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War Crime: Ukrainian Servicemen Officially Ordered To Kill Surrendering Russians

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War Crime: Ukrainian Servicemen Officially Ordered To Kill Surrendering Russians

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The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) continue suffering losses in the area of Rabotino in the Zaporozhie region. One of Ukrainian commanders who was killed in the battles had a combat order with him. As a result, the document was found by Russian servicemen and was widely shared online. It confirmed that the Ukrainian servicemen are ordered to commit war crimes.

The combat order was destined to the commander of the Ukrainian 12th separate tank brigade and was issued in July. The document included the description of the ongoing hostilities and some important orders to the Ukrainian servicemen.

War Crime: Ukrainian Servicemen Officially Ordered To Kill Surrendering Russians

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War Crime: Ukrainian Servicemen Officially Ordered To Kill Surrendering Russians

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The Ukrainian military was officially prohibited to take Russian paratroopers prisoners. Those who attempt to surrender should be immediately killed. Moreover, in order to hide their crimes, Ukrainian servicemen were prohibited to film the murders. 

“In case of surrender of a paratrooper of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, do not take prisoner, kill on the spot. It is strictly forbidden to shoot videos with mobile phones,” – the document reads.

The document confirms violations of a number of international laws and conventions. Killing or wounding a combatant who has laid down his arms and surrendered is a war crime.

However, so far, no cases of Russian paratroopers attempting to surrender have been recorded so far. Moreover, recently another video from the area of Ugledar confirmed that the AFU continue torturing the captured Russian servicemen. LINK

The document also ordered to inform Ukrainian soldiers that the alcohol and drugs are prohibited on the frontlines. This means, that there were cases of the use of prohibited substances. Obviously, such an order is nothing but a formality. In fact, most of Ukrainian servicemen who are thrown in bloody assaults on the Zaporozhie frontlines, as well as on the other fronts, are heavily drugged. The ‘forbidden’ drugs are largely supplied by their own commanders. LINK


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Peter Truther

what a dark world it is now, russia stading against western bankers. this is what is really going on. many in the west actually support russia, we know whats going on but in our home countries we are living like slave type prisoners. in fact russia might be the hammer that cracks the corrupt systems in the west and gives us a chance to stop the banker corruption.


sorry peter to wake you up, but you got tricked. first rule of the bankers is to always finance both sides.rothchild is behind usa and (!) russia. nwo-jwo includes ru, china &israel as well as usa+eu. of course also jewlensky& his jewraine is part of they game.look for example at putins closest friends &wake up please: no1. jewish oligarch – german khan – co-founder of the largest bank in russia&founder of the babi yar holocaust memorial.no.2-14 see text below http://rlu.ru/3v9q4

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
another day

could you please provide any substantiated information about rotschild financing both us/uk (which we know it is true) and russia (for which there is no verifiable source or link to rotschilds or vatican bank or bank of england, or bis bank of basel).


murder of the russian czar was financed by jacob schiff, a billionaire buddy of mr. rothchild. and schiff even openly admitted to it. “in april 1917, jacob schiff publicly declared that it was thanks to his financial support that the revolution in russia had succeeded. schiff’s participation in the bolshevik revolution, though quite naturally now denied, was well known among allied intelligence services at the time.


this led to much talk about bolshevism being a jewish plot. the result was that the subject of financing the communist takeover of russia became taboo. later evidence indicates that the bankrolling of the bolsheviks was handled by a syndicate of international bankers, which in addition to the schiff-warburg clique, included morgan and rockefeller interests. see http://rlu.ru/3vzfm & http://rlu.ru/39cux

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
another day

the biggest bank in russia is sberbank, owned by russian government.second by size is a vtb bank, also owned by russian central and regional governments. so, you are lying and spreading disinformation as just as the rest of the trolls in this forum.


yes and the “russian government” is owned by rothchild and chabad lubavich and their army of hook-nosed cockroaches on two legs, and a zombified horde of red collaborateurs hellbent on murdering everybody not bending leg before the jewish powers aka jwo.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
another day

since when having a friends of jewish origins is a sign you are a memeber of a globalist satanist cabal? dr zev zelenko was a kike jew from new york but he did his best including jeopardize his life to warn the people of the world of the perils of pfizer-moderna toxic vaccines.

another day

according to you, a one that founded/financed holocaust museum is automatically globalist shill and agent. these arguments of yours are thin and inconsistent and even after casual scratch beneath these “argumants” one can find no substance to the claims. but this is all deja vu, many trolls like you tried their luck in this forum before.


russian writer & nobel laureate in literature alexander solzhenitsyn expressed (quote): “without jews, bolshevism would never have existed. the bloodthirsty jewish terror murdered 66 million russians, in the years 1918 to 1957″. famous serbian mastermind nicola tesla said (quote): ” never trust a jew”. see http://rlu.ru/3khn3

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

i am a fan of tesla and red many of his papers – a serbian who was born in austria-hungary (now croatia) and never even visited serbia. it’s true he claimed once never trust a jew, it was after his experience with the jewish bankers you have mentioned before.

another day

even your nickname says all because you like to take nicks that symbolize an opposite of what you actually are. a conmen, liars, swindlers and at last, losers


maria theresa quote “i know of no worse plague for the state than this nation (jews), because of the art of bringing people into beggary by fraud, usury, and money contracts.” (maria theresa in handwritten letter to the court chancellery in 1777). so my nick is very much in line with what this woman said and wrote already back in 1777 !!


shouldn’t you pick a nick maria theresa and not mother teresa – it’s not the same person. by the way, austria-hungary had its huge share of jewish bankers, including rotschild wing of wienna.

jihadist1-10000 xoxol a day

and the xoxols cry about “war crimes”

Cry me a River

xoxols cry because they’re losing. sane people cry because their taxes are going to pay for that crying war criminal scum.


this depravity is no surprise, this document will be more evidence for the war crimes trials that must be held one day.


you people are really clueless, uneducated sad individuals. you not even grasp that 1917 was not “russian” revolution but large anti-russian coup! fully jewish conquering masterstrike which was financed by rothchild & jacob schiff.it achieved the targeted aims 1.eradicating the ru czar incl. family & 2nd replace the ru national state financial system with the private rothchild central banking system. “russian revolution” my ass !!

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
another day

of course it wasn’t russian revolution but an insurrection payed and organized by new york and london bankers, but how is it related to a current situation we are discussing here? you are using known historical facts to support your arguments of a current situation unrelated to these historical facts. by the way, mother theresa was a catholic nun, not russian orthodox one, why would someone supporting russia would use the nick of a vatican’s nun?


the relation is that it is all jews. in 1913 they took over the usa with their criminal federal reserve act and establishing of the fed bank. then in 1917 they took over russia, murdered all legitimate russian state autorities incl. the czar, proclamated the ssr and replaced the right of the czar to print money, with jewish right of new “central bank” to print money, thus establishing “fed” also there.


then after murdering mio of europeans in 1945 the jews took over europe & in1998 also there established their central banking system with the establishing of the ecb (european central bank) resp. the european version of the fed.and in late 1950 the jews installed via henry kissinger (real name avraham ben elazar) their puppet mao in china thus forcing communism & jewish central banking also upon these folks (the chinese people) !!

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

don’t you know that one of the most prominent billionare globalist houses are the british royal family and ancient italian, swiss and venetian banking families firmly connected to vatican aka non-jews?

Nazty Neocons

it’s the neocon predecessors like nuland and hubby kagan and company that were trotskiists in those days that started the revolution. they seem to like revolutions, coup d’etats and grabbing power.

jihadist1-10000 xoxol a day

i always thought, russian soldiers do not surrender?

Cry me a River

let’s put it this way…they surrender a whole lot less than ukrops surrender and when they surrender, they’re more than willing to spill the beans on everything. they’ll make nice witnesses in the war tribunals.

america’s little ukraine fascist fiefdom is kaput. long live its sane successor when it comes!

Banned On The Run

i sure hope southfront’s editors didn’t redact the important parts. if zelensky is directing the murdering of russian pow’s, he best be on guard because the russians know his every move and the aircraft he gets on, not just the ones he “plays pilot” in. but, putin won’t waste his time on zelensky, ukraine’s “caesar.” zelensky’s “inner circle” might get gutsy.


@ban jewlensky &jewtin are in one hook-nosed team, together with juda also called a. duda (and his not less jewish wife agata kornhauser), and jew & switzerland presi ignacio cassis, jewess merkel, jew& ex-france president sarkozy &his rothchild marionette-follow up macron, and the eu-jews borrell &lagarde. jewlensky & jewtin will not kill eachother. they just send christians to slaughter each other, so that nwo-jwo gets stronger & its enemies weaker.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

apparently, mr prigojine is fine, in africa. french subtitles… https://vk.com/video652023888_456264037 a+


nurnberg 2.0 is coming

Pas de pseudo

the ukrainien advance is at the same speed than wagner at backmut… stop propaganda on the failure of the ukrainine offensive…. are the russian able to attack? now that they managed to destroy their most effective units with the destructuion of wagner?


no it’s a utterly failure, afu won’t be able to consolidate and keep these little gains. i mean how and with what.

Cry me a River

never fear. joe schmo is sending over 10,000 milspec umbrellas to keep the tos and lancets and everything in between at bay. the ukrainians will be fine.

Last edited 1 year ago by Cry me a River
Icarus Tanović

bakhmut was a big big city that was fortified for years. these all are small vilages and open fields. you see the difference? you must be stupid.

Cry me a River

ukraine is dead and deservedly so. give it up, pseudo-analyst. maybe the next ukraine will have its head on its neck and not up its ass and treat all its citizens with respect and not like a pile of shit, which is what started this war way back in 2014.

Last edited 1 year ago by Cry me a River
hola, el retardo

you keep asking this same stupid question. are you retarded? of course they’re able to attack. why would they, when the ukrops are coming to them and dropping like flies. they’ll attack when they decide it’s time to attack, not you – retard.

ps: they’re already attacking in the north. go, enjoy the show.

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