DoD photo as US forces trained Ukrainian troops in 2019 as part of the Joint Multinational Training Group
Originally published by ZeroHedge
Below is how Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin responded when asked by The Washington Post whether the Ukraine conflict is a proxy war…
“This is a war of choice by Putin,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in an interview. “We are not in a war with Russia, and we won’t be in a war with Russia. … It was Russia’s choice to begin with.”
But then WaPo points out the obvious: “That may be true, but the administration has given Ukraine more than $40 billion in military and economic aid, along with real-time targeting assistance and sophisticated weapons systems on which it has trained Kyiv’s forces.”
The report also highlights the trove of Pentagon leaks which give an inside view of the war well over a year in, showing also that despite long-running White House denials, there are actually US special forces on the ground in Ukraine, and they’ve likely been for a long time (also after a longer-running CIA covert program).
The Kremlin, and even some US domestic opponents of the Biden administration (foremost among them Donald Trump, who has been referencing a “proxy battle”), have long considered what’s happening to be a proxy war aimed at ‘defeating Russia’. As early as a year ago Lloyd Austin was explicitly saying it’s US policy to “weaken Russia” in supporting the Ukrainian cause.
But all along WaPo and other major US news sources have actively fought against the proxy war label. Yet now, in the wake of the Pentagon leaks, the Post is belatedly reevaluating, based on the newspaper’s following definition offered:
Whether Ukraine has become a “proxy” war between great powers has itself become an intellectual and political battlefield. The word has a dictionary definition — a person or entity authorized to act for another. More popularly, it has come to mean sending someone else to do your own dirty work.
In this vein, The American Conservative last year declared that it’s Washington’s plan to “fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian.”
As a professor who teaches about proxy war, I can tell you those who deny the Ukraine war is a proxy war are just wrong. The debate is between those who use a standard definition and pro war ideologues concerned acknowledgment will undermine their agenda.
— Max Abrahms (@MaxAbrahms) April 18, 2023
Interestingly, the new Washington Post analysis recalls President Biden’s own statements leaning in the direction of a proxy conflict:
The administration itself has provided rhetorical grist for Putin’s proxy portrayal. “We want to see Russia weakened” so that it can never invade another country again, Austin said early in the conflict.
At a NATO summit in Madrid last June, Biden said Americans should be prepared to pay higher energy and gasoline prices “for as long as it takes” to defeat Russia, a phrase he has subsequently used in nearly every statement since then about Western aid for Ukraine. While insisting there will be no U.S. or NATO troops in Ukraine, he has said the war must end in a “strategic failure” for Russia.
“Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia. Never,” Biden said as he marked the anniversary of the war’s beginning during a visit in February to Kyiv.
Very tellingly, WaPo then points out classic end of Cold War era proxy wars, which appear parallel to the type of support the US is now giving the Ukrainians:
Others apply a more technical explanation, noting that U.S. support for the Nicaraguan Contras under the Reagan administration in the 1980s — including U.S. assistance in the creation and active supply of a nonstate force, overflying Nicaragua’s territory and covertly mining its harbors to overthrow the Sandinista government — was a classic proxy war. The International Court of Justice found in 1986 that the U.S. harbor-mining and other activities had breached international law.
U.S. support for Afghan mujahideen fighters against the occupying Soviet Union during the Cold War in the 1980s is widely considered a proxy conflict, as was backing for Libyan dissidents who overthrew the government of Moammar Gaddafi during the Obama administration.
After all, both the US and UK are currently openly training Ukrainians in Europe and on US and UK soil, particularly on how to operate advanced war machines like battle tanks and Western-made fighter jets.
Here’s former CIA Director Leon Panetta on March 17, 2022. He spelled out clearly that Ukraine is a PROXY WAR whether the US says it or not. He says this starting at the 2:00-minute mark:
Trip down Cold War memory lane…
With this new Post report it seems the mainstream media is only now now much too late beginning to recognize the true nature of the conflict, and the immense role that foreign powers are playing in terms of driving and heightening the fight with Russia.
This is perhaps at least one of the main positive achievements of the classified Pentagon document leaks: it’s hard or impossible for the establishment to deny that Ukraine is indeed a proxy war, at the very least, and a conflict possibly even aimed at future regime change and destabilization within Russia itself.
I can bet that the nazi Azovist on the top photo washed his hands after shaking hands with the negro
Shaking hands like a woman, Azovite tranny needs to wash his mouth after swallowing gorilla banana 🍌
Also by the way, f*** you South-Front for deleting my comments and trying to ban my IP Address, so I won’t have access to the site, for you guys and gals to be Independent Journalist with Integrity and against the Censorship of Main-Stream News, you guys sure act like the same Nazis of CNN, Fox News and all the rest, shame on you!
True. Russians are the same nazi, snow flake, pig skin bastards like the yanks. Fuck em all.
Well the black man got the last laugh, because he sent that Slav Azov off to kill some Slav Russian orcs. I watch these videos like porn, I LOVE seeing them all die. Hahaha
More like dying in a pool of his own feces.
Při podávání rukou si sundáváme rukavice(alespoň v civilizovaném světě je to otázka etikety) rukavice si mohou ponechat pouze ženy. Buď se štítil, nebo se chová jako buran!
Call that Black guy a nazi or something, calling him the n word? bro chill.
It’s funny how the most ardent vicarious nazis would be classified as subhuman by actual national socialists.
Biden is an idiot. He says this is a proxy war to weaken Russia; to stop Russia from “invading” other countries. Well Uncle Joe that is exactly what the US has done for decades. All political crime bosses are hypocrites, Satanic hypocrites.
would have never guessed, even in my wildest dreams, on how the Americans could totally make Putin and the Russian People look like the biggest Buffon’s in the 21st Century, even the fag Zelensky has made a fool of the Russian Military, you know what, if the Russians were Asians, the entire Russian Leadership would have been forced to commit suicide by now, after all the failures and setbacks they have had in this War, that’s still ongoing, when will it ever end?
Půjdeš osvobodit své spoluobčany tím, že je rozsekáš na kaši jako to dělají yankeové?! Dost těžko se bojuje proti nepříteli, co se schovává za civilisty! To není klasická válka armád.Tu bojuje armáda s teroristickými bojůvkami řízenými kolektivním západem za využití veškeré dostupné špionážní techniky a nejmodernějších zbraňových systémů.Ukrajina je jen válečné pole a polygon,kde Ukrajinci jsou potravou pro děla v zástupné válce USA,NATO proti Rusku. Pokud se Rusové dostanou mimo své území a nebudou muset brát ohled na civilní ztráty půjde o úplně jinou válku!
ew, he touched a nigger