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A visual comparison of Chinese, US and Russian strategic bombers.

Click to see the full-size image. Source:

Click to see the full-size image. Source:

Click to see the full-size image. Source:
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When was the last strategic bomber lost in a conflict?
Could SouthFront investigate the alleged loss of a B-52 in the Yugoslavia v NATO conflict, is there any veracity to the claims that were made at the time?
What were the actual losses of NATO airpower in that war? (same as what is claimed by NATO or any differences in revision)
The other day claim made B52 downed in Afghanistan.
Sorry but, what is the point of this?
This thread seems kinda pointless, since its not even a “proper” “My-gun-is-bigger-than-yours” chart.
A “X-vs-Y” comparison, should atleast show some stats or outline layered on top of each other, so you can get an idea of the size difference. But again, such a childish, in lack of a better word, comparison is also pretty stupid and pointless in itself.
And comparing a B-52 vs a B-1B, Tu-95 and Tu-16 is like comparing a sportscar to a pickup.
Just my rant sorry. Merry Easter everyone by the way, get out there and enjoy the wonderfull weather instead of sitting infront of your screen reading post from idiots like me :-)