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MARCH 2025

Wagner Fighters Moved To Suwalki Corridor – Polish Prime Minister

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Wagner Fighters Moved To Suwalki Corridor - Polish Prime Minister

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Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki claimed that more than 100 fighters of the Wagner PMC had moved to the Suwałki corridor, located southwest of the border between Lithuania and Poland, between Belarus and the Russian Kaliningrad Oblast. “This is certainly a step towards a further hybrid attack on Polish territory,” Morawiecki said at a press conference in Gliwice.

Prime Minister Morawiecki declared that Poland has been facing a constant attack on its border for two years. According to him, this year alone, 16 thousand migrants “pulled by Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko” attempted to illegally cross the border.

“Now the situation is becoming even more dangerous. We have information that more than 100 mercenaries of the Wagner group moved towards the Suwałki corridor near Grodno in Belarus,” he said.

Morawiecki did not clarify the goals of the Wagner fighters, suggesting that they would disguise themselves as Belarusian border guards and help illegal migrants enter Poland.

In fact, the Wagner PMC likely has more strategic goals then sending migrants across the border to distract Polish guards. Wagner fighters likely went to the Gozhsky training ground belonging to the 6th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. The landfill is located in the Grodno region, at the border with Lithuania and Poland. Moreover, this is not for the first time that the Wagner fighters conducted joint exercises with the Belarusian military near the border. According to the official reports, they have already conducted military exercises at several training grounds, including Brest, Losvido, Osipovichi etc, strengthening military cooperation between the Wagner PMC and the Belarusian military.

The Suwalki Corridor is located between the Russian Kaliningrad Oblast and Belarus, which is of strategic interest to NATO. It is considered the most vulnerable place on NATO’s eastern flank. It connects Poland with the Baltic countries and is the only land link between the Baltic NATO countries and the rest of the alliance. Poland is increasing its military presence there. The Polish Defense Ministry earlier announced the deployment of a new sapper battalion in the city of Augustow in the Suwalki corridor.




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head fake suckers!!!


už som to písal niekde, že rf by si mala s kaliningradom vytvoriť letecký most. potrebuje iba vytvoriť prepravnú flotilu lietadiel. presne niečo ako usa mali do západného berlína. vec vybavená!!! a ak by západ odmietol, tak potom by to bola už iná pieseň. rf má na to, aby darebácky štát usa prinútila k ústupkom!!! lebo čo sa týka toho tak o tom by rf aj tak musela jednať z usa. poľsko a litva by o tom aj tak nemohli rozhodovať, nakoľko sú to vazali usa!!!


what potential damage can cause 100 fighters to both poland and lithuania in a very militarized region? unless they carry very powerful systems ready to use (missiles, armoured vehicles, etc), it looks like depicting a tsunami in a glass of water.


q. ‘what potential damage can cause 100 fighters…’ a. under article 5 they could cause ww3. if there is one person in the world who would be proud to cause ww3 it is prigozhin. whatever work rus is trying to do economically & diplomatically it will be undone in an instant. prigozhin should be in jail for life, and likewise all his wagner brigands who refuse to sign contracts with rf.


there is no such thing as article 5. theres only the “big nose tribe” doing as they please.




be sure , neither russia nor us wish the ww3 , so both andres and sunny would be right: the polish prime minister just exaggerated the routine moves of wagners on the territory of belarus to get some headlines and stress his importance. suwalki gap is dangerous yes , but the music plays in eastern ukraine. apart from that there are rather frustrating news for the polish warmongers. nothing happens as they expected and planned for.


gibberish. wagner is pursuing a brainless military agenda without state control, sooner or later it will hit a nato trip wire giving the west legal grounds to react. putin is weak, the mutineers in wagner are the proof.


another scenario. prigozhin has loyalty only to the highest bidder & wagner are strictly for profit. what will his price be to march his criminal mutineers into poland on a false flag? $500m plus future immunity should do it! would sf readers still love those wee rascals?


poland in western ukraine would be a way for nato to continue a drone and missile war against russia indefinitely under article 5 protection as well as not waste money rebuilding ukraine. russia is demonstrating they will not buy it.


rus is demonstrating nothing but weakness. wagner are private (for profit) mercenaries under the control of oligarch prigozhin, not putin. wagner will be the downfall of rus, and possibly the cause of ww3, unless someone a lot stronger that putin gets a firm grip on the current situation and arrests prigozhin..

Last edited 1 year ago by B.F.Finlayson

art 5 works only if a nato state is attacked , not if a nato state starts a war itself. if polish army invades ukraine or belarus (extremely unlikely), then they will act on their own without protection of nato. there were already statements about it by nato.


if the treasonous wagner brigands move one metre into poland that would constitute a breach of art.5 & give legal grounds for belligerent polish govt to move troops into ukr/bel and expect full nato support.


even if some wagners start stupid actions , they are not a part of a russian army and (so the west claims it every day ), putin is weak and doesn’t control them – that’s why it can’t be taken as state aggression against poland and will be not the reason for the art. 5. apart of that wagners are now a favorite of the west and the last hope to crush russia , since militarily the war is lost.


p is weak? i’ve said that all along. nato still class ‘w’ as a rus affiliate, and with good reason given prigo was at the africa summit, and (rightly or wrongly) will treat any action ‘w’ takes as being rus ‘orders’. ‘w’ is now a liability to rus, and was supposed to be dissolved july 1, but the decision was fudged. the consequences will be grave.


russia should take poland and polish pigs too. i hope wagner will show the polish pigs what is war about


the pollacks never learn. uk and france used them to start war with germany for ww2 and now they being used again.

Fat Cat

whut? i am no fan of nato expansion but without a general mobilisation or some other ace up her sleeve, russia will have to take on the polish military which is a pretty tidy, well equipped outfit. they can’t fight an atrition based conflict with a fresh set of targets after ukraine. even though i think ukraine will likely partition, it would be kind of dumb to take on nato direct and then try run numbers and barrages and encirclement pushing west.


100 men are causing polish panic


and full pants of shits in the warsaw…


putin unable to control wagner/prigozhin, & his status is diminished. pmc evades justice after its treasonous assault on r-on-d, & dictates the rules to putin. prigozhin freely touts for ‘bloody business’ (for his profit, not rus) at the african summit on the back of rus’s free grain incentives. usa criminality in business & politics is sickening, but how different is putin’s corrupt parasitic & unanswerable oligarchy shamelessly feeding off the state?


as a firm believer in giving what you get, i think they should send wagners to mexico with shipments of heavy weapons and help the cartels become what isis and al qaeda is for the us. terrorist mercs.

Sauk/Fox, War Chief Blackhawk

the cartels are no different then isis and al qaeda, their just as brutal if not worse.

george moiseyev

100 wager = 300 000 poles . lol !! there scared !!


wojciech is scared to death…


avem niste putori si aici. ar fi f buni pt o curățenie


it costs little to house wagner fighters. but their presence causes poland, ukraine and nato a fortune monitoring and getting worked up about it.

they will do nothing but training and r&r. it’s a distraction.


has this been confirmed that wagner are on the suwalki corridor or is this a case of poles taking too many magic mushrooms?


there is a hype of this suwalki gap in poland and some retarded nationalists pray for the start of war by nato. but 100 wagners near the border won’t cause any reaction by nato; they face other problems.


but the sulwaki gap is just as much strategic to russia (landbridge to kaliningrad) as it is to nato. unless kaliningrad is neutralised, this gap is probably going to be changing hands frequently as a result


what!?! you mean the exact same border; that poland itself; been amassing its troops to over the last five weeks? got it.

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