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War Clouds Over Transnistria

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War Clouds Over Transnistria

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War Clouds Over Transnistria

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The Kiev regime is plotting an armed provocation against the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Transnistria) amid the growing tensions in the region. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, it will be carried out by units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, including members of the Azov formation.

This false flag attack will be used as the pretext for the invasion on Transnistrian territory. For this purpose, Ukrainian saboteurs will be disguised as military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces. The Russian Defence Ministry stated that it is closely monitoring the situation and is ready to respond to any changes in the situation.

Earlier it was reported that the Kiev regime already accumulated large forces that together with Romanian and Moldovan troops could be involved in a coordinated attack on Transnistria, where the Operational Group of Russian Forces are deployed.

Amidst dim prospects of pro-Kiev forces in battle for the region of Donbass, the Zelensky regime may have decided to coordinate with other puppet states in the region to open a new front against the Russians thus expanding flames of war into even further. The Kiev regime and its real rulers in Washington do not really care about the disastrous outcome of such move for the entirety of Europe. Instead, the White House and affiliated global elites may see this as a wise time to rise stakes and prevent European nations from any attempts to make even small steps towards the diplomatic settlement of the military diplomatic standoff.

This will also help Kiev & company to draw attention of the international community from a dare situation in which pro-Kiev forces have found itself in the region of Donbass. The loss of Soledar and the crumbling defense of pro-Kiev formations in Bakhmut indicate that detachments of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in this sector are on the brink of collapse. The only factors slowing this down is a permanent flow of Ukrainian cannon fodder and foreign-supplied weapons. Therefore, the theatrical type of coverage of the conflict by MSM and Western talking heads require some PR victory immediately. And nobody cares, if this victory may lead to the eruption of even larger, potentially nuclear, war in Europe.

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Indrek Pringi

Ukraine is going after the warehouses full of ammunition because they’re running out of shells for their artillery


good luck with that. Most are over 30 yrs old. Here’s hoping they go bang in their hands.


Before loosing ammunition depots to the enemy it is easier to explode them!

jens holm

every mens born bisexeul like me ,not alweys passive o active .Diferent as you wish goud


The Rand corp.plan calls for the over extension of Russia so of course Transnistria but the Globalists are on the edge of forcing a Ru / China defense alliance which could bring in some of the Mideast that the West would self destruct against .

Captain Hohol

Better to destroy the ammo depots if they cannot be defended from Ukraine as a certainty.

Alexander the Transnistrian

It’s not possible. You don’t understand how big is that depot and how big would be the explosion

Archie Bunker

Anything’s possible in love and war. If I were a Transniestrian, I’d be digging my underground bunker starting yesterday.

BTW: would it take out the electric power station, because Romanian and Moldovan lovers would love some romantic candellght dinners. They’ve been a bit jealous of Ukrainian lovers for months now.

Last edited 2 years ago by Archie Bunker
Accipiter Nisus

Freedom for Transnistria!

Chris Gr

Yes ok but we don’t need any more separatism in Europe.


These warehouses and ammo are over 30 years old the shells become unstable after 20 years that’s onely if the are stored correctly dangerous to be even handling these things much less fireing them.

All's fair in love and war

Then that’s perfect. If the Ukrainians take the depot, once they’re inside and beginning to remove munitions, the explosives rigged deep inside will be remotely detonated and Ukraine will be blamed for mishandling unstable munitions and no way to prove otherwise.

It’s another roach hotel. Come on in but you’ll never leave, except in pieces.

Slava Ukrofascisti!

Unstable Ukrainian leaders and unstable munitions go hand in hand.


I don’t think they are going to talk any time soon.

Russia-EU relations ‘no longer exist’ – Moscow

“The bloc chose economic ruin to be a vassal of the US, Moscow’s envoy to the UN has said.”

Borrell the Wood Boring Insect

That’s OK. We were just pretending they existed for the last 30 years anyway.


The Russian troops in Transnistria need to blow up that ammo storage facility ASAP. No ammo, no threat from Ukronazis.

I'm not a robot

This guy’s voice is just great. He’s my favorite. (No, Jens Holm, I’m not gay, keep your ugly hands off me.)


Russia another big mistakes was and is not to take UA territory south-west of Odessa and connect with Transnistria. Again, Russia needs Zhukov, as the incompetent Ministry of Defense and Generals have no clue how to fight modern war


Moldava used to be extremely neutral, like Switzerland, but a couple of years ago the west bought themselves a new premier there who is now wanting to become part of NATO. She just might be stupid enough to send in their troops as well. If that is the case, Russia will start leveling their two main cities (they only have two) as well as their electrical grid, trains, etc. Moldavans are NOT a historical culture of Russia so Putin will not give a rats potootie about making them pay through the nose. He doesn’t really want to level Ukraine, but he’ll ENJOY THE HELL OUT OF HIMSELF flattening the Moldavans!



Strait Jacket Institute

Shucks, we don’t need ron paul to tell us that. She’s been in our sights for years.


Why are the Russians just sitting around with their thumb up their @ $$? If they have all this information then why are they just “closely monitoring the situation and is ready to respond to any changes in the situation”? Why are they going to wait until people are killed before they do anything. If “the Kiev regime already accumulated large forces” then the Russian military should carry out missile attacks on the concentration of troops to try and stop this before this operation can be carried out! I use to have respect for the Russian leadership but not anymore. They are stupid and are needlessly causing the death of the soldiers due to incompetents!

Chinky madoo

Honestly I’m beginning to think this is all a game


You don’t get the bigger picture, don’t u? The longer game? It’s a bait!!! Let ’em come around the NATO stupid and be annihilated. Believing themselves all-powerful and the most tech-advanced Army in the Universe 🤣🤣🤣 just be nuclear annihilated

Buford T Justice

If worse comes to worse , blow these ammo depots up , don’t let the Ukro-Nazi get their hands on them . Don’t count on Moldovan involvement/ support , too many pro Russian Moldovans. Large pro Russian demonstrations in Chisinau recently . Western media would rather you didn’t know about them .

Bushka Babushka

Yep very … large and “well” paid / fed soviet babushkas = many pro Russian Moldovans. Samo samo old story, it never changes…


Don’t worry, Russian war planners have long prepared for the defense of Transnistria. Once NATO attacks it, this will trigger the large scale Russian attack on Ukraine – all gloves off.


Dropping a FOAB on the presidential and SS area of Kiev could be used as a diversion to preoccupy what was left of the Ukrainian leadership.


Dropping a FOAB on the Capital Hill building in Washington would be more effective.


Guys. Yes, likely another front will be opened. That’s largely to prevent or preempt Russia from doing the same. Clearly there is a plan to use Transn. und Belorus as staging points for a Russian offensive. Understandably, Russian outlets like SF are angry about that scenario being countered and hence cover it with increased propagandistic zeal. That’s unfortunate. The US establishment may, in great part, not care much about casualties, but certainly it’s monotoring the situation. Drawing Europe further into a conflict and estranging them from Russia is likely the best bit of analysis here. Certainly true in any way. But why mix it with other less than accurate descriptions of e.g. of the Bakhmut conflict? Ukrainian troops there aren’t just cannon fodder (not more than Wagner PMC and others on the Russian side anyway). Will it fall? Eventually, yes – but boy has it been collapsing for a long time now… .


You think neutralising bunkers in a forested area is easy?


Have you looked at the deployment of units on the front around Bahmut? On that part of the front of some 25 km, the Russians have Wagner and two more brigades of the Russian army. On the other hand, the Ukrainians have, believe it or not, 2 regiments, 10 independent battalions and detachments and… 41 brigades!!! And the Russians are still advancing! If the Ukrainians had the same concentration of forces on the entire front, they would have about 16 million soldiers on the front… and they don’t have that many… which means that they have packed almost everything they have around Bahmut.

Icarus Tanović

Can’t wait to see Nuclear mushrooms all over the place! Let’s the fuck begins! Revelations by Apostle St.John 13:11.

Chinky madoo

“Judgment day is inevitable”

Chris Gr

Are you still psychopath?


I hope Russia is ready for immediate nuclear strike on US and NATO.

Chinky madoo

So why Russia is not striking these buildup of ukrops before they can invade? Why elensky is still allowed to speak and travel freely?


SF…SF..SF .. you lots know well Russia losing Putin just trying to open another front.. desperation desperation .sf should stop 1 sided propaganda…

Lance Ripplinger

There is around 400 Russian peacekeepers in Transnistria. They certainly couldn’t stop Ukraine from invading. I have no idea how Russia would respond. I have also heard that the Soviet era ammo dump there is useless. The ammunition stockpile there is dangerous, and unusable. This comes from the troops stationed there. Take that for what it is. I don’t know what Moldava would even attack with. They have national police forces, but that is it. Romania would be completely insane to attack the region. Hopefully all this talk about the Transnistria is just that; talk.

Edgar Zetar

Come on! They could not attack Crimea then they would go on attack Transnitria because is close to Poland, Moldava and Romania so if Russia wanted to protect Transnitria would be forced to move a long way, but think if Ukraine or NATO forces approach, Russian would be forced to attack from air using Strategic Aviation to use Strong Conventional Weapons and all their Conventional Missiles including the Father of all Bombs… guess Russia would need to send a strong message to USA and NATO that they are playing with Fire Poking the Bear in the eyes…


Its a weird failed Tax haven probably with Millitary facilities and dubiously low age of consent. The river that runs through it seems to have removed all the key 19th century transit links into the black sea. Canals, farms and small towns in what would have been a duchy are probably the only key objectives. Panama canal zone logic. I’d let it fall and just have them sign off on some refugee deal.

Ceaucescas INtelligence archive was buried in the 90s. They have vague idea whats going on.

New Orleans or NIle style river barge or converted freighters would be the real point of interest. VIP assasination gets complex in places with airspace controls but also needs of another boat and no long range weapons.

SOme mad grab at a government building is often fruitless.


Karma CHamelon – culture club RIver boat song – 100 mile high city


Russia should have evacuated this region the moment they realised they wont be able to get to odessa.

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