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War Crime: Ukrainian Nazis Force Russian POWs To Walk On Minefields

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Russian military sources recently shared a video found on a phone of Ukrainian serviceman left in the trenches during the battles. The video shows another war crime by Ukrainian Nazis. 

Ukrainian servicemen sent Russian prisoner of war (POW) to walk through a minefield. After the man walked away not far, Ukrainian Nazis opened fire. At the end of the video, an explosion thundered likely killing the POW.

The video was widely shared online and Russian authorities also decided to show it to the relatives of Ukrainian prisoners so that they could compare the treatment of POWs by the Russian side and by the Kiev regime. People from all around Ukraine are coming to the DPR, LPR and other Russian regions to visit their relatives captured by Russian servicemen on the battlefields. They see that Ukrainian POWs are treated well in captivity, that they are provided with the necessary medical assistance, good three meals a day and even visits of their loved ones; while they compatriots are torturing Russian POWs. The relatives were impressed and offended by the behavior of the Ukrainian Nazis, claiming that this is terrible.




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asta sa puneti pe internet.. ori impuscati in spate.. ori sa sara in aer


good idea! ruzzian nazis have laid those mines and now they have to remove them 😆😆😆


a better idea at this point would be to free all ukrainians soldiers into those fields. you get through them, you are free…good deal, right? consider it a pow exchange. they do this to russians, tit for tat. but russia would not do such a thing. it’s only good for the neo-nazis.


should make take americans and dig thru iraq and afghanistan for mines too. perhaps that would be good as well. it is a war crime to force pows to clear mines. they are protected under international law, and the rules of war. only nazis do this kind of behavior. your only supporting that notion and declaring you’re affinity to nazis and neo fascists.


pýtam sa pomohlo to? zrejme vôbec nie!!! ruskí vojaci by mali zhodiť rukavičky!!! aký požičaj taký vráť!!! ha hrubé vrece hrubá záplata!!! bez milosti!!!

Gneaus stapo

jedem das seine.

unhappily the whole story is just russian propaganda, the ukrainians are too civilized for that practical approach. damn even waffen ss totenkopf division failed to do so during operation zitadelle.


gneaus gestapo you will get what you deserve. i am in europe and i am your enemy. the svorn one. you terorist. as your ancester stink out deep holes. you will to . sver on my ansesters graves. better to die on my feets then on my knees. have a good day you fucking german nazi terorist.

Gneaus stapo

yada yada rashnik flathead faschist scum soldestka horde subhuman assclown bitch. now dawai dawai back into the kitchen and make me a pie.


your sister is here in europe suxcking german dicks and balls because rusky mongrels got no money small asian dick and are pathetic alcoholics who look like a breed of donkey and mongol hahahahahahahh


post your adress you subhuman piecoe fo mongrel shit.


shut up arsehole.


dont wory. all will be fine. maybe you should learn the history.ad list a bit of it. that will take you to some truth. just my be. being ignorant is almost a crime. our governments yust manipulate with us in eu and all other places in the world. don’t beleve me. check for your self. seek for hiden places wheree our gowernmenta forbid us to seek and you just mide get to the truth. it is up to us, wheter we trie to find the truth or just blindly trust our corup polititians. bild your own opinion.

Gneaus stapo

flathead’s finest. keep up the good work. suck zyklon b flathead.ur kind is/was and ever will be only good as a testdrive for final solution.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
shhsdfd ntnt

schnauze, du sau

Gneaus stapo

verrecke du rote zecke

Gneaus stapo

im gulag ist ein bettchen frei,deine ausreise wurde genehmigt,also dawai dawai ivan.


verpiss dich nach russland du putinistischer huren bängel mit herpes

shhsdfd ntnt

do the same with the nazis


no matter how many times sf and other russian propaganda claims, the world knows that the real nazis are in russia, sitting in the kremlin, this story is for mentally retarded people

Gneaus stapo

exactly and ur point on.


propaganda???? are you serious? that footage is from nazi ukraine soldiers you idiot it is not russian footage it is from the ukraine soldiers taking those videos and posting them everywhere. you are a moron i would love to meet one on one and i would skin you alive and feed you to the pigs you dumb nazi =z=

The Outsider

i`t not russia celebrating stepan bandera and have him as a national hero. so you are the mentally retarded one here buddy

Gneaus stapo

flatheads still consider the stalin best leader ever and celebrating horrible bolshivik empire of death/ lies. bandera is a choir boy compared.

time for endlösung der russenfrage and dedumbification.


stupid ruskies have empire russia flag in one hand while weaving a picture of stalin in the other. how fookin retarded are these people? its like ruskies are born with history revisionism as their specializty. these retards made a deal with nazis and now putin uses russian nazis to destroy liberalism in russia, beat up political opponents


got any evidence to support your claim, keyboard warrior?


so why hasn’t russia done the same thing ???


because russia has respect for all human lives and works according to law. we all are upset thinking as you, because that would be only real justice, to do the same in return. if russia would do so, the world not going to look at russia and russians as saviour and humble people.

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