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War Crimes: Azerbaijani Troops Tie With Flags And Kill Two Captured Armenians (18+)

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UPDATE: The video was allegedly filmed near the town of Hadrut in one of the previous days of clashes.

Meanwhile, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry released a statement claiming that Armenians share in social media some ‘fake videos’ that are ‘not related’ to the Karabakh conflict. So, Baku will deny any war crimes.


A closer look at actions of Azerbaijani troops in the conflict with Armenia for the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region.

The videos below show how Azerbaijani troops captured two Armenian fighters, one of them was an old man (he does not even seem to be able to hold arms), tied them with Armenian flags and killed.

Earlier, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and top Turkish officials repeatedly claimed that the Azerbaijani advance on the Nagorno-Karabakh poses no threat to the Armenian population there. Nonetheless, actions filmed on the video above as well as almost no reports about captured Armenian soldiers demonstrate that in fact the conflict creates a real threat of the ethnic cleansing of the Armenian population if the Karabakh region is captured by Azerbaijan.


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muslims are animals. never get captured and always carry grenades to take them with you

hesap açtım

You are just racist. People can freely belong to any religion they want. If you think you are a civilized community, think again. We Muslims or Turks do not despise religions or nations as much as you do. Such things are sacred.

Raptar Driver

Who would have thought, Turks committing war crimes?

Europe hates America

*Isis Turks

Furkan Sahin

Turkey is not Isis but Erdogan and Akp

Khazarian II (merchant)

shut up Ajdar.

Jessica Brown

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hülya yiğit

batı yalakası seni.

Yorgun Demokrat

Bizi daeşle bir tutan adama da söyleyin birşeyler de adam sanalım amk. Sizin meseleniz Türkiye değil Erdoğan. Bu işlerin sonunu merakla bekliyorum bakalım.

Muzaffer Mahoni

sevgili kardeşim, o siktiğimin cihatçı teröristlerini babam mı destekleyip eğitiyor? böyle bir gerçek varsa adam turks=isis der haksız da sayılmaz. batının palazlandırıp kullanıp attığı ışid’i bugün bizimle bir tutmaları onların ikiyüzlülüğü ve puştluğu olabilr, ama bu akp’nin de o cihatçıları o ya da bu sebepten desteklediği gerçeğini değiştirmiyor.


erdoğan sıçsın ağzına aq şizofreni


How many war crimes when Artskins expelled 1 million Azeris??


Not enough.

Pave Way IV

There were an estimated one million total civilians displaced, both Armenians and Azeris in starting in 1988 until the ceasefire in 1994, 300K Armenians and 700K Azerbaijanis not counting other minority populations, but there is no accurate count. None of them should have been forced from their homes.

Ethnic cleansing, barbarity and murder were committed by nutjob nationalists on BOTH sides, back and forth, starting in late 1987. Using any number to demonize all Armenians or all Azerbaijanis as genocidal maniacs or ethnic cleansers is insane – nobody got to vote on it. People on both sides had their opinions on N-K’s declared secession, but the ethnic cleansing was a consequence of each respective government’s inaction or stupidity further compounded by the foreign interests at the time.

The first N-K related pogrom of Armenians from Azerbaijan was in the third-largest city, Sumqayit, on 27 Feb 1988. Part of that was fueled by a few thousand newly arrived Azeri refugees on 25 Jan 1988, booted out of Armenia and forced to live in Sumqayit slums. The ethnic cleansing happened simultaneously on both sides for the next few years.

The Azeri areas surrounding N-K were only attacked/occupied/ethnically cleansed beginning in 1993 as a consequence of Azerbaijan’s total blockade of N-K to punish the secessionists. It’s ridiculous to think that one million Azeris – 20% of Azerbaijan’s total population – lived in N-K or a few hundred of the scrubby little villages surrounding N-K. It’s also ridiculous to think that Armenian and other ethnic groups of residents of a lot of those villages were not also forced out by the N-K occupation as well. Nobody wants to live in a frozen war zone.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Armenians have lived there for millenia, the first Christian state in the world.

The “Azeri’s” turned up in the 12th century from Central Asia. Most people call them Turks, even their “brother’ Erdogan.

Everyone has seen how “non believers” are treated by Erdogan’s head choppers, would you want to share space with that?


It does not matter how long “your ancestor” lived there. You sure can claim Armenians are Albania if you like.

N-K will be liberated. Azeris will be able to get back to their homes.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The furthest East I’ve been is to Budapest you muppet. Though I do plan to go further at a later date. If your brothers want to go home, it’ll be cold out on those steppes.

Off with you.

Pave Way IV

Not quite. The first Turks showed up the area in the Khazar era – much earlier that the 12th century. They had little cultural or linguistic influence and didn’t settle or stay there.

You’re probably thinking of a disproven assertion that nomadic ethnic Turks – Turkomen – resettled in Azerbaijan in the 13th century and somehow replaced the entire Caucasian/Iranian population. Doesn’t that seem a bit strange to you? Genetic testing since then proved otherwise – there is only a tiny fraction of Turkish genes in what are predominantly Caucasian/Iranian people genetically.

Oghuz Turkic language of the Seljuk Turks rule eventually supplanted Old Azeri, Persian and many other Caucasian languages, from which the Azerbaijani language is derived, not the current Azerbaijani people. They identified themselves as Turks when speaking of themselves collectively because they all spoke (a branch of) the same Turkish language.

At the time, they had no concept of a common Caucasian/Iranian genetic ancestry with defined borders as an ethnic identity – they were just the people that always lived there. Likewise, outsiders called them Turks to distinguish them from Armenians, Persians, Georgians, etc., not because the Azerbaijanis were thought to be ethnic Turkomen, but because they were Turkish-speaking Muslims.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

These Turks turned up in 1918, when the Russian Empire was being torn asunder.

Ice Icegold

It was never their home.


N-K will be their home soon.

Ice Icegold

Create your own home. Stop stealing others. Your home is somewhere in Mongolia… where you came from


Glad to see that more Artskins get skinned….

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That’s your friends, they become 3skinners you muppet.

Porc Halal

Are you retard?!…to expel is one thing (if true!) to kill someone is another thing…

Raptar Driver

And how many Serbs were expelled from Kosovo? The difference is Kosovo is ancient Serbian land like N.K. is ancient Armenian land. You Turks are Invaders just like the Albanians.

Karamanids Khan


Khazarian II (merchant)

Genocide is our racial sport since our Scythian-Saka ancestors era, wherever we go we must also genocide. Thats shows that our race is strong and dominant in that endless race war.

Lone Ranger

Are you on cocain? Lay down the drugs son…

Khazarian II (merchant)

U are asking hard things from me

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

to start with try not to exceed the one glass per day limit


rightiswrong rightiswrong

You’d be on drugs also LR if you had his life, and ran out of goats cos the wife ate it through jealousy, lol.

Lone Ranger


rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Scythians were tramping about that region a long time before your lot got thrown out of Central Asia you illiterate muppet.

If your race is so strong, then where is the empire, duh!

Ataturk, at least he gave up the camels, while wearing his masters clothes. Saville Row, lol.

Khazarian II (merchant)

Scythians also came out of Altai mountains just like we Turks u ignorant dimwit. Read a good damn book.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You got their address then goat lover?

Altai Mts my arse, Chinese bandits who China cleverly got rid of. lol

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Cyrus the Great chased them into submission while your lot were eating grass on the steppes.

About 1500 years before.


delusional imbecile but when Hitler killed and gassed you then you were all whining like puppys despicable pos long live the real Aryan race and puke upon the kazar abrahamic filth

Khazarian II (merchant)

Ah truly I get hacked by white supremacist-Nazis and they wrote those bad things not me, very sad.

Ron Wheeler

Sounds Christian to me during The Great Crusades.

spa francorchamps

they are azeri they are not turks.

Anıl Cihangir

Azeri’s Oghuz Turk same as Turkey’s Turk.


They are Armenian, not Turks.

Raptar Driver

They are Turkic.

ali aksoy

I don’t support the Turkish government but what about Armenians who skinned a young girl to death? You have been taught nothing but that Turks are savages and don’t want to see the other side of medallion.


What war crime? All I see is some soldiers executing 2 enemy soldiers with RIFLES. If you wanna see a war crime just read about the illegal cluster bombs Armenians used last week.


theyre captive armenian soldiers as you can understand from their uniforms…nonetheless it doesnt change the fact that killing them is a war crime…


head choppers and war crimes…who would have thought!!

same in NK as in Syria


armenians did it many times…both sides are guilty…there is no syrian mercenary in NK…you dont have any solid evidence only black propaganda…


and there are no syrian mercenaries in Syria, only freedom fighters


All parts are doing it, but currently only a very tight portion of the world are proudly using murder as propaganda.

Lone Ranger

Like Uncle Sam and the CIA…




Would you say “They have killed American soldiers!” if Armenians dressed up some Azerian captives with US uniforms? It’s very easy to force a captive to do what ever you want. Armenia is in the need of global support because they are loosing the war. They do such false propaganda videos because Azerians are winning and they will take back the land that was occupied illegally for +10 years by Armenia.


So you believe that AZ soldiers can not be dressed up with Armenian uniforms by Armenians? Armenia is loosing the war so they need support from global community. They are obviously using the `war crime` card for that. That’s why they dress up AZ captives as Armenian soldiers, then execute them on video and post it on internet…It’s so simple. There is no reason or benefit for AZ soldiers to do such a show. It’s obviously an Armenian propaganda video.

Steve Standley

This kind of crap will spark an all-out hot regional war. I mean like war on armenian/Azer soil and Russian involvement. It’s sooo wrong.

Bobby Twoshoes

Fucking Turk savages, I’m surprised they didn’t rape them first.


the only reason they did not rape them is because they were not goats

Steve Standley


Khazarian II (merchant)

Genocide is our national sport, that shows that our race is very strong and dominant.


lol , western people see you as backward and secound class human , simple as that

Khazarian II (merchant)

Who cares sisyfied soy boy westerners, they are busy offering their wifes and daughters to rapefugees for the sake of diversity.

Icarus Tanović

You’re speaking to full aware Zionistic troll.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

As usual, trying to get all others fighting with each other, while they count the sheckels.

They think they’re smart, but cry like women when they get what they deserve.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How many European and US soldiers are in your “dominant” nation today? Since Britain, France and Greece last took Constantinople!

How many air defence systems have you sold to vassal states?

You’re a right muppet, how many Turkish jets have been sent to Ganja? Hint, the F16 is made in the USA, lol.

Europe hates America

Our biggest scum in this world even bigger then arabs and zionists. Our proud isis turks ??????

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Direct responsibility of Nikol Pashinyan.


The only thing Russia care in this war: to submit Armenian slaves to Russian master race.

Lone Ranger

Where is Pimpeo when you need him…? Russia is not the master race, Mankind is. Russia doesnt want to submit Armenia, they only respect what Armenia asked for.


Nahh man, Ruskies from this comment section scream that Armenian president should be hanged. That’s what this war is for Russia: regime changing. Assad must go, Pasinyan must go…

Lone Ranger

Russia doesn’t care about traitors. And they don’t care about regime change. Armenian leadership can thank themselves, and Herr Pimpeo.


‘Russia doesn’ t care about traitors. ‘ that’ s why they have Putin, and not a single billionaire from Russian origin. 90 jews and 10 turkic.

Lone Ranger

Traitors were kicked out,the rest serve Russia. In the U.S. its the exact opposite, tycoons(oligarchs) are being served by politicans, isnt Trump a tycoon himself? Sad thing is he is still better than neo-trotskyite pedobiden and Co.


Tycoon is not the same as olygarchs. A tycoon buulds something and creates jobs. An olygarchs is just a leech.

Since Russia is the richest country on earth and the pipulation lives in poverty, that’s the effect of the billionaire leeches and their maggot from Kremlin.

Lone Ranger

A tycoon is exactly the same as an oligarch, so keep dreaming. Russia has higher livingstandards nowdays than the U.S. Yeah tell me more about how tycoons are sucking the U.S. economy dry with $trilliond of free bail-out money creating a smoke and mirror economy. So in fact tycoons are worse because there is nobody in the U.S. to regulate them like did Putin in Russia. Its free for all. You really think Facebook is the same worth as the whole VW concern whom manufacture 22million cars a year? Dont make me laugh. Your jobs and profit only exists on paper in reality the U.S. economy is dead as a nail.


I’m not a Russian so I have a life. Next time make it shorter, stable boy.

Lone Ranger

I wouldnt call being pimped by the CIA a life… Okey…


Gelly much?

Lone Ranger

Trust me, Im not.


I believe you. Lol

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

More soros stats…?


Truth hurts, try to handle it.

Lone Ranger

Indeed you should. U.S. Empire is going down the drain hand in hand with Kievistan, while East is rising.


Good propaganda movie…..


The first question we need to ask is that, who took such video and who posted it?

Not sure if this is genuine. Azerbaijan military is better trained and different from Artskins. They are not even military men.

Karamanids Khan

It is unclear what this video is and for what purpose it was shot. However, it is certain that Armenia is bombing and killing civilians every day. This is a war crime.




Yeah, do notice how excited the Friends of ISISrael are, the gloathing of the HasbaRats, the hurrah comments from Putins army of apologistas, the thumbs up from this Turdians, huh, nice bunch, and this people are you going to negotiate with, the Muslim Turds, the Azeris, whom acoding to this people never do nor did anything bad at all, it was the other ones, right.

I hope you burn in hell, Mofo. I hope you one day will expirience an fully fledged war, civil or not, one day you will have to run down to the basement and calm your children or elders, and hope nothing hits your home. May you never expirience that, and I know nobody is going to lift an finger to help this people because of corruption, of mind and soul, its in the end, just bizzenizze, right Russian hurrah patriots and to the Jewish backing ract packs, whom is in synck with the Turdian happy head chopping, of course, modeRats. Nothing surprices me anymore when it comes what this people do, like the chopping of heads of children, caging christians in Syria, now, thhey are doing slaughter feast in NK, to the accomodations of applause and in full agreement with the western backers in here and the ZATO Gov.


Icarus Tanović

These monstrosities are Wahhabis. Clothing is mere changed.


Even though I find Az. rightful side in this war, those captives had much more honor than the shooters.


Sigh Why Armenia is so desperate and willing to kill their own people for international aid.


An Armenian to Kim Kardashian’s husband recently sent an Armenian message to them “We are losing the war, help us” and shared it on social media, deleted it after 10 minutes. This is a pity society and they do not need to be taken into consideration



Big fake.. This society is so liar that they forget some points while they are constructing things. 1. The speakers in the video do not speak exactly Azerbaijani. 2. Orders to be hit in the head but no bullets go to the head and lastly the “armenian” flag on the arm of the soldiers I made at first

Only children believe this fake video. these “armenians” are very despicable people. the dirty “society” of both Muslims and the whole world


thats the flag they wrapped them in. turkish dogs did it


Speaking in Azerbaijani, showing themselves as Azerbaijani, but having an armenian flag on the arm of a soldier in the background? Don ‘make me laugh. You can’t even construct your own lies properly


you think they executed their own people for propaganda? that is what muslims do you filthy yid


I don’t know what nationality you are from, but you are no different from the “armenians” in this video. You may be an enemy of Muslim, but you are very loser.

Random Dude

You have a keen eye mister

Pave Way IV

…and lastly the “armenian” flag on the arm of the soldiers I made at first

I don’t see one. Do you mean the red armband on his bicep?

hesap açtım

These people only believe what they see directly. We Turks are after our rights, ours. These are just villains in a fairy tale.

U n k n 0 w n

(Li)Armenians have been systematically targeting civilians since the beginning of the war by firing missiles to non-combat zones..

U n k n 0 w n

South Front is a Li(Armenian mouthpiece of propaganda too.. It would be an “independent voice” as it claims if they had a report titled “Systematic (Li)Armenian missile attacks targeting Azerbaijani civilians outside the combat zones is a war crime” as well..

Pave Way IV

Like the SCUD aimed at Ganja farmers? That was really a much more accurate/destructive TOCHKA? The one Azerbaijan shot down before it reached its target at the Ganja military air base, nearly killing some poor Azeri farmer?

Khazarian II (merchant)

We told thats going to be 1915 v2.0. Those armos gangraped Azerbaijani Oghuz women and skinned 2 children alive in Hojali genocide, you reap what you sow. Gayreeks also burned down 300.000 Turkish houses and raped thousands of Turkish women in invasion of Turkey even impaled some of them in Usak city’s graveyard in 1920s (all warcrimes admitted by the gayreeks in Lausanne agreement), watch those videos Gayreeks after we finish our job in armenia, we will come for u and gates of hell will follows us.

Lone Ranger

Hasbarat cybercommando…?

Khazarian II (merchant)

Mr. Netanyahu pls raise my salary :(

Lone Ranger

25 Shekels has been deposited on your account. Bibi sends greetings…

Khazarian II (merchant)

Oy gevalt, todah!

Ice Icegold

You lost in Syria , Libya , Kurdistan , Cyprus, Iraq and now you are loosing in Armenia . What makes you think you can win a war against the tactical army of Greece. You mast be very stupid to believe something like this .

Khazarian II (merchant)

AHAHAH retarted son of a gay. Ur Spartans were all gays, they were making gay sex b4 their wars cuz that was a tradition in ancient gayreece so u are son of a gay LOL. Also non of secular, nationalists support Syrian intervention that was ethnic erdo’s own idea. We are wining in Libia we defeated haftars blitzkrieg and send him to egypt’s border also we made them sign our maritime boundaries agreement. Kurdistan ?? where is that place u numnut, we are already lolacausting them. AHAHAHA U lost in Cyprus we invaded Cyprus and raped ur women u retard ahhaahah.


Animal Turks to the usual hobby of theirs. They are well known in the world.


Are you sure? We are known by our mercy. You should check history, again.


Yes I am pretty sure, it seems you dont know history and its obvious your books are full of islamic propaganda.


its obvious yours are full of Islamophobic.


I dont care how you will call me, yes I dont like islam, full of murderers, butchers, braindead meat for the elites. Dont play with me the Islamophobic card to gain sympathy and to play the victim, no one believes you anymore. And you obviously hate Christians. Look what happened again in France. Do you support this murders of innocent people by your islamic people in France? You are the ones who come to Europe which is a western civilized society and so you are the ones who must obey the rules, ethics and traditions. If you dont like it, move the F out and go back to that shithole where you came from. We wont let you tum the Europeans countries the same shitholes as you did in your own(and for that reason u left).


unfortunately not, they are full of western civilization propaganda. Therefore, we supposed that you have advanced civilization; however, today we experience there is no humanity in your books. Also, its obvious that yours are full of Islamophobic.


This is what awaits the people of Balkan if we don’t unite to stand up to the Erdoganian Empire.


You such dumb people.

It was Russia or USSR who caused this….


cia ,drr


idiot read a book about real history and stay away from wikilies idiot

Potato Man

Armenian also claim BS to save face, they killed 1000s on 1000s of Azer soldiers. Hate grow and grow more and more between these two countries, remember when Armenian ambushed Azer soldiers…both side take a piss of each others bodies NO SHIT they would do such things.

I remember a British punk crying and was so mad to lost his friend and he was saying he gonna kill all Iraqi people FFS….it is a fuking war.

For the love of god don’t you fuking dare to saying it is only them, forgot about Iraq 2003, Afghanistan…..Let’s not. Both are morons.

Furkan Sahin

Only Houthis Gaddafi Assad Fuck rest

Potato Man

You forgot how Gaddafi was killed bud, they took him out so easy and look at Libya now. From one of the best countries in the world to slave trading country. RIP.

Furkan Sahin

yeah sad RIP Gaddafi i miss him

cechas vodobenikov


Random Dude

I don’t think Special Forces have any time to spare on POWs. Take them back, make sure no one shoots at you on the way, deviate from the mission. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


Tanzanian , Congolese or Azerbajani Special forces ? All sounds funny as hell

Random Dude

very intelligent comment Vladimyr


Vladimiyr roasted some turkey is syria so good for him ;)

Random Dude

good for him indeed


While the quote below may seem a little far fetched. This is an excerpt from a recent article from a health and prepper site. I’m tentatively planning to be in Dulles, VA and Washington, DC the week of January 20th. And then spend the weekend in upstate NY visiting family before flying back to the NW. I have a plan b to go to my 40 acres in the mountains and work from there. And am also going to try to complete my transition out of transportation into finance by then.

“Immediately after the election, Democrats will likely activate their full-blown chaos agenda to throw the country into mass chaos, making any accurate counting of remaining votes almost impossible. This will likely begin with so-called “Zero Day” attacks that target key US infrastructure, including the power grid, telecommunications, transportation and water supplies. These attacks will plunge many areas of America into extreme chaos and lead to exploding crisis scenarios which will quickly escalate into panic among the populations of certain cities where the attacks are focused. In concert with the Zero Day attacks, left-wing insurrectionists will be given the “go” signal to flood into the streets, violently attacking Trump supporters with the full forces of the weapons that have been smuggled into the hands of Black Lives Matter terrorists via communist China, which is providing heavy weapons to US insurrectionists (full-auto battle rifles, RPGs, mortars and more). Within days, many of America’s streets will be full-blown active war zones. This will quickly force Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, which he will do, activating military assets which he has pre-positioned in 50 US cities, under the cover of “Operation Warp Speed” (the vaccine program). From here, curfews will be enacted in many cities, and military personnel will quickly regain control of the streets. This will drive left-wing forces into guerrilla warfare mode, which will continue through January. In this mode, left-wing terrorists will resort to classic guerilla warfare tactics such as sabotage, politically targeted assassinations and bombings of key infrastructure. We are going to witness the radical Left descend into a full-blown militant insurrectionist force like the “Shining Path” in Peru, with kidnappings of the children of prominent conservatives, assassinations, bombings and more. It won’t take long for this to escalate.”

– Likely TIMELINE of events to take place from Sep. 20 to Jan. 20, covering vaccines, SCOTUS, Election Day, markets, terrorism and insurrection –



I’m continuing to work on my year end silver options ladder build as an insurance policy in case of economic and social unrest and turmoil. I currently have 11 contracts. And will probably add at least 9 more for a total of 20 minimum over the next week or two. This will result in an increase of $2,000.00 for every $1.00 increase in the price of silver once the strike prices are meet for the entire block. A $10.00 increase in the price of silver above the highest strike price would result in $20,000.00 in profit over and above the profit generated as the price of silver moves up the ladder through the strike prices.

A rough guess in a worst case scenario like what’s described in the prepper article that I’ve quoted from would be $50,000.00 to $100.000.00+ in profit. Assuming that the markets are functioning and the positions can be closed out.



Cool stories man, use that money for your PMC amd bring them over here so we Israelis can show you what happens to anyone who fucks with us. hezbollah learnt it, Hamas learnt it, the SAA learnt it. You would be no exception. If there is one thing I like more than shooting practice targets, is to shoot real bastards who come here and threaten my country. Always a pleasure.

Icarus Tanović

Save that crap for Israel daily. You’re shit scared of Hezbollah and everybody knows that.


Yes Hezbollah, we are so very scared. That is why we’re prepared to invade Lebanon in Hezbollah makes a move?

Icarus Tanović

Yes, I can see that you are scared. That’s okay, because you should be. No stupid games with Hezbollah. Every single war against Lebanon and Hezbollah you have lost. And that is the fact.


What fact? you want to talk about facts? In 2006 just 10K troops entered Lebanon, with the IDF using only 5% of our firepower in order not to wipe out all the villages in SL. Why do you think they had only 1200 dead in 1 month? we avoided killing their civilians while they were shooting rockets on our civilians. You think it will happen again? No.

Plus, we will blow up their own rockets on them, we gave them enough warnings and if a war comes, we will not be responsible for any civilian casualties on their side. I know what deadly weapons we have, Israelis might suffer but they will be vaporized.

it will not be a war of cat and mouse, IDF troops moving from house to house. This time, it will be village after village removed from the map till no more rockets are fired from there. Don’t believe me? let Nasrallah try us.

Pave Way IV

He’s not Russian as far as I know, Iron_Zion, I think he’s American. I’m pretty sure we’re not allowed to attack you. He’s describing the collapse of the US following our elections. Unfortunately, he doesn’t understand that the options will be worthless when our markets are locked and the banks close.


I know he is Pave, he is also one of the most anti semitic people here and calls to remove Judaism from the world. You know why I like guys like him? because he knows he can’t do shit and he still spits out his regular nonsense as if it matters or scares me. He doesn’t understand that we are ready to die in order to protect our country, our mentality is not like his.

Pave Way IV

OK, sorry. I thought I might be missing some previous Disqus drama here. Never mind me.

John Wallace

You show your ignorance everytime you open your mouth. He is the Seattle area of Washington State . Got a big dick when it comes to talking but that will shrink pretty quick when someone who knows how to use a weapon starts shooting back . I will put my dollar on Richard over you everytime. Dumbarsed idiot.


Hezbollah and Hamas will be the least of your worries if you face a regional coalition that out mans and out guns you.


Hezbollah, Hamas and the SAA are all still on your borders getting stronger every year. The only thing that your big mouth has gotten you is more enemies.


You can’t even defeat militias in a ground war, let alone national armies. Hezbollah and Hamas have kicked you out of Gaza and Lebanon more than once. The only thing that you’ve demonstrated is how to lose.

But you’re real good at making an immature fool out of yourself with your obnoxious bragging about how great you are when you’ve never fought a peer military and are afraid to invade Syrian airspace with your planes or ground space with your army as Iran and others increase their military presence.


I don’t think you understand Richard, it is NOT my decision. If we invade or withdraw – I only obey orders. So if you have complaints point them towards our leadership (Which I also hate, I see Bibi as a coward who doesn’t give us greenlight to act). IDF officers only execute what Bibi orders them, that is why as soon as we have new PM in power, things will change. Then we can see how brave your Hamas and Hezbollah are.


Hamas or Hezbollah have no incentive to fight the IDF on their own when they can be part of a regional coalition with far less risk. Half of it is already there in Syria. All that they need to round it out is the Turks, Egyptians and Jordanians.

You haven’t fought a national military in 50 years. Your bravado about beating up sectarian militias looks immature and foolish. The first thing they’d do is ground your airforce and helicopter fleet. Without a single foreign soldier steping foot in Israel, other than some intel and specops. Some of whom are already there. Then you’re going nowhere fast in a defensive war of attrition.

A regional coalition sufficient to deter US intervention would destroy most of the IAF in the first week. Your helicopter fleet. And as much of the IDF as necessary to achieve political objectives.

If you have a death wish and want to go on a suicide mission. Then sign up for it. Netanyahu or Gantz wouldn’t make any difference as PM.


You can just stay confined to your prison colony under house arrest and brag about how great raping children, infecting them with venereal disease for life, violating the Syrian dmz with prohibited weapons and shooting tens of thousands of unarmed demonstrators and breaking their legs is. And wonder why you’re the most down voted person in the history of this site.

John Wallace

I don’t know anything about those contracts but what happens if silver drops. Do they have margin calls or can you short them. What happens when the powers that be dump tonnes of paper silver into a quiet market dropping the arse out of both gold and silver like they do on a regular basis to control the price. The bullion banks own thousands of short positions and will not be happy when the price rises.


The options expire worthless on January 1st 20201 if the price of silver is below the strike price. There is no margin call on options. That’s on futures contracts.

Whether the ptb can keep the lid on precious metals prices as big money pours into them is questionable. They haven’t had a lot of luck with that this year. They may slow it down in a crisis. But I don’t think that they’ll stop it.


These are calls, they can be hedged with puts to cover a price drop. And then establish new long positions at a lower price. Or you can do what I did and build an options ladder as the price drcreased. To cover the decrease in value on the options bought at a higher price to lower your breakeven if the price of silver bottms and resumes rising. Right now my breakeven on this block is around a $28 00/oz. price of silver. Anything above that by years end will be profit.

John Wallace

Thanks for that. We don’t have anything like that here . I think silver should be 50 but who listens to me. With only a couple of weeks to your election and then all hell could break loose . I really can’t see it being a peaceful event. How bad ?? Last day of our election today and everything is the exact opposite of the carrying on in the US. Peaceful , quiet and politicians from all groups quietly talking and discussing with each other. Man we do not need that madness you have. Good luck..


As long as we retain our gun rights I can live the problems until they’re corrected. Getting rid of the Jews who are up to their eyeballs in creating the problems would go a long ways towards achieving that.



John Wallace

Wow. So much for being free. We are allowed to open accounts almost anywhere , , without hassle. I trade on the Aussie share market through my NZ bank in real time.. Our election finished yesterday with half voting early at polling stations which have been open for a week. Results announced , leaders that lost congratulated those that had won and everyone kept on partying together. Some people will be upset a bit and grumble but they will get over it. Basically we ended up with a center left landslide victory , mostly from how she handled the virus and the terrorist mosque shooting , center right party lost half their seats from infighting and leader changing . 10% greens who are left wing and 10% for ACT who are right wing so everything balanced out . No need for a coalition. Last time it was center left party with the greens and a center right party NZ First who got nothing this time. Everyone gets two votes. One for the person they want to represent them and a party vote so the final result is made up from a combination of the two. So it is theoretically possible to vote extreme left party for representative and vote extreme right for party vote. Smaller parties end with a say at the table but the main party gets the final say. If the major party has a slim majority or needs a smaller party to help it does pay for them to work together. It does make better sense and works better than just two parties with other parties not even heard where the tow hate each other and it becomes what you have now. What happens in your election in a couple of weeks after what happened with the riots last time when Trump won may look like kindergarten stuff this time … or everyone will just accept the results and get on with living. I think that may depend on what part of the country one is living in.. Have a good one..


Well, here you have a right to carry a firearm for self defense. Where you’re at you don’t and have to justify it under other laws if you use one in self defense. And your government just took away a lot of your guns that are your most effective means of self defense regardless of what the current law is.

The German pilot on psycho shooter drugs killed more people in one suicide crash in France than any mass shooting. The Christchurch shooter was a personal trainer. Steroids and other drugs are not uncommon in that line of work. And he had money from an inheritance and traveled extensively. So he easily could have psychiatric drugs in his medical history. You still have decent gun rights compared to some places.

The mass shootings were rare here before psycho shooter drugs found in almost all mass shootings were legalized 30 years ago. And they’ve almost completely stopped under Trump. So false flags may have been part of the problem. If they can be stopped here without taking away gun rights. The same thing can be done where you are.

NZ and Australia are two different places. But the scamdemic fascism in Australia is worse than anything here. And what happens there has a tendency to go to where you are. Though I hope that it doesn’t.

I agree that our “democracy” has serious problems. With Jews and Israel being the biggest part of the problem. The US would be a much different and better place without them. And that there’s room for improvement with our financial freedoms.




What is happening to us Ara???


The old man was not a fighter,the filth who killed him are the same as those bastards in Syria.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, that’s right.

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