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MARCH 2025

Virus Of Peace

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Virus Of Peace

US mechanized unit, Army file image.

If there is something positive about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it’s that it contains the US willingness to invade other countries and launch new wars.

On March 25, Defense Secretary Mark Esper told Reuters that the Pentaon has issued a stop movement order to the U.S. military halting travel and movement abroad for up to 60 days in an effort to limit the spread of the COVID-19 through the ranks. The decision will affect all US forces around the world.

“The purpose is to make sure that we’re not bringing the virus back home, infecting others, that we’re not spreading it around the military,” Esper said.

According to the interview, the order applied to all U.S. troops, civilian personnel and families. However, there would be some exceptions.

For example, the exception to the order would be the drawdown under way in Afghanistan, which will continue. Under the deal with the Taliban signed last month, the US has to reduce the number of its troops in Afghanistan to 8,600 from 13,000 within 135 days.

If the deal is fully implemented, a full withdrawal of all U.S. and coalition forces would occur within 14 months of the deal getting signed.

The stop movement decision is a result of the Pentagon’s difficulties in containg the spread of COVID-19 within its forces. The virus has already infected at least 227 U.S. troops.


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Ashok Varma

US is a eternal warmonger and a threat to humanity. Let’s hope their own created virus will wipe them out. That will be the right Karma.

Liberal guy

Hi ashok r u indian

Ashok Varma

Yes, US is causing fissures in our society too, by creating Hindu-Muslim tensions.

Liberal guy

Hers my whats up 9967316903

Liberal guy

K am so indian

Ashok Varma

Dil khoosh hua . Namaste.

Ashok Varma

mein whatsapp pey nehin hoo. It is a Jew tool to plant false information. Tum kahan ho? Europe mein or Amrika mein?

Liberal guy

Indian near bombay

Ashok Varma

Delhi may.

Liberal guy

What’s ur age am a liberal guy in sex with Liberal thinking and am not gay or bi ofcourse am straight

Ashok Varma

lol chalees saal key karib.

Liberal guy

Am indian muslim with secular and anti takifris wahhabis zio thinking

Ashok Varma

Hindu-Muslim lived in peace before Modi and his Jew masters ruined India. I am a secular nonpracticing Hindu, but we are all Indians. India was fine jub ham Roos key sath dosti thee.

Liberal guy

9967316903 is my regular number also if u wanna hv verbal chat then plz

Ashok Varma

Ok. have to go now, baad may baat ho gi.

Liberal guy

K tc jai hind

Jimmy Jim


Zionism = EVIL

The stupid evil Americunt morons are dying in the streets thanks to their own created bio-warfare home goal, but the hubris ridden arseholes are still pushing their Jew masters warmongering agenda. Let’s hope this virus get them before the evil bastards destroy humanity. Most of their dumbed down population has no access to medical and will die like the dogs on the mean streets, which the evil scum deserve as they have killed millions of innocent people around the world for their greed and lust for global hegemony.

Liberal guy

So the zios in New babylon made this virus? One reason for this i think to get rid of older population in much numbers

Zionism = EVIL

That is exactly what is happening as even Italy and Spain have abandoned their old people. The Jew agenda is survival of the fittest. In the US health care is only for the rich so that will also kill off the poor. Just news came out that they are not even testing the military cannon fodder as they are also dispensable.

EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon virus tests are ‘scarce’ despite assurances; sick troops told to self-isolate as most are poor and the government is saving the kits for urban middle class and rich people.

good american

Foil their plans by taking a dirt cheap dose of chloroquine. Not even big pharma gets ahead with that one.

Jimmy Jim


Liberal guy

Just destroy there fee plsces and all will collapsed automatically

Liberal guy

Am not a conspiracy theorist but first of all its not theory’s its just one theory the the theory of zion. Many think the conspiracy theorist to be crazy but most of there predictions are coming true for sure

Zionism = EVIL

This is hardly a conspiracy. The evil fuckers have spent TRILLIONS on lost wars but can’t afford to buy testing kits even for the cannon fodder or the poor.

Liberal guy

So the new world order is a myth???????

Zionism = EVIL

I have said it repeatedly and it is proving true now. The so-called new world order was a plan by global Bilderberg Jew parasites and the WASP arselickers to use China and the third world as a cheap world factory to enrcih themselves, it backfired as China proved too smart and started controlling R&D and intellectual capital, so they unleashed this virus which has now backfired.

Liberal guy

So what next more wars and russian and Chinese invasion of USA in the near future and collapse of the wahhabis Arabs shieks soonnnnnnnnnnnn????????????

Zionism = EVIL

I think the stuplid Americunts will suffer the Confucian death of thousand cuts. They have become too arrogant and underestimating global hatred for the savages. A lot of uncertainty globally for the rest of my life.

Concrete Mike

Hold on sir i have something interesting for you to review.


After finishing this document up, i felt strange.

The way the text is written, it clearly states that they synthesized a corona virus, for testing purposes, to develop a vaccine.

What they developped 1. The virus was not as deadly as original but still made test subjects(mice) lose weight and all the other nefarious symptoms but not as deadly.

#2 Vaccine does not work very well.on chimera they call it.

#3 there appears to be some tradeoffs in the design of the chimera virus, wether intentionnal or not, raises alarm for me, its a red flag.

There is so much zionist like language in the research paper, it reminds me of similar papers written before hand of big political events, such as war on the cheap, just before ISIS pops up, PNAC, full spectrum dominance doctrine. Its all there in the open of one is not lazy and reads into it.

Something stinks to high heavens here.

Zionism = EVIL

Thanks. You know I told you guys day one that this was a Americunt arseholes bio attack on the Chinese and Iranians. The Jews have been experimenting with DNA ethnic targeting for years on what they learnt from their Nazi mentors. This time their evil backfired. There is a lot more to this than the MSM baloney being peddled.


So take a bath already, AH.


Imo this has no positive impact because US nowadays uses proxy armies to invade countries to avoid body bags at home:

– al qaeda

– mercenaries

– paid opposition

– etc.

And never belief what the government is saying, because most of the time the opposite is happening.

Zionism = EVIL

You are right to some extent, but now the problems have hit home as the economy will be devastated. You can’t have guns and butter when people are dying in the streets.


You are seeing what will be happening next month in Russia, AH.

Assad must stay

Yea and trump is insane if he thinks the virus will magically disappear by easter, it is just beginning to spread in the US, viruses cannot be talked down to or threatened or sanctioned or bombed or shot as the US govt and military is so used to doing to other countries, it doesn’t care who or what it infects, such morons

Zionism = EVIL

The US is full of morons and inbred retards, just look at the CIA and Pentagon. Trump is at the top of dumbasses, they also thought that they could “contain China” and bring Iran to “its knees”, the opposite is happening LOL.

Assad must stay

hahahaha yea


Seems China has contained itself and Islamist Iran is being brought to its knees already by this Russian created bio-weapon.


I bet not a single US Soldier has left Afghanistan since the treaty signed.


Or immediately replaced by mercenaries

It looks active missions are done by Academi/Blackwater of which no casualties are reported. Because most US casualties appear to happen by sleeper cells during training of Afghan forces.


Full approval. However, the most likely cause of death for a us soldier, if he were to die, would be suicide. More american soldiers die each year from suicide than from enemy action. Even more dramatically among veterans, an average of 22 take their own lives each day. That’s a sad fact. It’s not like the average American soldier ordered the wars, or was responsible for them. But for the future of Afghanistan I consider it even more worrying that the CIA with its private army will definitely stay in the country. According to many reports, these KPF militias are more like death squads.

peter mcloughlin

The virus is being used for political opportunism, scapegoating and demonizing opponents. It could be an added ingredient in the recipe for world war. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/


Nahhhhhhh…but for global collapse, maybe…


I nominate the cold virus for the Nobel Peace prize.. its the most deserving of it in the last few decades..

Zionism = EVIL

It has already made the Time magazine cover. It depends on how many Americunt warmongering scum and Jew parasites it drops.


Go lick some public door nobs, AH.

cechas vodobenikov

Amerikans will retreat when faced w a virus but otherwise they r paralyzed—no different than their moribund economy and their shredded society


We will see where you are next month, Igor, as your Pandemic hits home and your economy collapses. Your crowing then will be from the chickens coming home to roost. Enjoy.


““The purpose is to make sure that we’re not bringing the virus back home, infecting others, that we’re not spreading it around the military,” Esper said.”

of course we wouldn’t be bringing the virus with us to infect others would we. esper you are an stupid, arrogant POS. but you’re not alone in a country that is a POS.

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