The war between local forces and the federal government continues in Ethiopia’s Tigray province:
- On November 30, Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) leader Debretsion Gebremichael declared that the fighting is not over and clashes continue close to Mekelle city;
- On November 29, Eritrean forces allegedly deployed along Ethiopian government forces near Aidgrat and Adawa cities;
- On November 29, the TPLF shot down a MiG-23 warplane near the town of Abiy Addi. The pilot was captured;
- On November 29, the TPLF reportedly captured Axum town.
rooms attempting to genocide Tigray…the TPLF fought the Derg for 20 years; guerrilla war can be devastating. the amerikans are too stupid to learn from their many defeats vs weaker nations