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MARCH 2025

War Crimes In Mariupol: New Testimonies By Eyewitnesses

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War Crimes In Mariupol: New Testimonies By Eyewitnesses

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Civilians who left the war-torn city of Mariupol through the humanitarian corridors secured by Russian and DPR forces are testifying on inhumane warfare and war crimes committed by Ukrainian nationalist forces.

Residents of Mariupol confirmed that Azov members forcibly pushed them out of their apartments and used them as firing points. Local residents say that the military retreated to civilian facilities, including schools and kindergartens.

DPR sources shared a new video showing the school that was used by the AFU and Azov militants as a military post during a week, until the Russian military took control over it.

War Crimes In Mariupol: New Testimonies By Eyewitnesses

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On numerous videos, civilians who managed to escape from Mariupol confirmed that they did not contact the Ukrainian military, and they did not receive any humanitarian aid. The testified on various war crimes committed by the AFU.

“We just saw a 17-year-old girl who went for water with her father and was just killed by a Ukrainian sniper.” – the woman from Mariupol claimed.

The men was 38 years old, and his daughter was 17, although she looked about 14 years old, so the sniper could not confuse her with an armed Russian fighter. The father brought the murdered daughter in his arms to the next building.


The fact that civilians were massively passing along this road looking for water was widely known. There were wells on the coastal street, and civilians, mostly men, ran there for water at their own risk. Everyone knew about these wells, where there were always civilians.

The man in the video also confirmed that a Ukrainian sniper killed another civilian man who was walking down a nearby street.

Residents of Mariupol confirmed that the city administration abandoned them from the first days of hostilities. It is known that the mayor of the city has left the city and continues to urge the civilian population to “hold on” and “resist Russian aggression”, convincing them that Ukrainian forces are successfully repelling Russian attacks.

For a month, civilians lived with no information. They were not informed about any ways to leave the city. Since the first days of mop up operations in Mariupol, Ukrainian forces, instead of providing civilians with access to quieter areas of the city where they could get access to hospitals or water, banned them from leaving their homes and shot civilians who came out of their yards.


As more and more witnesses testify about the real atrocities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Ukrainian propaganda is failing. A similar phenomenon took place in 2008 during the Georgian aggression against South Ossetia. In the early days of the war, Western propaganda trumpeted that Russia had allegedly invaded the territory of Georgia. However, it quickly became obvious that it was Georgia that acted as the aggressor and hundreds of facts of atrocities committed by military personnel of the Georgian army and NATO soldiers supporting them on the territory of South Ossetia poured into the information space. As a result, the West and international organizations were forced to recognize the real state of affairs.


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Rise of Ekaterinburg

Another shit-eater sodomist invader Lt. Gen. Yakov Rezantsev goes to Walhalla to meet Jirinovski .May he rot in hell. 😆

Президент зомби:Z

You ruthless piece of shit 😀.

Vlad the invader

Did you see general Mordwitschew?

What do you mean he’s dead?


The Ukies are Nazi terrorists and need to be whacked.

jens holm

2,16% are nazis in Ukra.They are not even in the parlament. So where are the rest. Are they frindly to Russia waving flags.

Oh no.


So, what about Arsen Avakov, Minister of internal affairs 2014-2021, close tie with the Azov battalion, all his decisions were based on the acceptance of these Nazi’s ideology, meaning this scumbag backed those criminals for their actions. He’s on the wanted lists for crimes against Ukrainians by the Russians just like 85 others criminals, most of them were parliamentarians/mayors/governors. Your scumbag Zelensky is on the wanted lists for collaborating with the Azov/Nazi scumbags.


Move that decimal point one magntiude to the left for the real number. 21.6% Nazis in Banderasite Land.


As soldiers, generals also must die in the fight, it’s democratic, and has always been the cossack, pardon, russian way.

Vlad the invader

What you mean my generals are dead?

Schoigu, send me general Sukhovetsky! He will show you!


Western Generals never leave the whorehouse.

President Vladimir Putin

Meanwhile 14,500 dead Azovnazi in Mariopol alone. More to follow.


Yamil Yarmulke Perez is that you? Same bullshit, different day.

Jens Holms-tien that you? Same bullshit, different day.

Last edited 2 years ago by AssyriaRising
jens holm

No. He is not Jens Holm commenting.


Yes the Russian nazi’s are eating their own members, Stalin alike they do disappear by bushes and on Southfront they are trying keeping people happy by presenting some solitaire birds while they keep silence about the whole flocks killed by the Russians .

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

There’s not much more testimony to be made other than to confirm the Nazi tactics and atrocities the Putin cockroaches committed in Mariupol. The entire world has already seen with their own eyes the grotesque legacy of Mikhail Minzintev the white haired general faggot. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4921745597894156&id=604241389644620&fs=0&focus_composer=0&m_entstream_source=timeline

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot
Vlad the invader

If brothers and sisters resist, just lay them. Trust me, I’m trusty ol’Vlad!

Ashok Varma

The Ukrainian racists are worse than roaches and God Bless Russia for killing them. JAI RUS!

Bye bye yankies and their vassals, all the rest of the world is laughing about you.

Vlad the invader

Did you see my Schoigu? He was supposed to send me general Gerasimov!

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

At least this Putin cockroach is comfortable enough to admit that Putin’s a war criminal. That makes him the most self aware cockroach around here.

John Wooh

The west loves cheap ukrainan labour, cheap ukrainan hookers and cheap ukrainan organs.

Last edited 2 years ago by John Wooh
jens holm

What You really tell is, that we create more jobs then we have people for. If it wasnt worse, where those from east come from, they would stay home.

we also need many 1000 wel edycated people. Thats difficult becaue You have to understand language and other things in detail.

And sure. we do fight against those bad incommers making thefts and prositutions.

Prostitution is very legal here, but non should run those men and vomen as slaves in human trafficing. Those criminals mainly are from the sountries, they come from too.

We have danes paying too little. We try to punish them. No countries so far has no crime.


Don’t forget the human lab rats !!

President Vladimir Putin

Thats a lot of tears. Did your boyfriend die too in Mariopol? Poor Azovnazi :_(

Ashok Varma

Indian students were the first to expose the racist Ukrainian Nazi crimes against civilians. The bandera Nazis tortured, raped and killed Russian speaking women and children even. Death to Ukraine. JAI RUS!


And the brits wonder why the indians didn’t want to receive their delegation yesterday. The fun part is that, at the same time, they met with the chinese foreign minister.

jens holm

We know. So Rusians invade to protect indians.

Why dont You invade India. They have so many of them.

Tom Bombastadillo

Russia owns Mariupol.

President Vladimir Putin



The Nazis problem it’s they are no fishes, just only rats, rats in an civil ocean?!

Death angel

The Northern Fleet’s Pyotr Morgunov Project 11711 large landing ship in Crimea destroyed by Ukrainians army plus 2 other navy ships damaged Over 40000-60000 Russian killed and wounded and missing in Ukraine 16800 confirmed Russian personel killed in Ukraine and counting. The 7 general killed Lieutenant General Yakov Rezantsev, commander of the 49th Combined Arms Army of the Southern Military District, was slain Russian millitary refuse to take back killed soliders. Putin destroyed the entire Russian economy Army and Political party Russian millitary is in full retreat on all Kiev front. We will destroy the entire Russian army on Ukraine land. We will take back Crimea Donetsk and Luhansk. Is just a matter of time. Viva Ukraine


Bad news troll. The Ukrainian government is having to amend their laws to allow government functions to be carried out away from Kiev. Let me simplify that for your moronic brain – the evacuation of Kiev has begun. The only ones left will be National Socialist scum hiding in schools, hospitals, apartment blocks, and shopping centers. They will be handled in a similar fashion to Mariupol.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

ALTGA is a Putin faggot who loves to suck the cock of his white haired general faggot. Don’t listen to him, Death Angel.

jens holm

Its pathetic funny for all You macho men often even need to buy some random wife.

Ypu always are in the suck cuck levels as its about its importance as brain replacement

Vlad the invader

But why I’m told that my army is retreating from Kiev?!?

Where I’m going to make my victory parade now?!?

jens holm

Main parts of the Kiev already is outside. This is not russian logistics


Wow you sound like the ukro nazis are about to take Moscow soon.

President Vladimir Putin

According to Disney news network.

President Vladimir Putin

Reality is 1345 Russian dead, 3450 injured. 30,000+ ukrop deaths, 14,000 critically wounded aka crippled, 16,000 moderatly wounded.

Last edited 2 years ago by President Vladimir Putin
President Vladimir Putin

Lay off the captagon its bad for you.

William White

Dream on Troll!


Fuck your nazi Ukraine. Russia already gained 1/3 of Ukraine and kill banderite filth on a daily basis. Putin signed law allowing the volunteers to kill motha fucker assholes banderist faggots. On telegram sources said that are at least 1.2 million requests from all over Russia. First will be incorporated 100.000 as the third line with security roles in conquered terrirories. As the more lands are taken, more volunteers are pouring in. Meanwhile chechens gather more and more hitlerist scalps in Mariupol. There are still thousand which await surrender from regular army or execution for the cocaine dipshit azovists. As casualties now: Ukrop motha fucker syphilitic stoners 50.000-6000 casualties 15000 dead including around 450 foreign mercenaries Russian 15000 casualties 4000 dead. Every day 10-20 km russians advance vaporizing the banderist rats. The Bandera cretin country is smaller by daily basis. No more sea of Azov for…….ass fucker azovists criminals ! Yupiiiiii, fuck you and fuck your garbage race of cretins !

Last edited 2 years ago by qwe

You good the same stupid intelligence organisation as Putin, completely misinformed without any contact to the real brutal truth.


L.otan et loccident en general sont devenus l axe de mal

Florian Geyer

The new motto of NATO is ‘ With Trannies and Twitter we fight wars ‘.

Red General

New Russian general dead. Yakov Rezantsev… Rest in pieces.


yes yes it has been the ghost of Kiev right?

призрак Андрея Колесникова

Путин лжет россиянам, Путин лжет всему миру!


another routine Russian victory—the incompetent feminized amerikant nazi comical—as their LGBT incompetent snowflake empire melts away they send the most stupid of their west virginny hillbillies to comment at SF. better to pay them 2 donuts so they do not beg and steal from local Walmart—





Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Yuri the Nazi faggot still lives in denial that he’s a Nazi faggot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

I hope that Zelensky will be arrested and later killed with the maximum suffering possible.


He will be spirited out of the country by his CIA handlers. He’s just a figurehead. Typical US approach in the informatio age to use an actor to play the leader of a country. It collpased, like every other US operation in the last seventy years.

President Vladimir Putin

Only a dead Azovisis is a good Azovisis.


Only a dead Russian bolshevik is a good Russian.


Kharkiv https://twitter.com/cliffordlevy/status/1507330093282123778?t=UILI9LwRDhSv_DxD45gXHA&s=19


So despicable the ucro-nazis! I wish I was a Hell for them.




Hell is crowded as 20 000 … 40 000 Putin fascists occupy it from past years. Well… 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻


The Hasbara Ukro-Nazi found a few nazis? I’m sure there are some, in the German Army too, in most NATO armies for sure in the Gladio Network certanly so (comes with the job apparently). Violence and uniforms attracts fascists and other bully psychopaths like crap does to flies and, sadly enough, states are often content with that, they need thugs and they get thugs, some of which are nazi or similar.

But in Ukraine the Nazis have been in the government since the Maidan putsch (made mostly by Nazi groups). It was Gladio operation to make a regime at their image. They overdid it a lot: it was not a legitimate protest much less anything that improved democracy, all the opposite: they murdered socialists, they burned the labor union building with socialists inside, they have been genociding Russian-speaking and Romani Ukrainians ever since.

Honestly you’d get something stronger to denounce if you investigated Kadyrov and his brutal regime in Chechnya. But right now, as those people are being instrumental in cleaning up the Nazis, i think it’s not the time to criticize them, not right now.


Laws in Ukraine: “condemnation of the communist and national socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes in Ukraine” y2019

Nazis have no control in Ukraine. Far-right has far less support than in RU, Germany, etc…




These Nationals are Bolshevik jews. Us general George Patton called them the lowest form of life on Earth




There was no airstrike: witnesses documented in this very site said they were prodded there by the Azov Regiment nazis who then blew up the bulding and (of course) blamed Russia.

Think freely, indeed, think more.


You believe every Russian lie, LOL!

“Already 10 countries have opened criminal cases in relation to Russian war crimes in Ukraine! Of course, 🇺🇦 ,as well as 🇱🇹Lithuania,🇵🇱Poland,🇸🇰Slovakia,🇪🇪Estonia,🇩🇪Germany,🇸🇪Sweden,🇱🇻Latvia,🇳🇴Norway and 🇫🇷France.The global legal coalition of justice is growing!”






I don’t believe Western lies, let alone Maidanista ones. I did for a short time in the early days of the 2014 coup and then someone woke me up to the harsh reality of being just another CIA/Gladio coup much like could be the one in Honduras or more recently in Bolivia, but with a outright Nazi element that could only flourish in Europe, sadly enough.

I’ve more recently witnessed the accounts of the Mariupol civilians, the case is very very clear: the nazis, the ucro-nazis did it.




Pussys hiding behind civilians




Those civilians are just Russians. What’s the problem?

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