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MARCH 2025

War Between US and China in 2025. The Minihan’s Prophecy  

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War Between US and China in 2025. The Minihan's Prophecy  

Written by Piero Messina

“When you can kill your enemy, every part of your life is better. Your food tastes better. Your marriage is stronger.” This is the philosophy of life – almost an expansion of the American way of life, whatever the cost – of Mike Minihan, the general of the US Air Force who has risen to the headlines for his gloomy prediction.

We still don’t know if and how the conflict between Ukraine and Russia will end. But the future is even darker if we heed General Minihan’s prophecy. For the four-star military, a conflict between the US and China will break out in 2025. Minihan’s prophecy is actually an official document, classified, but made public thanks to the discovery of the NBC newsroom. The memo sent to his subordinates indicates the peremptory order to send a report by the end of February on measures to prepare for hostilities with China.

Minihan heads Air Mobility Command, one of the most important operational arms of the US military system. What does the AMC do? Air Mobility Command has nearly 50,000 service members and nearly 500 planes and is responsible for transport and refueling. Air Mobility provides the capability to deploy U.S. armed forces anywhere in the world within hours and help sustain them in a conflict. AMC also supports presidential and senior leader airlift. Air refueling is the backbone of Global Reach, increasing coalition and U.S. aircraft’s mid-air range. Aeromedical evacuation ensures the wounded warriors get the care they deserve and today have sustained the survival rate of 97 percent. In addition to enabling the force to respond to an enemy attack and sustain operations, Rapid Global Mobility brings humanitarian supplies and assistance to those in need who may live in austere locations. The Global Air Mobility Support System is a logistics network of Total Force Mobility Airmen and capabilities necessary to project, connect, maneuver, and sustain combat power anywhere on the globe, from the ground up.

Minihan’s words, therefore, must be taken seriously. In the leaked memo Minihan not only predicts a war with China in 2025 but ordered his subordinates to prepare a report by the end of February on measures to prepare for hostilities with China. Indeed, the signed memo is addressed to all air wing commanders in Air Mobility Command and other Air Force operational commanders, and orders them to report all major efforts to prepare the next war. In the memo sent last Friday Mike Minihan said, “I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me will fight in 2025.” The general also explains why and how the conflict will break out. Of course it’s the fault of the Red Dragon. Indeed, Minihan said in the memo that because both Taiwan and the U.S. will have presidential elections in 2024, the U.S. will be “distracted,” and Chinese President Xi Jinping will have an opportunity to move on Taiwan. Thus, the seer general asked his men to prepare a report including building “a fortified, ready, integrated, and agile Joint Force Maneuver Team ready to fight and win inside the first island chain.”


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The USA Corporatocracy along with sell-out politicians built the ‘red dragon’…they built our enemy.

Last edited 2 years ago by gregor
Al Doobie

Set up, like a bowlin’ pin Knocked down, it gets to wearin’ thin They just won’t let you be…


Extra thumbs for the Dead!

Israel first

There will be no knocking down China, especially since China has an unlimited energy supply coming from their friends in the north.

Freaky libtard

US is a idiocracy at its best …


Translation: We will attack in 2025 or want China to think we will.

Edgar Zetar

Deceit, Double Speak or AngloSaxon Dialect… they always point the blame on something or somebody else while they wanted desperately to happen… Guess also Russia need China to step in because this is a Multiplayer 5D Game and now on almost everyone in the West is against Russia and this is not a fair play. AngloSaxons never played fair in History.

Freaca da disc

no worries, it applies to others as well…

Freaka da Disk

me again…

Boxwood tree

The great red dragon is the devil who gives power to the beast. To me the beast is war and the dragon (devil and his children-his seed) push the world into it. The seed of the dragon-snake, who are these people? John 8:44 tells whomever wants to quit being narrow minded toward Christianity who the seed of the dragon or snake are.


Jesus ear is buried in Japan, so that would mean that Japanese would Be that Christianity, and Japan would say that seed or snake depends on who wants to be it.

Edgar Zetar

You are a brainwashed fool to believe anything they wrote in the Bible… I would explain what the Apocalipsis is about but guess you will say Im the Devil…. The Christian Church Hegemon Institution of Rome greatest bestseller book the Bible is just the West way of doing Civilization in the Western World… Sadly is was the best Western World could produce to raise the CITADEL OF THE HEAVEN but guess what my friend? The Citadel of the Heaven would never get achieved, when the Priests Sect taked over the Europe during DARK AGES the Citadel of Heaven never come, the Priest sect never bring to Earth instead they only created Death during their Reign… … two thousand years passed away and even now more than ever they are using Bibles and the Godspell to massive brainwash of the innocent people… so sad on Western World Civilization… and you are the prove the BestSeller Book only created Brainwashed Fools… maybe need to wait two thousand years more… what whould you say?

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Chris Gr

The scriptures have nothing to do with institutions.

Edgar Zetar

Well friend, please come back to reality!. Then Scriptures appeared from thin air and nowhere right ?Created by man sects and were preserved by copying handwriting, so if you have control over the “System” you can put whatever you wanted and said it was Sacred and that G0d write….

In ancient time may I remind you, you can do whatever you wanted using force, torture was normal and even killing your enemies and everyone who is against you….. Before Roman Empire collapses, the Christian taken control and killed all their enemies, during Centuries everyone who isnt Christian were assasinated in the name of G0D using the IMPERIAL PHRASE: “”I will made every man yield and every mouth say you are the GOD””, this is how you achieve Civilization in Western World…. the Ancient World Imperium of the Religion and were they use G0d as a puppet, listen Radio, TV today how they use G0d to brainwash people… if some G0d were alive, it will be very upset, ask yourselve, where is the city of heaven they will say that the second coming of Jesus will bring uppon earth?

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Chris Gr

This is not the whole truth actually. Yes, religion has suppressed people but atheism did worse.

Chris Gr

China = army of the East, Europe with Russia = army of the North, Turkish and Iranian alliance = army of Gog Magog, US = army of Antichrist


SEA Koreas Japan China = Army of East



And Michael Jackson & Hitler


And Jesus Ear


Chris Gr

Yes they are. But you are shit.


This mini man cant Prophesy, except to refer to a Prophesy by a Qualified Individual(as) prior to The Final Prophet(saw), unless the Act itself, otherwise he would be a false prophet in the heretic sense.

Last edited 2 years ago by JHK

Isolated war USA vs China is impossible as it would escalate in WW3. BTW this is perfectly what Rotschilds want. They planned WW3 during Cold War 1, continued after USSR collapsed and didn’t stopped now. They were only afraid of destroying the planet or making labor force so scarce that after the war there will not be enough servants for them. The first problem was solved by tactical nuclear weapons, the second problem by AI and automation. BTW it is a biggest fail of Russian doctrine as Russia assumes that West needs it’s population and as long as Russian ICBMS are ready, the West will not srtart WW3. Well, it is not the case. In USA they are castrating their childrens, promoting homosexuality, pedofilia and people are told not to resist rapist, robbers and obey deep state. They created COVID and used toxic vaccines, then destroyed all industry because of Greens and placed countless refugees from Africa to Europe so… why should they be afraid of losing population ?


Maybe things just aren’t what they seem



A house divided against itself cannot stand and anyone walking the mean streets of Slumville, USSA know that the filthy angloZionaZi sewer is about to implode. That the consigliere scum from Pentacon Kill IndUStries Inc imagine they will ever fight a war against Russia or China directly is delUSional, drug-addled raving by big mouth losers that have never won a “war” since they slaughtered the native peoples and proceeded to poison a once pristine continent and contaminate the planet with the Satanic filth inherent in the WASP. It’s all over bar the long overdue civil war reloaded in Slumville proper.

Get it on already you snaggle toothed filth…..humanity wants you gone.

Chris Gr

You are right. US is becoming totalitarian. Biden is the new Stalin while Putin is the new Churchill.

Jean de Peyrelongue

“When you can kill your enemy, every part of your life is better. ” Mike Minihan is a paranoia man. Why is he having ennemy ? Who are those ennemies and what have they done to him ? He is a sick man


The future for the forces of evil, for the masters of America, will be no different from the past: the endless series of chronic catastrophic defeats, continues. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ultrafart the Brave

So sure are they of their capacity to wage war against China.

How many of the hapless American military sheep will still even be viable by 2025 after their forced bioweapon injections?

Do they suppose they can “recruit” the required manpower from the dumbed down LGBTQIPA+ “vaccinated” American public? Good luck with that.

And BTW, how is the USA going to prosecute a war with China at the same time as it’s striving to destroy Europe while also embroiled in it’s own domestic disintegration, southern invasion and possible civil war?

Enquiring minds would like to know.

And BTW – Michelle Obama is a DUDE. Just saying. I hope General Minihan is OK with that.


As the globalists run out of money and intellectual prowess they now see war as a solution to global control. Wars though easy to start are not so easy to end or even predict a winner.

Israel first

Since American youths are mostly fat, retarded and effeminate, how exactly does this military genius plan on conscripting the deployable soldiers required for a protracted war with China? Minihan is an idiot. Other than submarines most of the American naval ships in the region of China will be sunk in the first 24 hours.

Then what?

Chris Gr

They will sacrifice European alpha males.


We will need to borrow money from China to fight this war, of course

Paul Citro

Many US leaders are dead set on war with China. And they know how to start one. Simply commit atrocities so bad that China must respond. Or stage a false flag attack on US soil to enrage the public into demanding retaliation.

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