest in a middle-class Jewish family; he was the son of lawyer and publisher Tivadar Schwartz. His father fought in the First World War, and escaped after being captured in the territory of the then Russian Empire. During the years in captivity, he surprisingly managed to learn Esperanto, and later became an Esperantist writer. Close circle of Esperanto lovers, where Schwartz Father took part, will have a great impact on the future of his son.
Having built a successful career without having an education, Tiward Schwartz was an active member of the Jewish community in Budapest and engaged in the Affairs of financiers “from the ghetto”. At the same time, for unknown reasons, Schwartz changed his surname to Shorosh shortly before the occupation of Hungary by Hitler. Despite the fact that life in the Shoroshey family has begun to improve, the younger Djerd is sent without any prospects to Britain. There, apparently, he was actively helped by his father’s connections. In London, he managed to enroll in the London school of Economics and Political Science, for which he also had to change his passport, and then Djerd became George Soros. After graduating from the faculty of “Philosophy, Logic and Scientific method”, he receives a degree in Philology. However, this specialty did not prevent him from getting his first job in a private and closed from prying eyes brokerage house “Singer & Friedlander”. He was taken into the company by a friend of Soros’s father, who participated in his commercial activities, and was also a member of the Esperantist society.
George Soros’s rather dubious path to success calls into question the independence of his current policy. The fact that the Soros Foundation continues to actively interact and sponsors about 20 Esperantist organizations around the world confirms the protectorate of its activities. More than half of the budget is spent on British Philology lovers.
In 1979, Soros created the Open Society Institute (OSI) in the United States, which is an international charitable foundation that supports programs in the fields of education, culture and art, health, and civic initiatives that contribute to building the so-called ‘’open society’’.
The idea of an “open society” was pursued by Soros after his teacher at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Karl Popper. The main characteristics of an “open society” include:
- new individualism: in society, the main role is played by spiritual, rational connections between its members, which are not determined by the accidents of birth, as opposed to nationality or citizenship;
- in an open society, people unite rationally, and also make rational decisions by seeking consensus and taking personal responsibility for their actions. In such a society individuals are free from various taboos and make decisions based on the consensus reached as a result of the agreement;
- the concept of critical rationalism: the company has the ability to freely criticize their government. The political elite in such a society does not have unlimited power and can be removed without bloodshed, what should assure the stability of an open society.
At the moment, any open society does not exist. Even Western countries that posite themselves as liberal democracies are at the stage of transition from a closed society to an open one.
The attractive idea of building a better society hides a rather complex multi-level system of financing, which in fact is not so “open”.
Soros is a billionaire whose fortune Forbes estimates at $8.3 billion, while OSI is his main business. George Soros formed some capital, began to reinvest it, and thus he managed to create a charitable foundation, which, in addition, continues to earn actively from charity. The growth of the Fund’s wealth and positive dynamics contradicts economic laws, given that the Fund does not have a legal right to participate in commercial activities in the United States. Financial flows and real estate of Soros are not separated, and in fact everything is registered on a vague network of NCOs.
Based on this, it seems quite logical to assume that the Fund’s profit consists in the transfusion of funds within the charity itself. Soros’ NCOs represent a network based on a principle similar to the MasterCard network or the P2P transfer service. Open Society is not a performer of charity projects, but it works with local performers. Thus, when allocating, for example, $10 for a project, performers X, Y,Z receive $3, and $1 is taken for maintenance. However, decisions about the amount of transfers and their recipients are made not by the Board of Directors, or the Chairman George Soros, but by independent committees (Advisory Boards). Their activities are mixed and cannot be directly audited by a third-party observer.

The Last Supper featuring a black Jesus has replaced a Nativity scene at St Albans Cathedral to show solidarity with Black Lives Matter
The cross-border Foundation works with anonymous donors in all countries. If donor A wants to contribute to the democratization of country B, by allocating the same “$1” for servicing the Fund, the donor also receives a guarantee of its anonymity. The money that enters the organization from anonymous donors is redistributed to the NCOs. all over the world.
Thus, the scheme of the Fund can be represented as the following:
donation amount $$$ -> Buffer Fund 1 -> Open Society country 1 -> Buffer Fund offshore -> Open Society of the country 2 -> Buffer Fund 2 -> project NCOs.
This system allows to bring the amount to the shares of direct action in an incomplete volume, no more than 30-40%. In essence, OSI is a tool for cashing out and transferring large amounts of money in the corporate sector in the shadow of the participating countries. Thus, the main activity of OSI is to provide cash flow between different nodes of the international network in the Business to Business format.
This scheme allows those who rest behind the scenes to use OSI to promote various projects in which they are interested not only abroad, but also within the United States.
The Soros Open Society Foundation’s budget for 2020 includes $261.1 million intended to support American left-wing movements. This amount makes up to 21% of the Fund’s total global budget. In fact, Soros supports groups that form the backbone of the Black lives matter (BLM) movement.
Of the $220 million that George Soros announced on July 13, $150 million will be invested in five-year grants for selected groups. Among the organizations that will receive grants are the Black Votes Matter Fund, Repairers of the Breach, the Equal Justice Initiative, etc. The remaining $70 million are intended for investment in local grants supporting changes to policing and criminal justice. Moreover, this amount should cover the costs of developing of civic engagement and organizing internships and political training for youth.
“There is this call for justice in Black and brown communities, an explosion of not just sympathy but solidarity across the board,” Mr. Gaspard, the president of the Open Society Foundations said. “So it’s time to double down. And we understood we can place a bet on these activists — Black and white — who see this as a moment of not just incrementalism, but whole-scale reform.”
This is not the first time Soros has targeted racial inequality. However, this initiative is the most expensive. In 2003, Open Society launched a Racial Justice Initiative. Today, the Soros Foundation has formally become one of the main financial sources for BLM. The patron regularly invests large sums in support of American left-wing movements:
- $50 million to counter mass incarceration;
- $33 million were invested in the Organization for Black Struggle and Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, which precede the formation of the BLM in its modern form;
- $25 million in grants to sponsor minority political organizations;
- $15 million for education and advocacy initiatives of the National Association for the advancement of colored people NAACP;
- $1 billion in University grants to fight nationalism.
Soros’s active support for the BLM movement has been criticized many times, including the allegations that groups he backed have paid protesters speaking out against racial injustice. The billionaire is actively blaming for playing a shadowy role behind the riots taking place in cities across the country.
Soros’s globalist policy is clearly complementary to the neoliberal positions of the US Democratic forces, which leads to their close interaction with an Open Society. Soros doubled the support of American Democrats. Instead of $20 million in 2016, they will receive $40 million this year to prevent the re-election of President Donald Trump.
It is not surprising that as part of its Make America Great Again rhetorical, Trump in turn accuses Soros on a variety of issues, of supporting the BLM movement, supporting the caravan of migrants attempting to enter the United States from Central America, being behind the attacks on Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court nomination and promoting an elitist globalist agenda that undermined American jobs and culture.
The financial scheme used by the Open Society Foundation of George Soros is a convenient tool for promoting the interests of its donors, who appear to be closely affiliated with the US Democratic forces. Investing in the BLM movement is only part of the policy of the forces hided behind the name of George Soros, who continue to take active actions to prevent the re-election of Donald Trump in the upcoming elections in the US. Furthermore, the activities of OSI arouse resentment not only from conservative forces in the United States, but also in many other countries, such as Armenia, where “pseudo-democratic” projects funded by Soros undermine stability and provoke internal conflicts.
Please dont call him Hungarian. He is a traitor. He collaborated with the nazis, sold out Hungarian jews to the nazis. Thats where he got his first $million. Ever wondered how he survived WWII in the middle of nazi occupation? Thats how. He is a demon in a meatsuit.
don’t feed the big lie
He is not Hungarian … He is a Khazar ,huge difference
“He collaborated with the nazis, sold out Hungarian jews to the nazis.” He was a kid in “hitler youth”. Too young to sell someone. But no doubts, he could do so, if was mature. Such kind of people can sell everything and everyone.
Im Hungarian. Trust me he did it.
I’m not trying to be devil’s advocate.
Wise decision :)
yes, he was kid, writing down the names and addresses of the jews in Budapest. the lists were delivered to Kasztner and his father and to SS. nice kid.
Hi did it.
Even he admitted that. That man is a satanic seed, worst of the worst.
He is a Zoharist, a follow up on Sabbatai Zevi of 1666, and there are many of them…
Fucker has his ticket to hell secured… One way ticket…
Hell is way too nice place for this rotten zombie.
You know nothing about hell.
Hell is what holly Russian nation will give to the Western Nazi, cleaning the world of eurofascists and zioyanks. Am I rite?
No one nation is holly. In case if you will ever decide to make some deeper research what is after death, let me suggest you a book by Maurice S. Rawlings: “Beyond Death’s Door”
It’d be nice if he and his associates were given an explosive send off to Hell.
Rather he is satan and is creating hell on earth. Why didn’t Hungarians kill him off instead of letting him flee?
There are more Lee Harvey Oswalds and Jack Rubys in America for this job than in Hungary. Thats why.
Another fake Jewish, obviously racist, who pretends to fight against racism, people like him are only interested in power and money, everything else is smoke in the eye.
Yeah ‘open society’ — they pretend to support the free circulation of people without state borders, but their real goal is free circulation of their money and influence without any interference from national governments.
If he is after the free movement of labor and capital then it is for the singular reason that it will increase profits. Maybe he should go after biological weapons? lol By supporting these two things, he now infringes on three elements of a nation. I guess he is one of the main players in this push and pull of power between nations, corporations, and whatever group or destabilizing power supporting him. Sadly, the camp of the individual and family only are surrenderers of power. If he truly cared about individualism, it seems merely on face like issues of race. Ultimately, the people he “supports” will be so dehumanized and under the mercy of cutthroat capitalist and materialist systems. Your freedom to act like an animal entitles him to treat you like his slave. lol
Exactly. He highjacked the left and turned it upside down to praise the very symbol of their eternal enemy: the speculator. American left was never true left but the so called liberal left highjacked european left too.
Soros is not a decision maker but only a tool in the hand of real puppets masters.
He is the tip of the iceberg.
George Soros is a Jew.
Stop trying to “white wash” Jews and their deeds in every country for centuries.
fake jew = convert to Judaism a non Semite, not Herbew, European Khazarian convert to Judaism – Ashkenazim Jew
sefardim are just as bad these days imo+
there are no true Hebrew left globally let alone in Israel… Palestinians are more Semites than Jews from Israel all others Hebrew-Semites are just mix at the best
Who’s talking about hebrews? All I know is that they call themselves jews, zionist and globalist, working side by side, controlling opposition. Who’s talking about semites? This is no racial thing, it’s a supermacist nazistic ideology, a tendency of the mind
One must know the history to recognize true enemy
Hebrews are not race you know but ethnicity their religion a true Judaism. Torah is true Judaism while Ashkenazim are followers of TALMUD = Talmudic converts to Judaism They are the EVIL ONES
Seems to me that the only non-Talmudic Jews around today are the Ethiopian Jews, who are not welcome in modern Jewish communities.
I am not surprised.
Nah, Jews do the same in every country.
You have reading problem. They are NOT real Jews but coverts to Judaism. So nobody is opposing your words it is you who can’t read.
Sure, it’s never them, it’s either “impostors” or “anti-Semitism” or “China”, really cool
You defiantly can’t read. Nobody is saying that it is not them! I have never said that you are wrong in your accusation of Jews.
All I say that they are not true Jews but converts to Judaism. Good bye.
Bla bla bla
Spelling is good, punctuation……..
“Punctuation” is how Jews opened wide your country ass and also your “master race” ass to anyone on street and you’re here picking grammar errors
it was just a joke, lighten up….but you are right about Jews
Joke is what Jews did to their cannon fodder.
The Khazars are a very dark case ….The Khazars (Ashkenazi) is a Leuko-Mongol sheet which in the past had a large state, and where during the 8th century AD. embraced Judaism en masse. The state of the Khazars was overthrown by the Russians, who for this reason consider them eternal enemies. Khazar Bankers control the whole planet
Yes I know, but thanks all the same for reminder.
The Kazar/Ashkenazi have owned the Jewish brand for over a millennium. Don’t you think that gives them a fair claim to the label?
Since there is no original around copy is the one that dominates, but it is still copy. Their ancestors were never blessed by God. No I honestly don’t think that Jewish converts have any Biblical rights on Israel. Nobody has promised to them Israel and they were never blessed by God. They practice Judaism and they are not in the best tradition of Judaism when they do that either.
Regardless, America is reaping what it sowed seeing the trouble it has caused around the world.
If they manage to defund the poluce that would be better for the people because the popular militias will reborn and eventually there will be a revolution.
You are wrong bacon
Without police the chaos will rise and state will fall apart making room for some military dictator (see African countries to get picture) Police is lesser evil for semblance of order without which no society can function One must fight for better government and not for no government. Once chaos starts normality will never be back
You are still a communist, that’s why you can’t see the anglosaxon civilization is not equal to any african civilization. And you don’t know much about USA either, there volunteers play an important role in society. In Eastern civilisations people don’t believe so much in volunteering, they expect the government to care of them like a nanny. And that’s way Communism took over most Orthodox countries, cause people don’t have tradition with private property.
Idiotic comment as usual in socialism majority of things was built on collective work of volunteers and you want to explain to me what is that all about?!?
In socialism there was no volunteer work you dummie, it was forced work of very low quality. The leaders were naming it ‘volunteer’. That’s what your grandparents told you, they ‘volunteered’ but they had the option to stay at home and do nothing?
pork idiot
“Communism took over most Orthodox countries, cause people don’t have tradition with private property.” Only American can say something as stupid as that !
But it’s true :)
in individualistic societies—the anglosphere, where this no individuality, antagonism, anxiety, self doubt pervades—they require monopoly capitalism to rule them—in collectivist societies, money is less important than life
And why are you saying that and now?!
Please don’t go philosophical on me, because “bacon” can’t even understand the most basic and most obvious, through his Western propaganda infested brain. And you starting to go in subtle nuances!? Developing conversation now would be totally inadequate, like performing sterile operation in trash container. (but still to make my position clear – there was capitalism with “human face” and social dimension like Scandinavian model – and it was much better than any “socialism” while it lasted, but it didn’t last long)
Iceland fought back an it was gallant. However I am not up to date in the progress made
Iclandic ultra-nationalist? How nice. Moral support is solution.
“I have lived under communism”
Where? As far as I know, it wasn’t built.)
As you know it is colloquial Anton. Just to say it shorter , simple way I am sure that in USSR, and in today’s Russia was often used word “communism” instead of socialism…
“Commnisam” is Carl Marx pile of bollocks story for naive people
In modern Russia neo-marxists looks verysimilar to liberals. And liberals are known as anti-russian western agents.
I know all that Anton because I care about Russia and I am worried for the state of affairs in Russia today and not from outside enemy…
The popular militias are already in place in the form of an armed citizenry that are tired of seeing the inaction of their mayors, local governments and governors. They’re holding back so the Feds and local LEO’s can deal with BLM, the SJW’s and KFC’s (Karens for Communism). Their bullshit is only occurring and continuing in certain cities because the rest of the Nation won’t tolerate their crap and are dismayed at the Democratic Party leaders for supporting the “protests” which resulted in destruction of public and private property, looting, arson and injuries to peace officers.
Yea, like mass shotings, MSM presents the riots as nation wide, while in fact they are in infamous places, like Seattle. Some people from smaller countries, watching TV thinks it’s the end of America. I think the real Communist Karens are the corporations that support these politicians. Anyway I hope people keep organising.
The real idea behind ‘defunding the police’ isnt to get rid of police per se, but to replace them with political commissars.
In the US, police officers, individually, generally support center-right political causes. The communists want to swing this this to the hard left.
Defund police = creation of private police for rich ones and full anarchy and jungle laws for majority. Like in “Elysium” movie with stupid final, when rich ones from orbital station share their abilities with ghetto Earth.
Rich people already have their own private security, and five star lawyers on speed-dial.
The bizarro trajectory the USA has been on, with regards to left-liberal social engineering can’t be explained by wealth accumulation, by explanations that it’s just the wages of capitalism.
The power elite of the USA and western Europe are driven by revolutionary cultural marxism, spawned by the Frankfurt school and critical theory. To those who belong to this segment, wealth accumulation is just a means to that end, not the end in and of itself.
Yes, but now it can be institutionalized, i.e. by the law.
Soros is the furthest thing from a “Hungarian”, he’s really hated here.
Well, he hates you too :))
I guess so, lol ?
He should be tortured to death
US let him in and gave him permanent shelter because he had money. So Hungaria should have backbone because Americans sell their butt and soul for money??
A lónak a faszát ??? Csak az utálja aki benyeli a fidesz propagandát
Does he have offspring?
oh yes he does *rubbing hands*
The JewSA harbors the Jew George Soros.
Also the JewSA enables the Jew to ruin not only the JewSA itself – but ALSO to ruin Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, Colombia, Argentina (South America).
Soros is just part of the circus JewSA.
Another homerun article! Well done!
It is only the hate campaign of the fidesz to win ín the elections
interesting—however it is false to describe these projects as left wing or any wing
Alex Jones is reporting that the color revolution underway in the US supported by Soros and subversive dem mayors and governors is deploying 5 man sniper teams in buildings and on rooftops in support of roadblocks and protests to shoot anyone opposing the anarchy. Similar to the jeep that got shot up at the road block in the CHAZ/CHOP zone the night that I was there.
Dem city council member.
– Sawant to unveil her proposal for immediate 50% cut to Seattle Police budget –
“Kshama Sawant, a leading member of Socialist Alternative, has received an official endorsement from the 43rd Legislative District (LD) Democratic Party in Seattle.”
– Seattle Democrats endorse Socialist Alternative’s Kshama Sawant –×370.jpg
– Seattle riots a stunning failure of political leadership –
“Hundreds of officers swept through the Capitol Hill Organized Protest area Wednesday morning, acting on an emergency order issued by Mayor Jenny Durkan declaring an unlawful assembly. …
Councilmembers Kshama Sawant and Tammy Morales publicly condemned Wednesday’s police action in comments posted online and delivered during a City Council meeting.
“Peaceful protesters exercising their first amendment right to protest police brutality have once again been met with police riot gear,” Morales said. “The CHOP is a protest. It’s always been a protest.””
– Seattle Police Sweep CHOP Protest Zone, Arrest Dozens Police teams moved through Cal Anderson Park and East Pine Street Wednesday morning, clearing the blocks around the East Precinct. –
– Seattle CHOP zone armed ‘security’ killed black teen driver, 16, and wound 14-year-old passenger when they opened fire on their Jeep as it approached barricades –
Soros nem magyar, hanem cionista zsidó! Magyarországra illegálisan bevándorló zsidók gyermeke, vagyis magyar állampolgársággal rendelkező zsidó. Egy magyar ember soha nem válhat zsidóvá, egy zsidó soha nem lesz magyar. Magyarok és zsidók között az ellentét feloldhatatlan, megszüntethetetlen. Ha végre meghalna, a magyarok nem gyászolnák, inkább örülnének.
8 antifa/blm anti American subversive dems and 1 antifa/blm anti American subversive dem socialist. What could possibly go wrong?
– Seattle City Council –
– Seattle police launch criminal investigation into arson, explosives in violent riots –
“The Seattle City Council has voted unanimously to bar police from using tear gas, pepper spray and several other crowd control devices …
The 9-0 vote Monday came amid frustration with the Seattle Police Department, which used tear gas to disperse protesters in the city’s densest neighborhood, Capitol Hill”
– Seattle council bans police use of crowd control weapons –
“Militant Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists are planning to siege downtown Austin on Saturday by committing terror attacks using heavy weapons, roadblocks, and even snipers to establish a CHAZ-like autonomous zone, according to internal Austin Police documents.
Our sources inside the APD have asked us not to publish the documents because it would lead back to them, but they are voluminous and detailed, and we have cross-checked the information and confirmed it to be accurate.
“The internal documents also alarmingly explain how Antifa is planning to launch sniper attacks on police or anybody else who interferes with their downtown takeover.
“Info has been received that various members may be setting up overwatch/sniper positions in downtown area,” the document states, adding that Antifa is planning to deploy “Five subjects/snipers at each location, with climbing gear (grappling hooks, ropes etc) needed to reach rooftops if necessary.”
Additionally, a memo corroborating this intel was issued by East Austin housing provider Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation on Friday, warning tenants about Antifa being bussed in from other cities and posting snipers on nearby rooftops.”
Attribution for the BLM militia photo? Who provided and where was it taken? Was this the group that joined in the BLM event in Louisville Kentucky?
Soros is not Hungarian by nation, he is Jewish. He was born as Schwartz then his parents renamed to Soros. Interesting, that Schwartz means Black (from German), while Soros means Serial.