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Wagner Dashes Ukrainian Hopes In Bakhmut

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Wagner Dashes Ukrainian Hopes In Bakhmut

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Wagner Dashes Ukrainian Hopes In Bakhmut
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Wagner Dashes Ukrainian Hopes In Bakhmut

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On the morning of April 21, the adviser to the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic claimed that the Russian military had encircled the Ukrainian grouping in Bakhmut in a cauldron.

The statement was made after reports from the front emerged that Wagner’s fighters, with the support of airborne artillery, had managed to cut the main supply route of the Ukrainian garrison. The strongholds of the Ukrainian 93rd mechanized brigade located on the highway to Chasov Yar west of Khromovo came under Russian control. According to preliminary data, about 500 meters of the road have been cut.

The O-0506 road has been the main route for communication with the Ukrainian grouping in Bakhmut over the past weeks. More than 60% of supplies went along it.

Some Ukrainian sources confirmed the loss of the road, but said that the Ukrainian army is trying to prevent the Russians from gaining a foothold.

The day before, Russian forces had increased pressure on the Ukrainian positions to the west of Khromovo They advanced in a forest area and came close to the highway, which sharply increased the amount of Ukrainian equipment destroyed during the attempts to break to Bakhmut along the road and fields between Khromovo and Ivanovskoe.

Meanwhile, the road from Bakhmut to Konstantinovka also cannot be used to supply the Ukrainian grouping in the city. Fighting is ongoing in the immediate vicinity of the highway near Ivanovskoe; and in Bakhmut, there are battles in the south-western quarters.

The battle has broken out for control of a large garage zone located between Levanevsky and Tchaikovsky Street. Also, Wagner fighters are advancing to the east of the Mig-17 monument at the entrance to the city.

In the center of Bakhmut, Ukrainian units lost all their main positions in the area of the railway tracks and the Bakhmut-2 railway station. Russian forces have moped out a large area to the south. Most recently, they secured the territory of the Transit Hotel. To the north of the station, Ukrainian forces continue their unsuccessful attempts to counterattack west of the elevator.

In the northern quarters of the city, Wagner fighters are advancing in a wide front along Levanevsky, Oborony and Pobedy Streets. Fighting has already reached the city Hospital No.2. According to preliminary data, the Russians are storming the fortified strongholds of the Ukrainian 127th Territorial Defense Brigade and the 2nd mechanized battalion of the 93rd mechanized brigade.

Today, about 85% of the city of Bakhmut is under Wagner’s control.

Moreover, Ukrainian forces in the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk agglomeration are regularly hit by missiles, drones and aerial bombs. One of these strikes has recently destroyed the headquarters of the Ukrainian “Bakhmut” operational grouping. The Russian strikes are increasing Ukrainian losses and destroying their hopes of counterattacking in Bakhmut.

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Russian air forces are deadly 🇷🇺


Wagner Group are elite soldiers of Armed forces of Russian Federation.


Last edited 1 year ago by Slobodan

Bakhmut was long lost to the ukrainians. The insistence on holding the city and defending it at all costs has turned the ruins of Bakhmut into a huge mass grave. We’ll see what happens when 100% of the city is liberated. The war not end here


You clearly are retarded and don’t know what an encirclement actually looks like. Spoiler: it wasn’t achieved


It is crazy how low IQ the SF moderators have here. You write a pro-Russian comment, but somehow they think it is anti-Russian and delete it. Total retards.

Russia won the war a while

South Front, the bots have taken over… They spam likes to gain attention.

John Tosh

I pity the Ukrainians. Why are they dying again? Yo keep a comedian in power, to support a NAZI Azov group and to keep the G7 NATO block relevant???

It’s the economy stupid.

Europe is becoming useless because they are broke just like the old Eastern Germany.

China Russia India are becoming rich.

The world likes rich people!!!

the Decline and Fall of Nazi Ukraine

I do not pity them, I encourage Russia to exterminate every last cockroach ukrainian they find who expouses banderism. seeing as a “Ukraine” will not exist in the future, we have no need for “Ukrainians” Only Russians. you can have them.


“Why” is “Wagner dashing hopes for the U.$.’s military”?… And why is the Russian Federation doing the exact same thing with for profit mercs as the U.S. did post-9/11?… Will we see a Russian version of “Katrina” somewhere in the not too distant that will be used for testing public resolve when it comes time to shut them down for whatever excuse they wish to use just like the U.$. Government ???…

Question: Which came first Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin?… Or Erik Prince???…

If there hasn’t been a “merger” between the two yet, I certainly see one when Ukraine is completely made into Rubble!…

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt
Mohd Noor Ismail

it is apparent that the russian strategy has always been to draw ukrainian forces into the meat grinder and turn them to rotten meat in huge proportions. once if and then the supplies routes are sealed, the fate of 8 – 9 thousand ukrainian troops will also be doomed. Surrender or Die. Gen. Shuruvkins strategy is seemed to be playing with baiting ukrain army into this trap , and that is why we see a long protracted battle for bahmut. it is also worthy to note that only recently, we see airstrikes at the front after all this while … why ? .. simple, it is a demilitarization of ukraine’s army and now it has also become the demillitarization of Nato.


Why now , civilians extracted


it’s called Artiomovsk not Bakhmut


Hahahahahahhahahhahha. You lost the comment section you useless niggers. All you can do is seethe and try to flip the board like a pathetic child.

jack oliver

Very clear now – who was behind the German NAZIs’ in WW2 !

The SAME Rothschild Bankers – your relatives died for THEM !

For the last 200 years and more – millions of people have been killed in wars that they create and finance – fully exposed NOW !

Same with the IRAQ war !

Bush borrowed the money for that WAR off the Rothschilds Federal Reserve ( who just created the money out of thin air ) because Bush was part of the whole arrangement !

Which just drove the American taxpayer into an insurmountable DEBT ( plus interest ) that they can NEVER repay and will now result in certain economic Armageddon !

They get away with this because EVERY person in the western world has to rely on their ‘ printed out of thin air money ‘ for survival !

It is all coming to an end !



There must really be two worlds in the same place.

Western News: “Russians fear offensive and what they could loose.”

Eastern News: “Ukraine is loosing and could loose more then 20% of it’s territory if the war goes on.”

I mean bias is normal but there two news cannot be from the same dimension can they?


Vor dem 10.Mai geht es los! Vor NATO Tagung

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